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最新牛津译林版七年级英语上册《unit1 This is me》导学案共6课时.docx

1、最新牛津译林版七年级英语上册unit1 This is me导学案共6课时unit1 This is me导学案课题: Welcome to the unit 一词组互译。 1. live in Beijing 2. 在阅读俱乐部_ 3. love playing football_ 4. 出生在上海 5. after school _ 6.来自 _ 7. wear glasses _ 8.黑色长发 9.tall and slim _ 10.擅长游泳_11.ten years old_ 12.她的头发_ sports_ 14.喜爱音乐_ good at Maths_

2、 16.一名新学生_二根据所给汉语完成下列句子。1. I am a _(学生) at Sunshine Middle School.2. They are twelve _(年,岁) this year.3. Lets meet our new _ (同学).4. I often play _ (足球) after school.5. I like _(运动) very much.6. Millie has short _ (头发) .7. He is very _ (矮).【实战演练】一所给词的适当形式填空。1. Sandy enjoys ( swim ) in summer.2. My s

3、ister loves _ ( eat ) fish very much. 3. Toms brother is good at _ ( play ) football.4. His sister is five ( year ) old.5. ( be)your cousins hair long ?6. His uncle _ ( not be ) from Nanjing.7. He ( live ) in Beijing. 8. We _(be) classmates.9. She _(be)short and pretty.10.I _(be)from Shanghai.二单项选择题

4、。( )1. She is good at _. A. swim B. swims C. swiming D. swimming ( ) 2. My brother enjoys _ music. A. listen B. listen to C. listening D. listening to ( )3. Does Simon _ after school? A. walk home B. walk to home C. go to home on foot D. go home on feet ( ) 4. Li Hua plays very _. He is a _ player.

5、A. good well B. well good C. well well D. good good ( )5. Liu Xiang comes _Shanghai but now he _ in Beijing. A. from lives B. in live C. at live D. to lives【拓展延伸】一句型转换。 1. They are good students. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _ 2. Her sister is 15 years old. (对画线部分提问) _ 3. She is good at English. (划线提问)_ 4. I am

6、 fine today. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) _ 5. My name is Amy. (对画线部分提问)_6. We are from Sihong.(同义句)_二翻译句子。 1.小明的篮球打得很好。 XiaoMing _ basketball _ _. 2.我想吃个苹果。 I _ _ eat _ apple. 3.我每周上三次舞蹈课。 I have_ _ three times _ _. 4. 在我空闲的时间,我学习英语。 In my _ _, I _ _.【课时导航】一翻译下列短语。1. 谈论_ 2. 12岁_2. 我的同学们_ 4. 在那边_5. 我们的英语老师_ 6.

7、一名好老师_7. 我们的语文老师_ 8. 擅长英语_二根据汉语填空。1. Our _(教室) is in that building.2. -Where is your mother? -She is _ there. (那边)3.Mr Zhang is our _ (英语) teacher.4. He is our _(中文 ) teacher.三翻译句子。1.他们是我的同学。_2. 我们在七年级。_3. 吴先生是我们的英语老师。_4. 他们在那边。_5. 你擅长英语吗?_6. 教室很大。_【实战演练】一根据首字母提示写单词。1. Amy w _ to school every day.2.

8、 Our teachers are o _ there.3. Simon o_ plays football with his friend.4. I like going s _ with his dad.5. Both you and he are my c_.二单项选择,选择最佳答案。( )1. _? No, Im Alan. A. Are you Jill B. are you Jill C. Whats your name ( )2. Is your mum tall and slim? _.A. Yes, shes. B. Yes, he is. C. No, she isnt.(

9、 )3. She is not fat or thin. She is a _ girl.A. thin B. slim C. strong( )4. _ are Jill and Millie? They are my new classmates. A. What B. How C. Who( )5. Look! Am I happy? No, _A. I amnt B. Im not. C. you arent.【拓展延伸】一根据句意或中文意思写出句中所缺单词。1. This is my classroom. It is _ (大的) 2. This is a girl. She is

10、_(漂亮的). 3. She is in G_ 7.We are classmates.4. He is not sad. She is h_.5. Are your classmates short? No, we a_.6. My friend is slim and t_.二翻译句子。1.-你爷爷每天早上通常干什么? -他在公园里散步。 -What _your grandfather usually _ every morning? -He _ in the _.2. 我们在早上7点吃早饭。 We _ _ at 7 in the _.3. 他有时在晚上听音乐。 He _ _ to _ i

11、n the _.4. 你的妹妹擅长跳舞吗? _ your sister _ _ _?三句型转换。1. Bill is from England.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_2.We are in Grade 8.(改为否定句)_3. Im twelve years old. (对划线部分提问)_4. Is Tom your brother. (作肯定回答)_5. My classmates are all here. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_6. Her name is Millie. (对划线部分提问)_【课时导航】一翻译下列词组或句子。1两个新朋友 2矮又苗条 3我的新同学

12、 _ 4我们的教室 5十二岁 _ 6在那儿 7来自南京 _ 8我们的英语老师 9让我看一看 _ 10擅长数学 11一名好老师 12她快乐。 13在八年级 14同学们 _ 【实战演练】一写出下列词的缩写形式。she is _ is not _ are not _ we are_ they are _ you are _ I am I am not 二写出下列词的反义词。1. big_ 2. good _ 3. happy _ 4. tall_三用am、is、are填空。1. _ your brother a policeman? 2. _ you and Li Ning good boys? 3

13、. _ Yang Ning twelve? 4. Kate and Mary _ English.5. My brothers very busy.6. What your father?7. we classmates?8. _Tom good at Chinese?9. Peter and I _ classmates.10.Their school _ very big.11. _ there a book on the desk?12. There _ a book and two pens on the desk.13. There _ two pens and a book on

14、the desk.14. She _ from the UK.15. Their parents _ in Beijing now.16. _ your brothers middle school students?【拓展延伸】一句型转换。1. She is sad. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) _ _sad? _, she _.2. Is Li Lei big and strong? (改为肯定句) _ _ _ big and strong.3. We are classmates. (改为一般问句并用肯定回答) _ _ classmates? Yes, _ _.4. Im thirt

15、een. ( 对划线部分提问) _ _ are you? 5. My name is LinTao. (同义句) _ _ name? 6. They are in Grade 9 . _ _ are they?二翻译下列句子。1. 他开心吗?不,他很不开心。_ he _? No, he .2. 你是一个女孩吗?不,我不是。 - _ you a _? -No, I .3. 我的妹妹又小又漂亮。My sister is _ _ _.4. 她又高又苗条. She is _ _ _5. 我们有三个同学。 We _ three _ _.6. 我的表妹十二岁。她又高又苗条。 My _ is _ . _ t

16、all and_.7. 我的妹妹是一个英国女孩。 My _ is _ _ girl.8. 他们在7年级。 They are _ _Seven.9我们教室很大。 _ classroom _ big.10他们老师很好。 Their _ are _. 班级: 姓名: 【课时导航】一翻译下列词组。1你的表哥 2我的新同学 3这是安迪 4擅长游泳 5在一所新学校 6留着短发 7一些新朋友 8在七年级 _ 二根据汉语写单词。1. What is your _ (年龄)?2. Pandas are very _ (可爱的,讨人喜欢的) .3. Our classmates have many _ (业余爱好

17、).4. _ is here. Lets have a meeting. (每个人,人人)5. We wear _(眼镜) .6. I am _ (高兴的) to see you again.三翻译句子。1.她的头发长。_2. 她热爱跳舞。_3. 她留着短发。_4. 她擅长游泳。_5. 我爱我的新同学们。_【实战演练】一单项选择题。( )1. _often plays football at school? A. I B. You C. My cousin D. We( )2. Many children love _computer games at home. A. play B. pla

18、ying C. to play D. plays( )3. He has a lot of friends. Here “a lot of” is_. A. much B. many C. a lots D. some( )4. Timmy likes_ music and he sings well. A. listening B. listen to C. listening to D. listens二句型转换。1.They are in Grade9. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_2. Tom is good at swimming. (对划线部分提问)_3. His hair is long. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_4. Our school is nice. (改为否定句)_【拓展延伸】一单项选择,选择最佳答案。( )1. Hello, Lucy, _ Millie. A. he is B. her name is C. she is D. this is( )2. Peter and I _ in Room 807. A. am

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