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1、3A期末测试新编一按要求写单词I (宾格) are notwhite (反义词) youhappy (反义词) y二判断发音是否相TFcat ladybird ( ) make table ( _ )Od orange ( ) purple girl ( 丄 三 用 am is are have has 填空(缩写) I_(所有格) ches(复数)tune run ( ) we she ()(同音词) (单数)1.Alice and Tom two books. They are n ice.2.1a new friend. Jack. We good friends.3.Kitty a n

2、ice doll? Yes, she . _4.An egg on the table.5.The girls a big ball. It yellow. 6.Look at the pla nt. It roots.7.they gree n leaves? Yes, they8.That my father. He very fat.四改写 1.That is a big pear.(2.Alice is a tall girl.(3.My teacher has a pen.(4.The leaver are yellow.(5.Are your eyes small?(改为否定句,句

3、意不变 ) 改为一般疑问,并作否定 )改为否定句) 对划线部分提问)改为肯定句) 6.Close the door.( 改为否定句 ) 五作文My School练习二一按要求写单词(同类词) (同类词) 复数) fat (反义词) ortyou re (完全形式) tknow (同音词) here二判断发音是否相同 TFbag apple ( ) in sect bicycle ()三 用 am is are have has 填空(反义词) ot(缩写格) pink(同音词) ranch (open hot ( ) umbrella pupil (_ )1.It a plant. It2.I

4、 Kitty Li. I3.He Tom. Hea flower. some seeds.a new bag.4.An umbrella in the basket.5.The boys6.What colour7.8.a big dog. It white _ the roots? They black. they big? No, they small. that an umbrella? Yes, it .四改写句子1.The toilet is dirty.(2.It is a library.(3.Is this tall boy thi n.(4.That kite is yell

5、ow.(5.The mouse has a long tail (6.Open the door.(五作文介绍一种植物改一般疑问) 改为复数句) 肯定句) 对划线部分提问) 改为否定句,句意不变)改为否定句) 练习3按要求写单词it (复数)baby(复数)branch(复数)fat (反义词)white(反义词)sad(反义词)eye (同音词)hear(同音词)know (复数)leaf (复数)that(反义词)bodies(单数)close (反义词)short(反义词)go(反义词)pink (同音词)son(同音词)二读一读,填空1.We can see some ani mals

6、 on the farm. They are2.This is a pla nt. It has , , _3.Look at the tree. It has , , 4.Ilike in sects. They are , , 二判断发音是否相同 TF chick sing _( ) yellow she ( _ ) tune pupil ( ) run 空()ope n orgnge ( ) it like ( ) _ _三改写句子 - -1.合成一句)_合成一句)Has the tree roots?( 做肯定回答)_2.Ben has a new pen. He hasn t a r

7、uler (3.对划线部分提问)_ 根据答句写出问句) 填空nice and samll.The ants are black. The ants are small.(4.That bird is green.(5.Yes, they are pla nts.(四 用 am is are have has1.The butterflies2.This a bird. It a small happy? Yes, I . 4.What colour the flower? It red and yellow.5.I a nice cat. It a long tail.

8、 It lovely. 6.The pla nt some roots. They yellow. 7.they teachers? Yes, they . 8.That not my father. He Tom s father.五填词完成短文,首字母已经给出Hello, I m Loe. I ama m . What colour am I? I m grey. I m small and fat. I have a long t . My e are big. I like to p with my red b . 六作文a happy family练习4填入合适的介词1.Look t

9、he flowers. They are red.2.Sit the chair, please.3.I like play my yellow ball.4.One, two, three, put my shoes.5. There are some sheep二改写句子1. They are ani mals.(the farm.改成一般疑问句) 3.Kitty is my sister.(4.Open the gate, please.(5.This is the library.(2.That kite is green and blue. ( 对戈卩线提问) 改成一般疑问句) 改成

10、否定句) 改成一般疑问句,并作否定回答 ) 三回答问题1.What can you see in the picture?( 三只蝴蝶) 2.Is it big and tall? (Yes) 3.Are the ants un der the tree? (No) 4.What colour are the rabbits? (white)5.Is your school big? 6.Can you play in the park?( 改成肯定句 ) 7.Are you ten years old? 四仿照例子写句子They are slides. What are they?1.The

11、y are chicks. 2.It is an in sect.3.The kite is pink. 4.The chicks are yellow.五根据提示或者按要求完成句子1.How many ( 大门)? One.2. ( 看)the sky. It is blue.3.What are ? They are rabbits.4.One, two. on your shoes.5.Who you? I Ben. 6.What is the ball? It is red.7.the chicks. How chicks? Five.8.What are ? Black ants.9

12、.Look at the (cat). They are fat.10.What (be) this? It is (elephant 11.What are (it)? Sorry, I (not do) know.12.(be) they chicks? No, they are (cat) 13.What colour (be) the pigs? (it) are black.14.what are they? They are (hens).六按要求写单词 ( 复数) 2. are ( 单数) 3. what (5.mouse (复数) 6. they are ( 缩写) .

13、9.关上大门 数鸭子 11.13. family ( 复数) . he( 复数) 5. mouth(练习5一用am is are 填空1.This an animal. a pupil? Yes, I3.What they? They4.What colour the bird? It5.My mother and I6.What is that? ItI Alice. PeterThis a butterfly. It 二改写句子1.It is a small chick.(2.They are hens.(3.Are they ducks?(4.There are seve

14、n pigs.(5.Are the pan das fat?(6.Is this the playgrou nd?(7.Is this a butterfly?(8.It s a classroom.(9.My frie nd is Kitty. ( 10.The mon key is brown .(a pig.hen yellow. in the park. We are in se and Mary my good friends. small. Can you see it? Look, it改成复数句) 对划线提问) 做肯定回答) 对划线提问)- 改成肯定句) 改成

15、肯定句) 做肯定回答) 对划线提问) 对划线提问) 对划线提问)_We inon the flower.the park now.Wesee somei nsects.11. My ears are big.( 改成一般疑问句 ) 三完成对话A: Goodm ornig.B:A: Can help ? B: Four ( 苹果),please.A: Here are.B:A:1. is that flower? It is that? It is a that girl? She is my your brother? He i

16、s six.5. plums? Five.四写出词组7.The white box is and the box is short. cake 4.ladybird, six, a, has, legshall 十五、翻译翻开书 关上门 四个桔子 擦桌子 你的钢笔 两个高个子老师 我的学校 王先生 进来 一个胖男孩 八块饼干 一个大苹果 长尾巴 五个小橡皮 两只短耳朵 你的哥哥 妹妹 起立 你的鼻子 五个红苹果 多少钱 count the hens in the park sing and dance buy a football e in in the rain put on 二按要求写出恰

17、当内容。1.who is(缩写形式) 2. isn t(完整形式) 3. close( 反义词) 4.peach(复数) 5.1 (同音词) 6. can( 否定形式) 7. fat(反义词) 8.butterfly( 同类词) 与划线部分发音相同的单词 ) 一辨别发音ladybird family_ ( ) butterfly pupil (_ ) that at_ ( ) fly happy _ _ _ _() - - - - - _ _nose open ( ) door four ( ) 二用所给单词的正确形式填空 1.My (ear) are big. My ta

18、il (be) long. I m a mouse.2.I am a pupil. (I) bag is new.3.What s that? It s (a) ant. It s black.4.How many (apple)? Five, please.5.My brother can (sing) and read.6.How (many) is it? It s two yuan.三填入合适的单词完成句子1.Look at the butterfly. It can 2.What is it? It is an 3.Is this a bee? Yes.4.The desk is d

19、irty. the desk, please.5.I m Kitty. I m a6.Peter is good friend. We are . 四改写句子1.This is a ladybird.( 改写成一般疑问句,并作肯定回答 ) 2.The bee can fly. (_ 对划线部分提问,并作否定回答 ) 3.Is that small ant black?( 改写肯定句 ) 4.It is the toilet. ( 对划线部分提问,并作肯定回答 ) 5.It is orange.( 对划线部分提问) 6.It is an orange.( 对戈卩线部分提问 ) 7.Mix blu

20、e and red. What colour is it? 8.The Sun is red.( 改成一般疑问句 ) 9.Is this a yellow ball?( 改成肯定句 ) 10.Is this ball yellow?( 改成肯定句 ) 五每空一词,首字母已给Look at the i.It is s.It is black and r.It s a l.I like this in sect.一辨别发音kite this ( _ )( )cakeSam()_ sunrubber ( ) desk tree _ _()white high_ ()runpupil(-)-二用 am

21、 is are填空1. you eight? No, Inine.2.What colour the balloo n? It gree n. 3.I an elepha nt. My nose long. My ears big.4.Kitty and Alice good friends.5.this a library? No, it not. 6.Hello, my n ame Kitty.7.Alice tall and thin.8.My tail short. My ears lon g. I a rabbit. 9.This ball blue and yellow.10.He

22、re the mice. They small.三完成对I1.A : Can I help you?B : May I (二个桃子),please.A : Here B :? A : Five yuan.2. A(看)the it?B :It is purple.3. AIt is cold now.the door, please.B :四改写句子1. It is a white flower.( 对划线提问)2.My mother is thirty-two years old. ( 对划线提问)3.Clean the desk, please.( 改成否定句)4.That

23、 little mouse is grey. ( 对划线提问)5.Is this tall girl your sister?( 改成肯定句)6.Thank you.(快速回答)7.We are pupils.( 改成一般疑问句句)8.Is that pencil pink?( 改成肯定句)9.My bag is purple.( 对划线提问)10.I want five nice kites.( 改一般疑问句)11.This is our school.( 改成否定句) 五句子配对()1. What s this? A. It is yellow.()2. Look at the sun.

24、B. It is the swing.()3. What colour is the swing. C. It s black.()4. Is this a swing. D. No, it s a slide.()5. Is it black? E. Yes, it is.( 缩写)sad _(六按要求写单词fat ( 反义词) mouse ( 复数) he is义词)know ( 同音词) yellow ( 同类词)七填词完成短文It s a fine day. We are in the park. Look at the sky. That is the very八辨别发音kite s

25、wing J ) tube pupil ( ) _ desk she ( ) have happy()family father ( ) music sun ( _ ) _九作文My friend填上颜色,不能重复a cloud akite atree theSuna flower aball aballo on aboat二填入合适的词,完成句子1. Look at the.It is red.2. What s this? It s aman.3. Today is my birthday. I want a4. The cloudswhite.5. Judy is a .She can

26、sing and dan ce.6. is that? Its a boat.7. is the flower? Its pink.8. Thank you.9. (看)the boat. Its (黄色)。10. How are you?11. Is that(礼堂).,its a(教室)12. What s your name? Kitty. 三选择题1.Look at .It s orange. A. balloon. B. a balloon C. the it? It s orange. A. What B. What colour C. How3.the c

27、louds. Theyre white. A. Look B .Look at C. Look in4. Ican see orange kite.A.a B. anC. / sun is in the sky.A. The B. AC. /四按要求写单词book同类词 fat同类词baby复数 family复数what s 完全形式 are 缩写形式 ort 反义词 mice 单数 五用am is are 填空1.I tall. You short.2.He a teacher. My mother a teacher,too.3.What your name? I Ma 4.Wh

28、o I? You Miss Zhang.六改1.I am a tall teacher.( 改成否定句 ) 2.Mr. Li is happy.( 改成一般疑问句,并作肯定回答 ) 3.I want three big peaches.( 对戈卩线提问) 4.This is a library. ( 对戈卩线提问) 5.Peter can read. He can t swim.( 合成一句 ) 七短文阅读T Fs sister.John is an English boy. He is ten. He is a pupil. Miss Li is John s teacher. Alice is JohnShe is eight. Alice s teacher is Mr. Li. Their school is big and clean. They like their school. They are happy.( )1. John is Alice s brother.( )2. Joh n is eight years old.( )3. Alice and Joh n are pupils.()4. Mrs. Li is Alice s teacher.( )5. Joh n is ha

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