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1、托福108句原文及翻译108句脱口而出1.Those heels are too high for a five-year-old girl.2.To be quite honest ,I cant stand the taste of cigarettes.3.At 20 of 9,teams began to appear on the field.4.The teacher has postponed the test until Friday.5.My grandma watches TV whether the show is good or not.6.Susan will go

2、to the opera unless she has to do her paper again.7.John was no more surprised than I was when Bob was dismissed from his job.8.Jack would like us to pick him up at the airport.9.Tom is going to send that to his brother.10.I seldom go to the beach. got to the station at 9:30a.m,missing the train by

3、ten minutes.12.Mary left the house an hour ago and John left sooner than she did.13.Although he was born and brought up in Los Angeles,David spent most of time in Boston.14.Id finished the novel if Id had the time.15.Sam likes nothing better than go to the beach with his children.16.Bill bought his

4、wife a gift for her birthday.17.I need 18 Xerox copies before my 8 oclock meeting tomorrow morning.18.They look so much alike they could be doubles.19.Our club meets every other Wednesday.20.Ill be ready just as soon as I brush my hair.21.A leading psychologist will give a guest lecture.22.An eye in

5、fection is nothing to play around with.Have a doctor treat it.23.He slipped on the banana peel.24.After the conference ,the secretary will write up the minutes.25.A dozen of us went to the movie ,but only five went to the reception.26.The students completely filled the classroom.27.May 2nd,thats whe

6、n my cousin is coming to visit.28.Oh well,I really didnt expect to win anyway.29.Have the driver let you off at the intersection.30.Almost everyone had finished the book.31.The controller made a mistake and overcharged Amy for her tuition.32.How is Elaine getting along with her new college roommates

7、?33.The tornado that hit Kansas claimed eighteen lives.34.Charles has left the university for good. is a professor of law but he is also a lawer.36.The elevator was so crowded that the operator didnt stop at the last few floors. makes his living by raising ducks and gees.38.Jack planned to be in New

8、 York to meet his sister before she went to Europe ,but he couldnt afford it.39.Peter was amazed how quickly Bob worked out the problem. has absolutely no idea about doing the job.41.John told his friend not to go so soon.42.Henry isnt professor like his father.43.Grandmother could walk around the g

9、arden now if she listend to the words of Dr.Green.44.Sam would have stopped in New York to visit Joe if his trip hadnt been cut short.45.We decided to paint our house yellow for a change.46.We didnt remember to return the magazines to Jane.47.The school let Paul substitute Chemistry for Biology when

10、 he explained that he wanted to study Pharmacy.48.That is the last time well ever invite the Smiths to a party.49.Until she studied Spanish ,Georges sister had always thought its difficult to learn another language.50.I would have finished that sewing if I had had the time. is on a diet to lose weig

11、ht.52.I didnt remember to buy the typewriting papers you wanted,but here are your postcards and stamps.53.I cant help being fond of Uncle George.54.When Bob broke his leg in the accident,he couldnt walk for two months.55.He misunderstood me and brought a coffee cup instead of a soup bowl. only works

12、 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.He never works on Fridays.57.Its time Prof.Johnson dismissed the class.58.The bus should have left at 9:00.Now its 25 minutes behind schedule.59.I would rather you told me the truth.60.John was watching while Mary was making tea. has studied all the documents in this case

13、.62.The flight leaves about 6:15 pm.63.My watch is working all right but now it has stopped.64.Instead of going to Europe with his uncle,George remained with his aunt in Brazil.65.My brother plays football and baseball in college.66.Jim begins to smile as soon as he sees Maria.67.Our plans for a vac

14、ation are still in the air.68.The plan should have taken off at 14:00 hours but it was grounded for two hours because of bad weather.69.Joe is a skilled worker in repairing cars.70.John lost much money by playing poker.71.The ten dollar bill I got from George yesterday is a false bill.72.Ruth told h

15、er parents not to wait up for her since she might not get home until very late.73.We tried to persuade him not to go swimming but in vain.74.John became very upset when he heard this news. travels with his musicians all over the country to give concert performance.76.Bill arrived at school just in t

16、ime.77.Jimmy runs the 100 meter dash in exact 10 seconds.78.He drove through the red light.79.If Bill had known that Mary was engaged ,he wouldnt have proposed to her.80.John can hardly understand his teacher.81.Professor Johnson is devoted to the science that deals with the division of mankind into

17、 different races.82.John would have returned the book if he had known Mary needed it.83.We should have reminded Jack to call the doctor.84.I meant no harm by my remark but Martha flared up at me as though I had insulted her.85.Since she had no desire to be a wallflower all evening,Doris refused to g

18、o to the dance alone. has engaged himself in missionary work for 21 years.87.Before long,Eric began taking Janet to dinners and movies.88.Bill couldnt catch up with the rest of the class in English.89.Mary said:“We have English on every Monday and Wednesday afternoon.90.I wouldnt have remembered to

19、bring my passport if you hadnt reminded me.91.Nancy measured flour,yeast,milk and salt and mixed them together and then put the loaves in a warm place to rise.92.The children began to cry when they were told they couldnt go to the circus.93.In spite of Susies distaste of peas,her mother serves it ev

20、ery night.94.Not many students find the dormitory too cold during the winter.95.Charles hardly ever goes hiking without his red jacket.96.After the danger of frost has passed,then its safe to take the plants outside.97.Ten years ago when Eric was born,Joe was six years old.98.The wind and rain help

21、keep mosquitoes away.99.The artist was surprised that so many people at the show liked modern painting.100.The expensive candlesticks Tom brought turned out to be made of cheap tin.101.Gall has good intentions but she always arrives too late to help Mary prepare dinner.102.The man said that if Jane

22、didnt keep the proper supply,he could have her arrested. was supposed to come yesterday but he didnt have time.104.The class was supposed to start at noon but the professor was half an hour late.105.After bathing the baby,Sally put clean diapers on him and then rocked him to sleep.106.After Mike fin

23、ished school,he went to work.107.I asked for a salad fork not a sugar spoon.108.If Tom had not asked the policeman for direction,he would have never found the church.1.这些高跟鞋对于那些女孩太高了。2.很坦诚地讲,我受不了香烟的味道。3.9:20,各个组开始出现在场地上。4.老师把测试推迟到了周五。5.不管节目好坏,奶奶都会看电视。6如果不需要再写作业,苏珊就会去看歌剧=除非苏珊需要再写作业,否则,她就会去看电影。7.对于Bob


25、场嘉宾讲座。22.眼疾可不是什么小事,找个医生治一下。23.他摔倒在香蕉皮上。24.会议结束之后,秘书会把会议记录整理成文。25.我们中12个人去了电影院,但是只有5人去了服务台。26.教室里全部挤满了学生。27.5月2日,我的堂兄就会过来看我。28.Oh,well, 无论如何,我真的没有期待要赢。29.让司机在十字路口把你放下。30.几乎每一个人都把书看完了。31.财务犯了个错误,多收了艾米的学费。32伊莱恩和她的新大学室友相处的怎么样?33.袭击堪萨斯州的飓风造成18人死亡。34查尔斯永远离开了大学。35. 班克森先生是一位法学教授,但同时也是一名律师。36.电梯太挤了,以至于操作员在最后

26、几层都没有停。37史密斯先生靠养鸭和马生活。38.杰克计划在去欧洲之前去纽约看看他的妹妹,但是他负担不起了(没有足够的钱了)。39. 彼得很惊讶鲍勃这么快就把问题解决了。40史密斯先生完全不知道如何做这项工作。41.约翰告诉他的朋友不要这么快就走。42. 和他的父亲不同,亨利不是教授。43.如果祖母早听格林医生忠告的话,也许就可以在公园里散步了。44.如果山姆的旅程不被缩减的话,他就可以在纽约看望乔。45.我们决定把我们的房子改漆成黄色。46. 我们忘记把杂志还给简了。47.当保罗解释要学习医药学的时候,学校让他改学化学,替换生物。48. 这是我们最后一次邀请史密斯一家参加Party.49在学


28、经研究了这起案件中所有的证件。62.飞机在下午6:15起飞。63.我的手表一直运转良好,但是现在它停了。64.乔治没有和他的叔叔一起去欧洲,而是和他的姑妈留在了巴西。65.我的弟弟在大学里踢足球、打棒球。66.吉姆一看到玛利亚就开始微笑。67.我们度假的计划还没有确定。68.飞机本应该在14:00起飞,但是因为糟糕的天气被推迟了2小时。69.乔在修理汽车上是熟练工种。70.约翰因为打扑克输了很多钱。71.昨天我从乔治那里得到的10美元钱是假币。72. 鲁思告诉她的父母不用熬夜等她了,因为要到很晚她才会回家。73.我们试着说服他不要去游泳,但是没有成功。74.约翰听到这个消息时,变得特别难过。7

29、5.约翰逊带着他的乐器全球旅行,开音乐会。76.比尔按时到达学校。77吉米跑一百米正好需要10妙。78.他闯红灯了。79.如果比尔早知道玛丽已经订婚了的话,他就不会向她求婚了。80.约翰几乎不能理解他的老师。81.约翰逊教授致力于把人类划分为不同种族的科学。82.如果约翰知道玛丽需要这本书,他早把这本书还给她了。83.我们本应该提醒杰克呼叫医生的。84.我的话并没有想伤害玛撒,但是她突然对我变的很愤怒,好像我侮辱了她。85.因为她并不想整夜当壁花,桃瑞丝拒绝一个人去舞会。壁花(在社交场合因害羞而没有舞伴或不与人交谈的人)86. 柯蒂斯先生已经从事传教工作21年了。87.不久,埃里克就开始带珍妮

30、特参加宴会,看电影。88.比尔在英语上赶不上班里的其他学生。89.玛丽说:“我们在每个周一和周三的下午有英语课。”90.如果没有你的提醒,我就不会记得带护照了。91. 南希估量了一下面粉,酵母,牛奶和盐,把它们混合到一起,然后把活好的面包放到一个温暖的地方发酵。92.当被告知不能去看马戏表演时,孩子们开始哭了。93.尽管苏西不喜欢吃豌豆,然而她妈妈每天晚上给他做豌豆吃。94.发现寝室冬天很冷的同学并不多。95.查尔斯几乎每次去徒步旅行都会穿着他的红夹克。96.在霜冻危险解除之后,把植物带到外面是安全的。97.10年之前,当埃里克出生的时候,乔才6岁。98.风和雨把蚊子赶走了。99.这位艺术家感

31、到很惊讶,因为有这么多观看展览的人喜欢现代画。100.汤姆花很贵的钱买的烛台结果是由很廉价的锡制成的。101.高意图很好(总是想来帮忙),但是她总是来的太晚以至于不能帮助玛丽准备晚餐。102.那位男士说如果简不保证恰当的供给,他会让她被捕。103.史密斯先生本应该昨天到的,但是他没有时间。104.本应该在中午开课的,但是教授晚了半个小时。105.给孩子洗完澡之后,萨利把尿布放到孩子身上,然后就摇着着入睡了。106.迈克毕业后,就去工作了。107我要的沙拉餐叉,而不是糖勺。108.如果汤姆没有向警察询问方向的话,他也许根本找不到教堂。1. 通过多变的操练方式迅速改善发音,脱口而出大量句子及段落增强语感。2. 在老师的指导下加强你的记忆能力,在跟着老师读完三遍后请不要再看你的材料,老师会教你如何运用内视觉、内听觉和内感觉去加强你的记忆能力。3. 脱口而出这些句子就像脱口而出汉语一样,把他们完全变成潜意识的一部分,随时随地可以拿出来,并且尽全力打破自己的极限。4. 把每一个句子放在现实的场景之中,做到“英语生活化,生活英语化”。无论记忆哪一个句子都要想象你在一个现实情景中说这句话,想象你的

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