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1、七年级下学期教案u1Unit 2 Wheres the post office? Period I教学目标:1、掌握表示地点的词汇;2、掌握where 引导的特殊疑问句;3、能够简单地描述地点方位;4、能够画出简单的示意图。教学向导:语言目标学习策略与思维技巧重点词汇表示地点的词汇where 引导的特殊疑问句个体、群体思维;看图作答;交换信息;Post office; library; hotelBetween; on; next to;across from语言结构语言功能跨学科学习There be 句型Where句型的问答询问路线指出方位通过绘画激发学生学习兴趣教学过程设计:StepsTe

2、achers activityStudents activityPreparation Brain stormLook at some pictures and know the words of these placesLook and read and learnPpt. Task I pair work: Is there .Aim Use there be sentences, familiar with the new words1Read and match the new words in 1aRead and finish the workPicture2Show the ta

3、rget language:Is there a bank near here?Look at the sentence and the answer 3Ask Ss to talk about the places in the picturePair work to talk about the places and streetsPair work4Move around the room and give support as neededTalk to each other 5Ask pairs of students to show their worksPairs of Ss s

4、how their worksCheck out the conversations Task II Listening comprehensions Aim Familiar with the prepositions in the sentences1Look at the picture in 2a and explain the prepositionsLook and learnWrite on the blackboard2Listen to the tape for two times Fill in the blanks and know the meaningRecorder

5、3Move around the room and give support as neededWrite down the answer 4Check the answer and point out the mistakesCheck the answers Task III group work: our schoolAim Use the target language and familiar with our school and places1Teach some more words to the Ss and read Learn the new wordsPictures

6、2Ask Ss to draw a picture of our school and to introduce itDraw the picture 3Move around the room and give support as neededDiscuss in groups and finish the picture 4Ask Ss to show their works and talk about itIntroduce their works Task IV pair work: talk about the pictures Aim Use where question, a

7、nd know how to answer it.1Target language: where is the bank?Learn the sentences 2Ask Ss to talk about the picturesPair work to talk about the placesSs pictures or the picture in 1a3Move around the room and give support as neededDiscuss in pairs and 4Ask Ss to show their works and perform itShow the

8、 conversation with the picture Homework Draw a picture of your neighborhood and write a short passage to introduce it教学反思:本单元的主题是方位,所以很多地点的名词是学生单词突破的重点,与学生的生活相结合,要扩充一些词汇,如学校的教学楼、操场,社区里的饭店、医院等,让学生学到的句子能够用的灵活。介词表示的方位应该讲解清楚,这样学生才能更加明确的表述各个建筑所处的位置。这些知识不能死板的传授,一定要在任务中完成,让学生不知不觉地学习目标语言。图片的展示能给学生更立体的感受,更加明

9、确空间位置关系。运用画图的辅助形式,激发学生的兴趣,能够达到更好的效果。教案点评:本单元的主题是方位,地点名词是学生单词突破的重点,与学生的生活相结合,扩充一些词汇,明确的表述各个建筑所处的位置。围绕这几点设置了四个活动,利用多媒体素材,以任务型的教学模式来完成整个教学。其中图片的展示能给学生更立体的感受,更加明确空间位置关系。运用画图的辅助形式,激发学生的兴趣,能够达到更好的效果。Unit 2 Why do you like koala bears?一教学目标:谈论自己的喜好;询问他人的喜好;能够谈论喜爱某种动物的理由;做出自己的行动计划。二教学向导语言目标学习策略与思维技巧重点词汇使用li

10、ke的一般现在时句型使用like的一般现在时的疑问句,并做出肯定和否定的回答。使用what 和like的特殊疑问句名词的单复数的使用通过讨论,做出推理与判断,培养综合分析能力tiger, elephant, koala bear, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe,smart, cute, ugly, intelligent, friendly, beautiful, shy, kind of, very, Africa, China语言结构语言功能跨学科学习Present tense to likeYes/No questions and shor

11、t answersAnd/butAdjectives of qualityWhy do you like koala bears?讨论喜好陈述理由文学:鼓励学生创作,根据自己调查的资料和感受写出对保护动物的理解三重点句型Why do you want to see the pandas?Because theyre cute.Why does he like the koala bears?Because they are kind of interesting.What animals do you like? I like penguins. They are cute.What othe

12、r animals do you like?I like dogs, too.Where are lions from?They are from Africa.四教学步骤:Step 1: Lead-inShow parts of animals bodies by slide show, let students guess what animals they are.Then students show the pictures of all kinds of animals they found before class, and do a brief introduction of t

13、he pictures.Step 2: Task one: make a survey: what animals do your group mates want to see?Listen to the tape and finish Section A, 2a and 2b;Ask group mates what animals they want to see in a zoo, fill in the chart as below:NameFavorite animalsWhyLucyPandas, monkeyscute and friendly; smart and naugh

14、ty Presentation: show their pair work report: Lucy wants to see pandas. She thinks pandas are very cute and friendlyStep 3: Task two: make decision what animals your group wants to see in a zoo.1. choose the most popular three animals in ones group;2. listen to the tape, finish Section B, 2a and 2b;

15、3. make a plan when you go to a zoo with your group mates.Give a dialogue sample:Boy: Where do you want to go now?Girl: Lets see the elephants.B: The elephants? Why do you like elephants?G: Oh, theyre interesting. And they are really intelligent.B: Yes, but they are ugly, too.G: Oh, Tony! So, where

16、do you want to go?B: Lets see the pandas. They are kind of cute.G: Oh, yeah. I love pandas. Theyre beautiful. But they are also kind of shy. Where are they?B: Theyre over there on the left, just across from the koala bears.Step 4: Task three: We are going to the Beijing zoo for Autumn Outing, draw t

17、he order your group see animals at the zoo and state your reasons.Group work:1. draw a map of the zoo like the picture on P7; (according to the map of Beijing zoo)2. mark the order your group see animals;3. state the reasons like: Lucy, Mary and I like pandas best because they are lovely and beautif

18、ul, so we go to see pandas first. ThenStep 5: Homework: Task:If you have a wild animal zoo, what animals do you want to put in your zoo?Draw a map of your zoo and state why you have these wild animals.教学点评及反思:一环节设计思路:本课以游戏形式的猜动物名称引入,首先让学生通过游戏中的练习,尽快熟悉各种动物的英文名称。然后导入到三个链状承接的任务上。第一个任务通过听力引入本课的第一组重点句型,即


20、知识点。任务的设计贴近学生生活,有趣又实用,学生的参与非常热烈。教师对课堂的把握非常到位,收放自如。不足之处在于野生动物的话题过于广泛,教师可给与适当的指导,提供方向性的资料利于学生课下任务的完成。教案点评: 本课以游戏形式的猜动物名称引入,让学生熟悉各种动物的英文名称。然后导入到三个链状承接的任务上。课堂完成任务后,选择了学生较感兴趣的野生动物问题,对课堂进行延伸和巩固,同时兼有美术和生物学科的学习,一举多得。本课设计上思路非常明晰,由潜入深,让学生非常自然的领会本课的知识点。任务的设计贴近学生生活,有趣又实用。Unit 3 Id like a large pizza教案示例教学流程图教学过

21、程 步骤教师活动学生活动课前活动Do some researchEncourage Ss to find the materials about pizza, especially the history and the ingredients 1. search for the materials through Internet or other resources2. classify the materials课堂活动Task one Make a delicious pizzaLeadin: match the countries with the correct foods1. s

22、how the ingredients they know to the other students2. Groupwork: make a delicious pizza with your groupmates3. Introduce your pizza to your classmates Keep some of the pizzas in the front and ask Ss to vote which is their favorite pizza1. listening: listen to the tape and do P13 1b2. interview: supp

23、ose you are the customers and you want to order a pizza by phone, which one do you prefer to?3. find out the favorite pizza from the final results Task twoMake a menu for your pizza houseAdvice Ss to run a pizza house and make a list by themselves1. Groupwork: talk about the food they want to sell,

24、especially the kinds of pizzas and some drinks and dessert. 2. list all the food and drinks.课后活动Portfolio Show an example to the students and give some adviceMake a menu after class课后反思:本节课属于第三单元的导入课。由于本单元的内容和学生的实际生活息息相关,所以在课程的设计上给了教师更多的设计空间。同时在实际的操作中也显得流畅、自然。首先,采用给出不同国家的特色食品,让学生进行连线。这样不仅可以让学生了解到更多的


26、生活息息相关,所以在课程的设计上给了教师更多的设计空间。同时在实际的操作中也显得流畅、自然。在教学活动的设计上采用以学生动手为主的活动课,能够更好地调动学生学习的积极性Unit 4 I want to be an actor教案示例教学目标:1. 学会不同工作的英文表达方式。2. 了解同学父母的工作。3. 学会简单的介绍自己将来的理想。教学导向:重点词汇:teacher, nurse, engineer, manager, air hostess, lawyer, doctor, clerk, reporter, police重点句型:1. What does your mother do?

27、She is a teacher. What does your father do?He is an engineer. 2. What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher. What does she want to be? She wants to be a singer. 本节课流程图教学板块设计Task 1:Know the names of the different jobs目的:通过这个环节,教师完成本单元的新单词的导入,通过提供给学生对于不同工作的具体描述,让学生猜出工作的名称,这样为整节课任务的完成奠定最基本的词汇基础。在做猜

28、谜游戏时学生能够做到精神集中,并能激发学生的学习兴趣。课前准备:教师需要准备关于teacher, nurse, engineer, manager, air hostess, lawyer, doctor, clerk, reporter, police等工作的具体文字描述。 课堂学生活动:1. 教师向每个小组发放一份关于工作的描述,竞赛看那个小组最先猜出答案,并将本组的谜语提供给全班,让其他组竞猜,这可以将学生的注意力,吸引到课堂上来,并对同学年的谜语加以思考。此活动以小组为单位,让学生通过谜语来猜测工作的名称,猜对者给小组加分。The riddles supplied by the tea

29、cher:1) I work in the hospital every day. My work is very hard but also very important. The doctors and patients need my help. I help the doctor and look after the patients. I always wear white clothes. People call us “angels in white”.2) I drive a car every day, but the car is not mine. There are many people sitting in my car every day. After they go out of the car, they must pay me money.3) My job is very difficult but interesting. I help people on the court. If I succeed I will get lots of money, but if I fail, I g

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