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1、永磁同步电动机外文翻译范文 毕业设计(外文翻译)题 目永磁同步电动机直接转矩控制系统 系 (院) 自动化系 专 业 电气自动化技术 学生姓名 学 号 指导教师 职 称 2011年 6月 日Alwy magnecbeltsnro motr iretrque nrol syem0 - pefaceSynr or bause ofhavin poerfactogher -, ruteffcienc higher, sablit o,theevolving ped Heng ettle to wait meri, is extensively ben appied o idutial rductin

2、amid。 startingfault t acqaints with synchro moto, an degig in time, alve mportnmeaning ohe tor and the pdcion sysemse.ywyf energyin te, accate ebuging nd trnction faut, hav ovsthefmilir lt prgresof te sycho motorin detal analytcal!1 iliar fut1。1 Tesynco mo ter switchingnltricity the incpailiy tarts

3、hesynchro moor atr staring he inapbty run tim genraly haste reason o seras as folows:(1)Powr suppy voltge vr owBase t the squar ovoltage,thestatg toruedirect prtiooychro motrs e olt f pwer ulyovr makeowte tartng toru of ynchr otor significantythe ropis lowrn lo ue,can tstart tus ad wan to raie s thi

4、 powe spl voltag oenlargeh startng tru of dm.(2)The faulo motor。e mtost, te odin had no shrcircuit, open crcti, open oldering ad link ba t. a, thesehe faultllmake the ymcn not tat tocreate stig of ating f intensi o agneti ld, ae thus the ynamo ot art;Checking temotor erng hs alry hd no falre, he por

5、t capha haeno lose, f beingailure por shod loos, resut in beargsdo ski, utullyruwitstat ironcore, rsulin hus dyam caningnt tar, v sete te ot fultcanbe shaen table wit the lotson, gradulyclick o checkto see a fat ondition and adopthomolous treatmnt; countergftccepts andcaris o shrud a loosecondioand

6、all ants a pan car efor rig eachen es otor rr wheter lew svvid,i beng or aft kowat dme and eplace in time.(3)Thcontrol devicebreaks donThis kd of faultsre mostly thdc. utpuvoltge the widings L agnetic bet to adjut tappropriate rdntutpu, su int staorurto ver, caue te oto nduc elecriiy unmake or e los

7、ngof ynam magnec blt r tme.Suld chec wheter u vltage urent and it waerm tat he Limagntic lt euis snomal tthis ti, th Rong braksheter he chie Ronbreaks,the conat isbad;hthe cruit board plug-n puts pso ralignment;Chck o rsistance, pu out whether cystaae ubeof magnetburn utorbrokes throh。(4)Mhanical to

8、le。Sch as dragged lnga dynamicmainery to lo,rsult in motor ncpailiys starin, he oor tht movesmoto inresponse to he pn at tis tme see whter thelewins vivd, machinery burden wether extnc fault1.2The snhomotor inapabiliy lead ong to synchriztio. Synhro motor in com use law o nonsynchronous starting, hr

9、 ininic bel whenthe or roor evo ped hts nchrnousrvoling speed f 95,mke it leadln to synchroniatin.e ycro motoiapabili ledslon ntosnhronus eason as olw:(1)Th Li maneticbeltwning shrt cicit.Becase he windigofi anetic e, existencesorcicut brekdown, as aeult aks motor able to stblize ru - tim bt inapali

10、ty and ead lon syonizationhl bein wertha synrus revolving ped.Chec to sek hLi ge bltwiding shor ircu, can pen into low -ein(abt te 0Vs) in the rotor deivatio on lie, ut on hmagntic poles surac ta an worseel sa,puue inpecto ageti poles, if vibrating is vilent, explai tagnetic pole tohav no srt ircuio

11、nstlaw of he magetc poles rface, if th vibrting faw blade micr or donfla,eplain the magneticple so circuitfe unloadin emagntic pes, chek teautto cck,issrtcircuiteree, doptocal tomenor re und to me.(2)Power suy vltage ver ow。Power upp volage ovr low, reul inhe stron Lilinkof te dic of Li magnetic bel

12、 incailityworin,make thmotor incapty lea long itochroaon thus, the oncrt wais to rai per suppl voltag apprpriatel.(3)he falt ofL aebltdevice。Suc asthrw Lir spedy(nameythrowinLi magtic belt, moo otor evoving peed over low), wi ke temotorc not led long to sychoniztio, ould check to thoif the link exis

13、ts fault a h im。If L maeibel dece falt, eoutpus crrn sloer than ratingvaue, cause th letcity magneic roque of dnamo ver smallbut ca o leadlong into synchonzation, atis time n resnse to crty L agnicbldvie of tow Li lnkand hs - hiing lin, eformuse osillgaph thecto trow Li link a pha hfting lik,should

14、also check andput out magnetic be lnk ad put ot crystl gteof aneic belt whetr tube discovrs a qeston s uual, handlein time, he ncapility nlsn ie,by way of the enery quicy reore apacty,shld epceto providefoeui bo.1。3- rush and cmpres tightly spring andater o gi r get an electricshock rinfaul.The rush

15、eads shrt and copressestightly ring pre sciy nd make rush nd gatht gieor gt an elecrc shok rigof idrecly touch adly, hus eera spar o eltic, arc electricor sparto on the otherhand nd easy sprkshr circuit, l mak arc leric brn the othhand shortr,spk oen rctu thus, result i manetic belt devic onlytheLim

16、agneoelectiit press but hao Limagnetoelectrcity straming;Cpressitly spring ageng lapse, ma brh ad gaher o gieo geanlecic ok rin f indiecl ouch badly, eft the satingof motor ths;Gther to gve o et n ectr hc arng urfae tohereis greas sain nsc rlo sc, will make brush ndgater to gve or et an lctric hck f

17、 indctly touch bay,enrat k,spark futrgather to giv or t an elecric shockrng, willalso mak gnhot-cicuit, te spa effectsthestartin moor us. ahrto ive or e an electrc shok rg urfiial grease sin, can wipo clean wih theacen; o thi tace,use many fetleshagging g ofsdapers suface, iring rfcerougnes to ht1。6

18、s,f hsloscar obviosl nedso get n theca etasform, truning, enter amontof i o tae vr ime 1 mm sproper, in he 11.5 s/s, t tring speed onrols roughneshitsof tems ofR1。51。8ndbecomebad antitfinall olish with the sandp 23 timsover he .05 ms。14 Thedmp ding ba wnhe dmpridingo synchrmtor torisprovidd o synchr

19、o mtor startg t use an wipe outun tim athesa time aid prk ecaue of lodingochnge f ut se osStart the der widin in the prcsto ince h mgnetic field o stator rvoion b inued very bi sttingren inthynhrmtr,sothe big crret by a mens wllresult i dampinhr termal epanin, under then onditio becaue f sttin tie s

20、hot,the damperwindin tatin sbehn soon il ol off,ut lock u revolutionin the motor, lck hase, start he su inimetoenhwayswaita onditindwn,if dnt t own n ime, wil sl in th aing ae off soldring osplt et。 odiion.Tedmpr inn s weakeri in thsho motor part, the damperwining famiiar faulha:Tdapig te of odering

21、and spli, heamin rigdischrgs ildfire, amping rigthe strain iserisThesefaults ill effect thestaig of yco otor. hedampng tkesfslderig d chooses silvr actnium wldingrod ad dptsoxycetyen weling to weld, the dnamo f aking ot h oreeatsnoroor 0 Celsuereessettor vertal ntheven, after tan ou and opt 750 Cels

22、is dgreso or olyetempertue, dampignth blnd sde f of dpng n omplee ldrings re fll, clear soldrin drgain, ;Frsli of he amin , after dismanting originadapng, chooe t material ofmateral hoologyand at the aboemntine methodo e aftrpacn good dmping。ampg ring the widfr isaily wh daing rin inirecly tuchsbado

23、 get n touchih area isnt enough toresulti.Dapingringte stran serisly is mainy a dapingto f ncincidene inthe sot, the dain ls into dmping rinwhle wlding hoe flsely, apear addiionalstrs aftr ldin, t ls minng intnityo enougto,treatment i loos open l connectiit blts of dmingrins,vs strnati g of dampng r

24、ig, aft oxcetlenewing haing adjust h the exlsive usfixture even,vs tra seiu rpace anewdamingof ring。 The olidinstan inalialSlid instance 1 sncho motor donosnchronous trtng lw, ivest i matoelectricty streaming post but hard ea lng ino sycroiatiAimat thebovementined condition, haftr, chek it whether pe supl age norl,theak seo mltmer and oscillora vs te L mageicbelt dicscrutiny, the Limneoelecticiy pese, whehr curents nrml, end is dobta ho-ic of e winn ofL agetic belt o, Phe prcdingagrah te ehod for gin,ca open io low tension in he rtor

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