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1、四川省成都树德实验学年八年级上期末试题含答案 2020-2021年成都树德实验八年级上期末试题第二部分基础知识运用(共30小题,计40分)六、选择填空。(共15小题;计20分)A.从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。(每小题1分;计10分)31.Jack, you missed_U in_word usually”.-Sorry,; the B.a; the; a32. We planned a surprise party to thank Ms. Steen_helping _our English.A. for; with B.about; to C. of;

2、 at33.You wont solve the problem_ you-talk to someone about A. if. B. unless C.though34. There_two pieces of turkey on the table and there_some gravy for you to eat with.A. are; are B. are; is; are 35.At this,very hard time, it s really important for everyone to _the peace between countries.A.

3、keep B. save C. share36.I dont like summer because there is_rain and its_hot.A. much too; foo much B.too much: much too C. too much; too much37.-Would you like to go to the movie with me tonight?-_See you then.A. Yes, please. B. No problem. C. Im not sure.38.Teachers always tell us_careful we are,_m

4、istakes we will make.A. the more: the less B. the less; the fewer C.the less; the more39. I don t know if she_next month. If she _,let me know.A.will come; comes B.will come; will come C. comes; will come40. What s your cousin Sam like?_.A. He likes playing soccer B. He is tall and thin with a pair

5、of glassesC.He is kind and friendlyB.补全对话.根据对话内容,从方框中选出适当的选项补全对话.(每小题2分;计10分)A: Can you go to the movie with me?B:_41_A: How about this evening?B:_42_ .I have to look after my mother. She is ill.A: Thats too bad._ 43_.B: Thank you.You can ask Mike to go with you.A:_44_B:I think he may have time. And

6、 he likes watching movies.A: 1haVs great!_ 45_. I hope he can go with me.A. Does he have time?B: I hope she feels better soon.C.Id love to, but when is it?D. I am going to call him.E.Im sorry, I cant.七、完形填空。(A 篇每小题2分,计10分; B篇每小题1分,计10分:共计20分)ANow, bike riding becomes more and more popular. Compared

7、with driving a car, its easier to ride a bike. Every day, we can see people ride their bikes to workplaces, shopping centers, schools and so on. There are many kinds of_ 46_ . For example, racing bikes are easy to go fast, and mountain bikes are durable(耐用的)for_ 47_roads.Riding a bike is good in man

8、y ways, First, it doesnt make much noise or cause any air pollution. Second, riding a bike is a kind of go_48_. It can help you keep healthy. Third, people dont need to pay for gasoline(汽油)or_ 49 _ too many cars on the street. For these reasons, more and more people start riding bikes.Also, more Ame

9、ricans enjoy riding a bike instead (而不是) of driving a car. At the same time, America has many roads for bikes only. Why not_ 50_ watching TV and then go bike riding on weekends? Youll have a good time riding a bike with your friends! 46.A. cars B. computers C. bikes47.A. city B. mountain C. town48.

10、A. work B. change C. exercise49. A. make up B. worry about C. find out50.A. stop B. begin C. remember BYesterday, my 15-year old brother had a fight with my 12-year old brother Kevin. Later, as I was walking upstairs I heard Kevin_ 51_in his room. I knocked the door and asked Kevin, do you want to t

11、alk? No one answered. I took out some cards and wrote,_ 52_ you dont want to talk. we can write notes.An hour later, 1 was still sitting on the floor outside his door with two pieces of paper in my hands. One piece was new and_ 53_was from Kevin. As I read one of Kevins notes, tears(泪) came to my_ 5

12、4_ . It said, Nobody in this family_ 55_ about me. You only know Kevin. Youre never around to even notice me. He was right about me. I_ 56_back, Kevin, I do love you and you know that. Im here for you and you are loved in this family. He didnt_ 57 _ for a while, but then I heard him cry a little bit

13、. Kevin ran out of (用完) cards and wrote Thanks on a paper cup. I wrote back For what? He gave it back_ 58_ Loving me on it.After that, I have tried my best to pay more attention(注意) to my family members. Kevin and I have a_59_relationship now and when one of us notices that the other is_ 60_, well s

14、mile and say. Write it on a paper cup.51.A. crying B. laughing C. writing52. A. although B. if. C. but53. A. the other B. other C. another54.A. heads B. hands C. eyes55. A. talks B. cares C. minds56. A. wrote B. shouted C. talked57. A. laugh B. listen C. reply58. A. with B. without C. have59. A. clo

15、ser B. farther C. worse60.A. lucky B. sad C. happy第三部分阅读理解 (共15小题,计30分)01月八、阅读判断正误、正确的填“A,错误的填B”。(每小题2 分:计10分)Here is a new book for you How to Solve Problem: The Rise (and Falls) of a Rock-Climbing Champion written by Ashima Shiraishi. From the age of 6, Ashima Shiraishi was interested in rock-clim

16、bing. Now, at the age of 19, she is one of the worlds youngest and best climbers.Through illustrations (插画), we know her rock-climbing secrets and her love for the sport. By looking an each climb like a puzzle (拼图). She puts all the pieces together in her mind and chooses the best route (路线)But of c

17、ourse, success does not come without failure(失败) .Shiraishi tells us how she falls a lot, but never gives up(放弃)in the book.Most importantly. she hopes to use her story to tell readers to solve problems in their own lives and rise to greater heights.She says, I face everyday problems the same way th

18、at I do when I keep on falling and fling on a rock climb. Remember, most of climbing is falling, but one day you get to the top of it, which is the greatest feeling.61. Ashima Shiraishi is good at climbing.62. Ashima Shiraishi usually falls when climbing.63. It is easy for Ashima Shiraishi to climb

19、to the top of the mountain.64. Ashima Shiraishi wants to tell us to keep on doing what we like until we succeed in the book.65. From the book, we know solving the problems in our daily life helps us succeed.九.阅读短文,选择正确答案。(每小题2 分:计20分)There are so many cool things on the Internet! Sometimes, it feels

20、 like there isnt enough time in the day to read news, stories or watch funny cat videos.Dont you wish you could just save all of these things in one place to look at later on? You can! Just save them to Pocket.Pocket is one of the newest and best apps. It let you save all the fun things you find onl

21、ine to one place - your Pocket! You can easily look at them again when you have more time. You can even watch them offline(线下)! It also lets you organize the things you save. For example, you can add tags (标签) to find them more easily. If you saved a story, the app can even read it to you.Calm is an

22、other app that can help you relax and sleep better. In fact, It has another name the “Happiest Ann in the World.The app is to make the world happier and healthier.Calm has a lot of features (功能) to help you relax. For example, it has peaceful sounds like ocean waves(海浪)and rain. It also has meditati

23、on(冥想)classes and bedtime stories to listen to. You can even set reminders:(提醒通知) to focus on your mental (心理) health.66. How many apps are talked about in the passage?A. 1 B. 2 C. 367.You can put_in Pocket.A. your money B. your paper books C. videos68. Calm can help you_.A. become healthier B. lear

24、n English better C. save time69. Pocket can_.A. help you find the news you save quickly.B. only play the videos you sleep better70. You can use Pocket in_.A.2018 B.2021 C.2019BAnnaAs we all know the environment around us is getting worse and worse. If we walk by the rivers which go thro

25、ugh cities, we can often see the factories near them pouring dirty water into them. Many trees have been cut down but no more trees have been planted in the places. People leave rubbish (垃圾) everywhere.So one day there will not be enough clean air for people to breathe. Our children and grandchildre

26、n will live in a world with much pollution.JackI think the life in the future will be better. There will be more kinds of cars. Most people in the world will use green cars by 2120, so there will be less pollution.“Self-driving cars? will also be popular. This kind of cars can drive by themselves, s

27、o that people can relax even sleep while driving. As for space travel, I would say, we will visit Mars in about fifty years.BobThere wont be hospitals id the, future. Every family. will have a robot at home. It will take care of our health. Humans wont have problems fighting cancers(癌症) or other ser

28、ious illnesses any more, because scientists will solve all the problems by changing our Genes( 基因), We might also eat some special medicine. So everyone will live to be 200 years old. 71.Anna thinks the environment will be worse becauseA. Factories hardly pour dirty water into riversB.People leave r

29、ubbish nowhereC. There will be more pollution.72. According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?A. Every family will have a doctor at home.B. Self-driving ears are easy to drive.C. The study of genes is very important in the future.73. Whats the correct topic for each paragraph?A. transporta

30、tion-medicine-pollution B. pollution-medicine transportationC. pollution-transportation-medicine74. According to the predictions, who are Hopeful about the future?A. Anna and Jack B. Anna and Bob C. Jack and Bob75. Where can you find this passage?A. In a textbook B. On the Internet C.In a storybookB

31、卷(非选择题;共50分)一、根据首字母及句意补全单词。(共5 小题,每小题1分;计5分)1. Yesterday morning. a lot of leaves in our school f_down from the trees. It took us much time to clean the ground.2. Cakes in this store have different s_ , some are like animals and some are like moons.3. After one-month hard work, he f_ finished his article.4. I am looking forward to f_ rockets to the Mars someday.5. We think Mr. Zeng must be an e_ teacher because he teaches for a long time and has many ways to

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