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外研社 选修6Module1词汇短语测试精编.docx

1、外研社 选修6Module1词汇短语测试精编1confidently adv.自信地Would you love to go to a party and talk confidently to every guest?(P2)你愿意去参加一个聚会,并且自信地同每一位客人谈话吗? confident adj. 自信的;有信心的; be confident that从句 相信 be confident about/of 相信;对确信的I think I am fully confident of his success.我想我完全肯定他能成功。One has to be confident in

2、 himself.一个人一定要对自己有信心。 完成句子我们有信心能成功。 2lack vt.缺乏;不足n缺乏;无Do you want to make more friends but lack the confidence to talk to people you dont know?(P2)你想结交更多的朋友但又缺乏同你不认识的人交流的自信吗?He is good at his job but he seems to lack confidence.他工作不错,但似乎缺乏信心。 lack sth.缺乏 lack n. 缺少, 缺乏 for lack of缺乏,因而没有The plants

3、 died for lack of water. 这些植物因缺水而枯萎。【对接高考】(2010福建高考)More and more highrise buildings have been built in big cities _ space.Ain search ofB. in place ofCfor lack of Dfor fear of完成句子We_the strength to walk any further.3be nervous about对神经紧张/胆怯/焦虑不安And are you nervous about the idea of being at a social

4、 event in another country? (P2)你是否一想到要在别的国家参加社交活动就觉得忐忑不安?Nobody knows she is nervous about.没有人知道她为什么紧张不安。Im very nervous about .我对参加考试紧张不安。 make sb. nervous使人烦躁不安总结be concerned about对关心/担心be anxious about对焦虑/担心be worried about 对担心be curious about 对好奇be mad about 对入迷be particular about 对讲究be optimist

5、ic about对乐观,有信心用nervous/anxious填空Dont be so_ about the examyou will make it.I was _ about the children when they didnt come back home from school.【答案】nervousanxious4And they are easy to_learn. (P2)而且这些技巧学起来也容易。本句中的to learn虽然与主语they是被动关系,但仍然要用其主动形式,这是因为它放在了形容词easy后面。形容词easy, difficult, hard, nice, go

6、od, dangerous, interesting, important, expensive, fit, comfortable, pleasant, impossible后面接不定式作状语,即使这个不定式与主语是动宾关系,也要用主动形式。The question is easy to answer.这问题容易回答。The problems are impossible to settle.解决这些问题是不可能的。 【对接高考】(2012辽宁高考)This machine is very easy _. Anybody can learn to use it in a few minute

7、s.AoperatingBto be operatingCoperated Dto operate【答案】D完成句子这本书很难懂。This book is difficult_.这种鱼很好吃。This kind of fish is nice _.这个问题很棘手。This problem is difficult_.【答案】to understand to eatto deal with5People with good social skills communicate well and know how to have a conversation.(P2)具备良好社交技能的人能很好地和别

8、人交流并且知道怎样交谈。how to have a conversation作谓语动词know的宾语,相当于how they should have a conversation。我不知道怎么办。I dont know to do it.I dont know to do. go for the picnic hasnt been decided.什么时间去野炊还没定下来。 He told me answer all the questions in English.他告诉我怎样用英语回答所有的问题。The problem is find the financial aid.问题是到哪里寻求经

9、济援助。【对接高考】(2010辽宁高考)Its no use having ideas only.Dont worry. Peter can show you _ to turn an idea into an act.Ahow BwhoCwhatDwhere完成句子她确实不知道做些什么。She really doesnt_.我们必须决定是留还是走。We must decide_.【答案】what to dowhether to stay or leave6advance adj.预先的,在前的It helps if you do a little advance planning.(P2)要

10、是预先做些准备,将会对你有所帮助。They declared war without advance warning.It is a popular show, so advance booking is essential. in advance of 在前面 in advance预先,提前 make great advances in在取得很大进展 advanced adj. 先进的,高级的7look away from把目光从上移开Dont look away from the person whos talking to you. (P3)不要把目光从正在跟你说话的人身上移开。She

11、looked away from the tragic scene.她掉过头去,不忍看那一幕惨象。When you talk with someone, never look away from their face.和某人说话的时候,眼睛永远都不要离开他们的脸。She never looks back to the old days with regret.她从不怀着悔恨的心情回顾过去。 We look forward to the return of spring.我们期待着春天的到来。A working party has been set up to look into the pro

12、blem.已成立工作组调查该问题。 Children should look up to their parents.孩子应当尊敬父母。用适当的介词、副词填空My shy nature caused me to look_from most people most of the time.Look_to seeing you again soon. Bye!They were looked _upon in the old society.You can look _the address in the files.【答案】awayforwarddownup8in addition 除此之外,

13、另外In addition, you need to know how long you should stay, and when you have to leave. (P3)另外,你需要知道该待多久,还有该在何时离开。In addition to an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil.除了一本照相簿外,我还给了他一支钢笔和一支铅笔。 完成句子节食以外她还随电视做体操。_ a diet, she pursues various exercises on TV. 除此之外,他们两人并不十分般配。_, they do not match very mu

14、ch.【答案】In addition toIn addition10application n申请;应用,运用 apply for sth.申请某物 apply to适用于将应用到 apply oneself to专心致志于We should not only know the theory but also how to apply it to practice. 翻译句子 If you apply yourself to the job in hand,youll soon finish it. The rule does not apply to all of you

15、. After graduation from Beijing Normal University, he applied for a job as an English teacher.11. put ones foot in ones mouth犯使人难堪的错误,说错话stand on ones own feet独立自主,不依赖别人put ones best foot forward给别人留下一个好印象jump in and get your feet wet到实践中去学习,取得经验4absence n缺乏,不存在Esther Greenbaums major shortcoming wa

16、s that she had a completes absence of small talk. (P8)埃斯特格林鲍姆最大的缺点是她对于闲聊方面(的知识)十分匮乏。 Absence of rain caused the plants to die.因缺少雨水导致植物枯死。I soon noticed his absence from school.我很快便觉察到他缺课了。in/during sb.s/ sth.s absencein/during the absence of sb./sth.(某人)不在时;缺少(某物)absence of mind心不在焉;精神恍惚in the abse

17、nce of由于缺乏in sb.s absence 某人不在时,某人外出时 be absent from缺席,不在;缺少Behave yourself during my absence.我不在时要规矩点。In the absence of water, plants would not grow well.如果缺少水,植物就不会长势良好。She was absent from school with a cold.她因感冒而没去上学。用absence短语完成句子I am doing Julies job_(她不在时)_ (水和空气的缺少) makes it impossible to liv

18、e on the moon._ (他的精神恍惚)led to this bad accident.【答案】in her absenceThe absence of air and waterHis absence of mind5as a consequence 因此,结果In fact, she had never learnt the basic rules of social communication, and as a consequence, she made systematic mistakes every time she opened her mouth.(P8) 实际上,

19、她从来就没有认识到社交的基本规则,因此每次张嘴说话,都会经常性地犯错误。As a consequence, he got the first place in this grade exam.结果,他在本次考试中获得了年级第一名。 As a consequence, they had no control over the outcome.结果是他们对成果没有控制。in consequence 结果 of no consequence 无意义(不重要) in consequence of(as a consequence of ) 由于 take the consequences 承担后果He

20、 studied hard, and in consequence he passed the exam.他努力学习,因此通过了考试。Dont worry.Its of no consequence.别担心,这无关紧要。【提示】as a consequenceas a resultin consequenceconsequently结果,因此,而as a consequence ofas a result ofin consequence of由于,是介词短语。用consequence短语完成句子He had been ill for a long time and _(结果)he was b

21、ehind in his work.We must _(承担后果) of our own deed.Both sides think of the point _(无意义)【答案】in consequence/ as a consequencetake the consequences of no consequence6apology n. 道歉,致歉“Oh sorry,” said Esther without any apology.(P8)“哦,对不起”,埃斯特略微歉意地说。He offered me an apology for losing my book.他因丢了我的书而向我道歉

22、。You are wrong. Please make an apology to your deskmate.你错了,请向你的同桌道歉。make/offer an apology to sb. for (doing) sth.为(做了)某事向某人道歉accept an apology接受道歉owe sb. an apology应向某人道歉apologize vt. 道歉apologize to sb. for (doing) sth. 为(做了)某事向某人道歉I must apologize for not being able to meet you.我因为没能接你而向你道歉。完成句子他因

23、迟到向客人道歉。He _ to the guests for being late.她仍在生气,并拒绝接受我的道歉。She is still angry and refuses to_.【答案】made an apologyaccept my apology7cautious adj.谨慎的,慎重的,小心的Esther was never cautious about other peoples feelings. (P8)埃斯特从来不留意别人的感受。I am cautious of giving offence.我谨防得罪人。 The students are cautious not to

24、 make any mistakes in spelling.学生们在拼写时非常小心,以避免出错。cautious about/of谨防be cautious to do sth. /thatclause 小心做;谨慎做caution n警告;慎重;戒备with caution 留心(慎重;留心地;慎重地)caution vt. 劝小心;警告caution sb. about sth. 就(某事)警告(某人)caution sb. against sth./doing sth. 警告(某人)不要做(某事) caution sb. for sth./doing sth. 因事警告某人He tol

25、d us to proceed with caution.他要我们谨慎行事。The weatherforecaster cautioned us about the icy roads.气象预报员提醒我们注意结冰后的道路。He cautioned us against playing in that busy street.他告诫我们不要在那条交通繁忙的街道上玩耍。完成句子他小心翼翼地驾车。He drove his car _.她很小心晚上不独行。She is _ walk alone at night.我必须告诫你应谨防危险。I must _ the danger.【答案】with caut

26、ioncautious not tocaution you against8cheer sb. up 使某人高兴/振作起来She tried to cheer him up.(P8) 她试图让他高兴起来。I tried to cheer her up, but failed.我努力让她高兴起来。Cheer up! Im sure youll feel better tomorrow.振作起来!我肯定你明天会好些的。cheers (用于祝酒)干杯cheer sb. on 为某人喝彩,为某人加油 cheer for sb. 为喝彩叫好,为鼓劲加油be of (good) cheer 兴致勃勃Let

27、s go to the football game and cheer for our favorite team.咱们去看足球比赛,为咱们最喜爱的球队呐喊助威。We did our best to cheer him on when he was about to give up.当他将要放弃时我们尽力鼓励他。The old man was of good cheer. 那老人情绪很好。完成句子这个好消息让他很高兴。The good news_.赛跑进入最后一圈时,观众为运动员加油鼓励。The crowd _as they started the last lap.【答案】cheered h

28、im upcheered on the runners9go through经历,经受(尤指苦难或艰难时期)One of her acquaintances, a salesman in the firm, was going through a very messy divorce and was very depressed. (P8)和她在同一家公司做推销员的一个熟人正陷入离婚窘境,他为此非常沮丧。How can she keep smiling after all she has gone through?她经历了所有这一切后怎么还能笑容满面?South Africa was goin

29、g through a period of irreversible change. 南非正在经历一场不可逆转的变革。go through还有以下一些意思:通过,穿过翻阅;翻找;整理 通读;彻查 重复;例行做The bill went through Parliament without a vote.没有投票国会议案就通过了。It was evident that someone had gone through my possessions.显然有人翻过我的物品。Going through his list of customers is a massive job.查阅他的客户名单是个相当费劲的活儿。Every night, they go through the same routine: he throws open the bedroom window, she closes it.他们每天晚上都要上演这么一出戏:他打开卧室的窗户,她又把它关上。【教师备课资源】go up 增长;上升;被兴建起来 go

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