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1、最新说着英语趣旅行150集资料说着英语“趣”旅行第001集:购物英语全破解本集对话:ERIC: The mall nearby is having a big sale this weekend. You wanna go?DENNY: Dont feel like it. Im broke.ERIC: Well, we can do some window shopping.DENNY: Just look around? Ah, thats boring.本集单词:1、mall(购物中心)shopping center (购物中心) department store(百货公司)superm

2、arket(超市)convenience store(便利商店)2、big sale(大减价,大促销)on sale(特价中)for sale(待售商品)fire sale(减价出售)flash sale(闪购)3、wanna go是一个非常口语话的表达,完整表达应该是want to go。4、be broke的字面意思是“破产了”,是指“囊中羞涩,没有钱”。5、window shopping只逛不买。6、look around 四处看看,只看不买。还可以说,Im just looking. 或者,Im just browsing。实用句子:1、Is this bag on sale? 这个包

3、在打折吗?2、Do you have any gifts? 你们有赠品吗?3、May I look at this? 我可以看下这个吗?4、I like this. Ill take it. 这个不错。我要这个。第002集:砍价就要实力派本期对话:DENNY: How much does this cost?ERIC: 100 dollars.DENNY: Dont try to rip me off! I know what this is worth. 60 dollars at most.ERIC: No way! 80 dollars.DENNY: Come on! If you do

4、nt give a better price, I wont buy this from you.ERIC: 70 dollars. Take it or leave it.DENNY: If thats the lowest price, Im leaving, Ill pay 65 dollars, final offer.ERIC: Youre driven a hard bargain. Its the best deal in town. Ill let you have it for 65 dollars.本期单词1、rip sb. off宰人,敲诈(撕开,扯开)2、take it

5、 or leave it.买不买随你。这句话在买东西的时候最常用。3、final offer.最终报价的意思,即这是最后一次还价了。4、drive a hard bargain是说在交易中,拼命讨价还价,迫使对方接受苛刻的条件。5、deal做名词的时候,表示“生意,交易”的意思。实用句子1、Can you give me a discount?可以便宜一点吗?2、Cant you make it a little cheaper?可以再便宜一点吗?3、How about splitting the difference?各让一点怎么样?4、How much discount can I get

6、?能打几折?5、We dont negotiate our price here.我们这里不讲价。003集:给力美食开吃吧本期对话ERIC: It smells good! My mouth is wateringDENNY: Just try them. Its Cantonese cuisine.ERIC: Im ready to swallow it.DENNY: You are so cute.ERIC: This was so yummy. I cant get enough.DENNY: Just help yourself to what you want.DENNY: How

7、about this one?ERIC: Its very light.DENNY: Would you like to have some more?ERIC: It was delicious, but I really couldnt eat any more! Youre such a great cook.本期单词1、表示美味的单词:mouth-watering,yummy(小孩/可爱),tasty,delicious2、light可以表示菜肴“清淡”。重口味可表达为strong / heavy taste。口味轻还可以用soft taste表示。味道很重则可以说potent。3、c

8、uisine菜肴。经常说的“什么菜”。还可以说Japanese cuisine, French cuisine.4、肠胃不好可以说tender tummy.实用句子1、The flavor is awesome.这个味道真好。(还可以用amazing,terrific等来表达,非常地道和口语化)2、I love it.我喜欢吃这个。这个表达非常口语化,表现对事物的喜爱。3、I cant get enough.吃再多都不够。4、The meat is pretty tender.这肉真鲜嫩!I LOOK FORWORD THAT.期待本期对话ERIC: Im hungry. Could you

9、recommend a special local restaurant?DENNY:Of course. This restaurant is a good choice.ERIC: What kind of special dishes do they have?DENNY: They are famous for spaghetti.ERIC: Thats good!本期单词1、recommend推荐,经常在餐厅点餐或者物色餐厅的时候使用。Do you have some good recommendation?What do you recommend?2、be famous for因

10、而著名3、special,做形容词表示“特别的”;做名词有“特色菜”的意思。Specialty也有“招牌菜”的意思。4、Thats good!太好了!用来表达说话人高兴的情绪,类似意思的感叹句还有。Thats fantastic!太好了!Thats amazing!太棒了!实用句子:1、What is the specialty of the house?有什么特色菜2、Id like to try a typical local dish.我想吃这个地方特有的菜。3、Id like a good restaurant with reasonable prices.我想找价格合理又好吃的餐厅。

11、4、Id like to have some real Italian food.我想吃点地道的意大利菜。5、This restaurant has a cheerful atmosphere.这家餐厅的气氛很愉快。第005集餐桌礼仪学起来本期对话Eric: Which hand to hold the fork?Denny: Right hand for the knife and left hand for the fork.Eric: Got it. Its so troublesome to have a western dinner. Ive been learning table

12、manners for hours but still cant master it.Denny: It doesnt matter. Practice makes perfect.Eric: What should I wear?Denny: You should put on the black suit. And youd better iron it.本期单词:1、troublesome麻烦的;讨厌的,annoying讨厌的;恼人的2、suit套装outfit一套服装3、table manners餐桌礼仪where are your manners?实用句子:1、What would

13、you like for dessert?请问您需要什么点心?2、I dont want any greasy food.我不想吃太油腻的食物。3、Check,please.麻烦买单。4、The meat is cooked.肉煮好了。第006集:Tipping 小费到底该咋付本期对话Denny:Should I give the waiter a tip?Eric:Of course, its the custom here. But what do you think of his service?Denny:I think his service is excellent. Then h

14、ow much should I give?Eric:The tips depend on their service. You should give at least 10% of your bill.Denny:Let me see. That is 18 dollars. I think its too much.Eric:But he is polite and considerate. We should reward the good service.Denny:Well. I see.2、depend on根据;依据。It depends.4、considerate考虑周到的5

15、、reward在这里是动词,表示“奖励”的意思。第007集:来去酒店住一晚本期例句:1、给小费时候的句子:This is for you.Keep the change.Keep the change as your tip2、How much should I tip here?我该给多少小费?3、Lets go halves.咱们平分吧。4、Lets split the bills.咱们评分吧。5、Its my treat.我请客。也可以说: Its on me.本期对话Denny: Id like to check in, please. The name is Denny. I mad

16、e a reservation fromChina.Eric: Just a moment, please. Yes, Mr. Denny, a single room for three nights. Is that right?Denny: Yes, thats right.Eric: Would you like to pay in cash or with a credit card?Denny: Cash, please.Eric: Will you fill out this form, please?本期单词1、single room单人间double room双人间king-

17、sized room大床房standard room标准间 (四星以上的双人独卫房间)。有中央空调central air-conditioning,简称AC,台灯desk lamp、沙发椅sofa,厕所(bathroom)有马桶toilet,浴池bathtub、洗脸池sink。.2、credit card.信用卡pay by credit card.刷信用卡。debit card借记卡3、reservation预定,made a reservation. I have a reservation.例句:Id like to reserve a hotel room for tonight.我想

18、订今晚的客房。4、hotel宾馆。hostel旅舍。Bed & Breakfast民宿。实用例句1、who is it?是谁。2、Im locked out.我被关在外面了。3、Here is my confirmation.这是订房的确认书。4、Do you have a room available for tomorrow night?你们明天晚上有空房吗?本期对话Eric:Can you tell me the rate for a single room, please?Denny:Its 100 dollars per night.Eric:Does the charge incl

19、ude everything?Denny:It includes housekeeping and breakfast.第008集:来去酒店住一晚本期对话Eric:Can you tell me the rate for a single room, please?Denny:Its 100 dollars per night.Eric:Does the charge include everything?Denny:It includes housekeeping and breakfast.THE NEXT DAYEric:Can I have my bill please?Denny:C

20、ertainly. Please wait a second.Eric:May I go through a detailed bill?Denny:Here is your detailed bill. Check it, please.本期单词1、 the rate of .的价格,表示房费时,经常会用到这个说法。2、 charge费用3、 complimentary赠送的。酒店里的东东上写了这个词就是免费的哦!4、 house keeping 客房服务5、 detailed bill 明细账单实用例句1、 Whats the price for a single room? 单人间的房费

21、是多少?2、Are meals included? 这包含三餐吗?3、Is there a charge for extra beds? 加床需要额外付钱吗?4、Do you charge for phone calls? 电话收费吗?5、Whats this charge for? 这是什么费用?6、Can I get a receipt. 请给我开收据。第009集:轻轻松松换外币本期对话DENNY: Can you change Chinese RMB into dollars?ERIC: Yes. No Problem.DENNY: Can you tell me todays exch

22、ange rate for RMB into dollars.ERIC: According to todays exchange rate, 1 US dollar is equivalent to 6.3 RMBDENNY: OK.ERIC: How would you like it?DENNY: Id like ten twenties, five tens, and the rest in change.ERIC: Certainly, sir.DENNY: By the way, how much is the commission?ERIC: Five percent.本期单词1

23、、changeinto将兑换成2、is equivalent to , is equal to等价于3、commission./ service fee手续费4、foreign currency exchange外币兑换实用例句1、May I change some money here?我能在这里兑换钞票吗?2、what is the exchange rate between US dollar and RMB today?请问今天美元兑换人民币的汇率是多少?3、How much is it worth in Chinese RMB?这个换成人民币是多少?4、Is there a serv

24、ice fee?要收取手续费吗?第010集:入境检查不用怕本期对话(ERIC: Customs officer DENNY :Traveler )ERIC: Passport and arrival card, please. What is the purpose of your visit?DENNY: SightseeingERIC: How long will you be staying?DENNY: Ten days.ERIC: Where will be staying?DENNY: Ill be staying at the Hilton Hotel in Portland,

25、Oregon.ERIC: Do you have your return ticket?DENNY: Yes. Here it is.TEN DAYS LATERERIC: Do you have anything to declare?DENNY: No, only my personal items.艾瑞克:请出示你的护照和入境登记表。你来的目的是什么?丹尼:观光。艾瑞克:你打算在这里停留多久?丹尼:十天。艾瑞克:你要住在哪里?丹尼:我住俄勒冈州波特兰市的希尔顿酒店。艾瑞克:你有回程的机票吗?丹尼:有,在这里。十天后艾瑞克:有什么要申报的吗?丹尼:没有,只有一些私人用品。本期单词1、arr

26、ival card入境卡2、sightseeing观光sightseer观光客3、return ticket回程机票round-trip ticket.往返机票4、declare申报5、personal items私人用品6、jet lag时差感实用例句1、Half business, half pleasure.一半是为了工作,一半是旅游。2、Im on business.出差3、Do you have anything to declare?你有东西要申报吗?4、Wheres the baggage claim? 在哪里领取行李?说着英语“趣”旅行第011集:搭机英语这么说本期对话DENN

27、Y: Where is my seat?ERIC:Your seat number is11A. Down this aisle, to your right.DENNY: Thank you.DENNY: Excuse me, but I think youre in my seat.PASSENGER: Really? Let me see my boarding check. Its17A. Im sorry. I made a mistake.DENNY: Dont worry about it.DENNY: Where is the mens lavatory in the airp

28、lane? Is it vacant?ERIC:In front of the cabin. The lavatory is vacant now.DENNY: Thank you丹 尼:请问我的位置在哪里?艾瑞克:您的位子是11A,沿着这条过道走,在你的右手边。丹 尼:谢谢。丹 尼:不好意思,你坐的这个位子好像是我的。乘 客:是吗?让我看看我的登机牌。是17A。对不起,我弄错了。丹 尼:请别在意。丹 尼:这个飞机上的男洗手间在哪儿?现在里面没人吧。艾瑞克:在客舱前面,现在没人。本期单词aisle过道Down this aisle,沿着过道直走。down作介词,是“沿着”的意思。to your

29、 right在你的右手边。boarding check登机牌 或boarding passDont worry about it.请别在意。lavatory厕所vacant空的Occupied使用中实用例句Would you mind trading seats with me?我能跟你换个位置吗?Youre in my seat. You have my seat.恐怕你坐了我的位置。Can you tell me where to transfer?转机应该去哪儿办理?How much time do I have to make the connection?我有多少时间去换乘?Im c

30、onnecting with AF335.我要转AF335次航班。说着英语“趣”旅行第012集:搭机不适有办法本期对话ERIC:Flight attendant DENNY:PassengerERIC: Whats the matter, sir? You look pale.DENNY: I feel dizzy and weak. And I feel like vomiting, I also have pain in my ears.ERIC: Dont worry, sir. Its just because of the lower pressure. You may feel much better if you chew some gum or peanuts. Do you need some pills?本期单词1、dizzy头晕的2、vomit / throw up / puke呕吐3、chew gum嚼口香糖实用例句1、May I have some gum? My

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