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人教版英语八年级上册教案Unit3 SectionAGrammar Focus3c精品教育doc.docx

1、人教版英语八年级上册教案Unit3 SectionAGrammar Focus3c精品教育docUnit3 SectionA(Grammar Focus-3c) 教案【教材版本与册数】新目标人教版八年级上册 【单元名称】Unit3 Im more outgoing than my sister.【课时】Section A Grammar Focus-3c (第2课时)【课型】 Grammar(语法课)教材分析本单元围绕“personal traits”这一话题,展开形式多样的听、说、读、写学习活动来人物性格并做出比较。主要学习英语中关于人物个性特征的形容词和副词比较级的表达方式和运用;结合 “

2、as as, than, both”等词汇,学会在情境中正确描述和评价自己及他人。本节课型定位为以话题为核心的“语法课型”。主要在以单元话题牵引下,在学生脑海中建立起英语-(i)er和 more相当于汉语“更”的概念,同时拓展学生相关的形容词及副词词汇,训练学生比较级句型的运用及培养他们的语言结构意识。在语言技能上,同时通过问答及表格调查的形式,运用所学知识,学会正确跟同伴谈论自己及家人的个性特征,在情感态度上,学会准确谈论自己及他人并学会关心身边的家人及朋友,在文化意识上,了解个性性格差异,学会尊重,培养社交意识。教学目标 语言知识目标:1. 通过教师自身的情景式导入和与学生互动的问答形式,

3、学习和巩固该话题下的词汇句型,激发调动学生的求知欲,熟练使用含形容词及副词比较级用法的句型:- Is Tom smarter than Sam? - No, he isnt. Sam is smarter than Tom. - Is Tara more outgoing than Tina? - No, she isnt. Tina is more outgoing than Tara. - Are you as friendly as your sister? - No, Im not. Im friendlier. - Does Tara work as hard as Tom? - Y

4、es, she does. - Whos more hard-working at school? - Tina thinks she works harder than me.语言技能:2. 通过核心句型的集中学习,学生能正确使用形容词及副词比较级。学习策略:3. 通过组句训练,强化本单元重点知识的学习和突破语法难点。4. 通过开放性的口语活动,能够在真实的语境中使用目标词汇和句型。 情感态度价值观目标:学会正确跟同伴谈论自己及家人的个性特征,学会准确谈论自己及他人并学会关心身边的家人及朋友,了解个性性格差异,学会尊重,培养社交意识。教学重难点教学重点:1) 熟记形容词和副词比较级规则变化的

5、结构及用法。2) 熟记不规则变化的形容词和副词比较级的结构和用法。3)熟练运用than, asas等连接词。教学难点:1) 学会使用形容词和副词的比较级来真实讨论身边的朋友、同学及家人。2)学会在真实语境中使用形容词和副词的比较级来客观评价谈论他人,形成完整真实对话。建议教法语法课的“3E”教学模式 : E-experience(创设真实语境,体验语法意义)E-explore(自主探究规划,感悟语法体系)E-express(分层多元表达,得体运用语法)以情境为载体,以探究为手段,以表达为核心,帮助学生将语言的形式、意义、和用法紧密联系起来,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。教学流程(详见相应教学设计

6、)教学评价1.本课时的目标设计清晰可操作,活动的设计紧扣目标要求并与目标达成一致。 2.知识点的呈现遵循语言规律,由易到难逐层递进,充分体现语言输入到语言输出的完整过程。 3.学生评价部分的活动设计体现对文本内容的深度挖掘和文本再构,在真实语境中正确使用形容词和副词的比较级,体现了对学生思维品格的训练与培养。附:教学活动设计步骤过程措施(教师活动与学生活动)目的持续性评价1预备与激活先期知识Step 1Greeting and Leading in ( 3mins )Greeting: lead in the class with a chant.1. Ask some Ss compare

7、he/she with his/her desk mates. S: Im taller than my desk mate. But she runs faster than me. 2. Show some pictures on the big screen. Let some Ss compare the things. 3. Show some adjectives or adverbs. Let Ss add -er, -r or -ier to them.1.利用一个轻快的chant引入课堂,呈现语法重点框里的句子,帮助学生复习之前所学的形容词和副词比较级的用法,并总结本单元语法

8、重点。2.真实情景式导入话题并呈现所需形容词汇,如:tall, short, friendly, outgoing等,激发学生的学习兴趣1.通过课前的预习,培养学生的预习习惯。2.学生利用老师提供的信息对老师进行提问。2获取新知识Step2Presentation(呈现新知) (12mins)1. T:Lets read the sentences of Grammar Focus, and fill in the blanks.Ss answer these questions:1)汤姆比萨姆更聪明吗? Is Tom _ _ Sam? 不是。萨姆比汤姆更聪明。 No, he isnt. Sa

9、m is _ _ Tom. 2) 塔拉比蒂娜更外向吗? Is Tara _ _ _ Tina? 不是。蒂娜比塔拉更外向。No, she isnt. Tina is _ _ _Tara. 3)你和你姐姐一样友善吗? _ you _ friendly _ your sister? 不是。我更友善一些。 No, Im not. Im _. 4)塔拉与蒂娜工作一样努力吗? Does Tara work _ _ _ Tina? 5)谁在学校里更努力一些? Whos _ _ at school? 蒂娜认为她学习比我更努力。 Tina thinks she _ _ than me.T:Check the a

10、nswers.(answers: 1. smarter than; 2. smarter than; 3. more outgoing than; 4. more outgoing than; 5. Are, as, as; 6. friendlier; 7. as hard as; 8. more hard-working; 9. works harder.) 2. T: Try to find the regular rules 两者进行比较, 表示“一方比另一方更.”的句型: 1. A + be + 形容词比较级 + than + B 2. A + 实义动词 + 副词比较级 + than

11、 + B 表示“一方与另一方一样.”的句型: 1. A + be + as 形容词原形 + as + B 2. A + 实义动词 + as 副词原形 + as + B1. 预习常用句型,如A is than B, A is as .as B等,为后续语法学习抓住关键信息做铺垫。2. 启发引导学生总结比较级的语法规律,有利于学生自主学习习惯的养成,培养学生独立思考的能力。学生能根据句子中的比较级获取比较级的具体用法。学生两人一组能利用比较级句型进行对话展示。Step 3Practice(练习)(10 mins)1. Work on 3a:(1). Read the following sente

12、nces, complete the general questions according to the prompt, and answer them.(2). Look at the first example. Let a student read the examples and make sure that all the students understand the subject.(3). Students are guided by the teachers way of reading, and sentence by sentence, every blank shou

13、ld fill in words.(4). Teacher proofread the answers with students and explain where the students have questions.At the same time, let the Ss judge the following sentences.2.Work on 3b: (1). Ask Ss to think of himself/herself two years ago. Write about how they are different now. (2). Give an example

14、: I was shorter and more outgoing two years ago. But now, I am taller and less outgoing. I am not as funny now as I was two years ago. I sing better now than I did two years ago. I study English harder now than I did two years ago. (3). Ss work by themselves. Read the sentences in 3b and write the o

15、ther four sentences. (4). Check the answers with the class.复习巩固目标句型,如: A is than B, A is as .as B,让学生牢固掌握语法点。【培养学生做题策略,抓住题目重点信息,进一步巩固比较级的用法。学生应该能通过练习坚实掌握语法点。3深度加工知识Step 4Production(输出) (10mins)1.Group work (1). Tell Ss to read the chart first in 3c. Make sure they know the meaning of the words in th

16、e chart. (2). Ask one student the question: T: Who is smarter, your mother or your father? S1: I think my mother is smarter than my father. (3). Ss read the chart and check in the chart. (4). Work in groups. Ask and answer the questions with their partners. (5). Try to make a report. 进一步巩固比较级的语法内容,拓

17、展学生思维。通过聆听和看班上其他小组的报告,逐步引导学生思考并总结,培养学生小组合作精神。能在老师的引导灵活利用比较级进行交谈。4评价学生学习Step 5Free Talk(5 mins)1. Lead the Ss to compare their parents:A:Who is smarter, your mom or your dad?B:I think my mom is smarter than my dad.2. let the Ss summarize the grammar.- Is Tom smarter than Sam? - No, he isnt. Sam is sm

18、arter than Tom. - Is Tara more outgoing than Tina? - No, she isnt. Tina is more outgoing than Tara. - Are you as friendly as your sister? - No, Im not. Im friendlier. - Does Tara work as hard as Tom? - Yes, she does. - Whos more hard-working at school? - Tina thinks she works harder than me.3. let t

19、he Ss show their works and make assessments each other.4.Lets do some exercise一、将下列形容词变成比较级形式:old fat young ugly high low light white sunny hot coolAnswers:older, fatter, younger, uglier, higher, lower, lighter, whiter, sunnier, hotter, cooler,二、词汇。1. Im tall but my sister is _(short).2. My mother h

20、as long hair, and my sister has _ (long) hair.3.This little baby is _ (outgoing) than that one.4. In some ways we look the same, in some ways we look _(不同).5. Ann is a very _(安静的) girl, and she hardly makes noise.1.shorter, 2. longer, 3.more outgoing, 4.different,5. quiet三、单项选择。1. The twins _ lovely

21、 girls.A. are all B. are both C. both are2. I like drawing and I am good _ it.A. in B. on C. at3. That box is _ than others.A. more heavier B. heavyC. much heavier4. She is three years _ than I am. A. old B. more old C. older5. I think a good friend should make me _. A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh

22、 6. Lucy is very short, but she is _ than her sister. A. shorter B. longer C. taller D. older 7. Frank is _ friendly than his brother. A. a little more B. a few more C. much D. a little 8. Sam is _at Chinese than Jim. A. good B. well C. better D. gooder 1-5BCCCA 6-8 CAC5. Homework(1). Make an adject

23、ive word list including all the adjective words you know. (2). Write a short passage to compare you and your best friend. 逐步引导学生利用含形容词及副词比较级的句型客观准确评价身边的同学、朋友和家人。引导学生对本节课所学知识进行总结,培养学生学会总结归纳并形成判断的思维品质。体现基础知识的当堂检测与及时反馈,并让学生能再次巩固本和运用堂课的基础知识。通过对话能让大多数学生清晰回顾本堂课含形容词及副词比较级的不同句型。90%学生应该能比较轻松容易的完成,通过课后作业,检测学生在课后是否能基本运用本堂课的目标语言,体现对学生的可持续性评价。

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