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1、春行政管理本科开放英语形成性考核册作业答案春行政管理本科电大开放英语(3)形成性考核册作业参照答案在开始完毕考核册之前应认真阅读使用阐明和记录单l 学前记录卡 学习资源:学生按照实际状况进行选项,在是否处画 “” 回顾与总结: 学习内容 1. 到当前为止,你学过多少种时态?分别写出每种时态构成办法。 普通当前时 1) be - is,am,are 2) 实意动词用原形表达 (注意当主语为第三人称单数时,动词 + s或 + es) 句型转换 1) 情态动词,联系动词提前或直接在其后加 not 2) 实意动词加do/ does或dont/ doesnt 当主语是第三人称单数时: 必定句 主语+动词

2、单数第三人称+其她 否定句主语+doesnt+动词原形+其她 普通疑问句Does+主语+动词原形+其她 必定回答 Yes,主语+does 否定回答 No,主语+doesnt 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词+普通疑问句 当主语不是第单数三人称时: 必定句 主语+动词原形+其她 否定句 主语+dont+动词原形+其她 普通疑问句 Do+主语+动词原形+其她 谓语动词形式:do/does普通过去时句式:主语+动词过去式+其她 否定形式was/were+not;在行为动词前加didnt,同步还原行为动词 普通疑问句 Did+主语+do+其她?;WasWere+sb.+ do sth当前完毕时1)have(ha

3、s)+过去分词2)当前完毕时否定和疑问形式:否定形式在has,have后加not;疑问形式将 has和have提前3)过去分词概念及其变化形式:概念:它和当前形式时中“动词Ing形式”同样,只是英语中表达时态一种固定形式。过去完毕时句式:had +动词过去分词构成,had通惯用于任何人称主语+had+过去分词vpp.(done) 必定句:主语+had+过去分词. 否定句:主语+hadnt +过去分词. 普通疑问句:Had+主语+过去分词?必定回答:Yes,主语+had. 否定回答:No,主语+hadnt . 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词或词组+普通疑问句(Had+主语+过去分词)? 被动语态:主语+

4、had(hadnt)+been+过去分词当前进行时句式:主语+be+动词ing当前分词形式第一人称单数I+am+ing. 第一人称复数We+are+ing. 第二人称单(复)数 You+are+ing 第三人称单数 He(She,it)+is+ing 第三人称复数 They+are+ing 必定句:主语+be(is/am/are)+当前分词 否定句:主语+be(is/am/are)+not+当前分词 普通疑问句:be(is/am/are)+主语+当前分词 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+相应be动词+主语+当前分词+Sth?间接引语中改为过去进行时。过去进行时句式:主语+was/were+动词ing+

5、其她必定句:主语+was/were+doing+其他 否定句:主语+was/were+not+doing+其他 普通疑问句及答语:Was/Were+主语+doing+其他 答语:Yes,I was./No,I wasnt.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+was/were+主语+doing+其他普通将来时必定句:I/We shall/will go. You/He/She/They Will go. 否定句:I/We shall/will not go. You/He/She/They Will not go. 疑问句:Shall I/we go?Will you/he/she/they go? 简略回

6、答:(肯)Yes,主语shall/will (否) No,主语 shall/will not 特殊疑问句:普通将来时特殊疑问句是将疑问词放在句首,后接普通疑问句(就主语提问时,以疑问词who开头疑问词除外)2. 你当前词汇量: 18003. 英语I中最难学习: 新词汇太多 记单词最困难4. 尚有那些没有掌握: 虚拟条件句,进行时被动语态5. 你以为哪些是优势哪些有待改进 自己在阅读方面还可以,但是挺立和口语需要提高 学习办法1. 每周57小时 局限性2. 有筹划 不能坚持 工作因素3. 一某些4. 网上学习资源5. 问教师,自己查资料 本学期学习目的和筹划 学习目的 1. 听力方面:听懂寻常会

7、话2. 口语方面:用简朴词汇表达3. 阅读方面:读懂课文4. 写作方面:按照教师规定写短文 学习筹划 学习筹划表 在筹划做事情上打 1. 6小时 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 学习记录卡1 (Unit16) 学习过程 1. ABC2. ABC3. ABC4. ABC 学习内容 1.Unit16中重要学习语法项目:1)动词及时态 普通当前时、当前进行时、普通过去时、过去进行时、普通过去时被动语态、过去完毕时 2)描述发展趋势词 ;短语动词 ;used to do sth. always/forever/keep doing sth. 3)连接词 but/so;用代词、and、but和wit

8、h连接句子 4)定语从句 2.这六个单元还没有掌握语言点:过去完毕时 定语从句3.这六个单元最喜欢话题(可从如下几项中选填)1) 描述自己及她人、家庭及家庭关系 Describing yourself and others,family and family relationships2) 谈论家庭与社会变化 Talking about changes in the family and society3) 谈论成就及对将来职业抱负 Talking about achievements and future occupation ideal4) 谈论过去、将来 Talking about th

9、e past,in the future印象最深Cultural Note(可从如下几项中选填)1)皇家邮政 The Poyal 2)家庭模式变化The Change of Family Patterns 3)赡养老人Care for the Elderly 阶 段 性 学 习 体 会 总结:开学初期教师给咱们讲了什么是开放教诲,如何学习开放教诲课程。咱们对开放教诲和开放教诲课程有了基本理解.也对开放英语课程有了比较全面结识。特别是通过上英语课程,咱们不但仅学习了英语语法知识,也学习到了学习办法。还体会到了开放教诲“自我学习、教师辅导、网络资源、师生互动”新学习模式。由于自己英语底子薄,基本差

10、,因此还不可以完全掌握教师讲内容。在教师精心辅导下,我英语知识有了不久进步。自己感觉到有重新拾起了英语。心中有了成就感。当前问题是:我还不能充分地网络资源。这是由于自己电脑知识不够好,因而不可以和教师、和同窗虽然地进行网上交流。 作业1答案 1. D2. A3.C4.B5. B 6. D7. B8.D9.A10. B 11. C12. D13. B14. A15. B 16. C17. B18. A19. D20. B 21. C22. D23. D24. A25. B 26. B27. A28. C29. C30. A 31. A32. C33. D34. C35. D 36. T37. T

11、38. NG39. F40. F 写作:Changes in Life范文一 Great changes have happened in my hometown. Ten years ago there were only ten homes,however there are hundred new homes. In the enter of the town,there is one very wonderful statue,many tourists often take photos there. A lot of old blocks of flats have been de

12、molished. Many families have bought new cars,so the local government has to issue new parking regulations. At present one new school is being built. It will be finished next month. People in my hometown are leading one happy life there.范文二 There have been many changes in my life. My family used to f

13、eed on rice porridge and preserved pickles,but now we can always have a good variety of food,such as seafood,green vegetables and fruits and so on. We used to live in a cramped and gloomy room,but now we are living in a big and bright flat. We used to depend on walking and cycling for getting around

14、,but now we can easily travel by bus,subway,taxi,etc. In general,I am now much better off than before.范文三 Over the recent years,Ive seen great changes in my life. Many aspects are to be concerned,but by simply specifying how my family are better off now than ever before suffices it all. We used to l

15、ive in a cramped and gloomy room,and things were not so good as we had to strive for light and even more fresh air. Now,in this spacious and luminous room that Im talking about,Im leading a life thats more than satisfactory and getting around here and there is no longer a big problem.范文四 Over the pa

16、st twenty years or so,great changes have taken place in our life. Take my family for example. My parents contacted others mainly by sending them letters in the past. But now we Call long distance at home. And once my parents listened to the radio for news and other information. But now we get the ne

17、ws by watching TV. Another big change is in my living conditions. When they got married about twenty years ago,my parents lived in a small room crowded with fiirniture. But now we have moved into a big new three-room apartment. In short,our life has become comfortable and convenient.范文五 My hometown,

18、which is in the south of Province,is a very beautiful village. It lies on the east bank of a small river,surrounded by green mountains,In the past my hometown was poor,and people led a hard life. They couldnt afford to send their children to school. But ,great changes have taken place in my hometown

19、 in the past twenty years. Many families .have not only color TV sets,but also telephones,fridges,computers,and so on. New roads,houses,schools,hospitals have been built. People in my hometown are working hard for a better life.学习记录卡2 (Unit712) 学习过程 1. ABC2. ABC3. ABC4. ABC 学习内容1、Unit712中重要学习语法项目:1)

20、动词及时态 学习当前完毕进行时、普通过去时被动语态、当前进行时与过去进行时被动语态;动名词;用should提出忠告;spend time doing sth./ need to do sth./need doing sth. have /get sth. done 2)形容词与介词搭配 3)构词法(后缀) 4)祈使句;真实条件句;虚拟条件句 5)间接引语 2、这六个单元还没有掌握语言点:虚拟条件句、间接引语3、这六个单元最喜欢话题(可从如下几项中选填)1)描述方位、位置、感觉、外观 Describing location,location,feel,appearance2)表达抱怨和抱歉 Co

21、mplaining and sorry3)表达发展趋势和数量有关语言 Say the trends and quantity of language4)谈论国际赛事 Talk about international events5)表达指令与忠告 Expression of instruction and advice6)学习关于古代和当代奥运会 Learning about the ancient and modern Olympic Games印象最深Cultural Note(可从如下几项中选填)1)自己动手做DIY 2)志愿工作者Voluntary Work 3)关于肥胖 Overwe

22、ight and Obese 4)国民保健制度 About NHS 阶段性学习体会总结:自己通过两个月英语课程学习,明显感觉到自己在英语语法知识和英语词汇上有了很大进步,此外还学习到了学习办法。还体会到了如何才可以成为一种合格开放教诲学员。辅导教师精心辅导,课堂上进一步浅出,让每个学员都可以学习到知识,我英语不久进步。这使我在学习上有了很大信心。当前问题是:我还不能充分地网络资源。这是由于自己电脑知识不够好,没有真正地适应开放教诲新模式。在学习上重要还是靠辅导教师面授,而不可以和教师、和同窗虽然地进行网上交流。 作业2答案 1. C2. A3. D4. D5. D 6. D7. B8. B9.

23、 C10. C 11. A12. B13. B14. A15. B 16. C17. A18. D19.D20. B 21. B22. A23. C24. A25. C 26. B27. C28. D29. D30. C 31. A32. D33. C34. D35. B 36. F37. F38. T39. T40. NG 写作:How to keep healthy范文一 Everyone wish to be healthy.Well,how to keep healthy is cared by most people nowdays. First,we should do some

24、physical exercises. Life is based on move.It means that we should do some phcial exercises everyday to keep every organ of our body healthy. Second ,food is another factor to keep us healthy. We need to get nutrition and varyty elements as well from food. In addition,having good habbits are very imp

25、ortant for a man. Such as dont smoke ,dont drink and so on is good habbits. So for our health wed better do some physical exercises often,pay attention to rational food and drink and cultivate good habbits.范文二 Nowadays,more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy. Without a healthy bo

26、dy,we can do nothing. For me,there are three main ways to keep healthy. First,is necessary to keep a balanced diet,which is the basis of good health. We had better have more fruit and vegetables every day. Secondly,it is important to take regular exercises,such as swimming,jogging and so on. Last bu

27、t not least,it is essential to keep high mood. Relaxation and entertainment are ways to renew our spirits and release our stress. When we make healthy habits a part of our everyday life,we are bound to keep healthy.范文三 some people put less time to their own body in order to earn money .Perhaps they

28、think money is more improtant than health .I consider that opinion is very foolish .Because money doesnt buy health forever .So it is improtant to keep healthy . In my opinion ,first ,we must keep balance to eat ,we school eat morw fruit and vegetable ,eat less meat and drink less coffe and so on .S

29、econd ,now ,people are busy in working or studying all day .Sports time get less and less .It causes peoples health get worse .So we should do more sports to keep healthy .At last ,people shoudnt be too exhaysted .Myst have eight hours to sleep every day . I believe if you from a goo bality in daily

30、 life ,you must have a healthy boby to work and study well .范文四 It is absolutely necessary to take some exercise every day. Research shows that getting plenty of exercise make the heart beat faster and the lungs work harder. This strengthens the heart,reduces the chance of heart attack,and helps lower blood pressure. Thats why more and more people are becoming active in various kinds of sports and exercises. Every morning many people get up early and take much exercise. Some practice shadowboxing and swordplay while others run,jog,walk or dance to

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