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2、的智商测下来居然相差甚远。所以如果你的智商不是天生有问题,那就多动动脑子吧,呵呵 I think all relationships.First, inherent genetic IQ people.Otherwise, how would there be so many the worlds congenital weakness, low energy child?(The term is no derogatory, matter-say).Second, are the product of the environment.Others said that if the brain

3、 will not rust out, it just makes sense.Read a previous survey, saying it was a test to find a pair of twins (they were measuring the IQ capacity out of almost 99% similarity), they grow up a little later, when my brother was sent into the coal mining workersall day and not see the light of the loca

4、l yokel with repeated mechanical work; and his brother were sent to a lot of money by most people a good education at home.So when they are 20 years old, the two brothers have been very different - the younger brother of the brilliant student at Harvard University, a talented handsome; and his broth

5、er was rude sluggish.More importantly, they were actually far down the IQ test.So if your IQ is not inherently a problem, it would always think twice, huh, huh 一般地说是有遗传的。而且几率还比较大,但是,隐性遗传也是存在的,基因突变也是有的。不太聪明的 父母生育了很聪明的孩子也是有的。很聪明的父母生育很笨的孩子当然也有。其实,小孩在10岁以前,脑 子也是可朔的,通过训练培养,同样可以能变得聪明起来。Generally speaking,

6、 there is genetic.And the probability is relatively large, but also the existence of recessive gene mutations also have.Not too smartBirth parents are very smart kids have.Birth parents of very smart kids, of course there are stupid.In fact, children before the age of 10, brainMoons son is also avai

7、lable through the Training and Training, the same may be able to become wise up亿万富翁建立天才精子库罗伯特格雷厄姆是美国一位亿万富翁,1980年他投巨资建立了精子库,希望为妇女提供生育潜在天才的机会,从而弥补人类基因遗传中的巨大损失。他萌生这样的想法,是由于他在年轻时结识过一位发明家,此人聪明绝顶,不但有多项了不起的发明,同时既是大学教授,又是著名医生,令格雷厄姆崇拜之至。然而遗憾的是,这位发明家却没有结婚生子,格雷厄姆因此想到了建精子库,让没有生育孩子但智商高的人能够有继承者。他的精子库设在自己在南加利福尼亚的别

8、墅地下室里。在他招募的第一批精子捐献者中,至少有3位诺贝尔奖得主,其中包括黑人物理学家威廉科金利。但是因种族主义者的“黑人生来劣于白人”观点,科金利成为一个有争议的捐献者。相关新闻: 记者节,本报收到特殊礼物(图) 山东捐精志愿者95%为高校生 每年数千夫妇苦等 济南95%捐精志愿者是高校生 男生集体捐献精子/图 捐精液变“买精液”对高校学子是一种毒害格雷厄姆的做法在社会上遭到不少批评,被认为是取代了自然规律,但格雷厄姆的辩解很简单:如果由此生育的后代中有一人能找到治疗癌症的良方,那么自己的努力就是值得的。但是经营精子库的人,早期也出过两件不光彩的事情。第一位帮助格雷厄姆经营精子库的经理保尔史





13、于后天的培养。”阿德里安娜说,“我的两个女儿都有极高的智商,但她们对艺术更感兴趣。这或许是家庭的熏陶,因为我天天都在家弹钢琴跳舞。”然而,幼子罗根从小就有问题,迟迟不会说话,虽求诊过不少著名医院,终查不出原因,最后只得配了一台语音合成器,通过键盘输入关键词后发出声音与人交流。以上是精子库造就的一些“天才”的现状,对自然生育的夫妻在培养孩子方面,会不会有一些启示呢?Billionaire genius sperm 库罗伯特格雷 Graham established a billionaire in the United States in 1980, he invested heavily in

14、 building a sperm bank, GreeceFertility hope for women the chance of potential talent, which make up the human genetic inheritance of the huge losses.He sprouted the idea isHe had met in an inventor at a young age, who are smart, not only have many great inventions, while both university professors,

15、 andIs a famous doctor, so that matter to Graham worship.But unfortunately, the inventor did not marry and have children, so think of GrahamThe construction of the sperm bank, so do not have children but people with high IQs to have successors.His sperm bank in his villa in the basement of Southern

16、California.In his first recruiting sperm donors, at least 3Nobel Prize winners, including physicist 威廉科金利 black.But because of racist black born inferior to whites conceptPoint, William Mckinley, a controversial donors.Related News:Press section, the newspaper received a special gift (Figure)95% of

17、sperm in Shandong college students, volunteers, thousands of couples each year waiting forJinan, 95% of the volunteers are college students, male sperm donor sperm group / mapDonated semen change to buy semen is a poison of college studentsGrahams approach was a lot of criticism in society, is consi

18、dered to replace the natural law, but Grahams defense is simple:If the resulting offspring have one good way to find a cure for cancer, then his effort is worth it.But the sperm bank business people have been out early two shameful things.The first sperm bank to help Graham, manager of security oper

19、ationsErshimisi, there is simply not a biologist, but a cleaner, he attempted the sperm of these celebrities mixed with animal spermTogether, engaged in a business venture; later a manager, and upon inspection was actually a character portrait.Heir high IQ genes, however, Grahams death in 1998, near

20、ly 20 years, has more than 230 children around the world have spermGenius of the genetic library, and their situation?The first sperm bank genius gene successor is 维基科尔瓦 Siji.Talented girl from an early age, IQ of 180, severalAlmost every year, the State mathematics scholarships, and later she admit

21、ted to the California Institute of Technology, which is a prestigious U.S. universities, training throughDozens of Nobel Laureates, Albert Einstein once taught in this school.Therefore, the Graham not only have high hopes for her, her adoptive father is more hopeHope she created a miracle.Mr. 科尔瓦思基

22、an unemployed electrical engineer, who put their hopes in the wiki, for taking a veryEnd means, in her childhood would not let her play with toys, do not give her birthday as a child should be deprived of the pleasure of her, let her life, in addition toLearning or learning.On the wiki, her goal in

23、life is to please his father, to make his father happy and hard studying.However, admittedCollege, away from his father, she felt relieved to lose interest in learning in favor of the pursuit of pleasure, performance declined, and even some powerClass failed.Wikipedia currently unemployed at home.多伦

24、布莱克 genius sperm bank is the second gene transmission, he suffered since childhood education and wiki different.His mother AkronIs a single mother, also a psychologist, she believes that only let the children loose in a free environment to grow, to be fullyDevelop their potential.My idea is to let h

25、im open to welcome all, Akron said, If he were a tree, my task is to negativeResponsible for watering and let him free growth, the water is my love and affection.Interested in the child towards his direction.My approach is reflected in TorontoWho is the whim and 3-minute heat, he has a moment of int

26、erest, however, may be a month laterWill turn to another matter.Torontos father, the sperm donor, is a computer expert, but is also useful for making classical musicYi.Akron was selected sperm, is see a two-page introduction, the decision to introduce also the expert on the body, goodsOK, family bac

27、kground is described.Toronto is indeed a clever boy.He was two years old will play on the computer, 3 years old will be able to read, 5-year-old will be able to seeUnderstand Shakespeare, Hamlet some of the fragments.But he was proud, always pride ourselves on our intelligence, so often angered some

28、 of the sameScience.His elementary school teacher said that he did not discipline, lack of perseverance.Toronto is now an influential musicHome.David Ramsey, 59 and 50-year-old Adriana is a husband and wife, David is a computer programmer, is a dance AdrianaDance at home and the piano player, becaus

29、e it is not natural birth, they decided to turn to a sperm bank.I do not want to bring up a genius, I justWant my children like my husband, smart, active and robust.Adriana said. Renner their first child is a girl16 years old, provided the sperm, father is a well-known professor at prestigious unive

30、rsities; second child, Courtney is also a girl, the third childLogan is a boy child, the sperm of two children, Father is an Olympic gold medalist.Two little girls on the show bright side, their eldest daughter, when 18 months old will be able to play the simple songs on the piano, the second daught

31、er15 months when you can Beishi singing, two daughters born to have a good voice.While each child has their own talent, but theyThe main achievements of the future is to nurture.Adriana said, My two daughters have a high IQ, but their artMore interested.This may be the influence of the family, becau

32、se I dance every day at home playing the piano.However, the youngest son Logan is a problem since childhood,Delay can not speak, although the patient had a lot of well-known hospitals, the final cause could last only one with a voice synthesizer, a keyboard inputAfter the sound into the key words to communicate with others.These are the sperm bank created by

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