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1、蓄电池技术手册中英文版37p目 录Content1 引言Introduction12 主要用途Applicability12.1浮充使用Floating charge12.2循环使用Cycled Use13 电池结构Structure of the battery14 密封原理Sealing Method15 技术特点Technical Characteristics26 技术规格Technical specifications37 电气性能Electrical Performance47.1充电特性Charging Characteristics57.1.1浮充电特性Floating Cha

2、rge Characteristics57.1.2循环充电特性Cycled Charge Characteristics57.1.3均衡充电特性Equalizing Charge Characteristics67.2放电特性Discharging Characteristics67.2.1恒电流放电特性Constant-Current Discharge Characteristics67.2.2放电容量温度特性Temperature Characteristics of Discharging Capacity87.2.3冲击放电特性Impact discharge performance

3、87.2.4容量换算系数与时间关系曲线Relationship between capacity conversion coefficient and time97.2.5容量换算系数比较Comparison of capacity conversion coefficient107.2.6恒定终止电压放电特性Constant end point voltage discharge characteristics 117.2.7大电流放电特性Great current discharge feature-1min discharge feature117.3 容量保持特性Capacitance

4、 self-contained feature-self-discharge117.4 内阻特性Intrinsic resistance Characteristics127.5 寿命特性Life Cycle128 安装指南Installation Guide138.1 安装注意事项Attention during installation138.2 蓄电池安装Installation of battery138.3 电池柜安装Installation of battery cabinet139 验收Acceptance179.1 验收标准Acceptance Standard179.2 验收

5、规则Acceptance Specification179.3 容量校核Capacity verification1710 使用与维护Operation and Maintenance1811 蓄电池常见故障及消除方法Common failure & trouble-shooting1912 技术服务及质量信息反馈Technical service and quality information feedback201 引言IntroductionSUPER FM GFM系列阀控密封铅酸蓄电池是在研究传统的“铅硫酸二氧化铅”电化学的基础上,应用气体再化合原理,采用新型材料、新技术设计制造而成。

6、The SUPER FM GFM series valve-controlled confinement lead-acid battery was made with new material and new technology by using gas recombination principle. Its based on the study of the traditional “lead-sulfuric acid-lead dioxide” electrochemistry.哈尔滨九洲电气股份有限公司融汇国内外数十年的科研成果,形成了自己独特的阀控密封铅酸蓄电池设计技术,产品采

7、用国际IEC、日本JIS和我国电力、邮电等行业标准制造,按国际最先进的ISO9001管理模式建立质量保证体系,并被有效的运行,对产品容量、开路电压、浮充电压均衡性、密封性、安全阀开启压力以及极性等性能100%在线检测,因而具有很高的可靠性和稳定性。该产品多次通过电力部、邮电部和解放军总参部检测,并被列为定点配套入网产品。是国际上九十年代的最新型蓄电池产品。Harbin Jiuzhou Electric Co Ltd. designs its own peculiar sealed valve-control lead-Acid storage battery by combining the

8、scientific achievements of domestic and international scientific research field for some tens of years complied with international IEC, JIS of Japan and our countrys electric power & post and telecommunications and other industries standard. We set up the quality guarantee system using the most adva

9、nced internationally recognized ISO9001 management pattern with good performance. On-line detect shall be finished for product capacity, open-circuit voltage, equalization performance, float charge voltage, confinement feature, protection valves response pressure, polarity and other performances. Th

10、e product with a high percentage of reliability and stability has passed for many times test by Ministry of Electric Power, Ministry of Post and Telecommunications and Ministry of PLA General Staff. The battery has been listed as regular locality and complete net-joining product. It is the newest ty

11、pe storage battery in international market of the 90s.2 主要用途Main usage2.1浮充使用(备用电源)Float charge usage (standby power supply). 电信、通信设备、程控交换机。 Telecommunications, communication apparatus, SPC exchange. 应急照明系统。 Emergency lighting system. 安全防盗、防火报警系统。 Safety and prevention of burglary, fire protection a

12、larm system. 计算机UPS。 Computer UPS. 电力开关系统。 Electric power switch system. 发电厂、变电所直流操作电源及备用电源。 Electric power plant, substation directly current operation electric source and standby electric source. 发动机起动、船舶设备。 Engine startup, ship craft equipment. 太阳能系统。 Solar system.2.2循环使用Cycled usage 便携式电视机、摄录像机、

13、收录音机。 Portable TV, pickup camera, radio and tape recorder. 电动工具、割草机、吸尘器。 Electric tool, field mower. Vacuum cleaner. 照相机、新闻摄影设备。 Camera, news photography equipment. 便携式个人计算机、语言处理器、终端。 Portable personal computer, language processor, terminal. 野外测试设备、医疗仪器设备。 Outdoor testing equipment, medical instrume

14、nt equipment. 移动电话机、对讲机。 Mobile phone, walkie-talkie. 矿灯、割胶灯、应急灯、铁路信号灯。 Lamp, tapping lamp, emergency light, railway signal light. 电动玩具、电动轮椅。 Electric toy, electric wheel chair.3 电池结构Structure of the battery图1.蓄电池结构(12V系列) Fig.1 structrue of the storage battery (12V series)图2.蓄电池结构(2V系列) Fig.2 struc

15、true of the storage battery (2V series)表1 SUPER FM GFM 系列蓄电池构件与功能Table.1 SUPER FM GFM series storage battery component and its function部件Component结构材料Structural material功能Function正极板Positive plate负极板Negative plate涂浆式极板,把活性物质涂在特制铅钙合金骨架上。Paste-smeared plate spread active material on specially made lea

16、d-calcium alloy frame.保持足够的容量Keep sufficient capacity维持容量长期使用性用(长寿)Keep capacity that can be used for long. (Longevity)减低自身放电量。Reduce self-discharge volume提高释放气体电极电位。Increase releasing gas electric pole and electric potential隔板Dummy plate高强度耐热氧化性极佳的优质超细玻璃纤维毡。High density, heat resisting, excellent o

17、xidizability, high quality superfine glass fiber mat.防止正、负极板之间短路。Preventing short circuit between positive and negative plate.吸附储备电解液,无流动电解液。Absorption of the reserve electrolyte, no flowing electrolyte.紧压极板表面,防止活性物质脱落。Coarctation the surface of the polar plate, preventing the active material from c

18、oming off.电解液Electrolyte分析纯硫酸配以高纯水和特定的添加剂。Analytical pure sulfuric acid mixed with high pure water and special additives.正负极活性物质间产生电化学反应。The active material between positive and negative poles produces chemical reactions.导电作用。Conduction of electricity外壳和盖Shell and cover丙烯腈(A)丁二(B)苯乙烯(S)共聚物合成树脂。Prope

19、nyl cyanide (A) bivinyl; butadiene (B)-styrene (S)-interpolymer synthetic resin.容纳由正负极板和隔板组成的极群。保持足够的机械强度,可抵受蓄电池内的压力。Holding pole clusters consisting of positive plate, negative plate and dummy plate, keep in enough mechanical strength to withstand pressure from inside the storage battery.安全阀Emergen

20、cy valve用无双键、耐酸性极好、品质稳定而耐用的合成橡胶制成。采用帽形或柱形。内装陶瓷过滤器。Made with artificial rubber with no double bond, excellent acid proof, the quality is stable and endurable in use.Adopting cap-like or column.Installed interior ceramics filter.如果蓄电池内气压高于正常值时,便放出气体,使内压正常化。防止氧进入和酸雾放出。If the atmospheric pressure within

21、 the storage battery is above the normal value, gas will be sent out, and the pressure from inside will become normal. Preventing oxygen from coming inside and acid mist going outside.端子Terminal用铅合金制成,与接线柱一起整体模制。Made with aluminum alloy, it is molded completely with the binding post.非焊接及截面积大的接线端子提高放

22、电倍率和可靠性。容易连接。Binding post of the weldless connection and large sectional area can increase the discharge magnification and improve reliability. It can be easily connected with the batterys contact pin.极柱密封Pole confinement封口剂的颜色:正极为红色,负极为蓝色。特种密封胶,专用密封圈。The color of the sealing off agent; red for the

23、positive pole, blue for the negative pole.Special sealing glue, special sealing ring.内外多层密封,防止爬酸渗液。Multiple layers of sealing from both inside and outside. Acid liquid cannot be leaked out.4 密封原理Sealing Method铅酸蓄电池的充放电的电化学反应过程如图3,反应方程式如下:The electrochemical reaction process of the lead-acid storage

24、battery, see Fig.3, the reaction equation as follows:放电dischargePbO+ 2HSO+ Pb PbSO+ 2HO + PbSO(1)充电charge正极 电解液 负极 正极 水 负极Positive pole electrolyte negative pole positive pole water negative pole充电后期在正极板产生氧气,在负极板产生氢气In the later stage of the charging, the positive plate produces oxygen, the negative

25、 plate produces hydrogen.正极Positive pole:HO1/2O+2H+2e(2)负极Negative pole:2H+2eH(3)铅酸蓄电池实现密封免维护的难点就是充电后期水的电解,SUPER FM GFM系列电池采取了以下几项重要措施,从而实现了密封性能。For sealing & maintenance free of the lead-acid storage battery, the difficulty lies in the effect of the electrolysis of the water during the later period

26、 of charging. SPUER FM GFM SERIES Storage Battery adopted the following important measures and the sealing nature can be realized afterwards. 采用铅钙合金板栅,提高了释放氢气电位,抑制了氢气的产生,从而减少了气体释放量,同时使自放电率降低。 Using lead-calcium alloy slab grid to increase electric potential and preventing the production of the hydrogen so that releasing volume of the gas was reduced, meantime the self-discharge ratio was also reduced. SUPER FM GFM系列蓄电池利用了负极活性物质海绵状铅的特性,这种物质在潮湿条件下活性很高,能与氧快速反应,阴极吸收氧气,抑制了水的减少而

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