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1、50组固定搭配助力你的英文论文写作50组固定搭配,助力你的英文论文写作! photo by fegari唧唧堂是和另外几个创业团队Share Office的, 其中最近的那个叫 italki, 小编昨天发现他们出了一个学术写作词汇的文章,觉得应该对大家有用,就转了。 恩,就借这个机会赞美一下这个 italki 吧。 italki 是一个学语言的网站(特别是口语),什么语言都可以,比如你想练英文口语,就可以在他们网站找一个外教,和外教约课,然后用skype上课。 小编曾经试过几十节,效果还不错,小编找的老师是一个澳大利亚老爷爷,非常intelligent, 什么都懂,上课也很认真,每次都会记很多

2、笔记,课前给我找好ted视频,最最关键是,这些课很便宜,比如我的只要40,50人民币一个小时。 哦,对了,除了口语,我也常常让老爷爷帮我改文章。 好啦,赞美完毕,大家去了解下italki 吧, 下面的文章来自italki的外教,您也可以点击该页底部链接“阅读原文”和这个老师约课。50组固定搭配,助力你的英文论文写作!学术写作可能是英语精进的最难关之一。要掌握这项高级写作技能,需要有完美的英语的语法,精准的词汇和对主题深刻的理解。另外,学术写作还是一种专门的文体(正式和专业性),这一点对于英语非母语的作者来说可能比较难拿捏(甚至对英语母语的作者也一样很难!)。Academic writing c

3、an be one of the hardest things to perfect in English. This advanced skill requires perfect grammar, pin-point vocabulary usage and a deep understanding of the subject you are writing about. What it also requires is a very specific register (level of formality) which can be difficult to get right fo

4、r non-native English speakers (and quite a few native speakers as well!).想要提升学术英语写作,其中一个方法就是学习一些有用的固定搭配,这样一来文章就会显得更自信、更专业,论文的专业度和正式性恰到好处。One way you can improve and transform your academic English writing is by learning some useful collocations which will make you sound self-assured, knowledgeable a

5、nd bring just the right level of formality to your dissertation or thesis.下文我们会列举50个最有用的学术写作固定搭配,附有定义和例子,全都取材于真实的学术论文。This guide will give you 50 of the most useful academic collocations as well as definitions and some examples taken from genuine academic papers.学习要点:将下列固定搭配用到你写的文章中去。想一想语法上对不对?内容上说不

6、说得通?把自己写的句子和下面的例子比较下,看看用得对不对。Study tip: Practice writing out your own sentences using each of the collocations listed here. Does the structure make sense grammatically? Do you understand the concept? Check your sentence against the example sentence for each collocation.Accurate assessmentcorrect and

7、 precise evaluation of something or someone准确评价:对某事或某人进行正确而精准的评估E.g. “Accurate assessment of head motion can be a useful tool in clinical studies”.例子:对头部运动的准确评价可以作为临床研究的有用手段。2. Address the issueconsider or deal with the matter at hand解决问题:考虑或者解决棘手的问题E.g. “To help address this issue, we have extended

8、 our previous study and examined in detail the”.例子:为了帮助解决问题,我们对之前的研究作了拓展,继续探究细节方面3. Adversely affectchange in a negative way产生不利影响:作出不良改变E.g. “A literature search was performed to determine whether non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) adversely affect the healing of stress fractures”.例子:经过

9、文献检索,我们发现抗炎药(NSAIDs)是否对应力性骨折产生不良影响。4. Become apparentto be suddenly clear or obvious显性化:突然变得清晰或者明显E.g. “They become apparent, however, when a new molecular species is introduced into the atmosphere.”.例子:当一种新的分子种类进入大气层,分子们就成显性。5. Brief overviewa non-detailed look at the subject as a whole概述:对事物进行笼统的描

10、述E.g. “This paper offers a brief but broad overview of the field of individual of language learning”.例如:这篇论文对某一种独立的语言学习进行了概述。6. Broad rangeof extensive scope广泛:涉及大面积领域E.g. “The colour produced from this reaction is stable and increases in a proportional fashion over a broad range of increasing prote

11、in concentrations”.例如:反应所产生的颜色很稳定,成比例地且大量增加了蛋白质的浓度。7. Causal linkone thing being responsible for another因果联系:两件事有因果联系E.g. “A causal link between high need for achievement and small business ownership is not found”.例如:我们并没有找到成功的高需求和小企业的拥有权之间的因果关系。8. Characteristic featurea feature which distinguishes

12、 or defines something or someone本质特征:能够体现或者定义某个人或某件事情的特征E.g. “The characteristic feature of the book is the effort to explain the mathematical origins of the most widely used statistical formulas in terms that persons with comparatively little mathematical training can easily follow”.例子:此书的本质特征旨在阐述最

13、广泛应用的统计公式的数学起源,即便读者相对来说没有太多数学背景,也可以读懂此书。9. Deeply rootedfirmly implanted or established根深蒂固:深深地扎根或建立E.g. “This book describes efforts to develop an approach to teaching and teacher education that is deeply rooted in the study of practice”.例子:此书力求开发一种教学和教师教育手段,此方法源于实践深处。10. Detailed analysisan in-dep

14、th study细部分析:详细而深刻的研究E.g. “The major difference between my book and others at this level is its coverage of the detailed analysis of experiments”.例子:在这个层面上,我的书和其他人的区别就在于对于实验的细部分析。11. Essential componenta vital part of something重要组成部分:某事物的重要部分E.g. “We show here that these proteins are an essential co

15、mponent of the cell surface receptor”.例子:我们这里显示,这些蛋白质是细胞表面受体的重要组成部分。12. Establish a relationshipto prove or show a link between two things建立联系:证明二者之间有关系。E.g. “Our aim was to establish the relationship between aortic stiffness and stroke death in hypertensive patients”.例子:我们的目标是证明主动脉硬化和中风死亡在高血压患者中存在联

16、系。13. Existing researchprevious academic work on the same subject现有研究:对同一问题先前做的研究。E.g. “This working paper reviews the existing research evidence about the additional costs or deprivation that disabled people face”.例子:这篇研究审议了关于残疾人面临的额外开支和贫困状况的现有研究。14. First impressioninitial thought on a subject, prior to any detailed analysis最初观点:在任何细节分析之前,对一个主题的最先的看法。E.g. “Our first impression was strengthened by the fact that we were aware a condition existed in Povo

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