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1、高考英语听力试题含答案C9.15.C. He !nsr his keys.C. At a cinema.C. The scenery.CL Al 9:00.C. A new ottice.菽秘密皱11项卷理启用前2020年普通高等学校招生全国统考试(模拟卷)英语听力(第一次)注L.祥卷前,君生务必将口已的蚪名、考陀号竽填写亦答题卡和试卷摘定位蜀JL。 工何答选扌幽时.嗣1阳小題芥家&川黔笔把齐題卡1;对应题H的答案标号徐 鳥,如酷改动.用橡皮攥I;净后,再逸除其他答案标号3,霸側東G骆卒试卷利符题卡一井玄回.第节(其5小卧毎小西1$分满分75分、听卜両对话,讦臣对话后有一个小题乩黴中疾给的&

2、C三个选妝中迭 出墩性迭项c斬充耳段别透后.你都有校坤的时问來回答有关小题和阅谀下一小物. 每段对话仅读一過叩How muc-h is the shirt ?A.XI9 IS. B.9.I8答案是C.1.Whul happened to Lhe man?2 He was locked out B. He missed ihc train.2.WJwre are lhe bpeiikera?A. At a gym. B. Ata rcsiaurant.3.Wliat docs the wnman dislike about her trip?扎 The weather. B. The traff

3、k.1. When will the confcrcncc begin?A. Al 70. B.AtS:3O 5. What ar Lhu speakers talking ahouL?A. A iobposilian. B. A fellow wofker英旌听力试题第I页(共3页第一节(共小殛金毎小理L5分.22.5分)听下面5段对话该殖白*毎f殳对话或独口后仃几个小题,从题中所给的2乩C 二亍选坝中选出量桂选项-听每氐刘话瑕独白篩 你将有时何倒读各亍小匹 枝钟;圻完后,各小趣和给岀右秒牡的柞答时何丁算段別话或独口读两剧专 听第&段材料.回答第9 7虬6.What seems to be

4、the mans pro-bkm?A.He doesrf t sleep .B.He has no more pilLs.C.卜花 caift focus 卩rtiperly7.W)1411 is the num iKlvisd p feeling anxious 听第7段材料冋答第&至10赵& How did 血 man get to uork today?A.C. On fool.C. EnviK.ninKan1.CM cuuveniei kt.C- Heaiher.By bike. B. By bus.9. What is Ehc man s major concern about dr

5、iving, a ciu?A. Expenses B Health.W. VrTuildoEs die woman thmk of using a tar?A. Et?s costly El ICs dangerous.听笫get材料,回答笫i【至is Eb11.Who reached the lop of Mvunl OcmKilaiignia?A.Ellen. B. Jona服rt12.Mor long did ihe man s-peitd on his sdenmre travel? 九96岀jys,B.Four tncwulw,C.Oxy 毗11 Whai does tht woma

6、n ihink about doing iti the future?A.Walking hwugti a national park.B.Cycling alomg a tnuatry mailC.Caniptugout in the nwuntinSr英语听力试恿第2页共3页)听第9段林料.回答第14 17.14.What is Julia doing?A.PUimi视 J)ei budgetB.Conducdug an Lncerxitw.C.(nving advice cn studies.15.Which costs MiLlt most efach inonth?A, Food.1

7、3. Clothes.C. Books.I fi. I Tdw much ctnes 4;iri jtpencl cm Apcirts a rnnmlh?A.About $15.R About S30.C, About S50.17. Wh吐 is the 卩robablc rclarinnship between the speakers? Sirarigers.B.Schwlmatcs.C.Co-workws,听弟10段村料.回答第I8M2Q K.1 R. Which colour is unsuitable for office walls?A. Green.ft. RM,C. Yell

8、ow.19.Wh;aeffeer doe5 narurl light liave on -eifflce workers?A. It is good ibr theij eyesR h helps rheni cnincentrateC. U makes llwin feel chetrfuJ-20.Who arc most likely 5満分22.5听下而5段对话或独白.每虫对话或独白后冇几个小題,从题中所拾为A、BC 三牛选项申选出足住选项,听毎段对话或独白就,你将有时间阅读各个小懸每小趣, 秒神听完后.各小題将洽出5秒忡的作軒时间十甸段刘话JS独白读两锻,听笫6段材料.回答笫乞7题.6

9、.Why does (he wurnan 灶心呼 the “3?A. Htfs returned a book late. B. He s damaged a book7.Elow does ihe man ftel about the tine?A. It?s Kccptablc. 04 If&too much.C. lie s hsl ii biwk.C. J1 *s unneceKirj.听第7段材料.回蒔第8至10LS . Whai is special about die teacups?A. Iltey a/e finely deccrated,B- They arc sold w

10、ith candies.C. They are shaped like beans.比 Why docs the man lake the apple-tree-tu-be gill?A. 11 look$ aiifaetive,B_ It provides insLrucLwns.C It will he a pleasant memory10.How much will the man pay fiir the gift?A.S24.95. B. S26-99.听胡8段材料,冋答第11至13吐11.Whai does Kai I: need 加cording to Susxtn?A. A

11、holtdaji H A pronijotion.12.Whid does Kiirl think hii Company should do*?A. Oftcr paid xcations. EL Keep costs down.13.WhM does Susan aree to do for Karl?A. Waich tor job openings.R. Posi an adveniseinenLC Talk to his manastLC. 156.90.C. A payRise.C. Employ mere people.英语听力试题第2页(共3页)靳第!)段材料.创昇第14至17

12、題.14.Whai is hc womaifs original plan forIMUgJir?A.Hav-e n good rest.B.Siudy for an exam.C.Celebrate her birllidav.15.Wliat docs (he man intend tn do with friends at 6:30?A. Hdiy d timer.B Watch a movie. tiuvtf a parly.16.When wilL the party probably end?A, At 10:00.B-AL 1030 CAt I kOO.l?-IIuv* dws

13、the Run sund?A.Enthusiastic.R mpMiem,C. Hesitant.听到3 0及材料,回答第IS至20題.IS, War is ilw talk mainly abcxil?A DisGaMJCOiitrol.B.T ocal eveinsC Govcrncncnt service.19. What is prohibited at present in Oxton?A.Wziiering. gardensB.Sinn king Mitdoors.C.Washing cars.2D. What docs the speaker 甜y about the fire?

14、A. El desirojxid a biiikhnR It caused 期Sus injuries.C.It was quickly pul out.灭诳听力试題第m页(共3页)听力原文一Text 1M: Know what?l could nt get back into my apartme nt and had to stay at a hotel last night.W: How did that happen? Did you lose your keys?M: No, I left them in the apartment and my wife was on a busi

15、ness trip.Text 2M: Wow, so many choices and so many people. So, what kind of film do you want to see?W: Its up to you, but nothing too violent, please.Text 3M: How was your trip to Lon don?W: It was fantastic .I visited a lot of places, churches, museums and the royal palaces, and the weather was fi

16、ne.Horrible traffic, thoughText 4W: How much time do we have before the conference? We dont have to hurry, do we?M: Dont worryts seven thirty now. We still have an hour and a half It takes only thirty minutes to get there.Text 5M: Hey, did you see Ann in the office this morning?W: Yes, but why did s

17、he have such a long face?M: Im not sureheard she failed to get promoted.Text 6M: What about the problems Ive been having?W: Not serious Take some medicine and you will get a better nighfs sleepM: Thank you. How should I take the medicine?W: Take one pill about thirty minutes before you go to bed.M:

18、How long should I take them?W: Thirty days.M: Is there anything else I can do?W: Dont worry so much about things at workM: Should I stay home from work?W: No, its not necessary Just remember to stay calm.Text 7W: Youre late!M: Yes, Tm really sorry. I had to wait for ages for the busW: Why didnt you

19、drive?M: Ahf well, Pve sold my car.W: Oh, are you getting a new one?M: No,Im not getting another car.Pve decided to live without one.W: Wow, what made you do that?M: I think there are too many cars and this town is already far too polluted.W: Well, thafs true, but a car is useful.M: I dont think so,

20、 not in the city center anywaycan never find anywhere to park and you spend most of the time sitting in traffic jamsW: But how are you going to get to work?M: Pm thinking of getting a bicycleW: Dont you think bicycles are dangerous?M: Not reallydont think the/re as dangerous as cars.W: Well,I could

21、nt do without my car. I have to take the childre n to school every day.M: I dont thi nk childre n get eno ugh exercise these days.They should walk to school.W: Okay, I see what you mean.Text 8M: Hey,Heather.Can I sit here?W: Yeah, sure, Jonathan.Hows your day?M: Good.Say, are you planning your summe

22、r travels?W: Well, not yet.I was just reading a story about this woman Alan Wilson, who climbed up Mount Qomolangma.M: Yeah,I read that to o. A rather extraordi nary experie nee, is nt it? Ninety six dayslShe is actually a graduate of our college, class of 2012.W: Oh, really?So Jonathan, what amazin

23、g thing have you done?M: Well,I just went cycling across South America.W: You didntM: I did, just last year before I entered the graduate school. It was such a brilliant time, four months on the road and enjoying wonderful seenery in the country, in tow ns and in cities all along the way. I got a bi

24、t tired, though W: Sounds great, hmm, maybe I should think seriously about my big life adventure, like taking a long walk across a national parkM: Wow, let me know if you need someone to go with you.Text 9W: Hi,Matt. May I ask you a few questions?M: Certainly Julian, what do you want to know?W: Im d

25、oing a study on the spending habits of students in our school. Pm writing a paper for my social studies course.M: That sounds interest!ng!W: To begin with, how much money do you get from your parents a month?M: I get about five hundred dollarsW: How do you spend your money?M: I spend about three hun

26、dred dollars on food, you know how I like to eat.W: Yes, what about the rest of the money?M: Well,I spend on shows, about thirty dollars a month. Games, uh, for rental of tennis, court and balls, about fifty dollars. I do spend some one on things like reading material and the rest I save.W: What abo

27、ut clothes?M: My mother buys them for me.W: Thanks a lot,Matt!M: YouYe welcome!Text 10W: Hello, every one. Im very glad to be here to talk to you. People n eed to feel secure and comfortable, so they can be creative.Well designed workplaces ofte n create environ me nts that make employees better thi

28、n kers So today, 111 talk about how to design workplaces that inspire creativityhope you can find it useful. First, the color of the office walls.Decorate your office with green.Other bright colors such as light blue and yellow can also in crease creativit y. Calmer colors help us concentrate. Green also reminds us of nature, which

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