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1、减少或者避免在施工过程中对原有施工方案的改变减少或者避免在施工过程中对原有施工方案的改变近年来,随着社会的进步和经济的发展,我国社会主义现代化建设的进程不断加快。建筑行业作为经济建设的支柱型产业,在迎来巨大机遇的同时也面临着前所未有的挑战。这就对建筑工程项目建设和管理实施提出了新的要求。其中,工程造价控制作为项目管理的重要组成部分,直接关系到整个工程项目的质量和经济社会效益,在整个项目建设管理中占有重要地位。面对我国目前建筑工程造价管理中存在的问题,现代建筑工程建设发展要求,加强工程造价控制管理的有效性。对此,本文主要从以下几个方面进行了深入研究探讨。In recent years, alon

2、g with social progress and economic development, Chinas socialist modernization construction is accelerating the process of. The construction industry as a pillar industry of economic construction, ushered in the great opportunities and also faces hitherto unknown challenge. This raises new requirem

3、ents for the construction project construction and management. Among them, the project cost control is an important part of project management, directly related to the whole project quality and the economic and social benefits, occupies an important position in the whole project construction managem

4、ent. Facing the existing construction cost management in our country at present, the development of modern construction engineering construction requirements, to strengthen the effective management of the project cost control. Therefore, this paper mainly from the following several aspects of the in

5、-depth study.一、我国建筑工程造价管理的现状One, cost management of construction project of our country current situation工程造价管理是建筑项目工程成本管理的重要内容,也是确保工程质量、提高项目经济和社会效益水平的有效手段,一直受到建筑建设施工管理单位的高度重视。自改革开放以来,我国市场经济体制建设不断深化,投资管理体制改革的实施使得工程项目投资管理模式也发生了很大的改变。然而,我国目前工程造价管理的改革仍相对落后,并未形成与时俱进的市场型造价管理机制。这就使得建筑项目工程建设的具体实施面临着造价控制问题的

6、严重阻碍,难以满现代市场经济竞争环境下的内在需求。当前,我国建筑工程造价管理所面临的问题主要表现在:现行工程预算定额跟不上建筑材料更新换代和价格变化的需求;建设工程造价领域的政策不配套,法制不健全,监管机制缺失;建设工程造价管理局部性;责任机制及投资体制不完善;缺乏配套的管理制度,审批和认定中介组织工作缺乏公正性。Project cost management is an important content of construction project cost management, is the effective means to ensure the economic and soc

7、ial benefits of the project level, improve project quality, is highly regarded by the construction unit building construction management. Since the reform and opening up, Chinas market economic system continued to deepen, the implementation of investment management system reform of the investment pr

8、oject management pattern has changed a lot. However, Chinas current reform of the management of project cost is still relatively backward, has not formed the market cost of management mechanism of keeping pace with the times. This makes the specific implementation of the construction project cost co

9、ntrol problems facing serious obstacles to the full, internal needs of the modern market economy competition environment. At present, facing the construction cost management in China: the main problem in the current project budget quota can not keep on building materials updating and price changes i

10、n demand; construction project cost field does not match the policy, legal system is not perfect, lack of regulatory mechanism; construction cost management locality; responsibility mechanism and investment system is not perfect; the lack of supporting management system, examination and confirmation

11、 of intermediary organizations lack of impartiality.二、建筑工程造价阶段性控制的内涵Two, construction project cost control of the connotation of stage建筑工程造价控制是对建筑项目建设成本的管理,具有显著的系统性特点。在建筑工程造价控制的具体实施过程中,要求必须确保工程造价管理的全面性,需要对建筑建设周期内的各个阶段、环节特征进行全面了解和掌握,从而在此基础上制定出动态合理的管理对策,使得造价控制贯穿于整个建筑建设周期的全过程。因此,建筑工程造价管理必须采取阶段性控制的方式,以保

12、证成本管理的实效性。Cost control of construction project is the construction cost of construction project management system, has the characteristics of obvious. In the specific implementation process of cost control in construction engineering, must guarantee the overall project cost management, need to link

13、characteristics of each stage, the construction period of a comprehensive understanding and grasp, and on the basis of the development of a dynamic management on reasonable, so that the entire process cost control throughout the whole construction period. Therefore, take stage control method must be

14、 the construction project cost management, in order to ensure the effectiveness of cost management.从建筑工程造价控制的阶段来看,可以划分为可行性论证阶段、规划设计阶段、施工阶段、竣工结算阶段和使用维护阶段。每个阶段环节均具备不同的特点,需要在结合各阶段不同工作内容和目的的基础上,制定针对性措施实施造价控制管理,实现降低工程成本的目标。From the stage of construction project cost control of view, can be divided into t

15、he maintenance phase of the feasibility study stage, design stage, construction stage, completion settlement stage and use. Each stages have different characteristics, needs based on the content and purpose of different periods, to formulate specific measures for the implementation of cost control a

16、nd management, to achieve the goal of reducing engineering cost.三、建筑工程造价阶段性控制中的注意事项Three, the matters needing attention of construction project cost control in the stage在现代建筑建设过程中,工程造价控制是项目成本管理的关键,直接决定着整个项目的经济效益水平,影响着工程的建设质量。受多元化投资主体的影响,要求必须实施工程造价阶段性控制,实现工程造价的动态管理。在建筑工程造价阶段性控制的具体实施中,需要注意以下问题。In the

17、process of modern construction, the project cost control is the key of project cost management, directly determines the economic level of the whole project, affects the quality of the construction project. Influenced by the diversification of investment subject, requires the implementation of projec

18、t cost control, to realize the dynamic management of Engineering cost. In the specific implementation of control engineering cost of construction stage, the need to pay attention to the following questions.(一)可行性论证阶段( a ) the feasibility study stage1.在建设项目的规模选择上,切忌贪大冒进,对于高投入、高风险、高回报的行业,通常可以采取小规模的建设方

19、案;而对于投入低、风险小、回报不高但是稳定的行业,则可以采取较大规模的建设方案。1 in the scale of the construction project choice, not greedy big rash, the high input, high risk, high return business, usually can take the construction scheme of small scale; and for the low investment, low risk, return is not high but stable industry, can

20、take large scale construction scheme.2.在建设项目的预算评估方面,需要进行全面的估算,而对于容易被漏算的交通设施、配套设备、办公设备等项目需要特别注意,防止漏算。2 in the budget evaluation of construction projects, the need for comprehensive evaluation, and the need to pay particular attention to the project is easily missed traffic facilities, equipment, offi

21、ce equipment, prevent leakage calculation.3.通常情况下,泰安太阳能一个建设项目应当配备至少 3 个以上的合理设计方案,在对各个方案进行优缺点的评价和比较之后,尤其要根据投资效果进行测算以确定最终方案。3 under normal circumstances, a reasonable design of construction projects shall be equipped with at least more than 3, after the evaluation and comparison of advantages and disa

22、dvantages of each scheme, especially according to the investment effect determines the final scheme by calculating.4.土地是不可再生资源,在进行投资项目的建设时,应当充分考虑到土地的利用效率,面对地价的飙升,投资者要利用有效的控制措施减少土地成本的支出。4 of the land is non-renewable resources, investment in construction projects, should give full consideration to th

23、e efficiency of the use of land, with land prices soaring, investors should use effective control measures to reduce land costs.(二)规划设计阶段( two ) the planning and design stage1.对主要建筑物的布局位置要进行详细的规划。 同时优化项目内的交通设计,减少管道管网的交错,配套设施坚持环保和安全的理念,同时避免重复建设。The position of the 1 main buildings detailed planning.

24、At the same time optimization of traffic design within the project, reduce the cross pipe network, facilities adhere to environmental protection and safety concept, at the same time, avoid to repeat construction.2.使建设项目中每个主要建筑的功能相匹配,使每个建筑的使用效率都实现最优化, 避免不规则的设计带来的浪费现象,达到降低工程造价的目的。2 so that each constr

25、uction project construction of the main functional matching, makes efficient use of each of the building to achieve optimization, to avoid wasting phenomenon bring design of irregular, reach the purpose of reducing project cost.3.对单个建设项目的先后顺序要进行合理的规划,不同的建设项目可以选择不同的开工日期, 只要确保在同一时间内使每个项目都顺利完成,实现项目整体完工

26、并投入使用。3 pairs of single construction project in order to make reasonable planning, different construction projects can choose different start date, just make sure that each project at the same time was successfully completed, to achieve overall project completed and put into use.(三)施工阶段( three ) the

27、 construction phase1.电动吊篮在施工单位的选择上,应当选择信誉好、技术强以及具备完善管理制度的施工单位和监理单位,能够有效地实现对施工组织的优化,减少施工过程中的浪费现象。1 in the construction unit of the choice, should choose good reputation, strong technology and construction units and supervision units to improve the management system, can effectively achieve the optimi

28、zation of construction organization, reduce the waste phenomenon in the process of construction.2.减少或者避免在施工过程中对原有施工方案的改变。2 reduce or avoid the original construction programme of change in the process of construction.3.加强对施工现场的材料进场以及施工现场的管理。 在材料的采购过程中,应当根据施工图纸的需要和市场价格来确定材料采购的数量,避免大量积压,也要避免由于供应短缺而造成停工

29、待料的现象出现。3 to strengthen the construction site materials approach and management of construction site. In the procurement of materials, shall determine the amount of material procurement according to the construction drawings and the needs of the market price, to avoid a large backlog, but also to av

30、oid due to supply shortages caused by downtime to be expected of the phenomenon.(四)竣工阶段( four ) the completion of phase1.在审计机构的选择上,应当选择信誉好、责任心强的审计单位,对于工程中的分包和自营项目应当在结算时进行扣除。1 in the audit institution choice, should choose good reputation, strong sense of responsibility audit unit, for engineering su

31、bcontracting and proprietary projects shall be deducted in the settlement.2. 防水板对合同签订与工程实际完工情况进行核对和检查,对于未完成的和发生改变的项目要进行详细的核对,并作相应的核减,避免花冤枉钱。2 of the contract the actual completion and project check and inspection, for the unfinished and change the project to conduct a detailed check, and the corresp

32、onding reduction, to avoid wasting money.(五)使用维护阶段该阶段( five ) use the maintenance phase of the stage1.对于建筑物的防水、防潮部位要进行定期的检查和维护。 日常检查和维护的费用往往不会很多,但是如果疏忽了日常检查,造成了大的问题再进行修补,将会大大增加维修的费用。1 building waterproof, moisture-proof parts to make periodic inspection and maintenance. Daily inspection and maintenance costs are not many, but if the negligence of the daily inspection, caused a big problem and then repair, will greatly increase the cost of repair.2.按设计的功能投入使用,切忌自行改变使用功能,因为每个项目在设计阶段都对使用功能有明确规定,如果自行改变其使用功能,会使建筑物的使用功能受到影响。2 according to th

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