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9BUnit 4Great people牛津英语教案.docx

1、9B Unit 4 Great people牛津英语教案9B Unit 4 Great people(牛津英语教案) 9B Unit 4 Great pepleele t the unitDate:Step 1 ar-up ativities1 Read the nversatin beteen Eddie and Hb he understanding f invent 2 Intrdue the idea f faus peple 3As t re able students t rle-pla the nversatinStep 2 Presentatin1 As re able stu

2、dents, 2 As students t l at Part A (P3)and explain that the are faus peple and then get students t rite the rret rds under the piture3 G arund the lass t he that students have ritten the rret letters4 As re able students t thin f ther faus peple Read the list f rds in Part B and he that students und

3、erstand their eanings6 n the Bb, rite Language pintsStep 3 Her1 Learn the language pints b heart2 Previe the Reading PartNtes:ReadingDate:Step1 Revisin1 Revie e vabular arding t the general abilit f the lass Tell the lass abut a faus peple ,a faus astrnautStep2 Presentatin (Reading A)1 Divide the la

4、ss int three grups and allate ne artile t eah grup hile students si the text n their n, as the t underline the rds the d nt n Then g thrugh the rds students have underlined2 n the Bb, rite the headings As eah grup t g thrugh again and find rds r expressins t ath eah heading Invite students fr eah gr

5、up t e frard and rite their rds and expressins under the rret heading3 rite se questins n the Bb fr students t p in their bs Step3 Presentatin (Reading B)1 Explain the ntext and he that students understand the text Then plete Part B1 in P6 As students t anser the the 2 As students t d Part B1 n thei

6、r nEnurage students t he their anser ith a partner Then as students t read ut at a tie3 Explain Part B2 and as students t find eah desriptin in the rrespnding letter as re able students t briefl desribe Step 4 Presentatin (Reading )1 Divide the lass int teas f 4- students D Part 1 as a quiz Set a ti

7、e liit2 As students t rret the false sentenes3 Explain the ntext f Part 2 and he that students understand the idea Aept all reasnable ansers,Step Language pints (Part A)Learn Language pints Step6 Her1 Learn the language pints b heart2 Previe the Vabular ≈ Graar PartNtes:GraarDate:Step 1 Presentat

8、in (Graar Part A)1 Tell students that a defining relative lause identifies the nun befre it Explain that e an nt tae it ut f a sentene beause it ntains iprtant infratin e an use “h “ “hih “ r “that” in defining relative lause Read the exaples n the page and invite students t thin f re exaples2 Read

9、Part AStep2 Presentatin (Graar Part B)1 It is a gd idea t use exaples f defining relative lause , 2 Add ne r t students t eliit exaples ith defining relative lause3 As students t plete in Part B1 n their n4 As students t plete in Part B2 n their n As students t plete the sentenes in Part B3 n their

10、n and pare ansers ith partner he ansers rall ith the lass6Get the t at ut Part B3Step 4 Language pintsStep D se exersiesFill in the blans ith h , h ,hih, hse, r that1A l is a ahine _ tells peple the tie2A nurse is a persn _ ls after peple h are ill3The huse _ he is ling fr is ver expensive4He is the

11、 persn _ I et in the par esterdaan u help e find the persn _ saved the girl ?6She is the engineer _ r is nsidered t be the best here7The tea _ n the basetball ath is fr N27 iddle Shl8I have lst the ath _ father gave t e t ears ag9The persn _ designs ere the best as r ingrret the istaes in the flling

12、 sentenes1I et the lad in the par hih shed us h t duplings2He has t sns, all f h are dtrs3The athes hih as repaired last ee have nt been sent ba4ane Evans is a faus dtr, t that the president is talingThe student hs father rs in ur pan is sitting at the end f the lassr6She is the girl h as praised th

13、e ther da7She ant tell the reasn here she sld the ath8The freign turists said that Hang-zhu as the st beautiful it hih the had ever seen9This b, that nl appeared a ear ag, has been translated int English10ul 7,1937 is a da hen the hinese peple and the apanese peple ill never frgethse the best anser

14、1This is the untain village _e visited the ther daA hih B in hih here D hen2A hild _ parents are dead is alled an rphanA hih B his hse D ith3She thught I as taling abut her daughter, _ , in fat, I as taling abut daughterA h B here hih D hile4The gentlean _ u tld e esterda as a thiefA h B abut h h D

15、ith hThe dtr _ is leaving fr Afria next nthA the nurse is taling t hi B h the nurse is taling h the nurse is taling t D h the nurse is taling6All _ is needed is a suppl f ilA the thing B that hat D hih7Finall, the thief handed everthing _ he had stlen t the plieA hih B hat hatever D that8A heists sh

16、p is a shp _ sells ediineA h B hih here D in hih9The students _ d nt stud hard ill nt pass the exainatinA / B h hih D the10He tld us abut the things and persns _ he et during his staing in EnglandA hih and h B hih h D thatStep 6 Her1 Learn the language pints b heart2 Previe the Integrated sills Part

17、Ntes:Integrated sillsDate:Step1 Presentatin (Integrated sills A)1 Get students t read Part A1 and then d the exeises2 Invite students t tal abut arie urie3 Pla the rerding Students listen arefull and plete the sentenes ith rret rds in Part A3 4 As students t read utRead the pleted text t he the rret

18、 ansers Pla the rerding fr Part A3 and as students t plete G thrugh n page 6 again Read the pleted textStep2 Presentatin (Integrated sills B)1 lse the bs and listen t e hile I read the nversatin As students t repeat the sentenes as the hear the2 As students t pratie the nversatin in pairs and then h

19、ange rlesStep3 Language pintsStep4Her1 Learn the language pints b heart2 Previe the Stud sills, ain tas ≈ heut PartNtes:PrnuniatinDate:Step1 Presentatin (Prnuniatin)1 As re able students hat the ant t find ut hen the read rite Stress n the Bb Underline the partiular sllablesand put the stress in

20、the right plae 3 As re able students t underline partiular sllables Tell students t read the again,Step2 Language pints (Prnuniatin)Ntes:ain tasDate:Step1 Presentatin (ain tas)1 Explain the ntext f entering a riting petitin f a great persn If pssible, find ut abut siilar riting2 s students t l at As

21、 ntes in Part A3 Reind students that hen e tae ntes, e dnt need t rite in plete sentenes- e ust need t rite dn the erds4 Enurage students t use a variet f rds t avid repetitin As students t read Daniels artile in Part B n their n Then as general questins t he prehensin6 As students t rite a a great

22、persn using their ntes in Part B,As artile as a del and the plan in Part Step2 Language pints (ain tas)Ntes:heutDate:Step1 Presentatin (heut)1 Tell students that the ill be able t he their use f h hih r that, a defining relative lause the have learned in the unit b ding Part A2 As students t read thrugh it and plete the nversatin3 Tell students that the need t selet the rret rds t fit the ntext f the sentenes in the diar entr in Part B Set a tie liitStep2 Language pints (heut)Step3 Her1 Learn the language pints b heart2Previe Unit 2Ntes:

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