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人教版八年级下学期Units 13教材梳理D卷.docx

1、人教版八年级下学期Units 13教材梳理D卷人教版八年级下学期Units 13教材梳理D卷一、 熟悉课文重点词汇和短语。 (共10题;共33分)1. (1分)What_(颜色)is this pen? 2. (1分)The quilt is made of _. Its very comfortable.(棉花) 3. (5分)根据短文内容和所给提示,写出单词的正确形式,每空一词。 My _(姓名)is Mary. I am seven. I like winter because I can make a white snowman. Ted is my brother. He is _(

2、十二岁). We are in the same school. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English. _(她)is a teacher in our _(学校). My father is a doctor. He works in a big hospital. I have a dog. Its name is Ben. We are good _(朋友).4. (1分)Shenzhen is a _ (南方的) city of China. 5. (1分)With the help of the_(政府), great changes

3、 took place in my home town.6. (1分)I like _ best.(绿色) 7. (1分)The government will build a new_(桥)over the river. 8. (2分)_ask the policeman over there?为什么不问一下那边的那位警察呢?9. (19分)根据汉语提示完成句子。(1)今晚将要有一部精彩的电影上映。There will be a _to be _tonight.(2)你相信下个世纪人类将要生活在火星上吗?Do you believe humans _Mars next century?(3)

4、我希望我能在世上任何一个地方旅行。I hope I will _travel _in the world.(4)也许外星人来地球是为了了解人类文化。Maybe aliens come to the earth _human culture.(5)我对海底探险很感兴趣。Im very interested in _.10. (1分)现在我们可以回家了吗?Can we_now?二、 语法巩固。 (共9题;共59分)11. (7分)1. We often see Daniel practice speaking English in the English corner. (改成被动语态)Danie

5、l is often _practice speaking English in the English corner.2. My grandpa offered me good advice. (改为感叹句)_advice my grandpa offered me!3. I didnt get to the cinema in time because I lost my way. (保持句意基本不变)I didnt get to the cinema in time _the loss of my way.4. That girl with a smile is clever and p

6、olite.(对划线部分提问)_is the girl with a smile _?5. Hes already been late for school so many times. (改为一般疑问句)_he been late for school so many times_?12. (5分)你晚上10点以前必须上床睡觉吗?(汉译英) 13. (20分)翻译句子(1)我正期待着看到我的新朋友。(look forward to)(2)大明的爷爷去世时100岁。(at the age of)(3)刘翔的妈妈以他为自豪。(be proud of)(4)人们通常用花来装饰房子。(decorat

7、e with)14. (4分)我们将在学期末举办一个派对。We will have a party_the term15. (5分)英汉互译。看一看_比如_查明, 找出_do with_take up_16. (5分)他们尽了最大的努力去救那个男孩。They_the boy.17. (6分)按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。年轻人应该常向别人学习,而不是卖弄。Young people should often_这个组织的目的是为希望工程筹钱。The aim of the organization _昨天,Tom为了玩哪个电脑游戏和他弟弟发生争论.Yesterday, Tom and his b

8、rother _人们最后一次见到那位牙医时,他正在给一个病人做手术。The dentist _a patient.你们的捐助可以为那些贫困的儿童提供上学的机会。Your donations can_她只想着自己,从不关心他人。She only _ and _.18. (6分)将下列句子翻译成英语。每空一词,缩写算一词。(1)她会讲故事。She can_.(2)这些女孩喜欢游泳。These girls like_.(3)这个星期三我们要举办一次学校旅行。We have a school _this _.(4)艺术节在下周结束。The art _next week.(5)下课后汤姆总是和同学们一起

9、玩游戏。Tom always plays _his classmates after class.19. (1分)Its time for breakfast. Go and clean your hands _(quick). 三、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)20. (2分)Jessica will go to study abroad an exchange program. A . onB . offC . toD . of21. (2分)The soft music sounds _.We are all listening _. It is wonderful. A . be

10、autiful; carefullyB . crazy; carefullyC . moving; carefulD . happily; careful22. (2分)- Its reported that an old man always sleeps _ his eyes_.- That s really amazing.A . with; closedB . with; openC . with; openedD . has; open23. (2分)Be careful of the dog! Its. Keep away from it.A . gentleB . aggress

11、iveC . lovelyD . interesting24. (2分)_your name Millie? _.A . Are; Yes, I amB . Is; Yes, it isC . Is; Yes, I amD . Are; Yes, it is25. (2分)In class, my English teacher likes to stand the classroom and my Maths teacher often stands the teachers desk.A . in front of; in front ofB . in front of; in the f

12、ront ofC . in the front of; in the front ofD . in the front of; in front of26. (2分)Come on! The train is leaving, or well miss it.A . Look overB . Hurry upC . Be careful27. (2分)Whats DIY exactly, Suzy?It_ “do-it-yourself”, you do something yourself instead of _ someone to do itA . means, payB . stan

13、ds for, to payC . mean, payingD . stands for, paying28. (2分) I dont think Lily can sing _ Lucy. I disagree. I think Lily can sing _ Lucy.A . as better as; as well asB . as well as; worse thanC . so good as; better thanD . as well as; better than29. (2分)I have travelled a lot. I _ speak four language

14、s. A . canB . mayC . mustD . need30. (2分)Youd better _ the test paper before handing it in.A . go aheadB . go onC . go offD . go over31. (2分)The waiter always keeps a smile on his face when he serves the customers.He is very _.A . strangeB . politeC . rude32. (2分) Did you see Mike at the harbor (港口)

15、 yesterday? No, I didnt. When I arrived there, the ship had _.A . flown awayB . looked aroundC . set sail33. (2分)While she TV, she a sound outside the room. A . was watching; was hearingB . watched; was hearingC . watched; heardD . was watching; heard34. (2分)They develop their skills _ they can do t

16、hings better and better. A . howeverB . becauseC . sinceD . so that35. (2分)My cousins computer is broken. Shell have it tomorrow.A . repairB . repairingC . repairedD . to repair36. (2分) Jack is a(n) young man.- Thats true. He always feels nervous when he speaks before people.A . friendlyB . shyC . h

17、onestD . lively37. (2分)I know Simon is _ boy. He can swim and ride.A . a 11-year-oldB . an 11-year-oldC . a 11-years-oldD . an 11-years-old38. (2分)The car suddenly _ on the road and went out of control. Finally, it was seen _ into the wall of the building. A . was broken down; crashB . broke down; c

18、rashC . was broken down; to crashD . broke down; to crash39. (2分) Many people sell animals bones for money. _.A . Really?B . What a shameC . Dont say soD . Thats amazing四、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)40. (10分) Every morning Amma gets up at ten to seven. She brushes her teeth, takes a shower and gets dressed(穿衣服

19、). Then she goes to the kitchen and makes breakfast. She usually has orange juice and bread for breakfast. After breakfast, she reads the newspaper. At seven fortyfive she leaves home and goes to work by subway.(1)Amma gets up at .A . 6:50B . 7:00C . 7:10D . 10:00(2)She has for breakfast.A . coffee

20、and breadB . bread and orangeC . oranges and breadD . eggs and bread(3)After breakfast, she .A . brushes her teethB . takes a showerC . gets dressedD . reads the newspaper(4)She leaves home at .A . 7:40B . 7:45C . 7:50D . 7:55(5)She goes to work.A . by busB . by bikeC . by undergroundD . by plane参考答

21、案一、 熟悉课文重点词汇和短语。 (共10题;共33分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、10-1、二、 语法巩固。 (共9题;共59分)11-1、12-1、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、三、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、答案:略34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)40-1、40-2、40-3、40-4、40-5、

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