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1、英语口语学习句子口语学习的句子(一) want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事讲解:want sb. to do sth.与want to do sth.句型一样,都是表达一种愿望,但是前者表示某人想要另外一个人某事,后者表示某人自己想要做某事。来源: Unit One1. want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事讲解:want sb. to do sth.与want to do sth.句型一样,都是表达一种愿望,但是前者表示某人想要另外一个人某事,后者表示某人自己想要做某事。Mr. Wu wants me to give a talk in class tomo

2、rrow. 吴老师想要我明天在班上做个报告。Her parents want her to be an English teacher. 她父母想让她当一名英语教师。I want you to think it over. 我希望你仔细考虑一下。What do you want me to do? 你想让我做什么?Your mother wants you to call her back. 你妈妈想让你给她回个电话。2. Im thinking about. 我在想.l.讲解:与let连用的动词不定式常常省略to。此句型常用作Im thinking about going to Mcdona

3、lds for lunch. 我在想去麦当劳吃午饭。Im thinking about how to ask my mother for money. 我在想如何向妈妈要钱。Im thinking about what to say. 我在想该怎么说。3. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事。Oh, well, let me think. 让我想想Dont let your child play with fire. 别让你的孩子玩火。If theres anything I can do to help, please let me know. 如果有什么我可以帮忙的,请告诉我。L

4、et me have a try. 让我试一下。4. Why dont .何不.?讲解:此句型用来提出建议,口语中常用。并不是询问某种原因,而是用Why dont .来提出自己的建议,征求对方意见,意为何不.呢?等同于Why not + 动词原形。Why dont you have a cup of tea? 何不来一杯茶?Why dont you change your clothes. And? You stink. 安迪,你为什么不换衣服?你真臭。Why dont we go to the cinema/movies? 我们为何不去看电影呢?Why dont you talk about

5、 names? 你为什么不谈一谈你的名字?对话练习:A: Why dont you take a break? 你何不休息一下?B: Thank you! I am so tired. 谢谢!我很累了。5. How about. .怎么样?这个句型很简单,却非常实用。它可以用来询问关于某事或某人的情况;也可用于向对方提供做某事的建议以及征求对方对某事或某物的意见。与这个句型用法一样的是What about.?两个句型可相互替换。How about you? 你怎么样?How about helping me with my homework? 帮我做家庭作业如何?How about going

6、 swimming with us? 同我们一起去游泳怎样?How about a cup of coffee? 来杯咖啡怎么样?6. What do/does + 主语 + mean.? .什么意思?讲解:此句用于对对方所说的话语不明白或向别人请教时常用的问句。What does WTO mean? WTO 是什么意思?What does that proverb mean? 那句谚语是什么意思?7. like doing sth. 喜欢做某事Students like going on a picnic in spring. 学生们喜欢在春天野炊。I dont like watching

7、TV. Its a waste of time. 我不喜欢看电视。那是浪费时间。Young people like watching Jack Cheungs time? 年轻人喜欢看成龙的电影。对话练习A: What do you like doing in your spare time? 休闲时间你喜欢做什么?B: I like listening to Rock n Roll. 我喜欢听摇滚乐。8. have problem doing sth. 做某事有问题讲解:have problem doing sth.与have difficulty doing sth.都可表示某事存在一定的

8、问题和困难。I have some problems finishing this work. 我完成这项工作有些问题。Did your team have any problems winning the match? 你们队赢这场比赛有什么问题吗?I dont have any problems passing this exam. 通过这次考试我没有问题。9. I would like. 我喜欢.; 我想要.Would like 相当于want。I would like to 常缩写为Id like,表示意愿或婉转地表达要求、命令等。后接名词或不定式。Id like to introdu

9、ce Mrs. Brown to you. 我想给你介绍一下布朗夫人。Id like to talk to you for a minute. 我想和你谈一下。10. like doing sth. 喜欢做某事讲解:like后面接动词的动名词(doing)形式表示长期以来的一种爱好和兴趣。Students like going on a picnic in spring. 学生们喜欢在春天野炊。I dont like watching TV. Its a waste of time.我不喜欢看电视。那是浪费时间。Young people like watching Jack Cheungs m

10、ovie. 年轻人喜欢看成龙的电影。情景对话:A: What do you like doing in your spare time? 休闲时间你喜欢做什么?B: I like listening to Rock n Roll. 我喜欢听摇滚乐。11. have problem doing sth. 做某事有问题讲解:Have problem doing sth.与have difficulty doing sth.都表示做某事存在一定的问题和困难。I have some problems finishing this work. 我完成这项工作有些问题。Did your team have

11、 any problems winning the match? 你们队赢这场比赛有什么问题吗?I dont have any problems passing this exam. 通过这次考试我没有任何问题。I would like.我喜欢.;我想要.讲解:would like 相当于want. I would like 常常缩写成Id like, 表示意愿或婉转地表达要求、命令等。后接名词或不定式。Id like to introduce Mrs. Brown to you. 我想给你介绍一下布朗夫人。Id like to talk to you for a minute. 我想和你谈一

12、下。12. Thanks/Thank you.for.因.而感谢.讲解:这是一个感谢用语的经典句,在表达谢谢某人做某事时使用,for后面可接名词或动名词。感谢不但常常出现在每天的工作和生活中,而且还频频出现在各种正式场合中。掌握这个句型,经常感谢别人对你的帮助,生活一定充满温情。Thanks for your E-mail. 谢谢你的电子邮件。Thank you so much for your help. 非常感谢你的帮助。Thank you for inviting me to dinner. 谢谢你请我吃饭。What.for.?为什么.?讲解:这一用法相当于以Why开头的疑问句,都是问原

13、因的,两者可互换。What did you do that for? 你为什么要那样做?What did you come here for? 你来这里干什么? What do you learn English for? 你为什么学英语?13. help sb. do sth. 帮某人做某事I can help you move the piano. 我可以帮助你搬动那架钢琴。Linda helps me study English. 琳达帮助我学英语。help sb. with sth.也是帮某人做某事。He is going to help his mother with her hou

14、sework. 他准备帮妈妈干些家务事活。like to do sth. 喜欢做某事like to do sth.表示喜欢做特定的或某次具体的行动。I like to go swimming during the summer. 夏天我喜欢游泳。On Sundays she likes to sleep late. 星期天她爱睡懒觉。like.better.更喜欢.讲解:like.better句型是比较等级的句子,在两者之间进行比较。Which do you like better, English or French? 英语和法语,你更喜欢哪个?I like tea better than

15、coffee. 我喜欢茶甚于咖啡。同样的句型,最喜欢,是三者或以上的比较。I like running best of all sports. 在所有的运动项目中我最喜欢跑步。13. its + 形容词 + for sb. to do sth. 做某事对.来说.讲解:此句型中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语。这是一个非常实用的句型,希望学生们务必掌握,在需要的时候信手拈来。Its very important for us to study a foreign language well. 对我们来说,学好一们外语很重要。its good for peopl

16、e to do morning exercise. 晨练对人是有好处的。its dangerouse for children to cross the busy street. 小孩们穿越繁忙的街道是很危险的。14. How + 形容词!多么.!讲解:此句型为感叹句,对形容词或副词进行感叹,感叹词为How的句型一般结构为:How + 形容词 + (名词/代词 + be) + !后半部分也可不用,只说前两个字。如:How interesting!How dangerous! 多危险啊!How delicious the apple pie is! 这苹果派多美味啊!How nice she i

17、s! So well mannered! 多好的女孩!多有礼貌!15. I dont think + 从句 我认为.不.此种表达方法,在英语中称为否定转移。I think后接宾语从句,若从句为否定句,否定往往转移到前面,即为I dont think.I dont think you are right. 我觉得你说得不对。I dont think she is the right person for the job. 我认为她不适合那份工作。I dont think he can pass the exam. 我想这次考试他过不了关。16. ask sb. for sth. 请求某物给予某人

18、He is asking the girl for her telphone number. 他向那女孩要她的电话号码。The boy is always asking his mother for money. 那个男孩老向他妈妈要钱。 17. find it + 形容词 + to do sth. 发现做某事.讲解:此句型中的it是形式宾语,后面的不定式短语才识真正的宾语,it后面的形容词是宾语补足语。He finds it exciting to go bungee jumping. 他发现蹦极是很激动人心。Many students find it difficult to study

19、English well. 很多学生发现学好英语很难。18. use. to do. 用.去干.We use an air-conditioner to keep cool. 我们用空调来保持凉爽。He uses a car to go to work everyday. 他每天开车上班。19. What day + be + it.? .星期几?讲解:What day 除了对星期几发问外,也可对节日进行提问。情景对话一:A: What day was it yesterday? (昨天已经过去,所以一定要用过去时!B: It was Thursday. 昨天星期四。情景对话二:A: What

20、 day is it today? 今天是什么节日?B: It is Army Day. 今天是建军节附加用法:英语中问星期几与问具体日期的说法是不同的!用来询问日期必须是用What is/was the date? A: What is the date today? 今天几月几号?B: It is October 15th. 今天10月15号。20. Im sorry to .我很遗憾(抱歉).讲解:这里的sorry可有两种意思,一为抱歉要去做.,一为遗憾.Im sorry to interrupt you. 很抱歉打断你一下。Im sorry to disturb you, but co

21、uld you do me a favor? 很抱歉打搅你,能帮我一下忙吗?21. There is something wrong with. .有毛病讲解:There is somethng wrong with.等同于Something is wrong with.There is something wrong with my clock. 我的钟有点问题。There is something wrong with the recorder. 录音机出故障了。22. How do you like.? 你觉得.怎么样?讲解:此句型用于征求对方对某种事的印象,相当于What do you

22、 think of.注意:它的意思不是你喜欢.吗?不同于Do you like.?How do you like the TV show? 你觉得这部电视剧怎么样?How do you like your foreign teacher? 你觉得你们的外教怎么样?23. watch sb. do sth. 看着某人做.讲解:watch 后接动词原形时强调看到了整个过程的完成。类似这样的用法的感官动词还有see, notice, hear等。Most of them have watched me grow up. 他们大多数人都是看着我长大的。They watched the football

23、 player score a goal. 他们看到足球运动员踢进了一个球。24. ask sb. sth. 问某人某事ask sb. sth. 带的是双宾语,即直接宾语与间接宾语。此句型与ask sb. for sth. 有完全不同的意义,前者是询问某人某事;后者是要求或请求某人给某物或做某事。We asked him the time. 我们向他打听时间。The new teacher asked them their names. 新来的老师问他们的名字。25. Im trying to .我正在努力。Im trying to solve the problem by myself. 我

24、正在努力自己解决这个问题。Im trying to quit smoking. 我正努力戒烟。26. Is/Was there a problem.? .有什么问题吗?讲解:此句型可以换为Are/Were there any problems.? Is there a problem with your watch? 你的表有问题吗?Is there a problem finishing this job? 完成这份工作有问题吗?27. The best time to do sth. is. 做.的最佳时间是.The best time to visit China is spring o

25、r autumn. 到中国旅游的最佳时间是春天或秋天。The best time to learn language is in ones childhood. 学语言的最佳时期是一个人的孩提时代。The best time to read is in your teens. 读书趁少年。28. whats .like? .是什么样子的?Whats the weather like in spring? 春天天气是什么样子的?Whats our new teacher like? 我们的新老师是什么样的?29. Its better to do sth. 干.更好Its better to v

26、isit Beijing in autumn. 在秋天游览北京会比较好。Its better to give than to receive. 给予比索取更好。30. Will you.? 你愿意.吗?讲解:will在这里不表示将来,它作情态动词,表示意愿。Will you.?这个句型用于向对方提出请求或询问。Will you help me with this box? 你可以帮我搬一下这个箱子吗?Will you have some more coffee? 你想再喝点咖啡吗?Will you pass me the cup? 将那个杯子递给我好吗?31. be afraid + 从句 我

27、恐怕.讲解:Im afraid 表示对已经发生的某事或有可能发生的事表示遗憾或抱歉的客套话。Im afraid youre wrong. 恐怕你错了。(表达不同意见的委婉说法)Im afraid were in troubel. 恐怕我们有麻烦了。Im afraid its not going to work out. 我恐怕这事不会成的。32. Theres no time to do sth. 没有时间做某事There is no time to lose. We must hurry. 没有时间耽误了,我们要抓紧。There is no time to read these days.

28、这些日子没有时间来读书了。 口语学习的句子(二) 1. find it hard to.发现.很难。Most English learners find it hard to pronounce certain sounds. 很多英语学习者发现把某些音发准很难来源: 1. find it hard to.发现.很难。Most English learners find it hard to pronounce certain sounds. 很多英语学习者发现把某些音发准很难We found it very hard to finish so much homework on time. 按

29、时完成这么多作业我们觉得很困难。1. find it hard to.发现.很难。Most English learners find it hard to pronounce certain sounds. 很多英语学习者发现把某些音发准很难We found it very hard to finish so much homework on time. 按时完成这么多作业我们觉得很困难。2. It was/is said that.据说.On the news report today, it was said that it will not rain.根据今天的新闻报道,据说不会下雨。

30、We use mobile phones all the time now, but it is said that they might be dangerous to our health. 我们现在时刻都在使用手机,但是据说它们对身体有害。It is said that Chinese is one of the hardest languages to learn to write. 据说中文是最难写的语言之一。3. I feel like. 我想/我感觉.讲解:句型I feel like.既可接v-ing形式,也可接一个从句,但不能接动词不定式。接v-ing形式时表示想做.,接从句表示感觉(像).,两种用法稍有区别。Sometimes I feel like a university degree is out of my reach. 有时我觉得大学学位可望不可及

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