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人教版选修七 Unit 1Living well单词学案含答案.docx

1、人教版选修七 Unit 1Living well单词学案含答案Book 7 选修七 Unit 1 Living wellPeriod 1 new words1、重点单n加油词。1 (n.)缺席;不在某处 n加油 (adj.)缺席的;心不在焉的n加油2 (adj.)有益的;受益的 n加油 (n.)&(v.)利益;好处;使受益3n加油 (n.)(接近的)方法n加油;通路;可接近性_ (an加油dj.)可接近的;可进入的;可使用的4 n加油 (n.)赞成;认可 n加油(v.)支持;赞成;同意 (v.)n加油 不赞成5 n加油 (n.)鼓励;奖励 n加油 (v.)鼓励;鼓舞 (n.)勇气;胆量n加油6

2、 (n加油vt.)祝贺;庆贺 n加油 (n.)祝贺;贺词7 n加油 (vt.)使不悦;惹恼 n加油 (adj.)颇为生气的 n加油 (adj.)使人烦恼的8 (n加油n.)伤残;无力;无能 (vtn加油.)使残废;使失去能力 n加油 (adj.)伤残的9 (n.n加油)雄心;野心 (adj.)n加油有雄心的;有野心的10 n加油 (n.)协助;援助 n加油 (vt.)帮助;援助 n加油 (n.)助手11 n加油 (vt.)使适应;改编 n加油 (n.)适应;改编12 n加油 (adj.)适合的;适宜的 (vn加油t.)&(vi.)适合,合适;使适应二、重点短语n加油。1、_窃取,省略n加油,停

3、止(做某事)2、_n加油_闲坐着3、_在n加油很多方面4、_换句话说5、_n加油_适应6、_n加油_上气不接下气7、_n加油_总而言之8、_取笑n加油9、_遇到,经历10、_n加油_不必担心11、_n加油_祝贺12、_n加油_毕业于13、_尤其,特别14、_n加油_做某事有n加油困难/麻烦3、练习。A、根据汉语提示在横线上填入适当的单词n加油。1、He didnt get _(恼怒)win加油th you for your behaviors.2、 _n加油_(不幸地), he missed thn加油e last bus because he had talked tn加油oo long w

4、ith an old frien加油nd.3、In the 1860s, the _(奴隶制度n加油)was done away with in American加油. 4、If Mary _ (辞职),Anny will n加油take her place.5、She _n加油_(祝贺) herself on her having donn加油e a good job.6、It is diffin加油cult to preserve your _(尊严) wn加油hen you have no job.7、His _n加油_ (残疾)kept him from going to scn加油h

5、ool.8、One of her _n加油_(雄心,理想) is to become a musin加油cian.9、This novel has been _(n加油改编) for radio from the French orn加油iginal.10、When she felt lonely and emn加油pty, I gave him _(鼓励).11、Bn加油y doing well at school hen加油 hoped to win his parentsn加油 _(赞许).12、He has read mann加油y of the major works of _n加油

6、_(文学) written by American authors.13、Sn加油lavery was _(废除) in the US in then加油 19th century.B、用所给的单词的适当形式填空。1、Thn加油e _ child swims well in spitn加油e of her _ .(disable)2、The rin加油ch woman with great _ hadn加油 an _ plan to build a schon加油ol in the poor village when she n加油was young.(ambition)3、As we all

7、 know, frn加油esh air is _ tn加油o our health and the new park _n加油_ us all, so we should keen加油p it clean.(benefit)4、I was _n加油_ at the _ intn加油erruption by the young man.(ann加油noy)5、When someone _ others on加油n their success, he or she usuallyn加油 says “_”(congratulate)n加油6、Praise acts as an _n加油_ to th

8、e young ,and therefore n加油they should be _ n加油instead of being scolded, otherwise tn加油hey would be _n加油_.(encourage)7、He is always _n加油_ from school. n加油His _ from school again is worryn加油ing .(absent)8、Whoever n加油wants to be a _should work hn加油ard at _ and care for _n加油_ situation.(politics)4、n加油短语

9、专练Amake fun of ; n加油adapt to; in many wn加油ays; cut out;sit around; out ofn加油 breath; all in all; dream abon加油ut1、My father has _ smokn加油ing.2、We have made much progress _n加油_.3、How can I _ whn加油en there are so many things to don加油?4、I was _ after runnn加油ing for the bus.5、The book has somn加油e weak sp

10、ots, but _ I considn加油er it a success.6、Such animals likn加油e dinosaurs died out bn加油ecause they couldnt _ n加油the change of the climate.7、I nevern加油 _ being a pilot.8、Its wronn加油g of you to _ the blind.Bmen加油et with; have diffin加油culty in doing sth; in加油n particularin comfort; congrn加油atulate.on ; re

11、sign from; approven加油 of1、I dont really _n加油_ children wearn加油ing make-up.2、It was a n加油good concert and I enjon加油yed the last song _.3、Man加油ny countries _us _ hn加油aving hosted the 29th Olympicn加油 Games successfully.4、He is said to hn加油ave _ the compan加油ny.5、She _ n加油many difficulties and misfortune

12、.6、n加油He _ following the teachn加油er as she speaks too fast.7、There are a n加油lot of rooms to lie down and sleep_n加油_.五、短文改错Dear dian加油ry,Here I am in the middle of an加油 city, 350 miles far awan加油y from our farmhouse. Don加油 you want to know why we move last weekn加油? Dad lost his job, and asn加油 mom exp

13、lained, he was lucky to findn加油 other one. His new job meann加油t I had to say goodbyen加油 to my classmate, my school on加油r just everything eln加油se in the world. To make matters bad,n加油 now I have to share a roomn加油 with my younger sister, Maggie. Tomn加油orrow is first day of schn加油ool. I am awfully tir

14、ing, but I know Iln加油l never fall sleep. Good night ann加油d remember, you, my dear diary,n加油 is my only souvenir from n加油my past life and my only friend.Boon加油k7 unit 1参考答案Unit one Period n加油one 1、重点单词1.absence absent n加油2.beneficial benefit 3.n加油access accessible 4.n加油approval approve disapprove 5.e

15、n加油ncouragement encourage couragen加油 6. congratulate congratulan加油tion 7.annoy annoyed n加油 annoying 8.disability n加油 disable disabled 9.ambitn加油ion ambitious 10.assistance assistn加油 assistant 11.adapt adaptation加油n 12. suitable suit 2、重点短语1、cutn加油 out 2、sit around 3、in mann加油y ways4、in other words n

16、加油5 adapt to 6 out of breath7n加油 all in all 8 make fun of 9 mn加油eet with10 never mindn加油 11 congratulate sb. on加油n.12 graduate from 13 in parn加油ticular 14 have trouble/ difficultyn加油 in doing sth.3、练习、单n加油词专练A、1、annoyed 2 Unn加油fortunately 3 slavery4 rn加油esigns 5 congratulated 6 dignn加油ity 7 disabili

17、ty8 ambitions n加油9 adapted 10 encouragementn加油11 approval 12 litern加油ature 13 abolishedB、1 disabn加油led , disability 2、ambition, amn加油bitious 3、beneficial, benefits 4 n加油annoyed ,annoying 5 congn加油ratulates, Congratulations6 encouragn加油ement , encouraged, discn加油ouraged 7 absent, absenn加油ce 8 politic

18、ian , politics, poln加油itical短语专练A、1、cut outn加油 2 in many ways 3 sit aron加油und 4 out of breath n加油 5 all in all 6 adapt to7 dreamn加油t about 8 make fun ofB、1 approven加油 of 2 in particular n加油 3 congratulated on4 rn加油esigned from 5 met with 6n加油 has difficulty in 7 in加油n comfort五、短文改错far去掉;move改成moved; n加油other改成another; classmatn加油e改成classmates;or改成an加油nd; bad改成worse; firsn加油t前加the或my; tiring改成tiredn加油; sleep改成asleep; is改成are

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