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1、三年级英语单词汇总三年级英语单词人教版小学三年级英语单词表 三年级上册词汇Unit 1 pen:pen 钢笔 pencil:pensl 铅笔 pencil-case:penslkeis 铅笔盒 ruler:ru:l 尺子 eraser:ireis 橡皮 crayon:krein 蜡笔 book:buk 书 bag:bg 书包 sharpener::pn 卷笔刀 school :sku:l学校 Unit 2 head:hed 头 facefeis 脸 nose:nuz 鼻子 mouth:mau 嘴 eye:ai 眼睛 ear:i 耳朵 arm::m 胳膊 fingerfig 手指 leg:leg

2、腿 foot:fut 脚 body:bdi 身体 Unit 3 red:red 红色的 yellow:jelu 黄色的 green:gri:n 绿色的 blue:blu: 蓝色的 purple:p:pl 紫色的 white:hwait 白色的 black:blk 黑色的 orange::rind 橙色的 pink:pik 粉色的 brown:braun 棕色的 Unit 4 cat:kt 猫 dog:dg 狗 monkey:mki 猴子 panda:pnd 熊猫 rabbit:rbit 兔子 duck:dk 鸭子 pig:pig 猪 birdb:d 鸟 bear:b 熊 elephant:el

3、ifnt 大象 mouse:maus 老鼠 squirrel:skwirl 松鼠 Unit 5 cake:keik 蛋糕 bread:bred 面包 hot dog:htdg 热狗 hamburger :hmb:g汉堡包 chicken:tikin 鸡肉 French fries 榨薯条 Coke 可乐 juice:du:s 果汁 milk:milk 牛奶 water:w:t 水 tea:ti: 茶 coffee:kfi 咖啡 Unit 6 one:wn 一 two:tu: 二 three:ri: 三 four:f: 四 five:faiv 五 six:siks 六 seven:sevn 七

4、eight:eit 八 nine:nain 九 ten :ten十 doll:dl 玩具娃娃 boat:but 小船 ball:b:l 球 kite:kait 风筝 balloon:blu:n 气球 car :k:小汽车 plane:plein 飞机 三年级下册词汇 Unit 1 boy:bi 男孩 girl:g:l 女孩 teacher:ti:t 教师 student:stju:dnt 学生 this:is 这个 my:mai 我的 friend:frend 朋友 Im=I am 我是 nice:nais 好的愉快的 good morning :gudm:ni早上好 good afterno

5、on:gud:ftnu:n 下午好 meet:mi:t遇见;碰见 goodbye:,gudbai 再见 too :tu:也;太 Unit 2 father:f:爸爸 dad:dd 爸爸口语 mother:m 母亲;妈妈 mom:mm 妈妈口语 man:mn 男人 woman:wumn 女人 grandmothergrnd,m 外 祖母 grandma:grndm: (口语)(外)祖母 grandfather:grnd,f:(外)祖父 grandpa:grndp: (口语)(外)祖父 sister:sist 姐妹 brother:br 兄妹 lets=let us 让我们 great:greit

6、 太好了really:rili 真地;确切地 and:nd 和;并且 Unit 3 eleven:ilevn 十一 twelve:twelv 十二 thirteen::ti:n 十三 fourteen:f:ti:n 十四 fifteen:fifti:n 十五 sixteen:siksti:n 十六 seventeen:,sevnti:n 十七 eighteen:eiti:n 十八 nineteen:nainti:n 十九 twenty:twenti 二十 how many :hau:meni多少 can:kn 能够;可以 look at:lukt 看;瞧 Unit 4 peach:pi:t 桃

7、 pear:p 梨 orange::rind 橙子 watermelon:w:t,meln 西瓜apple:pl 苹果 banana:bn:n 香蕉 strawberry:str:bri 草莓 grape:greip 葡萄 like:laik 喜欢 some:sm 一些;某些 thanks 多谢 Unit 5 bus:bs 公共汽车bike:baik 自行车 taxi:tksi 出租车 jeep:di:p 吉普车 desk:desk 课桌 chair:t 椅子 Walkman 随身听 lamp:lmp 台灯 your:ju 你的;你们的 zoo:zu: 动物园 Unit 6 small:sm:

8、l 小的 big:big 大的 long:l 长的 short::t 短的;矮的 tall:t:l 高的 giraffe:dir:f 长颈鹿 deer:di 鹿小学三年级下册英语重点知识总结 1. What is that? It is my family tree. 2. What are they? They are cars. 3. Who is the old lady with grey hair? She is my grandmother. Who is that boy with a ball? He is my brother. 4. Who are the children

9、? They are my cousins. 5. What about that beautiful woman? She is my mother. What about that one on the shelf? It is a picture of my family. 6. Do you have any pigs? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 7. I have a farm. (肯定) - I dont have a farm. (否定) I have some ducks. (肯定) - I dont have any ducks. (否定) 8. Wh

10、at is it? It is a car. What is this? It is a stamp. What is that? It is a postcard. 9. What are they? They are cars. What are these? They are stamps. What are those? They are postcards. 10. 句型:Be from + 国家类单词(如: China, Japan,) Where are you from? I am from China. (注:国家类与国籍类单词第一个字母要大写) Where is she f

11、rom? She is from Japan. We are both from Britain. 我们都是来自英国。 11. 问: What is in your ? / What is your like? 答: It has如: -What is in your bedroom? / What is your bedroom like? - It has a bed and a chair. / 或者直接简答: A bed and a chair. 12. Where is the mouse? It is in the corner. 13. Where are those mice?

12、 They are under the bed. 14. -How many ducks are there in the picture? -There are three. -How many ducks are there in the picture? -There is one. - Are there any ducks in the picture? - Yes, there are. - Are there any ducks in this picture? - Yes, there are. / 或者: Yes, there is one. 15What is in ? I

13、t has / There is (are) -What is in your bedroom? -It has a bed and a desk. 或者 -There is a bed and a desk. -What is in your classroom? -It has some desks and chairs. 或者 - There are some desks and chairs. under 在下面 in front of 在前面 behind 在后面 beside( by; next to) 在旁边 against 挨着、靠着 near在附近 opposite在对面 b

14、etween and 在和的中间所用到的句型是: Put + 物品+ 方位介词+ 地点如: Put the chairs under the desks. Put the exercise books between the dictionary and the tape recorder. 其它的一些固定搭配:in the corner / on the shelf / on the sofa / on the wall 在墙上 gainst the wall 靠在墙上I like because 我喜欢, 因为 I dont like because 我不喜欢 因为 如: I like t

15、his stamp because it has a goldfish on it. I dont like that stamp because it isnt very beautiful.句型: There be (1) (就近原则:there 后面跟is 或 are, 要看紧跟在后面的名词是单数还是复数。) There is a sofa and two tables There are two tables and a sofa. (2)There be 句型的回答 Is there a TV in your bedroom? Yes, there is. / No, there i

16、snt. Are there any cookies in your fridge? Yes, there are. / No, there arent. How many classrooms are there in your school? There are 25 classrooms. How many playgrounds are there in your school? There is one. (3) There be 句型的否定形式 There is a cat on the desk. There isnt a cat on the desk. There are some cats on the desk.There arent any cats on the desk. There is some juice in the kitchen. There isnt any juice in the kitchen. I (我) my(我的)we(我们) our (我们的)you ( 你,你们) your (你的,你们的) he ( 他) his ( 他的 )she ( 她) her ( 她的)it ( 它 ) its ( 它的) they ( 他们 ) their ( 他们的;她们的;它们的)

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