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本文(上半年教师资格证《英语学科知识与能力高级中学》真题及问题详解.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、上半年教师资格证英语学科知识与能力高级中学真题及问题详解2016年上半年中小学教师资格考试真题试卷英语学科知识与教学能力(高级中学)(满分150分)、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中选择一个最佳答案。1. Excellent novels are those which _ national and cultural barriers. A. transcend B. traverse C. suppress D. surpass 1.A 【解析】考查动词辨析。句意为“优秀的小说是会跨越民族和文化的障碍的”。A,B两项与C,D两项均为形近词辨析。

2、transcend“胜过,超越”,常用搭配是transcend national barriers超越国界;traverse“横越,穿过”,traverse the grassland穿越草地;suppress“抑制,镇压”;surpass“优于,超过”。所以正确答案为A。2. As Alice believed him to be a man of integrity, she refused to consider the possibility that his statement was A. irrelevant B. facetious C. fictitious D. illog

3、ical 2.C 【解析】考查形容词辨析。空格要填入的是一个形容词,修饰“他的陈述(his statement)”, 句意为“因为Alice相信他是一个正直的人,所以她不认为他的言论存在可能性”。as表示因果关系,前半句对“他”的描述是“正直的人”,后半句中refused表示否定,前后应该意思一致,因此空格应该表达和integrity相对的含义。irrelevant“不相干的,不切题的”,facetious“诙谐的,爱开玩笑的”,fictitious嘘构的,编造的”,illogical“不合逻辑的,不合常理的”。所以正确答案为C。3. The girls are afraid that bei

4、ng friendly to strangers could be misinterpreted by theirneighbours. A. ever-present B. ever-presented C. ever-presenting D. ever-presently3.A 【解析】考查形容词的用法。句意为“女孩们担心对陌生人友善会被如影随形的邻居误解”。ever-present修饰名词,表示“时时存在的”,例如,“爱是永恒的”可翻译为love is ever-present。没有B和C这类搭配。形容词修饰名词,排除D选项。所以正确答案为A。4. His presentation w

5、ill show you _ can be used in other contexts. A. that you have observed B. that how you have observed C. how that you have observed D. how what you have observed 4.D 【解析】考查从句。show sb sth结构,这里sth是how引导的宾语从句,宾语从句中缺主语,what引导的主语从句,翻译为“所的”what作observe的宾语。句意为“他的发言将向你展示,你所观察到的如何被用于其他语境”。所以正确答案为D。5. Many st

6、udents start each term with an award check, but by the time books are bought, food is paid for, and a bit of social life , it looks rather emaciated. A. lives B. lived C. was lived D. has lived5.B 【解析】考查省略。句中出现了三个并列结构:books are bought, food is paid for, and a bit of social lif。e一般情况下,谓语动词是不可省略的,如果内容

7、与其前所说的内容是并列关系,谓语动词为be时,则可以省略be动词。按照are brought, is paid和并列结构来看,这里应该填一般现在时的被动语态,排除C选项,live a life这里应该用被动,排除A,D,所以正确答案为B。句意为“很多学生在学期伊始有支票奖励,但在买了书和食物及社交花费之后,钱就变少了”。6. Which of the following is correct in its use of punctuation标点? A. The teacher asked, “Who said, Give me liberty or give me death?” B. Th

8、e teacher asked, “Who said, Give me liberty or give me death?” C. The teacher asked, “Who said Give me liberty or give me death”? D. The teacher asked, “Who said Give me liberty or give me death?”6.D 【解析】考查标点的用法。Who said后面是一句话,不用逗号隔开,排除A和B。引用语用双引号标出,如果引用语中又有引用语则用单引号。C和D区别在问号的位置,如果引语为疑问句的话问号要放双引号内,所以

9、正确答案为D。7. The pair of English phonemes音素 _ differ in the place of articulation发音部位. A. / and / B. / and / C. /d/ and /z/ D. /m/ and /n/7.D 【解析】考查音素的发音。都属于Palatal(上9音)); *+都属于Dental(齿音));/d/ /z/属于Alveolar(齿龈音);/m/属于Bilabial(双唇音),/n/属于Alveolar(齿龈音),发音部位不同。所以正确答案为D。8. There are consonant clusters辅音连缀 i

10、n the sentence “Brian, I appreciate beautiful scarf you brought me.” A. two B. three C. four D. five8.D 【解析】考查辅音连缀。在同一个意群内,如果有两个或两个以上的辅音音素结合在一起,这种语音现象称为辅音连缀。辅音连缀出现在词首、词中和词尾。例如:Brian, I appreciate beautiful scarf you broughtme该句子中下画线处辅音均构成辅音连缀,分别是b+r, p+r, s+k,r+f ,b+r。其中r+q是词尾辅音连缀。9. When saying “It

11、s noisy outside” to get someone to close the window, the speaker intends to perform a(n) . A. direct speech act B. locutionary act C. indirect speech act D. perlocutionary act9.C 【解析】考查言语行为理论。根据奥斯汀言语行为理论,说话者说话时可能同时实施三种行为:言内行为(locutionary act)是说出词、短语和分句的行为,它是通过句法、词汇和音位来表达字面意义的行为。言外行为(illocutionary ac

12、t)是表达说话者的意图的行为,它是在说某些话时所实施的行为。言后行为(perlocutionary act)是通过某些话所实施的行为,或讲某些话所导致的行为,它是话语所产生的后果或所引起的变化,它是通过讲某些话所完成的行为。塞尔在奥斯汀言语行为理论的基础上,提出了间接言语行为理论。间接言语行为(indirect speech act)指的是通过一种言外行为间接地完成另外一种言外行为的情况。也就是说,交际者在实施间接言语行为时往往不直接说出自己要说的话,而是凭借另外一种(常常是直接的)言语行为来间接地表达其用意。根据以上言语行为理论,说话者说“Its noisy outside”的意图是嫌外面吵

13、,想让听话者听到他的话语之后关上门,那么说话者完成的是言外行为,也是一种间接言语行为。故答案选C。10. That a Japanese child adopted at birth by an American couple will grow up speaking English indicates of human language. A. duality B. cultural transmission C. arbitrariness D. cognitive creativity10.B 【解析】考查语言的本质特征。duality“二重性”:指语言的等级性,包括形位和音位;cul

14、tural transmission“文化传递性”:指语言要通过教学和学习才能获得;arbitrariness“任意性”:语言符号的形式与表示意义没有天然联系,语言音和义之间的任意性;cognitive creativity“认知创造性”。题干“日本小孩出生时被美国夫妇收养,长大后说英文”正是体现了语言的文化传递性。所以正确答案为B。11. Fluent and appropriate language use requires knowledge of and this suggests that we should teach lexical chunks rather than sing

15、le words. A. denotation B. connotation C. morphology D. collocation11.D 【解析】考查词汇教学。从传统的词汇学角度来讲,词义包括概念意义(denotative meaning)和关联意义(connotative meaning)。概念意义指的是词汇的字面意义,而关联意义指的是词汇的引申意义,通常会附加情感在其中。根据题干,表明我们应该进行词块教学而非单个词汇,而词块教学指的是学习单词是应该注意搭配,例如decrease to, decrease by分别意为“下降到”和“下降了”,可以判断出流利准确的语言要求具备搭配知识,故

16、选D。12. “Underlining all the past form verbs in the dialogue” is a typical exercise focusing on . A. use B.form C. meaning D. function12.B 【解析】考查语法教学。题干的意思是“标出对话中所有的过去式”是一种注重什么的典型练习。过去式属于语法教学内容中的语言的形式,故选B。13. Which of the following activities may be more appropriate to help students practice a new st

17、ructure immediately after presentation in class? A. Role play. B. Group discussion. C. Pattern drill. D. Written homework.13.C 【解析】考查语法教学。题干的意思是下列哪个活动更适合帮助学生在学习后立即练习新的语法结构。A项是角色扮演,B项是小组讨论,C项是句型练习,D项是书写作业。四项相比,句型练习更适合新知呈现后的语法教学模型的练习部分,A, B项可以放在产出部分,故选C。14. When teaching students how to give appropria

18、te responses to a congratulation or an apology, the teacher is probably teaching at . A. lexical level B. sentence level C. grammatical level D. discourse level14.D 【解析】考查语篇教学。题干的意思是当教授学生如何对祝贺和道歉进行合适的回应时,老师可以从哪个层次进行教学。A项是词汇层次,B项是句式层次,C项是语法层次,D项是话语(语篇)层次。祝贺和道歉属于交流,是语言功能的运用,通过话语层次教学,可以有利于学生经历真实语境,提高语言

19、运用的准确性。故选D。15. Which of the following activities can help develop the skill of listening for gist? A. Listen and find out where Jim lives. B. Listen and decide on the best title for the passage. C. Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses. D. Listen to pairs of words and tell if they are

20、the same. 15.B 【解析】考查听力教学。题干的意思是下列哪项活动可以帮助训练听取中心大意的技巧。A项指听文章找出吉姆住在哪里,B项指听文章选出最合适的题目,C项指听文章画出说话者强调的单词,D项指听词,判断两个词是否一致。选项中只有B项是对文章大意的把握,其他为细节题,故选B。16. When an EFL teacher asks his student “How do you know that the author liked the place since he did not tell us explicitly?”, he/she is helping students

21、 to reach comprehension. A. literal B. appreciative C. inferential D. evaluative16.C 【解析】考查阅读教学。题干的意思是外语教师问学生“作者没有明确告诉我们,如何判断出他喜欢这个地方”,老师是在帮助学生进行什么阅读。A项是字面阅读,B项是欣赏性阅读,C项是推断性阅读,D项是评价性阅读,故选C。17. Which of the following types of questions are mostly used for checking literal comprehension of the text? A

22、. Display questions. B. Rhetorical questions. C. Evaluation questions. D. Referential questions. 17.A 【解析】考查课堂提问的形式。课文理解性问题一般分为三类:展示性问题(display questions)、参阅性问题(referential questions)和评估性问题(evaluation questions)。其中,展示性问题通常被用来检测学生对课文内容的理解程度,就课文中的字词句或者某个重要的细节向学生发问。这种问题的答案通常是唯一的,教师预先知道,学生只需凭借表层理解或是查找课文

23、便能找到的。题干意思是下列哪种类型的问题常用于检查对文章字面意思的理解。故选A。18. Which of the following is a typical feature of informal writing? A. A well-organized structure is preferred. B. Short and incomplete sentences are common.C. Technical terms and definitions are required. D. A wide range of vocabulary and structural patterns

24、 are used. 18.B 【解析】考查写作类型。A项是结构清晰,B项是短句、半句很常见,C项是需要使用专业词汇,D项是使用大量不同的词汇和句式,A,C,D项是正式写作文体的特点,题干意思是下列哪项是非正式写作的典型特征。故选B。19. Peer-editing during class is an important step of the approach to teaching writing. A. genre-based B. content-based C. process-oriented D. product-oriented19.C 【解析】考查写作教学。写作教学分为重结

25、果的写作、重内容的写作和重过程的写作。在重过程的写作中,修改(自改和互改)、校对和讨论是其过程的重要组成部分,题干意思是课堂上同桌互改的活动对于哪种模式的写作教学很重要。故选C。20. Portfolios, daily reports and speech delivering are typical means of . A. norm-referenced test B. criterion-referenced test C. summative assessment D. formative assessment20.D 【解析】考查评价方式。题干意思是作品集、每日报告以及演讲是以下

26、哪种的典型方法。A项是常模参照测试,主要用于选拔;B项是标准参考测试,按照预先设计的标准,对考试结果进行比较;C项是终结性评价,一般在学期或学年结束后进行,如期末考试、结业考试等;;D项是形成性评价,是对学生日常学习过程中的表现做出评估。作品集、报告和演讲都是日常活动,故选D。请阅读 Passage l,完成第 2125小题。Passage l. When the Viaduct de Millau opened in the south of France in 2004, this tallest bridge in the world won worldwide accolades. G

27、erman newspapers described how it “floated above the clouds” with “elegance and lightness” and “breathtaking” beauty. In France, papers praised the “immense” “concrete giant.” Was it mere coincidence that the Germans saw beauty where the French saw heft and power? Lera Borodisky thinks not. In a ser

28、ies of clever experiments guided by pointed questions, Boroditsky is amassing evidence that, yes, language shapes thought. The effect is powerful enough, she says, that “the private mental lives of speakers of different languages may differ dramatically,” not only when they are thinking in order to

29、speak, “but in all manner of cognitive tasks,” including basic sensory perception. “Even a small fluke of grammar”the gender of nouns“can have an effect on how people think about things in the world,” she says.As in that bridge, in German, the noun for bridge, Brucke, is feminine. In French, pont is

30、 masculine. German speakers saw prototypically female features; Frenchspeakers, masculine ones. Similarly, Germans describe keys (Schlussel) with words such as hard, heavy, jagged, and metal, while to Spaniards keys (llaves) are golden, intricate, little, and lovely. Guess which language construes k

31、ey as masculine and which as feminine? Grammatical gender also shapes how we construe abstractions. In 85 percent of artistic depictions of death and victory, for instance, the idea is represented by a man if the noun is masculine and a woman if it is feminine, says Boroditsky. Germans tend to paint

32、 death as male, and Russians tend to paint it as female. Language even shapes what we see. People have a better memory for colors if different shades have distinct namesnot Englishs light blue and dark blue, for instance, but Russians goluboy and sinly. Skeptics of the language-shapes-thought claim have argued that thats a trivial finding, showing only that people remember what they saw in

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