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1、仁爱版英语八下Topic1Wearepreparingforafoodfestival6篇 Unit 7 Food Festival Topic 1 Section A 课程目标导航教学目标:1. Talk about ways to make money:wash dishes,sell old storybooks,sell newspapers,wash cars2. Learn the object clauses:(1)What do you think the children should prepare for the food festival?(2)What do you

2、think you can do to make money?(3)I think (that) I can sell newspapers.教学重点1. Cultivate the students to have the noble character of willing to help others. 2. Talk about how to make money.3. Talk about how to prepare for the food festival.教学难点Learn the object clauses:(1)What do you think the childre

3、n should prepare for the food festival?(2)What do you think you can do to make money?(3)I think (that) I can sell newspapers.教学情景导入1.(呈现丹尼尔的图片在黑板上,向学生介绍他的基本情况。)T:Look at the picture. Can you tell me something about him?(学生说出一些他们知道的情况。)T:Is he from China?Ss:No. he isnt. He is from(老师将Nigeria写到黑板上,然后帮

4、助学生完成这个句子,并说出它的大概位置。)T:Is he a student?Ss:Yes, he is.T:He is a university student.(将university写在黑板上。)(解释He isnt a middle school student.让学生猜出university的意思。)T:He took part in the 2000 Sydney Games. He won the gold medal. He is an Olympic wrestling champion.(将划线部分写在黑板上,并用肢体语言向学生解释。)T:Does he have much

5、 money?Ss:No,he doesnt.T:He is a very kind man. He wants to help his poor village in Nigeria. He wants to build a school for the children.(将village写在黑板上。Village is a place. It isnt a city. Its a small place in the country-side. 也可用图片将城市与乡村对比。)T:What should he do? Can you help him?(让学生说出自己的观点,如果有预习的同

6、学,可能会说出举办一个美食节,如果有,将have a food festival写在黑板上。)T:Shall we organize a food festival for him?Ss:Good idea.T:Lets try our best to make it successful!(解释successful,由success转变而来,并列出useuseful, carecareful。)教学过程设计教学过程:Step 1 Presentation)1.T:There are some students in the picture. They also want to help hi

7、m. What will they do? Please listen to the tape.(将课文中的插图呈现出来,然后放录音1a,并回答问题。)T:What will Jane do? S1:Organize the food festival.T:What will Maria do? S2:Turn to teachers for help.T:What will Kangkang do? S3:Try to get more information about Daniel.T:What will Michael do? S4:Make a poster.(将关键词写在黑板上。)

8、2.T:Read the conversation by yourselves and find out something difficult for you and then discuss in pairs.(给时间提出问题,老师在同学讨论时给予帮助。)Step 2 Consolidation 1.T:Follow the tape and draw “up” or “down” with your pencil(老师放录音1a,学生跟读,用铅笔标语音语调。)2.T:Read the conversation in four groups and finish 1b Work alone

9、.(将学生分成四组分别充当不同的四个角色。)3.T:Practice the conversation in groups and act it out without books.(学生可用黑板上提供的关键词。)Step 3 Practice 1.T:What do you think the children should prepare for the food festival? Please discuss in groups. Do 2 Group work.(让学生分组讨论,并做好记录,由一个学生来问本组的其它同学。)T:Ask one of students from each

10、 group to ask the other students like this:A:Do you think (that) the children need to write a song?B:No,I dont think so.(教师在各小组中帮助需要帮助的同学,特别是一些生词的发音与汉语意思,可用实物的图片或肢体语言。)2.T:How can you make money to help Daniel? Please Discuss in groups and write down your idea. Then report to your class.T:What do yo

11、u think you can do to make money?S1:I think (that) I can sell newspapers.(老师可以提供帮助。)T:What do you think?S2:I think (that) I can wash dishes.T:What about you?(老师指向下一位同学。)3.T:Work in groups. The students discuss the ways of making money. And then report to the class.Step 4 Project T:Make a survey. How

12、 can the students make money to help their studying? Then fill in the table. Ask and answer the question one by one.NameActivitiessell newspapersExample:T:How can you make money?S1:I think I can sell newspapers.What about you?S2:I think I can clean the classroom.How can you make money?(链条式提问,每组由一个同学

13、做记录。)课堂板书设计NigeriauniversityOlympicwrestlingchampionvillageorganizesuccessfukey words and expressionsorganize the food festivalturn tofor helpget more informationmake a posterI think(that) I can babysit.I think (that) I can wash dishes What do you think the children should prepare for the food festi

14、val? What do you think you can do to make money?作业 (1)Act out 1a in groups.(2)Rewrite 1a into a passage about 60 words.(3)Preview Section B. Section B课程目标导航教学目标:1.Talk about the names of the food in different countries:American chocolate cookie, Creek cheese pie, Indian curries, Italian pizza, Chine

15、se fried rice, Japanese sushi, South African beef curry, Russian black bread2.Learn the object clauses:But please tell me whether I should serve South African beef curry or Russian black bread. I think beef curry is OK.3.Review the invitation and learn how to refuse the invitation politely.教学重点1. Le

16、arn some typical food of foreign countries.2. Review the invitation and learn how to refuse the invitation politely.教学难点1. Learn some typical food of foreign countries.2. Review the invitation and learn how to refuse the invitation politely.教学情景导入1.(复习 Section A 1a。)T:We have learnt that some studen

17、ts wanted to prepare for the food festival. What will they do? Lets ask some students to act out the dialog in Section A 1a in front. Four students come to the front. They act Jane,Kangkang,Michacl and Maira. Who will come,please put up your hands.(鼓励学生上台表演,老师可以将适当的提示词写在黑板上。)turn to teachers for hel

18、ptry to get more information about Danielmake a posterorganize the food festivalT:Well done!/Pretty good!(老师给予适当的评价。)2.(复习宾语从句,链锁操练,老师开个头,学生接下去,一个接一个提问并回答问题。)T:Ask and answer one by one.(任选一列操练。)T:What do you think the children should prepare for the food festival?S1:I think that I should learn to c

19、ook dishes.What about you, S2?S2:I think that And you S3?S3:(S1回答完问题,转身问后面的S2,S2以此类推。)(老师将I think (that) 写在黑板上复习that引导的宾语从句。)I think (that). (老师解释了that引导的宾语从句)教学过程设计教学过程:Step 1 Review1. Review the names of some Chinese food. The teacher and students ask and answer like this:Teacher: Whats your favor

20、ite food?Student 1: My favorite food is dumplings.Student 2: My favorite food is noodles.Student 3: .Let the students answer the question one by one, then the teacher asks the next question.Teacher: Do you know any foreign food?Student 1: Yes, hamburgers.Student 2: Chips.Student 3: .Step 2 Presentat

21、ion1.The teacher shows some pictures of foreign food to teach the new words, and then write the new words on the blackboard. cookie, pizza, curry, sushisushicurrypizzacookieNext, learn the flags of some foreign counties in 1b in the same way.flagJapanflagRussiaflagItalyflagIndiaFlagAmericaflagPRCfla

22、gGreekflagSouth Africa2. Practice: students discuss.For example: A: Whats this?B: Its a pizza.A: Which country is it from?B: Its from Italy.3. Finish 1a and master the following sentences:I have a sweet tooth.I think Chinese fried rice and Japanese sushi are easy to cook.But please tell me whether I

23、 should serve the South African beef curry or Russian black bread.Practice the dialog in 1a in pairs. Pay attention to the new words.Step 3 Consolidation1. Read the conversation in 1a again and complete 1b.2. Ask the students to remember the typical food and their countries.3. Work alone in 1c. Pay

24、attention to the words of food.Step 4 Practice1. Learn 2. Listen to 2 and answer the following questions:How many people are there in 2? Who are they?What are Kangkangs classmates going to do for Daniel gali?Is Daniel coming to their food festival?After the teacher asks the students to read 2,he/she

25、 will correct their answers, and write the important sentences on the blackboard.A. Thank you very much.B. Its a pleasure.A. May I invite you to our food festival?B. Id love to, but Im afraid I have no time.2. Read the conversation after the tape.3. Practice the conversation in pairs.Step 5 Project1

26、. Pair work .One student says the name of a kind of food, the other gives the name of its country. Then fill in the following chart.FoodCountriesFoodCountriesChocolate cookiesJapanGreeceBeef curryCurriesRussiaPizzaDumplings2. Choose one of your favorite food, and describe it in your own words.You ca

27、n begin like this:I like pizza. It comes from Italy. It looks like a pancake, but its made of eggs, flour and other.课堂板书设计食物名称:American chocolate cookie, Creek cheese pie, Indian curries, Italian pizza, Chinese fried rice, Japanese sushi, South African beef curry, Russian black bread作业 1.Make a surv

28、ey: How many flags do you know? Draw the flag,and then write out the English name.FlagCountry2. (1)Recite the names of the food.(2)Remember the flags.(3)Preview Section C. Make an invitation card and write some words on it.Section C 课程目标导航教学目标:1.Make a phone call:(1)Extension six zero zero six,pleas

29、e.(2)Hold the line,please.2.Learn to express hope and wish:(1)Hope to see you then!(2)Please give my best wishes to your friend.3.Learn to express emotion:Im proud of you.4.Write invitations.教学重点1. Continue to learn the useful expressions on telephone.2. Learn how to write the invitation.3. Summariz

30、e the personal information.教学难点Learn to express hope and wish教学情景导入1.(复习Section B的食物名和国旗。)T:Ill show out the pictures and flags. Please stand up and speak out the names as quickly as possible without books. If you cant, you can look at the books.(分层次要求学生快速说出单词,来个热身。)2.(复习Section B 1a的对话。)T:Now,lets act out the dialog we learned last class.Let me choose four Ss from each group to act out the dialog. Lets find out which group will do best.(分组表演对话,引进竞争机制。)T:Well done!/Pretty good!/Wonderful!(在每组表演完之后,给予评价。)T:Which group did best?(让学生自评。)T:Congratulations,group .Im proud of you.(将此句呈现在黑板上,英汉对

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