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1、外研版七年级下册模块12练习部分Module12 Western musicUnit 1 Its so beautiful!基础练I. 词汇1.活泼的adj 2.现代的adj 3.感觉v 4.吵闹的adj 5.流行的adj 6.摇滚乐n 7.小提琴n_8.声音(自然界的一切声音)n_ 9.西方的adj 10.由,被prep_.短语1. 首都2. 流行音乐3. 摇滚乐4. 音乐迷5. 京剧6. 现代音乐7. 古典音乐8. 西方音乐.基本句型及交际用语 1. 这是西方音乐,不是吗?This is Western music, _ _ ?2. 他创作了许多舞曲。He wrote lots of _

2、_.3. 她在晚会上不仅弹钢琴而且还拉小提琴。She played _ _ _ at the party.4. 那个年轻人在28岁时变得很成功而且很富有。The young man became very successful and rich _.5. 这是施特劳斯创作的还是莫扎特创作的?The summer holiday is coming. There are _ _ _ students will go to the summer camp.6. 我是一个摇滚乐迷。 Im _ _ _rock music.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. Spring Festival is our

3、t_ festival.2. Do you like fast music or s_ music?3. His grannys(奶奶,姥姥) death made him very s_.4. We all like our English teacher, because his lessons are l_ and interesting.5. Its too n_. I cant sleep at all.6. He comes from Germany. He is a _(德国人).7. Lucy was born in Ottawa, the _ (首都) of Canada.8

4、. My son is a football _(爱好者).9. This picture is so _(美丽的).10. Pop music is great for dancing. Its _(轻快的).单项选择 ( ) 1. Strauss is _ Austrian musician.A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 2. My cousin isnt a soccer fan, _? A. is he B. isnt he C. does he D. doesnt he( ) 3. Alan is different from his brother, _? A

5、. is it B. arent they C. are they D. isnt he ( ) 4. Beethoven _ many pieces of beautiful music. A. wrote B. write C. writing D. writes( ) 5. Are there famous anyone in _? A. Germans B. German C. Germany D. Germen( ) 6. Can you play football? Yes, I can, _ I cant play it very well.A. or B. and C. so

6、D. but( ) 7. Its not polite_ anything in the museum. A. touch B. to touch C. touching D. touches( ) 8. Do you like classical music or pop music? _ of them, because they are both beautiful. A. All B. Both C. Either D. One选择合适的句子填空。 A: What a fine day today! 1. _? B: That sounds like a good idea. 2. _

7、? A: Lets go to the little Hill. B: Shall we take the bus there? A: 3. _. Its not very far. B: That will be OK. Ill ride my new bike my father bought me for my birthday last month. A: 4_? B: Lets ask Mary and Jack to go with us. They planned to go last Sunday but it rained. A: Good! Im sure they wil

8、l be happy to. B: What are we doing there? A: 5. _. B: That will be fun. 备选句子:A. Where are you going B. We can just lie on the grass and have a good restC. We can go there by bike D. Why not ask someone else to join usE. How about going on a trip 语法句型练.根据汉语提示完成句子1. 北京是中国的首都。 Beijing is _ _ _ China.2

9、. 你的叔叔到底在干什么?What _ _ is your uncle doing?3. 珠江穿过广州市。The Pearl River _ _ the city of Guangzhou.4. 格林先生是个美国人还是一个德国人?Is Mr. Green _ American _ a _?5. 我相信西方音乐很精彩。I _ that _ _ is very wonderful.6.在她五岁的时候,她就开始弹钢琴。She began to play the piano _ _ _ _ five.按照要求转换句型1. We saw somebody in the street.(改为一般疑问句)_

10、 you _ _ in the street? 2. Jack drank lots of coffee last night. (变反意疑问句) Jack drank lots of coffee last night, _ _? 3. It is rainy today. (变成反意疑问句) It is rainy today, _ _?4. He will be a composer. (用writer变选择疑问句) _ he be a composer _ writer?5. Mozart was born in 1756 and in Austria. (对划线部分提问) _ and

11、 _ was Mozart born?6. The girl is a successful pianist. (变为感叹句) _ _ successful pianist the girl is?7. The movie is relaxing. (变成感叹句) _ _ the movie is! Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music.基础练I.词汇1.穿过prep 2.两个pron 3. 歌剧n 4.声音(人的嗓音)n 5.鼓 n 6.相信v_7.乐手n_8.中心n_9.欧洲的adj_10.经典的adj_.短语1.中

12、心城市_2.到处_3.不但而且_4.成千上万_5.新歌演唱会_6.每一年_7.弹钢琴_.基本句型及交际用语1.在施特劳斯家族,有两个名叫约翰施特劳斯的作曲家,他们是父子。In the Strauss family, _ _ two composers _ Johann Strauss: the father and the son.2. 在中国,流行音乐比传统京剧更流行。Pop music is _ _ _ traditional Beijing Opera in China.3. 这首歌曲使她闻名全国。This song _ _ _ all over the country.4. 让我带你参

13、观我们的学校吧。Let me _ you _ our school.5. 他在中国待了60多年了。He has been in China for _ _ 60 years. 6. 施特劳斯出生在奥地利的首都。Strauss was born in _ _ _Austria.7. 还不到六岁,他就不仅会弹钢琴,还会拉小提琴。_ he was six, he played _ _ the piano _ _the violin.8. 这条河流经城市。The river _ _ the city.9. 我们班有很多西方音乐的爱好者。There are _ _ _ _ in our class.10

14、.她不喜欢听流行音乐,是吗?She _ _ _ _ pop music, does she?根据所给的首字母,写出所缺的单词,使句子意思完整、语法正确1. The c_ of the famous piece of music was Mozart.2.You should b_ (相信) in yourself.3.My brother likes playing the v_.4.Her old grandfather d_ in 1996.5.Beijing is not at the c_(中心) of China.6.I like playing the p_(钢琴).7.A lot

15、 of m_(音乐家)came to study and work in Vienna.8.The soldier died at the a_(年龄)of 27.9.My grandfather bought a _(鼓)for me as a birthday present.单项选择( ) 1. Many of _ love classical music. A. Europe B. European C. Europeans D. Europeans( ) 2. Are you a film_? Yes. Jackie Chan is my favorite star. A. star

16、 B. player C. fan D. artist( ) 3. Not only she but also her friend never _ the news. A. believe B. believes C. believes D. to believe( ) 4. Sorry, Im busy today. I have_ homework to do. A. much too B. too much C. too many D. many too( ) 5. I dont like the green T-shirt. Would you show me _one? A. an

17、other B. the other C. other D. others( ) 6. Im going to the beach with Sam next holiday. _. A. Have a good time B. Best wishes C. Good idea D. Youre welcome( ) 7. _ beautiful the flowers look!A. How B. What C. What a D. How a ( )8. I like playing _ violin after school every day . A. a B. an. C. the.

18、 D./ ( ) 9. -Who called me on the phone just now , Sally? -I am not sure , but it was a girls _ A. sound B. voice. C. noise D. number. ( ) 10. -I passed the exam . -wow! _ !A. What an exciting news B. How exciting newsC. What exciting news D. How a excite用所给词的适当形式填空。1.He is a great _(music).2.The do

19、ctor advised him to stop _ (smoke).3.Dont make him_(do) this and that.4. Lang Lang was a very _ (成功的) pianist.5. New York is a _ (富有活力的) city.6. Mozart was the greatest European _ (作曲家). 语法句型练I.根据句子意思和汉语提示,完成下列句子.1.吉姆也是个流行歌迷。 Jim is also _ _ _ pop songs. 2. 你明天不上音乐课,对吗? You _ have a music class tomo

20、rrow, _ _?3. 摇滚乐太快太吵闹了!Rock music is too _ and _! 4. 郎朗的努力使得他功成名就。 Lang Langs hard work makes him _ and _. 5. 贝多芬生于1770年,逝世于1826年。 Beethoven _ _ in 1770 and_ in 1826.6. 在他生命的后十年里,他什么也听不到了。 He_ _ in the last ten years of his life. II.按要求完成下列各句,每空一词1. Are your parents workers? (用doctors 改为选择疑问句)_2. Do

21、 you have breakfast at seven?(用at eight改为选择疑问句)_3. Does she like pop music?(用rock music改为选择疑问句)_4. She is a popular teacher.(改为感叹句)_5. Jim jumps high.(改为感叹句)_6. You enjoyed the tour of Beijing.(完成反义疑问句)_7. David will go to Beijing tomorrow.(完成反义疑问句)_ Unit 3 Language in useI.词汇:1.世纪n_2.作曲家n_3.年长的adj_

22、4.华尔兹舞n_5.再一个pron_6.作品n_7.贫穷的adj_8.富有的adj_9.完美的adj_10.悲伤的adj_ 11.船n_12.慢的adj_13.快的adj_.短语:1.全世界_2.新年_3.严肃音乐_4.拉小提琴_5.生日快乐_6.完美的结果_7. 的首都 _8. 被叫做_9. 穿过 _10. 传统西方音乐_11. 流行音乐的粉丝 _12. 听_.基本句型及交际用语1. 维也纳新年音乐会每年一月一日举行。 Every year, the Vienna New Years Concert _ _ on 1st January.2. 她一句话也没说,离开了办公室。 She went

23、 out of the office_ a word.3. 谢谢你邀请我参加你的生日聚会。 Thank you for me to your party.4. 那里没有足够的座位, 不是吗? There arent seats , there?5. 上周Jack请我照看他的小狗。 Jack asked me to of his dog last week.6. 但是他变得很贫困,于1791年去世,当时年仅35岁。_he _very poor _died in 1791_ he was only 35.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. My uncle lives in the c . He h

24、as a farm there.2. I am sure I can find your lost book s in the room.3. Its not my dictionary. M is blue.4. Everyone knows that exercise every morning can help keep one f .5. On last May Day there were many t on the beach. 6. The little girl didnt go to school because her family was p_.7. I had a p_ holiday last year.8. Our teacher wrote many p_ of music two years ago.9. London is the c_(首都) of England.单项选择。 1. They dont come from Europe, do they? _. They come from America. A. No, they do. B. Yes, they do. C. Yes, they dont D. No, they dont2. The little girl is si

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