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1、项目管理人员必须充分理解和熟悉合同条款项目管理人员必须充分理解和熟悉合同条款1前言1 introduction 随着我国改革开放的不断深入,建设工程招投标法律法规的建立和完善,工程造价按照预算定额已不能满足市场经济发展的需要,而工程量清单计价实行“量”、“价”分离形式,采用“动态价格”形式成为了主要的投标形式,它把价格的决定权逐步交给施工企业,使企业真正具有了自主定价的权利,对施工成本控制起到了决定性的作用。下面就从以下几个方面浅谈一下。With the deepening of the reform and opening up in China, the establishment and

2、 perfection of the construction project bidding laws and regulations, the project cost according to the budget quota already cannot satisfy the needs of the development of market economy, and the bill of quantities valuation quantity, price separate form, in the form of price of dynamic has become t

3、he main form of tender, it is to say the price step by step to the construction enterprise, make enterprise really has the rights of independent pricing, cost control of construction played a decisive role. Just talk from the following several aspects below. 2科学合理地控制人工、材料、机械台班费用2 scientifically cont

4、rol labor, material, mechanical machine-team expenses 2.1人工费的控制2.1 the artificial cost control 人工费约占建筑产品成本的8%12%,对其的控制主要有:一是对项目消耗工日数量的控制;二是对人工费单价的控制。用工数量按劳动定额的工日消耗量与项目作业层签订承包合同;采用技术革新,不断提高员工队伍的技能,注意劳动组合和人机配套;充分利用有效工作时间,以提高劳动生产率,在保证工期、质量、安全的前提下降低工日消耗量。精简富余人员,提高生产工人的技术水平和班组的组织管理水平,合理进行劳动组织。Artificial

5、cost is about 8% 12% of the cost of construction products, for its control mainly has: one is to control the project cost the number of man-days; The second is control of the artificial cost unit price. Labor consumption quantity according to the labor quota man-days sign the contract with the proje

6、ct operation layer; Adopt technical innovation, and constantly improve the staffs skills, pay attention to the combination of labor and man-machine matching; Make full use of the effective working time, in order to improve labor productivity, in the guarantee period, under the premise of quality, sa

7、fety, reduce the labor consumption. Simplify surplus personnel, improve the technology level of production workers and management team of the organization, reasonable labor organization. 2.2材料成本控制2.2 the cost of materials control 材料费一般占全部工程项目成本的65%75%,直接影响工程成本和经济效益。材料费控制包括材料订购、材料价格和材料用量控制三个方面。Materi

8、als generally accounts for 65% 75% of total project costs, directly affects project cost and economic benefits. Order material cost control, including material, material price and material consumption control in three aspects. 材料订购方面,应考虑资金的时间价值,减少资金占用,合理确定进货量和批次,尽可能降低材料储备。订货时应注意:多家竞标;避免中间环节;向甲方申请专款专

9、用的资金;制定主要材料设备进场表;控制进货渠道,确保物资质量;严格购货合同条件,规避风险。Material ordering, should consider the time value of money, and reduce capital takes up, reasonable carried and batch, reduce material reserves. Order should be paid attention to when: (1) several bidding; (2) avoid the intermediate links; 3. Apply to par

10、ty a for the special fund is special funds; (4) main material equipment play table; 5. Control the supply channels, to ensure the quality of goods; 6. Strict conditions of purchase contract, risk aversion. 材料价格控制包括买价控制和运费控制。买价控制。材料采购要遵循“质量好、价格低、运期短”的原则,严格按照ISO9000和ISO14000的要求进行采购。运费控制。合理组织运输,就近购料,选用

11、最经济的运输方法,以降低材料储备。Material price including purchase price and freight cost control. (1) purchase price control. Material purchasing to follow good quality, low price, short delivery period principle, strictly in accordance with ISO9000 and ISO14000 requirements for procurement. (2) control the freigh

12、t. Reasonable organizing transport, nearby material, choose the most economic shipping method, in order to reduce the material reserves. 材料用量的控制包括:坚持按企业定额确定的材料消耗量,实行限额制度,如超出限额领料,要分析原因,及时采取纠正措施;改进施工技术,推广使用降低料耗的各种新技术、新工艺、新材料;在对工程进行功能分析、对材料进行性能分析的基础上,力求用价格低的材料代替价格高的材料;认真计量验收,坚持余料回收,在施工现场减少二次搬运,降低堆放,仓储损

13、耗,做到工完料净,有效地控制材料损耗量,降低料耗水平。Materials dosage control include: (1) adhere to determine material consumption quota, according to enterprise implements the quota system, such as beyond the limitation of acquisition, to analyze reasons, take timely corrective measures; (2) improving the construction tech

14、nology, promote the use of reduced material consumption of new technologies, new processes, new materials; (3) function on the project analysis, to the materials on the basis of performance analysis, makes every effort to use low price material instead of the high price of materials; (4) measurement

15、 acceptance seriously, adhere to the remaining material recycling, reduce secondary handling in the construction site, reduce the stacking, storage loss, do it after work is expected to net, effectively control the material wastage, reduce the material consumption level. 2.3机械台班的控制2.3 mechanical mac

16、hine-team control 机械费约占建筑产品成本的5%8%,因此要充分利用现有机械设备进行内部合理调度,力求提高主要机械的利用率。在设备选型配套中,注意一机多用,减少设备维修养护人员的数量和设备零星配件的费用。加强机械操作人员的技术培训及设备的维修和保养,以提高设备的现场调度工作,提高设备的利用率。做好每天的工作日记录,严格控制人力、动力、燃料等费用的支出,到了月末把实际使用台班数同月初的计划量进行对比,分析问题的发生,制定出相应的对策,力求从各个角度来降低机械台班的各种费用。Mechanical cost is about 5% 8% of the cost of construc

17、tion products, so to make full use of existing machinery equipment within a reasonable scheduling, strive to improve the utilization rate of main machinery. In the form a complete set of equipment type selection, pay attention to the multi-usage, a reduction in the number of equipment maintenance an

18、d maintenance personnel scattered fittings and equipment costs. Strengthen the mechanical operation personnels technical training and equipment repair and maintenance, in order to improve the equipment site dispatching work, improve equipment utilization. Make a record every workday, strict control

19、of labor, power, fuel and other expenditures, to the end of the actual amount used number of affecting the plan at the beginning of the month carries on the contrast, analysis problems, formulate corresponding measures, makes every effort from every Angle to reduce the mechanical affecting various f

20、ees. 3加强合同、现场签证、竣工结算的管理3 to strengthen the management of contracts, on-site visa, completion settlement 3.1严谨的合同管理3.1 the rigorous contract management 项目施工合同管理的时间范围应从合同谈判开始,至保修结束为止,因此施工合同是施工造价控制的主要依据。签订严谨的施工承包合同,同时在施工中加强合同管理,才能保证合同造价的合理性、合法性、减少合同纠纷,维护企业利益。合同管理对成本控制起着很重要的作用,项目管理人员必须充分理解和熟悉合同条款。一方面对合同

21、文件进行会签,会审签字的人应认真审查合同内容,以保证合同内容的完整性、合理有效性和可行性;另一方面在施工中加强合同管理工作,合同及补充合同(协议)及经常性的工地会议纪要,工程联系单等资料必须完整保存;最后要建立技术档案,对合同执行情况进行动态分析,对分析结果采取积极主动的措施。Project construction contract management the time range from contract negotiations began, until the end of the warranty, so the construction contract is the main

22、 basis of the construction cost control. Strict construction contracting contract, at the same time strengthening contract management in construction, to ensure that the contract disputes over contracts rationality, legitimacy, reduce cost, maintain corporate interests. Contract management plays an

23、important role in cost control, project managers must fully understand and familiar with the terms of the contract. On the one hand, came to sign contract documents signature should carefully examine the contents of the contract, to ensure the integrity of the contract contents, the reasonable effec

24、tiveness and feasibility; On the other hand, strengthening contract management work in construction, the contract and the supplementary contract (agreement) and the regular site meeting minutes, project contact list data must be kept intact; Finally, establish technical files, dynamic analysis was c

25、arried out on the contract execution situation, take active measures to the analysis result. 3.2严把现场签证管理3.2 strictly the site visa management 现场签证是在合同履行过程中对合同文件的内容进行补充修改,从而形成的补充性合同文件,是工程造价的组成部分。它是工程建设过程中一项经常性的工作,许多工程由于现场签证不严肃,引起工程成本失控。据统计,由于工程签证问题引起的工程结算价的上升幅度可达15%25%,甚至更高。鉴于此,对于工程现场签证,应建立技术经济签证制度,明

26、确签字责任人和签证权限,分级把关,有条件的施工企业可以指派工程造价管理专业人员常驻施工现场,随时掌握、控制工程造价的变化情况,对实际发生的内容、施工范围、实物工程量、签证价位进行审核确认,严格控制工程变更后的造价。对工程量大或单价高的签证事项,要上报主管项目经理审核、备案。还要对现场管理人员进行经济观点及思想素质教育,培养他们实事求是的工作作风,在抓好工程质量、工期、安全监督的同时,充分重视节约工程成本。Spot visa is in the process of contract of contract documents to supplement the content of the a

27、mendment, to form a supplementary contract documents, is part of the project cost. It is a regular process of engineering construction work, many engineering because the visa is not serious, lead to project cost out of control. According to statistics, due to visa problem caused by the engineering s

28、ettlement price increase of up to 15% 25%, even higher. Visa in view of this, the project site, shall establish a system of technical and economic visa, clear signature person and visa permission, hierarchical control, conditional can be assigned to the project cost of construction enterprise manage

29、ment professionals in the construction site, to understand and control the change of project cost, the actual content, the construction scope, physical quantities, visa price audit confirmation, strictly control the cost after engineering change. Visa matters for big quantity or the unit price is hi

30、gh, to report the competent project manager check, for the record. Also to view the site management personnel, and ideological quality education, cultivate their practical and realistic style of work, in the engineering quality, construction period, safety supervision at the same time, the full atte

31、ntion to save engineering cost. 3.3细致的工程竣工结算3.3 detailed project completion settlement 竣工结算是施工项目成本控制的最后一个阶段,它是全面考核项目成本控制好坏的重要环节,因此,在此阶段主要的工作有:对施工合同及补充协议、工程招标文件、投标文件、中标通知书、材料采购供应合同、工程量清单报价资料等资料要认真审核,审核相互之间有无不对应的问题;对竣工结算所涉及的施工图纸、竣工图纸、施工组织设计、竣工测量纪录、图纸会审纪要、设计变更、现场签证、工程洽商、隐蔽工程检查验收记录、建设单位有关工程的变更、追加、削减和修改的

32、通知单、其他材料代用、调换及现场决定工程变更等项目的原始记录,现场签证单或现场有关材料认价资料、现行法律法规调价文件等进行审核。在审核资料的过程中查明需要各方签字并盖章要求的是否有全部签名和盖章,做到责任到人;复核工程量。工程中与工程量清单项目一致的除严重不平衡报价外执行原来的合同单价;新的工程量项目清单,其综合单价按2008计价规范4.7.3的规定确定:若合同中已有适用的综合单价,按合同中已有的综合单价确定;若合同中有类似的综合单价,参照类似的综合单价确定;若合同中没有适用或类似的综合单价,由承包人提出综合单价,经发包人确认后执行。变更签证的审核:首先,要审核变更、签证的真实性;其次,审核签证的工作内容是否已包括在预算定额内或包含在投标报价之中。凡定额中已明确规定的工作内容或含在投标报价中,一律不再计算现场签证费用。对隐蔽工程的现场签证,更要认真负责、严格把关。根据合同约定审核设计变更、洽商及现场签证是否涉及费用调整,如不涉及费用调整应作为施工技术变更,结算时不调整价款。由于从业人员的素质存在着较大差异,因此要努力提高审核人员的专业素养,遏制发包方的压价,真正控制好成本。Completion and settlement is the last stage of the co

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