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1、18年六级听力答案1234567891011122018 年 12 月 六 级 听 力 答 案ABCDD ABCAC BCDAB ADCDA BDACBA ) It can benefit professionals and non-professionals alikeB ) Stories about some female physicistsC ) By including lots of fascinating knowledgeD ) It provides experiments they can do themselvesD ) He has not idea how to p

2、roceed with his dissertationA ) It is too broadB ) NatureC ) List the parameters firstA ) The unprecedented high temperature in GreenlandC ) It typiaclly appears about once every ten yearsB ) Iceless summers in the ArcticC ) A strong determination。 D )It is most importa nt to have con fide nee in on

3、 es willpower 。 A )They could keep on working longer 。 B )They are subject to change 。 A )About half of current jobs might be automated 。13141516171819202122services2324D) They could grade high-school essays just like human teachers。 C )It has to rely on huge amounts of previous data 。 D )The theore

4、tical aspects of sustainable energy 。 A )Drive trains with solar energy 。 B )Find a new material for storing energy 。 D )The poor relation between national health and social careo。 A )It was mainly provided by voluntary services 。 C )Their preference for private services 。I think you d like it 。 Itc

5、onversation 1Hey I just read a great book about physicsMendezicistreader from those who know little about science to the career physAnd it s refreshing to see a strong curious clever woman adding hervoice to the scientific discourse and a field that has been traditionallydominated by men 。 I think s

6、he has to be commended for making an effortto include anecdotes about little known female scientists 。 You know they were often victims of a generation firmly convinced that the woman s place was in the home 。I like how the book is clearly written with each chapter brought to life bypieces of fascin

7、ating knowledge 。 For example in one chapter she exposes amyth that I ve heard taught by university physics professors 。 I ve often heard that medieval glass windows are thicker at the bottom because glassthanks to a peculiarity of the glassmakers processYeah I like how she cultivates scientific eng

8、agement by providing a hostof Do It Yourself experiments that bring the same foundational principles ofclassical physics that govern everything from the solar s ystem to yourkitchen table 。 From using complex laws of physics to test whether aspinning egg is cooked to measuring atmospheric pressure b

9、y lifting a piece of cardboard 。 Her hands-on examples make her book a truly interactive read 。Yes I must say this a equation-free book is an ideal read for scientists ofall stripes , anyone teaching science and even people who dislike physicsQuestion 1 : what does the woman say about the book the m

10、an recommended ?A ) It can benefit professionals and non-professionals alikeQuestion 2 : what can we find in the book the man recommended ?B ) Stories about some female physicistsC ) By including lots of fascinating knowledgeQuestion 4 : How does the book cultivate readers interest in physicsD ) It

11、provides experiments they can do themselvesconversation 2A :Hi professor 。 I was hoping I could have a moment of your time if you re not too busy 。 I m having some problems getting started on mydissertation and I was hoping you could give me some advice on how to beginB :Sure 。 I have quite a few st

12、udents though.So can you remind me whatyour topic is ?I don t really know where to go from therebookwould be possible for me to change topics 。 I m really more interested innature than beauty 。B : I m afraid you have to adhere to the assigned topic 。 Still , If youre interested in nature , then that

13、 certainly can be worked into yourdissertation 。 We ve talked about Hume before in class right 。A : Oh yeah , he s the philosopher who wrote about where our ideas of beauty come from 。B : Exactly 。 I suggest you go to the library and get a copy of hisbiography 。 Start from there 。 But remember to st

14、ick to the parameters ofSo。the assignment 。 This paper is a large part of your cumulative grademake sure to follow the instructions 。 If you take a look at his biographyYou can get a good idea of how his life experiences manifest themselves inhis theories of beauty 。 specifically the way he looked t

15、owards nature as theorigin of what we find beautiful 。A : Great 。 Thanks for taking the time to answer my questionsProfessorI ll let you get back to class nowany timeQuestion 5 : What is the man s problem ?D ) He has not idea how to proceed with his dissertationQuestion 6 What does the professor thi

16、nk of the man s topic ?A ) It is too broadQuestion 7 What s the man really more interested in ?B ) NatureQuestion 8 what does the professor say the man has to do ?C ) List the parameters firstpassage 1During the arctic winter from October to March , the averagetemperature in the frozen north typical

17、ly hovers around minus 20 degreesCelsius 。 But this year the Arctic is experiencing much higher temperaturesOn February the 20th the temperature in Greenland climbed above freezing or zero degrees Celsius and it stayed there for over 24 hoursFebruary the 24th the temperature on Greenlanddegrees Cels

18、ius 。 Climate scientists describe the phenomenon as stunningWeather conditions that drive this bizarre temperature surge have visited the Arctic before 。 They typically appear about once in a decade 。 Howeverthe last such increase in temperature took place two years ago 。 This istroubling as climbin

19、g arctic temperatures combined with rapid sea ice loss are creating a new type of climate feedback loop which could accelerateArctic warming 。 Indeed , sea ice cover in the Arctic is melting faster thanexpected 。 Without those masses of cooling sea ice , warm air brought tothe Arctic can penetrate f

20、urther inland than it ever did before 。 The air canstay warmer longer too 。 This drives additional melting 。 Overall earth iswarming at a rapid pace 。 2014 through 2017 rank as the hottest years onrecord and the Arctic is warming twice as fast as any place else on earth This raises unique challenges

21、 for Arctic wildlife and indigenous people who depend on Arctic ecosystems to survive 。 Previously climate forecastspredicted that Arctic summer ice would disappear entirely by around 2060 but based on what scientists are seeing now the Arctic may be facing summers without ice within 20 years 。Quest

22、ion 9 。 What did climate scientists describe as stunning ?A ) The unprecedented high temperature in Greenlandin the Arctic ?C ) It typiaclly appears about once every ten yearsQuestion 11 。 what may occur in 20 years according to scientists recent observations ?B ) Iceless summers in the ArcticPassag

23、e2A good dose of willpower is often necessary to see any task throughwhether it s sticking to a spending plan or finishing a great novel 。 And if you want to increase that willpower 。 A new study suggests you just simplyhave to believe you have it 。 According to this study , what matters mostis what

24、 we think about our willpower 。 If we believe it s a finite resourcewe act that way , we feel exhausted and need breaks between d emandingmental tasks 。 However , people who view their willpower as a limitlessresource get energized instead 。 The researchers used a psychological assessment tool to te

25、st the validity of the study 。 They asked 1100Americans and 1600 Europeans to grade dif ferent statements such as after achallenging mental activitymy energy is depleted and I must rest to get itrefueled again or I can focus on a mental task for long periods without feeling tiredAlthough there was l

26、ittle difference between men and wom en overallAmericans were more likely to admit to needing breaks after completingmentally challenging tasks European participants on the other hand claimed they were able to keep going 。 Based on the findings , the researchers suggest that the key to boosting your

27、 willpower is to believe that you havean abundant supply of it 。 Your feelings about your willpower affect the wayyou behave 。 But these feelings are changeable , they said 。 Changing yourbeliefs about the nature of your self-control can have positive effects on character development 。 This leads to

28、 healthier behaviors and perceptions of other people 。Question 12 What is often necessary for carrying through a task ?C ) A strong determinationQuestion 13 What is the finding of the new study ?D ) It is most importa nt to have con fide nee in on es willpowerQuestion 14 What do we learn about Europ

29、ean participants as comparedA ) They could keep on working longerQuestion 15 What do the research say concerning people s feelingsabout willpower ?B ) They are subject to changelecture 1Here is my baby niece Sarah 。 Her mum is a doctor and her dad is alawyer 。 By the time Sarah goes to college the j

30、obs her parents do are goingto look dramatically different 。 In 2013 ,researchers at Oxford University did a study on the future of work 。 They concluded that almost one in every twojobs has a high risk of being automated by machines 。 Machine learning isthe technology that s responsible for most of

31、 this disruption 。 It s the mostpowerful branch of artificial intelligence 。 It allows machines to learn from data and copy some of the things that humans can do 。 My company , Kaggle , operates on the cutting edge of machine learning 。 We bring together hundreds of thousands of experts to solve important problems for industry and academia 。 This gives us an unique perspective on whatmachines can do , what they can t do and what jobs they might automateor threaten 。 Machine learning started making its way into industry in theearly 90

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