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1、中职英语作文 Revised at 2 pm on December 25, 2020.中职英语作文一、信 (一)、关于学生打电子游戏和上网假如你是李华, 是吉林市第二中学高三一班的学生。 你给美国笔友Tom写封信,讲有关你市家长和老师对于学生们打电子游戏(computer games)和上因特网的一些看法。 信的要点如下: 1、多数家长和老师认为不仅影响学习和健康,而且学生们还会学坏的东西。 2、有些学生家长认为适当控制下进行这些活动也有好处:可以学习电脑操作技术,对将来有用; 同时能扩大知识面。注意: 1、不要逐字译成英语。 2、格式已给出。、 3、字数:100词左右。 Class1,Gr

2、ade3 Middle School of Jilin City Jilin Province, . ChinaDear Tom,Very glad to have received your letter.Now Id like to tell you something about our teachers and parents opinions in my city on students playing computer games and going on the Internet.The most of the students parents and teachers thin

3、k it bad for students to do such things. Not only do they affect students studies and health, but so the students may learn something bad. However, some hold different views. They believe the activities will do students good if done in a controlled way. Students can learn to operate the computer, wh

4、ich is good for their future and surfing the Internet can enrich their knowledge.Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua译文:亲爱的汤姆:非常高兴接到你的来信。现在我想要告诉你一些关于我们的城市的老师和父母亲关于学生玩电脑游戏和上网的意见。学生父母和老师的大部分认为做这样的事情是对学生不好。不但影响学生的学生和健康,而且这样学生可能学学不健康的东西。然而,一些人持有不同的观点为。他们相信这些活动可能对学生有好处如果用控制的方式被做。学生们能学会如何操作电脑,这对他们的未来有好处而且上网能丰富他们的知识

5、。最好的祝愿! 你的 李华(二)关于学生带手机的事某英语报正在就中学生可不可以带手机上学这一话题开展讨论。 假如你是李华, 请你根据下表所提供的信息,向该报编辑写一封英文信,发表观点。手机的优点1、便于与父母和朋友联系; 2、能增加乐趣。带手机上学存在的问题1、上课时使用手机干扰教学; 2、用手机聊天、发短信费时费钱。建议1、上课时不许使用手机; 2、贵重物品,个人宜妥善保管。注意: 1、信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数; 2、词数:100左右。Dear Editor:Im a Senior III student. Im writing to tell you my opinion o

6、n whether middle school students can go to school with mobile phones. I think they can do that. Because students can stay in touch with their friends and family wherever they are. Besies, the mobile phone is a way to have fun.However, there are some problems with using mobile phones. The ring of pho

7、nes can disturb teachers and students in the classroom. Another problem is that some students can spend too much time and money on phone calls and sending messages. In a word , I suggest students not use phones in the classroom. Besides, as it is expensive, the owner should take good care of it. You

8、rs sincerely, Li Hua译文亲爱的编辑: 我是一个高三的学生。我正在写信告诉你我的关于中学生是否能带手机上学的观点。我认为他们能那样做。因为学生们能在任何地方和他们的朋友们和家里联系的关点。而且,电话是是一有趣的方式。然而,有一些使用电话的问题。电话铃声能打断课堂上的老师和学生。另一个问题是一些学生能花太多的时间和钱在电话上和发信息。 总而言之,我建议学生们在课堂上不使用电话。而且,由于它是贵的,手机拥有者应细心照顾手机。(三)、字典遗忘在别人家,请帮忙。假设你是李华,作为交流学生在加拿大米勒中学学习10天,寄住在Mr. Smith家里, 刚回至国内。回国后你发现自己的一本英语

9、词典遗忘在他家,因此给他写一封信, 请他帮助寄回词典。信的主要内容如下:1、感谢在加拿大期间他所提供的帮助。 2、一本英语词典忘记带回。3、词典是一位加拿大朋友送的,非常珍贵。4、词典很可能丢卧室的书架上。 5、。6、邮资(postage)自己付。注意: 1、词数 100左右;信的开头和结尾已为你写好。 2、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Mr. Smith:Im now safely back home. Thank you very much for all the kindness I got from you and your family during my stay. Ho

10、pe everything is fine with you there. Now I wonder whether if you could do me a favor. When I came back, I suddenly think of that I had left my English dictionary at your is a precious gift from my Canadian friend. Would you please send it back to me? Ill pay for the postage. The dictionary must be

11、on the bookshelf in my bedroom. It is the one with a red cover. Thanks and all the best. Yours, Li Hua译文:亲爱的史密斯先生: 我现在安全到家。非常感谢谢你和你的家人在家拿大给我的帮助。祝你那儿一切顺利。 现在我想知道你是否能帮我忙。当我回来后,我突然意识到我把英语字典落在你那里了。它是我一个加拿大朋友给的珍贵礼物。你能把它给我寄回来吗?我会付邮资的。字典一定在你的卧室里的书架上。词典的封面是红色的。 多谢并祝愿意你二、日记(一)外国人来我校参观假设今天是6月20日,星期一,天气晴朗。请根据下

12、面提供的情况写一篇日记。提示: 1、上午八时,几位美国演员到我校参观,受到师生的热烈欢迎。 2、,校长和一位美国演员在会上发言。 3、演员给我们演了2个幽默小短剧,看后大家都很开心。 4、在会议室自由交谈,我应邀参加,我们互相介绍两国学生的学校生活。词数:100左右。开头已经给出。June 20th Monday FineToday, some American actors came to visit our school at eight oclock . They were well received by the teachers and students. At half past

13、eight, we held a welcome meeting in the lecture hall. Our headmaster as well as an American actor made a speech. The actors performed two short two short humorous plays, which made us very happy. In the meeting room, we talked freely and introduced the school life in two countries. When the talk was

14、 over at five ., we saw the American friends off. 6月20日 周一 天气好 今天,一些美国演员来参观我校参观上午8点。他们受到我校师生的热烈欢迎 。在8点半,我们在报告厅举行欢迎会。校长和一位美国演员在会上发言。演员给我们演了2个幽默小短剧,看后大家都很开心。在会议室自由交谈,我们互相介绍两国学生的学校生活。当谈话下午5点结束,我们送美国朋友走。 (二)到敬老院尉问老人假如你和你的同学在5月4日(星期天)到敬老院慰问了老人,请你把活动的情况用英语写一篇日记。日记的格式及开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。日记的内容还应包括以下要点:1)来回的时间及方

15、式; 2)活动内容:扫地,洗衣,和老人交谈,送老人礼物,给老人们表演节目-;3)活动感受:很累但很愉快;要照顾尊重老人。 参考词汇:敬老院:the Old Peoples Home 注意:(1)词数100左右; (2)可适当增加细节发挥; (3)日记中不得使用 实的人名、校名。June6, 2004 Sunday SunnyIts the Youth day today and my classmates and I wanted to do something special to celebrate this day. We decided to go go the Old Peoples

16、 home to do something for the senior citizens. We left our school at nine and went there by bus. We helped the elderly clean the floor, make the beds, wash their clothes and talked with them. We brought some flowers and some small presents for them as well. Some of my classmates sang songs, and othe

17、rs danced for them. They were really happy to see us. Its a long day. When we came back, we were all tired, but we were all glad that we could bring joy to others and we learned the importance of respecting senior citizens.(三)看图日记退衣服 绿皮P108页上面的四幅图画描述了你在7月29日(星期六,天气晴)去一家服装店退换衬衫的情景。请根据上图用英语写一篇日记,注意:1、

18、日记必须包括所有图画的内容,可以适当增加细节,使故事连、自然、完整。 2、词数:100字左右。July 29, Saturday Fine This morning I went to the shop to change the shirt I had bought for one day. But the salesgirl in the shop didnt admit that the shirt was sold in the shop, and then she said it was I who had made it dirty. She gave various excuse

19、s to refuse my request. As a result, I got angry and quarreled with her. Then the manager showed up. After I told him the whole story, he apologized to me and criticized the salesgirl seriously. At last, they changed the short for me. Feeling very satisfied, I said goodbye go them. 三、便条(一)送戏票假如你叫李明,

20、你校的外籍教师William 先生对京剧 Beijing opera 很感兴趣。你送给他一张第二天晚上在梅兰芳剧院演出的戏票,那是一场由着名演员演出的京剧,很值得观看。恰巧John William先生外出。请你写个便条,并顺便告诉他,你已经读完他借给你的两本书中的一本,很有趣。你正忙于考试,不能一起去欣赏京剧了。注意:便条约100词左右;应包括以上要点,但不要逐字翻译。 NoteDear Mr. William,Ive come to give you a ticket for tomorrow evenings Beijing Opera in Mei Lanfang Theater. I

21、learn that you are interested in Beijing Opera, but its a pity that you happened to be out. I have to leave the ticket with this note. The opera will be put on by some famous actors and it is well worth seeing. By the way, Ive finished one of the two books you lent me. Its very interesting. I have b

22、een busy this week since we are busy reviewing our lessons in order to pass the exams. I cant go to the opera together with you. I hope you will have a good time. Yours, Li Ming(二)、借字典假如你叫张华,你想借用一下你同学Peter的词典,请根据下面的提示写张便条告诉他你借走了他的词典。(1)老师叫写一篇英语作文,你要查几个词,因你把词典忘在家里了,故想借Peter 的词典。(2)你保证小心爱护,第二天归还,并深表谢意

23、,借词典时间是12月10 日。 Note December 10, 2004Dear Peter,I was asked by the teacher to write a short English composition and I must look up some words in a dictionary. As my dictionary has been left home, I wonder if you can lend me yours. I would, of course, take good care of it and Ill return it to you to

24、morrow. Many thanks. Zhang Hua (三)、借字典 假设你的英文名叫Jason,你想借用一下你的好朋友Charles新买的汉英词典,可是他不在教室内。 请你写一张便条,告诉他你拿走了词典,因为你要用英文写一篇演讲稿,以便为英语竞赛作准备,并将于今天下午放学前归还。 字数:60左右。 NoteDear Tom, I got to know that youve bought a new ChineseEnglish Dictionary and it is very useful. I need to use it to prepare for my speech in

25、 the English Speaking Contest. It happens that you are not in the classroom. So I have to take it without your permission. I will return it to you before school is over this afternoon. Thank you very much. Yours, Jason四通知1为了纪念五四运动,活跃校园文化生活, 校学生会决定组织音乐周。假设你是学生会主席,请你以学生会的名义写一则书面通知, 内容如下:时间:五月的第一周内容:包括

26、演唱流行歌曲和乐器演奏:有音乐知识竞赛,播放一段音乐,要求参赛者说出乐曲的出处。要求参赛者自带乐器;报名截止到4月20日。地点:另行通知。字数:100词左右。开头和结尾已经给出。 NOTICEGood news for everyone! In memory of May 4th Movement and enhance the variety of campus culture, the Students Union has decided to organize a music week. It will be held in the first week of May. The acti

27、vities include singing pop songs and playing classical and folk music. A music contest will be included, too. Bring your own musical instruments please. The students taking part in the contest will listen to part or a piece of music, and then guess where it comes from If youd like to take part in th

28、e music week, please come and sign up for it before April 20th. The place for the activities will be announced later. Come to the great fun!April 3rd, 2007 The Students Union2. 今天是2006年6月6日,假设你是学生会主席,请根据下列情景提示写一则书面通知。美国访问学者,美国纽约州立大学马丁博士应邀来校作美国教育制度的报告。地点:图书馆四楼报告厅。时间:星期六下午2时,大约两个小时。要求全体学生准时参加,会后分组讨论。字

29、数:80100字。 NoticeA lecture on the American Educational System is to be held in the lecturehall on the fourth floor of the library at 2:00 on Saturday afternoon. It will last about two hours. The lecture will be given by Dr. Martin, a visiting scholar from New York State University. All the students a

30、re requested to attend the lecture on time and well have a discussion in groups after it.June 6,2006 The Students Union五、电子邮件:(一)、关于如何学好英语English, 中文Chinese假定你是李华,你的中国朋友Sam发来电子邮件向你咨询如何才能学好英文。请你根据下列要点写封邮件回复他。要点: 1、参加巩英文学习班;2、看英文书刊、电视; 3、学唱英文歌曲; 4、交英国朋友。注意: 1、字数100左右; 2、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3、开头语已为你写好。 不计入

31、总词数。Dear Sam,Im glad to receive your email asking for my advice on how to learn English Chinese) well.Here are a few suggestions. First, it is important to take a English (Chinese) course, as youll be able to learn from the teacher and practice with your fellow students. It also helps to watch TV and read books, newspapers and magazines in English (Chinese) whenever it is possible.Besides, it should

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