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1、八年级英语上册Unit5Wildanimals词汇与语法基础训练新版牛津版Unit 5 Wild animals知识精讲一必备词汇wild adj.野外的free adj.自由的pity n. 同情mean v. 意味着sadly adv.伤心地result n. 结果danger n. 危险action n. 行动save v.拯救catch v. 抓住lose v.丢失kill v. 杀死human adj. 人类的sell v.卖shame n.可惜;遗憾accept v.接受二、重点词汇1. accept verb /ksept/ to agree to take something接

2、受;收受;领受1). Do you accept credit cards?你们接受信用卡支付吗?2). She was in Mumbai to accept an award for her latest novel.她刚出版的那部小说获奖了,她当时正在伦敦领奖。2. shame noun /em/ If something is described as a shame, it is disappointing or not satisfactory.可惜,遗憾1). Its a (great/real) shame that the event had to be cancelled.

3、音乐会被迫取消,真是(很)遗憾。2). Have some more vegetables - it would be a shame to waste them.再吃点蔬菜吧浪费就太可惜了。3. catch verb /kt/ caught, caughtto take hold of something, especially something that is moving through the air抓住,接住1). I managed to catch the glass before it hit the ground.我在玻璃杯落地之前接住了它。2). We saw the e

4、agle swoop from the sky to catch its prey.我们看到老鹰从空中猛扑下去抓捕猎物。4. danger noun /den.dr/the possibility of harm or death to someone危险,风险1). Danger! Keep out!危险!别进来!2). He drove so fast that I really felt my life was in danger.他的车开得太快了,当时我真的觉得自己会有生命危险。5. mean verb /min/ meant, meantto express or represent

5、 something such as an idea, thought, or fact意思是;意味着1). What does this word mean?这个词是什么意思?2). These figures mean that almost six percent of the working population is unemployed.这些数字意味着近6%的劳动人口处于失业状态。三、必备短语no way 决不have/ take pity on同情、怜悯in fact 事实上for the first time 首次in the beigining 一开始live on 继续活着

6、as a result 因此take action 采取行动have a place to live 由有地方住in danger 处于危险中right now 立刻、及时get lost 迷路the sameas和一样 at birth出生时四、经典句型1. Would you like to live in the wild, Eddie? 埃迪,你想在野外生活吗?2. In the beginning, Xi Wang drank her mothers milk.一开始熊猫希望是吃母乳。3. If you do nothing, soon there may be none left.

7、我们什么也不做,很快世界上就一只熊猫也不剩了。4. Giant pandas are now in danger.大熊猫现在处境危险。5. As a result, pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat. 因此,大熊猫们可能没有地方住或者没有食物吃。三点剖析一、考点:情态动词may的用法情态动词may没有人称和数的变化,在句子中的不能单独作谓语,后面直接跟动词原形(即不带to的不定式)构成谓语,常用于下列几种情况:1. may表示请求许可时,意为“可以”。其否定形式为may not,但常常用cant或mustnt来表达否定意思。例

8、:-May I leave the book with you? 我可以把这本书交给你吗?-Yes, you may/ can. (No, you cant/ mustnt.) 是的,你可以。(不,你不可以。)2. may表示可能性时,常意为“也许、可能”。例:She may go to Shanghai next week. 下周她可能要去上海。3. may用在特殊疑问句中时,表示一种“不确定”的语气,常意为“会、究竟”。例:Who may the boy be? 那个男孩会是谁呢?二、易错点:动词不定式作宾语在英语中,有些动词后可以跟不定式,即“to+动词原形”,这个不定式在句中充当宾语,

9、常用这种结构的动词有:agree, choose, decide, hope, plan, prepare, want等。例:The decided to go on a trip next week.他们决定下周去旅行。My father agreed to swim with me.我父亲同意和我去游泳。We hope to visit the World Park again.我们希望再次参观世界公园。She choose to stay at home because she had a cold.她选择待在家里,因为她感冒了。题模精选题模一:Unit 5 词汇应用例1.1.1 The

10、y decided _ a bridge over the river.A build B to build C building D built例1.1.2 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1). 他五年前以游客的身份来过这里。He came here _ _ _ five years ago.2). 我想今天下午去图书馆。I want _ to the library this afternoon.题模二:情态动词may例1.2.1 - Bob, where is Mary?-She _ be in the library. But I am not sure.A must B may C

11、 need D has to例1.2.2 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1). If you are not careful, a car may _ you. (hit)2). _ I use your computer? (may)随堂练习随练1.1 Remember _ off the lights when you leave the room, please.A to turn B turning C turn D to turning随练1.2 He promised _ his old friend during his stay in Tianjin.A see B seeing

12、C saw D to see随练1.3 How kind you are! You always do what you can _ others.A help B helping C helps D to help随练1.4 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. -Must I finish my homework now?-No, you neednt. You may _ (finish) it this afternoon.2. She agreed _ (let) me go early.3. The students are preparing _ (play) football afte

13、r class this afternoon.4. She planned _ (visit ) our city his summer.5. -Why did you choose _ (sit) in the front of the coach?-Because I often feel sick on the coach.随练1.5 -Amy, I hear youve got many foreign coins. _ I have a look?-Of course, Ill fetch them for you.A May B Must C Should D Need随练1.6

14、-Have you decided where to go for your summer vacation?-Not yet. We _ go to Qingdao. Its a good place for vacation.A need B may C must D have to自我总结课后作业作业1 Mum, what are you cooking? It _ so sweet.A tastes B feels C sounds D smells作业2 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1. 如果我们不采取措施,在未来要看到这些动物会很困难。Itll be difficult to

15、see these animals in the future _ we _ _ _.2. 恐怕现在在野外,我们再也看不到华南虎了。Im afraid that now we cant see the South China Tigers _ _ _ any more.3. 他昨天骑车骑得太快,结果撞树上了。He was riding too fast yesterday. _ _ _, he hit the tree.4. 那个受伤的老虎情况很危险,他需要一个医生。The wondered tiger _ _ _. He needs a doctor.5. 有些动物出生的时候是不会睁眼睛的。

16、Some animals cant open their eyes _ _.作业3 _ carefully, Michael! Theres a school ahead.A Drive B To drive C Drove D Driving作业4 Some people _ feel sick when they read a book in a car or on a boat.A must B should C may D need作业5 -Would you like to go out to play basketball with me?- _, but I should fin

17、ish my homework first.A Its hard to say B Youre welcome C Id love to D Youre right作业6 -Excuse me, may I keep the book a little longer?-Sorry. You _ return it today.A mustnt B must C can D cant答案解析题模精选题模一:Unit 5 词汇应用例1.1.1【答案】B【解析】 考查动词不定式作宾语。decide to do sth.决定做某事。句意:他们决定在河面上建一座桥。故选B。例1.1.2【答案】 1).

18、as a tourist2). to go【解析】 考查完成句子。题模二:情态动词may例1.2.1【答案】B【解析】 考查情态动词。句意:鲍勃,玛丽在哪里?她可能在图书馆里。但是我不确定。由后文的Im not sure.可推知肯定的可能性比较小用may。故选B。例1.2.2【答案】 1). hit2). May【解析】 考查情态动词may的用法。随堂练习随练1.1【答案】A【解析】 考查动词不定式。remember to do sth.记得要做某事(还未做),再由句意:当你离开教室的时候请记得关灯。故选A。随练1.2【答案】D【解析】 考查动词不定式。promise to do sth.承诺

19、做某事。再由句意:他承诺要去看他的朋友在他待在天津期间。故选D。随练1.3【答案】D【解析】 考查动词不定式。动词不定式做宾语补足语表示具体的将要发生的动作,再由句意:你太宽容了!你总是尽你所能帮助别人。故选D。随练1.4【答案】 1. finish2. to let3. to play4. to visit5. to sit【解析】 考查单词的正确拼写和使用形式。随练1.5【答案】A【解析】 考查情态动词。May I ?表示比较委婉的询问别人允许的句型。故选A。随练1.6【答案】B【解析】 考查情态动词may的用法。may表推测时,可能性小。再由句意:我们可能去青岛。那是一个度假不错的地。故

20、选B。课后作业作业1【答案】D【解析】 考查感官系动词。感官系动词后面接形容词原级。smell闻起来。smell so sweet闻起来如此香。故选D。作业2【答案】 1. if; dont take action2. in the wild3. As a result4. is in danger5. at birth【解析】 考查短语的正确使用形式。作业3【答案】A【解析】 考查祈使句。动词原形Do开头的祈使句。再由句意:开车小心点,迈克尔。前方有学校。故选A。作业4【答案】C【解析】 考查情态动词。may 表推测时,可能性小。再由句意:当他们在车里或船上看书时一些人可能会感到不舒服。故选C。作业5【答案】C【解析】 考查情景交际。固定句型-Would you like to do sth.?-Id love to. 故选C。作业6【答案】B【解析】 考查情态动词。must一定、必须。句意:打扰了,我可以借这本书时间长点儿吗?抱歉。你今天必须归还。故选B。

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