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1、考研英语阅读理解模拟试题及解析四考研英语阅读理解模拟试题及解析(四) Many objects in daily use have clearly been influenced by science,but their form and function,their dimensions and appearance,were determined by technologists,artisans,designers,inventors,and engineers - using nonscientific modes of thought. Many features and quali

2、ties of the objects that a technologist thinks about cannot be reduced to unambiguous verbal descriptions;they are dealt with in the mind by a visual,nonverbal process. In the development of Western technology,it has been nonverbal thinking,by and large,that has fixed the outlines and filled in the

3、details of our material surroundings. Pyramids,cathedrals,and rockets exist not because of geometry or thermodynamics,but because they were first a picture in the minds of those who built them.The creative shaping process of a technologists mind can be seen in nearly every artifact that exists. For

4、example,in designing a diesel engine,a technologist might impress individual ways of nonverbal thinking on the machine by continually using an intuitive sense of rightness and fitness. What would be the shape of the combustion chamber? Where should be valves be placed? Should it have a long or short

5、 piston? Such questions have a range of answers that are supplied by experience,by physical requirements,by limitations of available space,and not least by a sense of form. Some decisions such as wall thickness and pin diameter,may depend on scientific calculations,but the nonscientific component of

6、 design remains primary.Design courses,then,should be an essential element in engineering curricula. Nonverbal thinking,a central mechanism in engineering design,involves perceptions,the stock-in-trade of the artist,not the scientist. Because perceptive processes are not assumed to entail hard think

7、ing, nonverbal thought is sometimes seen as a primitive stage in the development of cognitive processes and inferior to verbal or mathematical thought. But it is paradoxical that when the staff of the Historic American Engineering Record wished to have drawings made of machines and isometric views o

8、f industrial processes for its historical record of American engineering,the only college students with the requisite abilities were not engineering students,but rather students attending architectural schools.If courses in design,which in a strongly analytical engineering curriculum provide the bac

9、kground required for practical problem-solving,are not provided,we can expect to encounter silly but costly errors occurring in advanced engineering systems. For example,early models of high-speed railroad cars loaded with sophisticated controls were unable to operate in a snowstorm because a fan su

10、cked snow into the electrical system. Absurd random failures that plague automatic control systems are not merely trivial aberrations;they are a reflection of the chaos that results when design is assumed to be primarily a problem in mathematics.1.In the text,the author is primarily concerned withA

11、identifying the kinds of thinking that are used by technologists.B stressing the importance of nonverbal thinking in engineering design.C proposing a new role for nonscientific thinking in the development of technology.D contrasting the goals of engineers with those of technologists.2.It can be infe

12、rred that the author thinks engineering curricula areA strengthened when they include courses in design.B weakened by the substitution of physical science courses for courses designed to develop mathematical skills.C strong because nonverbal thinking is still emphasized by most of the courses.D stro

13、ng despite the errors that graduates of such curricula have made in the development of automatic control systems.3.Which of the following statements best illustrates the main point of the first two paragraphs of the text?A When a machine like a rotary engine malfunctions,it is the technologist who i

14、s best equipped to repair it.B Each component of an automobile - for example,the engine or the fuel tank - has a shape that has been scientifically determined to be best suited to that components function.C A telephone is a complex instrument designed by technologists using only nonverbal thought.D

15、The distinctive features of a suspension bridge reflect its designers conceptualization as well as the physical requirements of its site.4.Which of the following statements would best serve as an introduction to the text?A The assumption that the knowledge incorporated in technological developments

16、must be derived from science ignores the many nonscientific decisions made by technologists.B Analytical thought is no longer a vital component in the success of technological development.C As knowledge of technology has increased,the tendency has been to lose sight of the important role played by s

17、cientific thought in making decisions about form,arrangement,and texture.D A movement in engineering colleges toward a technicians degree reflects a demand for graduates who have the nonverbal reasoning ability that was once common among engineers.5.The author calls the predicament faced by the Hist

18、oric American Engineering Record paradoxical (line 6,paragraph 3) most probably becauseA the publication needed drawings that its own staff could not make.B architectural schools offered but did not require engineering design courses for their students.C college students were qualified to make the d

19、rawings while practicing engineers were not.D engineering students were not trained to make the type of drawings needed to record the development of their own discipline.考点解析1.答案B考点解析这是一道中心主旨题。本题的正确答案信息点在原文第一段的倒数第二句,该句强调nonverbal thinking的重要性。可见本题的正确选项应该是B.考生在破解中心主旨题时一定要首先找出原文的中心主旨句。2.答案A考点解析这是一道反推题

20、。根据题干中的engineering curricula可将本题的正确答案信息来源确定在原文的第三段第一句。该句中should一词的理解十分重要。should是应该做而实际上确没有做。根据should一词并且结合第三段第一句进行反推即逆向思维,可得出本题的正确选项是A.考生在解题时应该重视关键的语言信号词,更要加强反推的能力。3.答案D考点解析本题是一道细节归纳推导题。其实只要考生抓住第一段中的中心主旨句(倒数第二句)和第二段中的中心主旨句(倒数第一句),就不难寻找出本题的正确答案D.要想知道某一段的主要含义就要首先找出该段的中心主旨句。另外考生在破解此类题型时还要善于根据中心主旨句进行合理的

21、逻辑推导。4.答案A考点解析这是一道中心主旨题。如果考生抓住了全文的中心主旨句(第一段的倒数第二句)以及每段的中心主旨句(例如第二段的倒数第一句),就不难寻找出本题的正确选项A,因为该选项所强调的内容与这些中心主旨句所表达的内容是相互一致的。考生在破解中心主旨题型时一定要具备寻找和理解中心主旨句的能力。5.答案D考点解析本题是一道细节推导题。题干已经将本题的答案信息确定在第三段的尾句,该句强调的是engineering students在教育方面的缺陷,因此本题的正确选项应该是D.如果考生在理解此句时有困难,可借助于本段的主题句(第三段第一句)来破解本题。第三段第一句强调的是engineeri

22、ng curricula缺乏design courses。这句话同样是表明engineering students在教育方面的缺失。考生在破解此类题型时一定要善于总结和归纳原文的信息。参考译文许多日常使用的事物明显受到了科学的影响,但它们的形状和功能,它们的大小和外观,是由工艺人员、工匠、设计师、发明家和工程师运用非科学思维模式来设计的。工艺人员所考虑物体的很多性质和特点不能归结到毫不模糊的字面描述;在思维中,它们以一种视觉上的、非言语的方式被加以处理。在西方科技的发展过程中,大体上是由非言语思维刻画了我们物质环境的轮廓并充实了其中的细节。金字塔、大教堂、火箭之所以存在,不是因为几何学或热力学



25、的随机故障不是轻微的失常;它们是一种混乱的反映,人们认为这种混乱主要在设计数学方面的问题时就会产生。【 Word 是学生和职场人士最常用的一款办公软件之一,99.99%的人知道它,但其实,这个软件背后,还有一大批隐藏技能你不知道。掌握他们,你将开启新世界的大门。Tab+Enter,在编过号以后,会自动编号段落Ctrl + D调出字体栏,配合Tab+Enter全键盘操作吧Ctrl + L 左对齐, Ctrl + R 右对齐, Ctrl + E 居中Ctrl + F查找, Ctrl + H 替换。然后关于替换,里面又大有学问!有时候Word文档中有许多多余的空行需要删除,这个时候我们可以完全可以用“查找替换”来轻松解决。打开“编辑”菜单中的“替换”对话框,把光标定位在“查找内容”输入框中,单击“高级”按钮,选择“特殊字符”中的“段落标记”两次,在输入框中会显示“PP”,然后在“替换为”输入框中用上面的方法插入一个“段落标记”(一个“P”),再按下“全部替换”按钮。这样多余的空行就会被删除。Ctrl + Z是撤销,那还原呢?就是Ctrl + Y,撤销上一步撤销!比如我输入abc, 按一下F4, 就会自动再输入一遍abc

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