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1、初升高英语衔接知识初升高英语衔接知识第1讲重、难点:(一)认识初、高中英语的区别 即将开始的高中学习生活,特别是英语的学习是与初中阶段有着很大不同的:1. 课本编排上的区别:初中的每一个单元是分为4课的,每篇中有的是对话,有的是阅读文,也配有一些练习,而高中的每个单元并不分课,而是基本上按版块划分,大体为“Warming up”(热身),即是针对本单元的话题提出的一些问题,以练习口语的形式做引子,便于进入本单元的主题,然后为“listening”(听力)和“speaking”(说),这两部分都是旨在进一步提高我们的听、说能力,难度较初中有较大的提高,请同学们做好准备。下个部分就是“Readin

2、g”了,高中的阅读文分为阅读前和阅读后的讨论、思考问题并加入了有关的语言知识的学习及练习,可以说在内容上是极大地丰富了。除此之外还会有稍短的阅读,写作等方面的练习,即“Integrating skills”(综合训练)当然书后的workbook也与初中不同,内容更为丰富,练习也更多。2. 在词汇上的区别:我们初中的教材已是新版本了,每个单元的单词可能大家觉得已经不少了,但高中教材中的词汇更是成倍甚至是成三倍地增加了,这也是新编教材的一个特点,加入了许多当前常用的,新出现的流行的词汇,也是与我们学的新编初中课本相承接的,所以,为了能尽快适应高中词汇的学习,我们应该及早着手把初中阶段的词汇再熟悉一

3、遍。 另外,对于高中英语词汇的学习,大家还要知道其要求是远远高于初中的,在学习单词时,我们既要了解它在文中的意思,还要掌握它在练习中,考试中可能出现的所有意思,用法及搭配等。3. 在所学语法上的区别:在初中阶段我们把基础的语法内容已经学习过了,而在高中我们要学习的是更深更高层次的语法。如定语从句,非谓语动词、名词性从句,倒装结构、虚拟语气等等,其中的部分内容我们并不陌生,但是初中我们所接触的还只是皮毛,高中阶段的学习会比之前的所学内容复杂得多,所以我们要充分利用暑假把之前的漏洞弥补好,在后面的学习中,我们也会一起与大家重温这些知识并将之与高中内容做一对比,为大家步入高中学习打好基础。4. 在课


5、也没有理由沾沾自喜。5. 在考试评估制度上的区别:这一区别可能是影响最大的一点,我们许多同学初中英语一直较差的原因在很大程度上是由于初中这种不正常的考试制度,很多人认为英语不用下功夫学,反正最后背背答案就可过关,这样成绩不错,学得也很轻松。一旦抱有这种想法,初中这个重要的打基础的阶段就被荒废过去了,这对我们升入高中后的英语学习是极为不利的,这就好比是建造没有基础的空中楼阁,肯定会感到很难,很吃力。进入高中之后我们的考试是没有范围的,不能靠背答案过关,而且所学所考的内容应该都是向高考看齐的,难度肯定不小,但同学们也不要害怕,只要认真努力,坚持不懈,做好充分迎接失败的心理准备,然后在每次经历中吸取

6、经验,一点点地弥补自己的不足,肯定会取得很好的成绩。初升高英语衔接知识第2讲有关简单句、复合句及并列句的知识疏理:1. 简单句:(1)定义:只有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)的句子叫简单句,如:We learn English . 我们学英语。(一个主语和一个谓语)Both Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang are from Beijing . 小张和小王都是北京人。(两个并列主语和一个谓语)He once lived and worked here . 他曾经在这里居住和工作过。(一个主语和两个并列谓语)My father and mother go to w

7、ork at seven in the morning and come back home at eight in the evening . 我父母早上七点上班,晚上八点回家。(两个并列主语和两个并列谓语)(2)简单句的五种基本句型(略)(3)分类:上次我们对简单句按照句子基本结构分出的5种类型做了阐述;另外,根据句子的功能或使用目的,简单句可分四类:陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句。2. 并列句:(1)定义:用并列连接词连接起来的两个或两个以上简单句叫做并列句。(2)并列句的构成:简单句+连接词+简单句(3)连接并列句常用的连接词:and , but , or , so , not onl

8、y but also , neithernor , eitheror , 等。eg.I help her and she helps me . 我帮她,她帮我。He is very old but he is in good health . 他年纪很大了,但他身体很好。We must hurry or well be late . 我们得赶快走,不然就晚了。This girl did her work carefully , so she never made any mistakes . 这个姑娘工作认真,从不出差错。Jim not only wrote to me last week b

9、ut also came to see me yesterday . 吉姆上星期不但写信给我,而且昨天还来看过我。Neither could theory do without practice, nor could practice do without theory . 理论没有实践不行,实践没有理论也不行。Either he is to blame or I am . 不是他该受责备,就是我该受责备。3. 主从复合句(1)定义:主从复合句是由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成的。主句是句子的主体,从句可视作句子的一个成分。从句在主从复合句中可起主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语作用。从句在全句

10、中起什么作用,就叫什么从句。(2)状语从句:状语从句在句中起状语作用,修饰主句中的谓语动词、形容词或副词。在初中阶段我们主要学习了以下几种状语从句: 时间状语从句:常见引导词:when(当时),as(一边一边,当时),while(在过程中),before(在以前),after(在之后),since(自从以来),till(until)(直到,直到才),as soon as(一就)等。进入高中阶段之后,我们还会再见到另外一些常用的连接词。在由以上连接词或词组连接的主从复合句中,主句谓语动词所表示的动作和从句谓语动词所表示的动作有时是同时发生、有时是先后发生。因此,在理解和运用带时间状语从句的主从复

11、合句时,要根据连接词所表示的不同时间意义,特别注意主句和从句的谓语动词的时态。这是掌握时间状语从句的关键。 原因状语从句:常由because(因为),since(既然),as(由于)等连接词引导。eg.He didnt hear the knocking at the door because he was listening to the radio . 他没听见敲门声,因为他正在听收音机。Since you are free today , you had better help me with my English . 既然你今天休息,你最好帮我学习英语。As the day was f

12、ine , they decided to go on a trip . 由于天气好,他们决定作一次短途旅行。 地点状语从句:常由where(在地方),wherever(无论在哪儿)等连接词引导。如:Ill go where work conditions are difficult . 我愿意到工作条件困难的地方去。Wherever you are , you should work for the people heart and soul . 无论你在哪里工作,你都应该全心全意为人民服务。 条件状语从句:常由if(假如,如果),unless(除非)等连接词或连接词组引导。如:If I g

13、o to the Great Wall tomorrow , would you like to come along ?如果明天我去长城,你会和我一起去吗?He is sure to come unless he has some urgent work to do at home . 除非他家里有急事要办,不然他一定会来的。 比较或方式状语从句:常由asas(与一样),than(比),the +比较级 , the+比较级(越就越),as(像一样),as if(似乎/仿佛)等引导。如:I know you better than she does . 我比她更了解你。The more you

14、 practice , the more knowledge you will get . 你实践得越多,你得到的知识就越多。You should study English as hard as Mary does . 你应该像玛丽那样努力学习英语。The old man runs very fast as if he were a young man . 这位老人跑得很快,简单像个年轻人。(在以as if连接的从句中,谓语动词用过去式,系动词were可用于所有人称,表示虚拟语气,而不是真实情况。) 目的状语从句:常由so/such.that.(如此以便于),so that=in order

15、 that(以便于/为了)等来引导。如:They set out early that they might arrive at the station in time . 他们很早出发,以便及时赶到车站。She takes notes carefully in class so that she may use them when she reviews her lessons after class . 她在课上认真记笔记,以便能在课下利用它们复习功课。 结果状语从句:常由so/such.that.(如此以至于)等连接词引导。如:He finished his homework so we

16、ll that his teacher praised him in class . 他作业完成得很好,结果他的老师在班上表扬了他。The film was so interesting that I enjoyed it very much . 这部电影这么有趣(以致于)我非常喜欢它。It is such a heavy box that nobody can move it away . 这是一个很重的箱子,谁也搬不走。 让步状语从句:常由though(although)(虽然但),even if(即使),however(不管怎样),whatever(无论什么),no matter how

17、(who)(不管多么)(无论谁)等连接词或连接词组引导。如:He went to school , though he was ill . 虽然他病了,但还是去上学了。She carried on the job even if she had a bad cold . 即使她患了重感冒,她还是坚持工作。However much I tried , I failed to work out the maths problem .无论我怎么做,都算不出这道数学题来。Whatever you say , I will not change my mind . 不论你怎么说,我都不会改变主意。He

18、keeps taking physical training in winter no matter how cold it is . 不论天气多冷,他都坚持在冬天进行体育锻炼。No matter who asks her for help , she is ready to help . 无论谁请她帮忙,她都愿意帮助。(3)定语从句:在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词,定语从句必须放在先行词之后。引导定语从句的关系代词有who , whom , whose , which , that等。这些是我们在初中已学习过的,对于它们的用法已经在以前的讲解

19、中多次提到过,主要掌握它们指代人还是物,在句中可以充当什么成分。引导定语从句的关系副词有where , when , why等,这些是高中要学习的内容,在后面的讲解中我们会渗透其用法及定语从句其他内容。(4)名词性从句:在主从复合句中,从句可以起主句的主语、表语、宾语或同位语作用在多数情况下,这四种句子成分由名词性词类充当,所以起这四种成分作用的从句统称为名词性从句。引导名词性从句的关联词有:连接词that , whether , if;疑问代词who , what , which , whose;疑问副词when , where , how , why等。在这四种从句中,我们已学过的是宾语从

20、句,其他三种在课文中偶尔出现过,只要求理解,宾语从句是必须掌握的内容,对于它的三要素也已多次复习过,请同学们认真学习并将有关练习题做好,为今后学习其他三种名词性从句打好基础。【模拟试题】主从复合句(一)宾语从句:1. She said she would leave the message on the headmasters desk . A. that B. where C. which D. what2. Could you tell me ? Im his old friend . A. where does Jim live B. when will Jim come backC.

21、where Jim has gone D. how is Jim3. Im sorry I cant decide to do .A. what B. how C. when D. where4. I want to know Mother has put the presents round the Christmas tree . A. when B. where C. whether D. that5. He hasnt decide .A. if hell go on a trip to Hainan B. when will he go on a trip to HainanC. i

22、f he goes on a trip to Hainan D. when does he go on a trip to Hainan6. Do you know the population of Shenyang ?A. what is B. how much is C. what are D. how many are7. I dont know when . When he , Ill let you know . A. will he come , will come B. he will come , comesC. he comes , will come D. does he

23、 come , comes8. Do you know if back next week ? If he back , please let me know . A. he comes , will come B. will he come , comes C. he will come , comes D. will he come , will come9. Can you guess if they to play basketball with us ? I think they will come if they free . A. come , are B. will come

24、, will be C. will come , are D. come , will be10. Do you know ? Im going to see him . Sorry , I dont know . A. where does Mr. Li live B. where did Mr. Li liveC. where Mr. Li lives D. where Mr. Li lived11. Could you tell me ?A. when shall we start B. who are you waiting forC. where the bus station is

25、 D. why were you late12. What did your son say in the letter ? He told me that he the Disney World the next day . A. will visit B. has visited C. is going to visit D. would visit13. You must remember .A. what your teacher said B. what did your teacher sayC. your teacher said what D. what has your te

26、acher said14. In the bookshop , a reader asked the shopkeeper Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book . A. that B. how C. what D. if15. Excuse me . Could you tell me get to the plane ? Certainly . Go straight along here . A. how can we B. how we can C. when can we D. when we can16. Be careful !

27、Dont break the bottles . Do you hear I said , David ?Yes , mum . A. what B. that C. why D. if17. Do you know ? Hes Toms father . A. who is he B. what he is C. whats he D. who he is18. Id like to know .A. when will he give back the tapeB. whether has he received higher educationC. that he has been bu

28、syD. whether she will join in our English Evening19. The students are studying hard , for they know .A. what are they studying for B. what are they studyingC. what they are studying for D. why they are studying for20. Will you please tell me ?A. where Pudong Airport is B. how far Pudong Airport wasC

29、. how can we get to Pudong Airport D. when was Pudong Airport built21. Where does he come from ? Pardon ?I asked where .A. did he come from B. he came from C. he comes from D. does he come from22. Do you think an English film tomorrow night ?A. is there B. there is going to have C. there is going to

30、 be D. will there be23. He told me a new bridge in his village the next year . A. built B. will build C. will be built D. would be built24. She said she hoped her soon . A. him to see B. he would see C. him seeing D. he is seeing主从复合句(二)状语从句:1. The mountain was steep few people in our city reached t

31、he top . A. so , as B. so , that C as , as D. too , to2. Time passed quickly and three months went by we knew it . A. when B. after C. before D. till3. What are you going to do in the future ? Id like to be a doctor you are . A. so B. as C. what D. when4. He wait until the rain .A. wont , will stop B. wont , stop C. will , stops D. will , will stop5. Although I the truck for half a year , it still lo

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