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1、盗梦空间台词完整版INCEPTIONSaito: Are you here to kill me? I know what this is. Ive seen one before, many many years ago. It belonged to a man I met in a half-remembered dream. A man possessed of some radical notions. Cobb: Whats the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? Arthur: Ah,

2、 what Mr. Cobb is trying to say?Cobb: An idea. Once an idea has taken hold of brain, its almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed, fully understood. That sticks. Right in there somewhere.Saito: For someone like you to steel?Arthur: Yes, in dream state your conscious defenses are

3、lowered and it makes your thoughts vulnerable to theft. Its called extraction.Cobb: Mr Saito, we can train your subconscious to defend itself from even the most skilled extraction.Saito: How can you do that?Cobb: Because Im the most skilled extractor. I know how to search your mind and find your sec

4、rets. I know the tricks and I could teach them to you so that even when you are asleep your defense is never down. Look, if you want my help, youre goanna have to be completely open with me. I need to know my way around your thoughts better than your wife, better than your therapist, better than any

5、more. If this is a dream and you have a safe full of secrets and I need to know whats in the safe. In order for this all to work, you need to completely let me in.Saito: Enjoying your evening, gentlemen, as I consider your proposal.Arthur: He knows. Whats going on up there? Saito knows. Hes playing

6、with us.Cobb: Doesnt matter. I can get it here. Trust me. The information is in the safe. He looked right at it when I mentioned secrets.Arthur: Whats she doing there?Cobb: Just head back to the room, all right? Ill take care of it. Arthur: Ok, make sure you can do. We are here to work.Mal: If I jum

7、ped, would I survive?Cobb: With a clear dive, perhaps. Mal, what are you doing here?Mal: I thought you might be missing me.Cobb: You know that I am. But I cant trust you anymore.Mal: So what? Looks like Arthurs taste.Cobb: Actually, the subject is partial to postwar British painters.Mal: Tell me, do

8、 the children miss me?Cobb: You cant imagine.Mal: What are you doing?Cobb: Just getting some fresh air. Stay where you are, Mal. Goddamn it!Mal: The gun, Dom. Please.Saito: Now the envelope, Mr. Cobb.Cobb: Did she tell you or have you know all along?Saito: That you are here to steal from me, or that

9、 we are actually asleep? I want to know the name of your employer?Cobb: Ah, theres no use threatening him in a dream, right, Mal?Mal: That depends on what youre threatening. Killing him would just wake him up. But painPain is in the mind and judging by the decor, were in your mind, arent we, Arthur?

10、Nash: What are you doing? Its too soon.Arthur: But the dream is collapsing. Im gonna try to keep Saito under a little bit longer. Were almost there.Mal: He was close. Very close.Saito: Stop him.Arthur: This isnt going to work. Wake him up.Nash: He wont wake!Arthur: Give him the kick. Dunk him.Nash:

11、Hes out.Cobb: You came prepared, hmm?Saito: Not even my head of security knows this apartment. How did you find it?Cobb: Its difficult for a man of your position to keep a love nest like this secret particularly where theres a married woman involved.Saito: She would never.Arthur: Theyre getting clos

12、er.Cobb: Yet here we are.Arthur: With a dilemma. Theyre getting closer.Saito: You got what you came for.Cobb: Well, thats not true. You left out a key piece of information, didnt you? You held something back because you knew what we were up to. Question is, whyd you let us in at all?Saito: An auditi

13、on?Cobb: An audition for what?Saito: Doesnt matter. You failed.Cobb: We extracted every bit of information you had in there.Saito: But your deception was obvious.Cobb: You dont seem to understand Mr. Saito, the corporation that hired us, they wont accept failure. We wont last two days.Arthur: Cobb.C

14、obb: Looks like Im gonna have to do this a little more simply. Tell us what you know now! Tell us what you know now!Saito: Ive always hated this carpet. Its stained and frayed in such distinctive ways but its very definitely made out of wool. Right nowIm lying on polyester. Which means Im not lying

15、on my carpet in my apartment? You have lived up to your reputation Mr. Cobb, Im still dreaming. Nash: Howd it go?Arthur: Not good.Saito: Dream within a dream, ha? Im impressed! But in my dreams, you play by my rules.Nash: Ah, yes, but you see, Mr Saito.Cobb: Were not in your dream.Nash: Were in mine

16、.Arthur: Asshole! How do you mess up the carpet?Nash: It wasnt my fault.Arthur: Youre the architect!Nash: I didnt know he was gonna rub his cheek on it.Cobb: Thats enough! Arthur: You. What the hell was all that? Cobb: I have it under control.Arthur: Id hate to see you out of control.Cobb: We dont h

17、ave time for this. Im getting off at Kyoto.Arthur: Hes not gonna check every compartment.Cobb: Yeah, well. I dont like trains. Listen, every man for himself.Cobb: Yes, hello?James: When are you coming home, Dad?Cobb: Well, I cant, sweetheart, I cant. Not for a while, remember?James: Why?Cobb: I told

18、 you. ImIm away because Im working, right?Phillipa: Grandma says youre never coming back.Cobb: Phillipa, is that you? Well, put Grandma on the phone for me, will you?Phillipa: She is shaking her head.Cobb: Well, just hope shes wrong about that.James: Daddy? Cobb: Yeah. James? James: Is Mommy with yo

19、u?Cobb: James, we talked about this. Mommy is not here anymore.James: Where?Grandma: Thats enough, kids. Say bye-bye.Cobb: Listen, Im gonna send some presents with Grandpa, all right? And you be good, you be.Arthur: Our rides on the roof.Cobb: Right.Arthur: Hey, are you okay?Cobb: YeahYeahIm fine. W

20、hy?Arthur: Well, down in the dream. Mal showing up.Cobb: Look, Im, ah, sorry about your leg. Wont happen again.Arthur: Its getting worse, isnt it?Cobb: One apology is all youre getting, all right Arthur.Arthur: Wheres Nash? He hasnt shown. You wanna wait? Cobb: We were supposed to deliver Saitos exp

21、ansion Cobal Engineering two hours ago. By now, they know we failed. Its time we disappear.Arthur: Where you gonna go?Cobb: Buenos Aires. I can lie low there, maybe sniff out a job when things quiet down. You?Arthur: Stateside.Cobb: Send my regards.Saito: He sold you out. Thought to come to

22、 me and bargain for his life. So I offer you satisfaction.Cobb: Its not the way I deal with things. What will you do with him?Saito: Nothing. But I cant speak for Cobal Engineering.Cobb: What do you want from us? Saito: Inception. Is it possible?Arthur: Of course not.Saito: If you can steal an idea

23、from someones mind, why cant you plant one there instead?Arthur: Okay, heres my planting an idea in your head. I say, Dont think about elephants. What are you thinking about?Saito: Elephants.Arthur: Yes, but its not your idea, because you know I give it to you. The subjects mind can always trace the

24、 genesis of the idea. True inspiration is impossible to fake.Cobb: Thats not true.Saito: Can you do it?Cobb: Are you offering me a choice? Because I can find my own way to square things with Cobal.Saito: Then you do have a choice.Cobb: Then I choose to leave, sir.Saito: Tell the crew where you want

25、to go. Hey, Mr Cobb. How would you like to go home? To America. To your children.Cobb: You cant fix that. No one can.Saito: Just like inception.Arthur: Cobb, come on.Cobb: How complex is the idea?Saito: Simple enough.Cobb: No idea is simple when you need to plant it in somebody elses mind.Saito: My

26、main competitor is an old man in poor health. His son will inherit control of the corporation. I need him to decide to break up his fathers empire.Arthur: Cobb, we should walk away from this.Cobb: Hold on. If I were to do this, if I even could it, Id need a guarantee. How do I know you can deliver?S

27、aito: You dont! But I can. So do you want to take a leap of faith or become an old man filled with regret waiting to die alone? Assemble your team Mr. Cobb and choose your people more wisely.Arthur: Look, I know how much you wanna go home. This cant be done.Cobb: Yes, I can. Just have to go deep eno

28、ugh.Arthur: You dont know that.Cobb: Ive done it before.Arthur: Whod you do it to? Why are we going to Paris?Cobb: Were gonna need to a new architect.Cobb: You never did like your office, did you?Miles: No space to think in that broom cupboard. Is it safe for you to be here? Cobb: Extradition betwee

29、n France and United States is a bureaucratic nightmare. You know that.Miles: I think they might find a way to make it work in your case.Cobb: Look, I, ah, brought these for you to give to the kids when you have a chance.Miles: It will take more than the occasional stuffed animal to convince those ch

30、ildren they still have a farther.Cobb: Im just doing what I know. Im doing what you taught me.Miles: I never taught you to be a thief.Cobb: No, you taught me to navigate peoples minds. But after what happened, there werent a whole lot of legitimate ways for me to use that skill.Miles: What are you d

31、oing here, Dom?Cobb: I think I found a way home. Its a job for some very, very powerful people. People who I believe can fix my charges permanently. But I need your help.Miles: Youre here to corrupt one of my brightest and best.Cobb: You know what Im offering. Let them decide for themselves.Miles: Money?Cobb: Not just money. You remember, its the chance to build Cathedrals, entire cities, things that never existed. Things that couldnt exist in real world. Miles: So you want me to let someone else follow you into your fantasy?Cobb: They dont actual

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