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1、外研版小学新标准英语三年级起第三册全册教案课时教学计划 主备人: 施教时间: 年 月 日单元 M1 U1课题seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty! 课型New lessen教学 目标知识与能力1. Vocabulary: 1.Review numbers112,and review the words : yellow, white, purple, pink, red, green,blue.2.Let Ss learn to listen and say Numbers 13-20. 2.Target language :1. This is + ad

2、j + one. 2.Heres.3. To improve their communicative abilities and encourage them to speak more English.过程与方法通过玩游戏和小组合作等方式,完成本节课的学习。情感与态度通过对本课的学习,让学生了解如何简单的用英语数字自己周围的事物,从中发现学习的规律,让学生从小培养爱学习、会学习的良好习惯。变被动学习为主动学习,在英语学习活动中形成主动开口说英语的习惯,体验用英语进行交际的乐趣。 重点Master the new words : Numbers 13-20.难点2. To enable the

3、 Ss master “thirteen”和“fifteen”发音. 教法 1.Communicative teaching method2.Task-based teaching method 3.Competition among groups and individual students.学法 1.Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners. 2.Let the Ss pass ObservationImitationPractice to study language. 3.Teach the Ss how to maste

4、r dialogues and how to communicate with others. 教学准备Tape recorder, photos, word cards, PPt, computer预习设计Let Ss review numbers that they learnt and make a set of number cards.教学过程施教者调整Teaching procedures: Step1:Warm-up/Revision1.Sing the songs:“Rainbow”,“Ten little fingers”.2.Review colours:yellow, w

5、hite, purple, pink, red, green,blue and numbers :112.T:(show PPt.) Now ,who is the fast one ?And what number do you see? Step2.Lead in and Presentation.1.Say quickly .T:(show PPT.)1+1=?2+1=?3+1=?,Use your head,who can give us their answers?,(Have a race in groups) Eg:1+1=?Lead Ss to answer like this

6、 : One and one is two .2.(show PPt.)12+1=?Ss: thirteen. (Maybe some pupils can answer it.)(T writes the word on the blackboard) Make13(Let Ss make:?+?=13)Eg:Whats six and seven? Six and seven is 13.(用英语讲解西方国家对13的看法,结合幸运数字讲解西方人很忌讳13.Using the same way ,learn the words : fourteen, fifteen 3.Lets chant

7、 to learn the numbers :16,17,18,19,20.Six and ten is sixteen.Seven and ten is seventeen.Eight and ten is eighteen.Nine and ten is nineteen.Ten and ten is twenty.Look! Look! Look!I have the number keys! (Ss find the the number keys: 13、15、18、20的读音是没有规律的,而14、16、17、19是比较简单,只要在4、6、7、9后加 teen ti:n).Step3

8、:Practice and consolidation 1. Listen and do.2. T:Now ,I say the number ,you put the card with the number up . Eg:T:Thirteen, thirteen, where is 13?Ss:Thirteen,thirteen, here it is.2、Game .(划拳),(两人各出示手指表示的数字再两个相加,谁先把答案说出来,谁就可赢得对方的卡片,看谁的卡片赢得的多为胜者,可用以下句型出示手指。)Eg:How many, how many fingers? Two and sev

9、en ? Nine fingers .3.Say like this : Eg:T:This is a green pencil.(and take a red pencil):This is a red one.?/“Here is a red one.”4Learn Text(1)Listen to the tape carefully with the questions:1.How many colours do you hear?(yellow, white, purple, pink, red, green,blue.2.Which numbers do you hear? Try

10、 to say them ,please .(ten twenty)( 2 ) Open your books and turn to page 2. Listen to the tape,and follow the tape.3. Follow the teacher .4.Read in groups .5.Act in roles .Step4:Extension1、Read, think and write (看、想、填) + + =eighteen Step5:Homework Today we have learned how to count and write numbers

11、 from 13 to 20. Dont forget to use them in our life.And please recite the activity 1.【板书设计】 Module 1 Unit1 seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty! 5+6=11 5+7=12 5+8=13 thirteen 414 fourteen15 fifteen616 sixteen717 seventeen 18 eighteen 919 nineteen 20 twenty 【教学反思】课时教学计划 主备人: 施教时间: 年 月 日单元M1 U2课题Ive

12、got twenty-six points.课型New lessen教学 目标知识与能力1Know and master the numbers:21-29;And review the words of animals.复2. a.Ive got twenty-two points. Twenty and one is twenty-one. b. Im the winner.过程与方法通过玩游戏、猜动物 说唱和小组合作等方式,完成本节课的学习。情感与态度带领学生了解英美国家孩子们中非常流行的动物牌游戏。激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生自主、合作 探究的能力,养成积极思维的习惯,促使其体验成

13、功的快乐。重点Master the vocabulary: 2129, point winner. Students can use the words and use the sentences describ objects in English exactly .难点Using the numbers freely in daily.教法1. Audio-visual teaching method 2. Task-based teaching method3. Competition among groups and individual students.学

14、法1.Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners. 2.Let the Ss pass ObservationImitationPractice to study language. 3.Teach the Ss how to master dialogues and how to communicate with others.教学准备PPT, computer, tape-recorder, tape, animal cards .预习设计Collect the information about animal cards and

15、 Make a set of animal cards .教学过程施教者调整Step 1 Warming-up1Greeting and enjoy a song :Ten little Indians2. Free talkT: We have four groups, Sam group, Amy group, Daming group and Lingling group. Today well have a race, the group that gets the most points is the winner,(show the word:winner and show PPT

16、 of Liuxiang )“winner”冠军.“point”, “Point to the window.” .Ss:指向窗户。T:Thats right. Point “指向”.Its other meaning is “分”。 (show the word:“point”“分”。)Read after me, point.S: Point.3. Game: GuessT:(show PPt.)What animal can you see?T: Now,who can guess what cards I have(出示动物卡片6张). You can say “Have you go

17、t?”S1: Have you got a monkey?T: Yes, I have. You can get 2/ points. (Review the words of animals:monkey lion elephant tiger cat) Step 2 Leading in and presentation1. (show PPt.)twenty birds .T: Look at these birds. How many birds can you see? Lets count.S: One, twotwenty.T: Right!(add a bird )But no

18、w how many birds?20 + 1 = 21Twenty and one is twenty-oneT: Its a hyphen between twenty and one. Dont forget it. .T: (回到20只小鸟的图片,再增加两只小鸟) Now, how many birds ? Who knows?S: (Maybe some pupils can answer it.)20 + 2 = 22 Twenty and two is twenty-two (T teaches it.)2、Practice : Do sumsT:Lets do sums.(一手

19、拿着数字20的卡片)Twenty and three(另一手拿着数字3的卡片)is twenty-three(将两张卡片靠近).、 Group work学生按照教师的示范在小组内练习、请个别学生完成以下六个题目:20+4 20+5 20+6 20+7 20+8 20+9 T: Who wants to try? If you do right, you will get 2 points. 3Practice: Rush-to-answer(快答环节)T: Ill show some numbers, please say the numbers quickly and loudly.教师出示

20、一组数字卡片:21-29,采用指定小组读的形式。 T:(将卡片面向Sam group)Sam Sam: (快速读出数字)Step 3 New lesson1. T: We usually play poker. And in America, the children play game with animal cards. Do you want to know how to play it? S: Yes. T: Let me introduce it for you. There are two sides in the animal card. One side is the numb

21、er, the other side is the animal. I need someone to help me. First, mix(混合) the cards, then I get 5 cards, he also gets 5 cards. If I have two same cards, theyre both mine.OK,now, start. Have you got a ? T: Understand? S: Yes! T: Do you like the game? S: Yes! T: Weiwei and his friend like the game,t

22、oo. They are playing game with cards. Play the CD-ROM, listen and point T: Open the book, turn to page 4, listen and point. T: Listen again, and think about three questions:1、Weiwei has got _ points.2、His friend has got _ points.3、_ is the winner.And then explain the questions: T: Who can answer the

23、 first question? S1: His friend has got twenty-two points. T: Wonderful! You can get 2 points. T: The second question? . Read the text after T. . Read the text after the tape.(5)Listen and point,and then write the numbers.Step 4 Consolidation1Game:Play cards T: Lets play cards like Weiwei and his fr

24、iend. But, how to play? I need someone to help me. comes here. T: I have some cards , has some cards, then(用动作示范两副卡片混合在一起),I get 1、2、3、4、5 cards, also gets five cards. If I have two same cards, theyre both mine. OK,now ,start. Have you got a ?(Show the cards to Ss) : Yes, I have. T: Yeah, its mine.I

25、ts your turn. : Have you got a ? T: No, I havent. (示意将卡片放在一桌上) T: Ive got points. : Ive got points./T: Im the winner.T: Understand?S: Yes.T: OK, lets start. Go、Competition T: Every group chooses one to have a race.每组派一个代表进行比赛。Sam组代表与Daming组代表进行比赛,而Amy组代表与Lingling组代表进行比赛。比赛结束后每组代表汇报得到的分数“Ive got _poi

26、nts.”,并为该组加上与卡片上相等的分数。Step 5 Homework1. Play the cards with your partner after class.2. Listen and read the text.3. Copy the words twice:21-29.Step 6 Summing up1. Make the survey : Which group is the winner?2. Chant:Zoo listen a chant and learn it .【板书设计】 Ive got twenty-six points winner A: Have you

27、 got a tiger ? point B: Yes, I have. / No, I havent A: Ive got twenty-six points. I am the winner .【教学反思】课时教学计划 主备人: 施教时间: 年 月 日单元M2 U1课题Go straight on.课型新授型教学 目标知识与能力1 Enable the Ss to learn the words:live, road, supermarket. 2 Make the Ss understand and use the new phrases and sentence patterns: g

28、o straight on, excuse me, turn left/right, next to A:Excuse me .Wheres the ,please? B: Go straight on./Turn left./Turn right.3 Develop the Ss abilities of listening and speaking .过程与方法1 Review the words about directions by game method.2 Teach the text with the task-based method.3 Do a survey by coop

29、erative learning .情感与态度1 Faster the Ss consciousness of good co-operation. 2 Keep the Ss confidence in learning English. 重点Make the Ss use the following sentences correctly: A: Excuse me .Wheres the ,please? B: Go straight on./Turn left./Turn right.难点Help the Ss ask the way in English.教法1 game metho

30、d 2 task based method 学法1 cooperative learning教学准备tape-recorder, word cards, multi-media computer,a hat, a map of Jiaozuo预习设计1 Review some words about directions.2 Listen to the tape and circle the words that you dont understand.教学过程施教者调整Step 1 Warm-up1 Review a poem “ The hat is in my hand”.2 Make a dialogue about a hat with the students. T: Where is the hat? Ss: Its in/on/under/next to the desk. 3 Ask the students to practise the following sentences with other things. A: Wheres

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