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1、中考英语补全对话解题技巧 文件编码(008-TTIG-UTITD-GKBTT-PUUTI-WYTUI-8256)中考英语补全对话解题技巧中考英语补全对话解题技巧在长沙中考英语考试中补全对话占10分的分值,一共有5道题。一、补全对话的设题 补全对话的设题主要有三类: 1 日常交际用语及其应答 这类题主要考查学生对日常生活中经常运用的会话习语及其应答的掌握情况,如打电话、购物、看病、感谢、抱怨、谈论天气、问题、禁止、警告等。这种题有较为固定的语言模式。 购物(永州,2013)A:Goodmorning! B:Yes,please.Idliketobuyashirtformymother.A: B:

2、Mymotherlikesbluebest.DoyouhaveanyblueshirtshereA:Ofcourse!HowaboutthisoneB:Oh,Ithinkitsverynice. A:80yuan.Itisverycheap.B:OK!_ _.Heresthemoney.Thankyou.A: . (2015邵阳一模)A:Goodmorning. B:Yes,please.IdliketobuyasportsT-shirt.A: B:Myfavoritecoloriswhite.A:HowaboutthisoneB:Oh,itsverynice. A:180yuan.B:Its

3、tooexpensive.Icantpayforit.DoyouhaveacheaperoneA:Yes.Thisoneisonly100yuan.B:Well,thisonelooksverygood,andthepriceisOK. A:Hereyouare.B: 问路(娄底,2015)A: .CouldyoupleasetellmehowtogettoWanhaoSquareB:Sure.GoalongChangqingStreetandturnleftatthefirstcrossing.Thengostraighton,andyou llseetheKFC.Thesquareisac

4、rossfromit.A: B:Itsabout10minuteswalk.A:Isee. B:Yes,youcan.TheNo.3buswilltakeyouthere.A:Bytheway,isthereacinemanearWanhaoSquareB: .ZuoanCinemaisonthetopfloor.A:Thankyouverymuch.B: . (邵阳,2015)A: .IsthereabanknearhereB:Yes,theresabankonCenterStreet.A: B:Itsabouttwokilometers.A: B:Youcangettherebybus.J

5、ustgoalongthisstreetandturnright.Youcanfindthebusstoponyourleft.A: togettothebusstopB:Itsonlytakestwominutes.A:Thanksalot.B: . 打电话A: Hello, may I speak to DavidB: 1._.A: Hi, David! This is Lin Tao speaking.B: Hi, Lin Tao . Whats upA: What are you going to do next SundayB: Nothing much. Do you have a

6、ny ideasA: Shall we go to the zoo I hear theres a dolphin show there.B: A dolphin show Good idea! 2_ A: By bike.B: 3_A: At half past nine.B: 4_A: Lets meet outside the zoo gate.B: 5_.See you then.看医生A: Good morning, Doctor.B: Good morning, my boy! 1_A: Ive got a headache and a cough. Im sure theres

7、something wrong with me.B: 2_A: Im feeling even worse now.B: Let me take your temperature. Oh, its a bit high. Im afraid youve got a cold. 3_A: Even since last night. Is it serious, doctorB: No, nothing serious. Did you eat anything for breakfast this morningA: No, I didnt feel like eating anything.

8、 What should I do, doctorB: 4_. Take the medicine three times a day. Stay in bed to have a good rest and drink more water. Youll get well soon.A: 5_, doctor. Goodbye.B: Thats all right. Goodbye.2 具体情景语境题 根据对话的具体情景语境提供的各种信息进行全面的分析、比较和逻辑推理,确定空缺语句。这种题的应答没有固定的语言模式,要视对话的具体情景语境确定空缺语句。假期活动(将来)(长沙,2011)W: W

9、hat are you going to do for vacation, JackM: Im going to travel with my sister in Italy.W: Oh, a great country! 66 M: Its always sunny and warm.W: 67 M: We are going to leave on July 15th.W: 68 M: Well stay there for a few days.W: What are you going to do thereM: 69 .W: Oh, thats wonderful. Have a g

10、ood time!M: Thank you. Goodbye!W: 70 !假期活动(过去)(长沙,2013)A: Hello, Betty. What did you do last summer vacationB: I visited my uncle.A:66 B: He lives in Dalian, a beautiful city.A: 67 B: I stayed there for a week.68 A: No, I haven t. But I m going to spend a holiday there.B: You d better go to Dalian i

11、n summer. So you can enjoy swimming in the sea.A:69 . I will go there this summer vacation.B:70 A: By plane.约定(2015张家界)Jack:Hi,Claire, Claire:Hmm.nextweekOh,itsquitefullforme,Jack.Jack:Really Claire:Ihavedanceandpianolessons.Jack: Claire:Imlearningswingdance.Itsfun!IhaveclassonceaweekeveryMonday.Jac

12、k:HowoftendoyouhavepianolessonsClaire: ,onWednesdayandThursday.Jack:Well,howaboutTuesdayClaire:Oh,Ihavetoplaytenniswithmyfriends.ButdoyouwanttocomeJack: !Imgladto. (2013邵阳)A:Hi,Li Ming.AreyoufreethiseveningB: .WhatsupA:IhearTitanicin3DisonatShaoyangTheaterthisevening.B:ReallyImlookingforwardtowatchi

13、ngit.A:WouldyouliketogowithmeB:Yes, .WhattimewillitstartA:At7:00.Letsgotogether.B:Great, A:Atthegateofthetheater.B: .Seeyouthen.A: .访谈(2014长沙期中)A:Excuseme.Imdoingasurvey.CanIaskyousomequestionsB:Sure.A:_B:MybestfriendisLiuLi.A:WhatdoyouthinkofyourbestfriendB:_.Shesalso popular.Oh,shesgoodatsports.A:

14、Areyougoodatsports,tooB:Yes,Iam.Weplaybasketballeveryafternoon.A:HowlongdoyouplayB:Itsaboutforfortyminutes. A:Idloveto.AreyoufreethisafternoonB:Sure. .A:Soundsgreat!WhattimeshallwemeetB:Atfiveoclock. .A:NeartheparkOK!Seeyouthen!B:Seeyou! (2015祁阳)Reporter:Hi.Imareporter.CanIaskyousomequestionsYou:Ofc

15、ourse,please.Reporter:Summervacationiscoming,whereareyougoingforvacationYou: Reporter:Soundscool.HowareyougoingthereYou: .Reporter:WhoareyougoingwithYou: .Reporter:WhatareyougoingtodothereYou: Reporter:HowlongareyoustayingthereYou: .Reporter:Thatsoundswonderful.Thankyou!You:Yourewelcome. 3 综合设题 综合设题

16、就是将日常会话用语与具体情景语境相结合。 近来状况 (长沙,2014)A: How is it going, AmyB: 71 .My math has improved a lot and I got a good mark in the last exam.A: Good news. 72 B: Im reading a passage about Michelle Obama, the US first lady.A:73 B: I think she is successful, hard-working and energetic.A: I think so. Have you he

17、ard that she visited China in MarchB:74 .A: How did you get the newsB: I got it on the Internet. By the way, you looked so tired. What did you do last nightA: I just stayed at home, watching the 2014 World Cup until the early morning.B: Sounds great. 75. A: I like Messi best, one of the most popular

18、 football player in the world.B: He is really amazing!A: What a pity! I missed last night s matches.周末状况(过去)(长沙,2015)A: Hey , Frank,71._B: Pretty good.A: Did you have fun last weekendB: 72. _. I went to the old peoples house with my friends and have a good timeA: Wow, What did you do thereB: We help

19、ed the old clean their houses and chatted with them. How about youA: I just read a science magazine.B: Oh, really 73. _A: Hum it is about the main cause of smog (雾霭) and ways to beat it.B:Great! But 74 . _A: We can live a greener life by using cleaner energy to solve the problem, I think.B: You doA:

20、 Yes, natural gas is a good choice. By the way,75. _B: Its 7:45 now.A: Oh, God. Hurry up or well be late.B: OK.二、补全对话解题技巧点拨 (一)通览全文,确定话题首先通读对话,了解对话的基本内容和交际情景,确定此题目属于哪一类交流话题,如打电话、问路、购物、看病、邀请、约会、就餐、谈论喜好等,这些不同的场景有其特定的习惯表达方式和惯用句式。做题时应该运用相关的常用句式,这样才会得心应手。(二)结合语境,逐句推敲在弄清楚话题的基础上,要细读对话,充分利用已知的有效信息,摸清对话发生的地点

21、、时间、人物的身份等。要注意对话中的标点符号(如问号、句号、省略号、感叹号等)暗示的意思,由易到难,逐层深入,先将有把握的答案确定下来,暂时放下不能确定下来的答案,然后回过头来再解决难题。如果是选择题,则在选择过程中注意把已选出的选项划去,避免重复选择带来的错误。(三)瞻前顾后,通盘考虑要从整体理解对话出发,依照上下文的关系来考虑补缺单词、短语或句子。因此一定要注意前后照应,密切关注上下文之间的关系。如在看病时,上句问“Whats the matter with you?”或“Whats wrong with you?”,下句就应该是“I have got a cough / headache

22、 / cold .”等,这样前后对照,才能使上下文相呼应。(四)复读对话,核对答案做完之后,再将整段对话通读一遍,看看对话是否通顺、流畅、自然,单词的拼写是否有误,语法结构和习惯用语搭配是否正确,全篇对话是否连贯、流畅,内容是否清晰,前后意思是否矛盾,书写是否工整、规范。注意事项:1.审题,判断属于哪种设题后,还需要结合对话的时态做题,一般在补全对话里面以一般现在时,一般将来时,一般过去时以及现在完成时为考试重点。2.通常一个补全对话会有3-4的问句,包括特殊疑问句,一般疑问句。在判断是哪一种疑问句只需要看回答,如果是回答YES,或者NO。考生要想到用一般疑问句提问,通常用be动词,情态动词或

23、者助动词提问。(这里面要注意的是助动词和be动词的时态,根据整个对话的时态来判断)一般疑问基本句子的框架Be动词(is,am,are,was,were)+主语+谓语(表语)+其它成分?情态动词+主语+谓语动词原形+其它成分?助动词Do、Does,Did+主语+谓语动词原形+其它成分?助动词Have,Has,Had+主语+动词过去分词+其它成分?特殊疑问句基本框架特殊疑问词+一般疑问句的句式结构?例如:What are you going to do When is your birthdayHow do you go to school Where are you from 3.在无从下手如何

24、填空时,第一步读懂答句的意思,是回答哪一种疑问词,(what,where,when,how,which,who,whom,等)选择准确的疑问词放在句首;第二步,在答句中找是否有be动词或者助动词,或者情态动词放在句子的第二个位置;第三步找到句子的主语,放在句子的第三位置,第四步将答句中be动词或者助动词或者情态动词后用来回答特殊疑问词的部分不放入特殊疑问句中,剩下的其它成分按顺序排在句子的第四位置。例如:A:_B: Ill cook Italian noodles.判断疑问词是what。助动词是will,主语是you,用来回答特殊疑问词的成分不放入特殊疑问句中,那么整个疑问句提问就是 What

25、 will you clookA: Oh, youve been to China! 4. _B: During our summer holiday。判断疑问词是When,助动词在答句中没有写,但是在问句的前面有说,have been ,主语是you,用来回答特殊疑问词的成分在这里就是时间,不出现在特殊疑问句中,那么整个疑问句提问就是When have you been to China三补全对话必备句型中考英语补全对话必背句型之“看病”I. 病人:1I dont feel very well. 我感觉不舒服。2Im not feeling well. 我感觉不舒服。3My hurts. 我

26、某部位痛。4This place hurts. 这个地方疼。5Ive got (a cough) 我有点咳嗽6I dont feel like + doing. 我不想7Is there anything serious 是不是很严重? 8.How often should I take this medicine.检查身体:1Open your mouth and say Ah.张嘴说“啊”。2I want to take your temperature.我想量一下体温。3Have you taken your temperature你量体温了吗?4Let me listen to you

27、r heart. 我听一下你心脏。5.How long have you been like this6.Whats the matter/Whats wrong/Whats the trouble.安慰病人:1There is nothing much wrong with you. 没有什么大问题。2You (He, She) will be all right soon.你不久就会好。3Dont worry. 别着急.采取措施:1Take this medicine times a day. 一天吃 次药。2Drink enough (plenty of) water and have

28、a good rest. 多喝水,好好休息。3Youd better stay in bed till 你最好卧床直到4Youd better take him (her) to the nurse, and shell give (him) her some pills.你最好带她去护士那里,她会给他一些药片。5Try this medicine, take it after breakfast. 试一下这个药,饭后吃。 中考英语补全对话必背句型之“打电话”1.This is .speaking.May I speak to Mr.Li Id like to speak to Mr.Li,p

29、lease.3.Whos calling,please Who is speaking,pleaseWho is that,please中考英语补全对话必背句型之“感谢类”Thanks!/Thank you!/Thanks a lot!/Thank you very much!中考英语补全对话必背句型之“答谢类”Thats all right./Thats OK./Not at all./You are welcome./Its my pleasure.中考英语补全对话必背句型之“道歉类”Sorry./I am sorry./I am sorry for.中考英语补全对话必背句型之“应答类”Thats all right./It doesnt matter./T hats nothing.中考英语补全对话必背句型之“建议类”Youd better

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