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1、日常英语口语词典精选8000句 日常英语口语词典精选8000句这是一本专为提高口语水平而编写的词典,它着眼于日常生活、学习、工作等语言环境,精选出8000个句子,囊括了当今美国最实用、最简洁、最地道的日常口语表达方式。同意 知道了。 I understand. *“理解了”。 I cant go today. (今天我不能去。) I understand. (知道了。) I dont understand. (不能理解。) I get it. 明白了吗? See? *see “明白”、“知道”。 Do you see? Do you understand? Do you get it? 完全明

2、白。 I understand very well. Do you understand? (明白了吗?) I understand very well. (完全明白。) 我想我懂了。 I think I understand. 我明白你说的了。 I see what you mean. 我太清楚那种事了。 I know that too well. 我明白你的意思。 I see your point. I think we need to expand. (我认为我们必须再扩展。) I see your point. (我明白你的意思。) I see what you mean. I und

3、erstand what you mean. That makes sense. I get the point. 噢,我终于明白了。 I get it. *终于明白对方所说的事情。语感较随便。 If you change this, it will work. (如果你改变一下这个,它就能运作了。) I get it. (噢,我终于明白了。) I dont get it. (我还是不明白。) 这样啊,原来是这么回事。 I got it. *随意说法。 You see? (明白了吗?) I got it. (这样啊,原来是这么回事。) I see. 这点事儿我还是知道的。 I know tha

4、t much! *表示“这点事儿我知道,别把我当傻瓜”。原来是这样啊! That solves it. *在对方指点下,问题、疑问得以完全解决。 I left because I didnt feel well. (因为不舒服,我回去了。) That solves it. (原来是这样啊!) Well, that solves that. Thats that. *比较随意的说法。 好吧,好吧,我知道了。 All right, all right. I understand. *被对方反复地嘱咐时的回答。 You have to change your attitude. (你得改变你的态度。

5、) All right, all right. I understand. (好吧,好吧,我知道了。) 我知道呀! I know. *表示“无需对方解释,我很清楚”。 L.A. is in California. (洛杉矶在加利福尼亚州。) I know. (我知道呀。) I know that. I know it. I didnt know. (我怎么不知道。) 我认识那个人。 I know that person. Im acquainted with that person. 我见过他。 I know him by sight. *know. by sight “知道,见过面”。 Do

6、 you know that man? (你认识那个人吗?) No, but I know him by sight. (不认识,但我见过他。) 嗯,我听说了。 Yeah, I heard about it. Jeff got married. (杰夫结婚了。) Yeah, I heard about it. (啊,我听说了。) Yeah, someone told me. Yes, Ive been told. Yeah, I know. 我听着呢。/我知道了。 I hear you. *对对方所说的事情表示“知道了”、“听到了”。 We have to work harder. (我们得更

7、加努力地工作了。) I hear you. (我听着呢。/我知道了。) Yes, I understand. 我理解了。 Im following you. *向对方再一次表示“我懂了”。 So, do you get it? (怎么样?你理解了吗?) Im following you. (理解了。) Im with you. Im following. Im not following you. (我不明白你的意思。) 言之有理。 Makes sense. *认为所听到的事情“有道理”、“可以理解”时。 He got fired because he was lazy. (他因为懒,才被解雇

8、了。) Makes sense. (说得有道理。) That makes sense. Makes sense to me. Youre making sense. That doesnt make sense. (这也太奇怪了。)下决心 我已经决定了。 Ive decided. Ive decided to move. (我已经决定搬家了。) Really? (真的?) Ive made up my mind. Ive come to a decision. 一切都看你的了。 Its up to you. *up to. “应该做”、“随便”、“全由负责”。 What should we d

9、o tonight? (今天晚上我们干点儿什么?) Its up to you. (一切都看你的了。) It depends on you. Its completely up to you. *稍微强调的语气。 Its all up to you. *比较强调的说法。 你决定吧! You decide. Do you want to go out or stay home? (你想出去,还是在家?) You decide. (你决定吧!) 这是关键性的一点。 This is the important point. This is the main point. This is crucia

10、l. *语气稍重。 这是我个人的问题。 This is my personal problem. Let me help you. (我来帮助你吧。) This is my personal problem. (这是我个人的问题。) This is my private affair. 这是生死攸关的大事。 Its a matter of life and death. *事情非常重大时用。 Its extremely important. (这是一件极其重要的事。) 是去是留,随你。 Youre free to go or stay. Youre free to leave anytime.

11、 Im not keeping you here. 已经无可挽回了。 Theres no turning back. Are you going to patch things up? (你们打算和好吗?) No, theres no turning back. (已经不能挽回了。) We cant turn back now. 走一步看一步吧!(到时候再说吧!) Lets play it by ear. *这是句固定说法,直译是“凭耳朵来演奏”,意为“顺其自然,走一步看一步”。 Should we go to the party tonight? (我们今天晚上是不是该去参加聚会?) I d

12、ont know. Lets play it by ear. (我不知道,到时候再说吧。) Lets leave everything to chance. Lets just see what happens. (看情况吧。) 我确信我能做好。 Im sure I can do it. *表示说话人有把握。 Are you sure you can do it? (你真的可以做吗?) Yes, Im sure I can do it. (我确信我能做好。) I certainly can do it. I believe I can do it. (我相信我能干。) 我仍然无法决定我该做什么

13、。 Im still unable to decide what to do. What are you going to do? (你打算做什么?) Im still unable to decide what to do. (我仍然无法决定该做什么。) Im still undecided. (我还下不了决心。) I still cant decide what to do. (我还无法决定我该干什么。) Im still unsure. (我仍然没有把握。) 我跟着她。 Ill follow her. Ill go after her. 我们拧成一股绳地去干。 Lets all get

14、together and act as one. Lets work together as a team. 反正,也得干。 I have to do it anyhow. *anyhow表示“反正”、“无论如何”。 I must do it anyway. 机不可失,时不再来。 Its now or never. *直译“现在不做,将来永远没机会了。” Should I go to college? (我应该去上大学吗?) Yeah, its now or never. (当然,机不可失,时不再来。) No time like the present. *直译是“没有像现在这样的时间了”。

15、Seize the day. *直译“把握今天”。多在军队中用。 Carpe diem. (不必担忧未来,及时行乐。)*出自拉丁语,英语中也常使用。 越早越好。 The sooner, the better. When should I go? (我什么时候去?) The sooner, the better. (越早越好。) 碰碰运气看。 Ill take a chance. Can you jump over the river? (你能跳过那条河吗?) Ill take a chance. (碰碰运气看。) Ill take a gamble. Ill go for it. (我大胆试一

16、试。) Ill give it a try. (试试看。) 再拿出点勇气来。 Have more guts! 我们总得想办法完成。 Lets finish it somehow. *somehow “想方设法”、“不管怎样”。 Its getting late. (已经这么晚了。) Lets finish it somehow. (我们总得想办法完成。) Lets try our best to finish it. (竭尽全力完成。) Lets get it over with. (赶快把它做完吧。) 值得一试。 Its worth a try. *worth “有价值”、“值得”、“也许不

17、顺利”或“做起来太勉强,但值得一试”。 I dont think I can beat him. (我想我赢不了他。) Well, its worth a try. (但,值得一试。) 我们必须同心同德。 We must function as one mind and one body. We have to work together. We must be a team. We have to cooperate with each other. (我们必须相互协助。) 你等着瞧吧。 You just wait. 豁出去了。 Its all or nothing. *这是一句短语,最好能

18、记住。 Were betting all of our money. (我们把所有的钱都赌上吧。) Yeah, its all or nothing. (好吧,孤注一掷。)随声附和 我知道了。 I see. *边向对方表示自己已理解,边使对话顺利进行。 Thats why I was late. (所以我才来晚了。) I see. (我知道了。) 嗯,嗯。 Uh-huh. *当同意对方的意见时,可以代替Yes。 啊,是吗? You have? *Ive been to Chicago. (我去过芝加哥。) You have? Hes from Chicago.(他是芝加哥人。) He is?

19、He went to Chicago. (他去芝加哥了。) He did? He is tall. (他的个子很高。) He is? Hes cooking now. (他正在做饭。) He is? 以上各句的答句要作相应变化。 是那样吗? Is that right? *可以只表示“是那样吗?”,也可以表示“这样对吗?” Is that so? Is that true? Is that correct? 是那样。 Thats right. 没错! Exactly! *强调肯定的语气。 Thats it exactly. Thats exactly it. 是吗? Oh, yeah? *比较

20、随便的说法。 是吗? Is that so? Really? Oh, really? Oh, do you? Oh, you do? Oh, you like it? (哦,你喜欢吗?) Oh, thank you. (哦,谢谢。) Its nice, isnt it? (是不是特棒呀?) 然后呢? And? *希望对方继续说下去,和将对方正在考虑,正在想的事情引出来时。 我也是。 Me, too. *用于同意对方的意见及想法相同时。这是比较随便的说法,儿童之间常用。在工作场合最好不用。 So am I. So do I. So did I. 我也不 Neither do I. *用于对对方“

21、我不”的话的回应,表示“我也不”的意见时。比“Me, neither.”要正式。 Tom doesnt want to go. (汤姆不想去。) Neither do I. (我也不想去。) Me, neither. *说法比较随便。正式的工作场合最好不用。 别说傻话。 Dont be silly. Ill pay for dinner. (我付晚饭的钱。) Dont be silly. (别说傻话。) Dont be foolish. 真是太倒霉了。 Thats too bad. *听了对方叙述不好的事情时使用。 Ive lost my wallet. (我丢了我的钱包。) Thats to

22、o bad. (真是太倒霉了。) 真的吗? Are you sure? 真是太过分(遗憾)了! What a shame! 那好哇。 Good! *答应、满足的语气。 真叫人吃惊。 What a surprise! *用于没想到的事情,或被对方出其不意地吓了一跳时。 我真希望不是这样。 I hope not. 要是那样就好了! I hope so. 太棒了! Great! 难以置信! Unbelievable! See? My dog can sing. (你知道吗?我的狗会唱歌。) Unbelievable! (难以置信!) Incredible. 开玩笑吧! No kidding! You

23、re kidding! Youre joking! That cant be! 行!没问题! You bet. May I borrow your pen? (可以借用你的钢笔吗?) You bet. (当然行。) No problem. Sure. Certainly.一时语塞 嗯 Well. *这是种很方便的表达方式。以下三种情况都可以用。 (1)一时回答不了或说不上来时。“嗯”、“唉”、“这个嘛”、“话是不错,可”。 (2)相当吃惊时。“哎呀!”、“什么?”、“啊!”。 (3)改变话题继续交谈时。“那么”、“可是”、“后来”。 Umm. Hmm. 让我想想。 Let me see. *s

24、ee “考虑”、“盘算”、“想”,口语中常用来表示无法立刻答复,一时想不出回答的话,或想说点什么。 May I take your order?(您点什么菜?) Well, let me see.(点什么呢?) Lets see. Let me check.(让我查查。) Ill find out for you.(我找找。) 我的意思是 I mean. *“就是说”、“不,其实我是说”,用于会话中补充或纠正自己的发言时。 May I ask who you are?(请问您是哪位?) Im a friend of Johns. I mean, Mr. Sheehan.(我是约翰的朋友,我是说

25、我是希恩先生的朋友。)*当说话的人是希恩先生的朋友时。 话就在嘴边上。 Its on the tip of my tongue. 说什么好呢? What should I say. *用于委婉表达难以启齿的事情,一时找不到合适的词,争取考虑时间的情况。 How should I put this. How should I put it. 我真不知道该说什么好 I dont know quite how to put this. You said you wanted to talk to me. (听说你有话要对我说) Well, I dont know quite how to put t

26、his. (嗯,我真不知道该说什么好) I dont know how to say this. Im not sure how to put this. 这可让你问着了。 Beats me. *回答不了别人的提问时,“哎呀!这可糟了”、 “怎么说呢”、 “不知道呀”的语气。 Whats the population of Narita?(成田市有多少人口呀?) Beats me.(这可让你问着了。) I cant answer that.(我可答不上来。) 叫什么来着? What do you call it? *一时想不出要说的东西的名字的时候。口语中常发音为Whatchamacallit

27、? What would you call it? *把“do”换成“would”则用于另外一种场合。意思是“你管它叫什么?” 让你问住了。 Youve got me. *回答不上来问话时。 Whos the prime minister of Canada?(加拿大的总理是谁?) Youve got me.(让你问住了。)催促别人说话 你说点什么吧! Say something. Say something. (你说点什么吧!) Im speechless. (我连话都说不出来了。) A penny for your thoughts. *这是惯用表达方式,用于当对方在考虑什么的时候。直译是

28、“给你一便士也好,请告诉我你在想什么。” 我想知道得详细一些。 Tell me more (about it). I want to know more about it in detail. Id like to know more details. *比较有礼貌的说法。 你的旅行怎么样? How was your trip? How was your trip? (你的旅行怎么样?) It was terrible. (太糟糕了。) 我在认真地听呢。 Im all ears. *“聚精会神地听”。 会开得怎么样? How was the meeting? How was the meeting? (会开得怎么样?) We didnt

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