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1、免费佛山三水区小升初西南二中三中真卷共三科46页学校:_ 姓名:_ 成绩:_2011年三水中学附属初中、西南二中初一入学素质考核语文试卷一、基础知识(共26分)1、按拼音写汉字或加横线字写拼音。(每空2分)y w ( ) ( ) ( )摇( ) 漩( ) 抽 屉 追 悼 犬 吠2、划出并改正下列成语中的错别字。(每空2分)实事求事( ) 天崖海角( ) 蜡月( ) 气既( )3、按要求写出下列各题的正确答案。(每题2分)(1)钟子期曰:“善哉,洋洋兮若江河。”句中“洋洋”的意思是_(2) _三水人民共同努力,_能成为全国文明城市。(填关联词)(3)“我很好,”他说_“谢谢你的关心。”(在横线上

2、加标点)(4)“落叶没有一丝哀愁,也不感到一点悲凉。”这句使用的修辞手法是_(5)这张试卷上的题我基本上全部做出来。(在原句上修改病句)二、积累与运用。1。、在横线上默写相应的诗句。(每小题2分)(1)、草铺横野六七里,_。(牧童吕岩)(2)、_,明月何时照我还。(泊船瓜洲)王安石)(3),_,不拘一格降人才。(己亥杂诗龚自珍)2、将下列成语故事中的主人公名字写在括号里。(每小题2分)纸上谈兵( ) 卧薪尝胆( )负荆请罪( )舍本逐末( )三、阅读下面短文,并回答后面的问题。伞的故事小时候,我们村里没有学校,我们要跑到八里外的镇上去上学。路途远,最怕遇上雨天,没准走到半路就会被浇成“落汤鸡”

3、。那时候,我多么想有一把伞呀! 有一回,放学的路上,我又淋雨了。回到家就病倒了,浑身烧得滚烫滚烫的。妈妈摸着我的头,眼圈儿红了,那时候我小,不懂事,不能体谅妈妈的难处,竟对妈妈说:“妈,咱买把伞吗?有伞就不会被雨淋了。”妈妈沉思了一会儿:“买,咱买一把伞。”妈妈一字一句地说着。听了妈妈的话,我半信半疑,家里哪儿有钱给我买伞呀?可是今天妈妈的话是那样的坚决,我知道妈妈的脾气,对孩子,她从来都说一句是一句的。这天晚上,妈妈早早地上了织布机,脚一蹬,手一 ,“哐里哐当“,满屋里便都是机声了。 这一夜,我枕着机声入梦了。一早醒来,机声还在响。啊,妈妈怎么织了一夜的布?我想着,悄悄地走到妈妈跟前:“妈,

4、您一夜没睡?”妈妈用熬红的眼睛看着我,笑了笑,我的眼泪夺眶而出:“妈,您别再熬夜了,我不要伞了!” “傻孩子,伞咱还是要买的。妈妈多熬几夜就有了”终于有一天,妈妈从集市卖布回来,一脸喜气,见了我,她立即打开了印花包袱。笑着说:“看,你要的伞!”啊,伞!我喜出望外,从妈妈手里接过伞来,这是一把崭新的用黄油布制成的八角大伞。我快活地拿起伞,撑开,合上,再撑开再合上,举起来,拧动伞柄,让它在空中旋转。 “妈妈“我一抬头,忽的,我看见妈妈那带笑的黄油布似的脸,我心里一酸,“妈!”泪水就从眼里涌出来 从此,这把伞伴随我。上初中,升高中,读大学,一直到参加工作。渐渐地,这把黄油布伞落伍了,我却舍不得扔掉它

5、。我带着它仿佛母亲就在我的身边,使我忘不了母亲,忘不了母亲对我的那份深深的爱。1、联系上下文理解第自然段“喜出望外”的意思。(3分)喜出望外:_2、写出反义词。(2分) 快活-( )3、请写出第自然段的主要内容。(3分)_4、“渐渐地,这把黄油伞落伍了,我却舍不得扔掉它。”中“我”为什么舍不得扔掉它?(3分)_5、请想象一下第段末尾“”省略的内容,当时会是怎样的情景,用两、三句话描述出来。(4分)四、作文。(40分)题目:谢谢你_。在我们的生活中,有许多关心我们的人,:老师、父母、同学有许多事情令我们感动,给我们的生活带来了快乐,使我们健康成长。我们对此都满怀感激。那么,就让我们用笔写出我们的

6、这份感觉谢吧!请通过一件具体的事,写出你的感谢。要求:1、将题目补充完整。 2、中心铺明确,内容具体,语句通顺。 3、不要出现真实人名或校名。 4、不少于400字。学校_姓名_试室号_成绩_2011年三水中学附属初中、西南二中初一入学素质考核英语试卷满分100分,考试时间为45分钟一、选择正确的答案。(每小题1分)( )1.I have _computer,but _computer is broken. A.a,the B.a,a,the( )2.How many _can you see over there? A. knifes B. sheep C. peoples( )3.

7、This is not _pen .Is it _? A.his her B.her , your C.your ,his( )4.My birthday is _April 10th. A. in B. at C.on( )5、 Lingling s parents and she sometimes _on a trip on holiday. A. go B. goes C.going( )6._there any meat in the fridge?A.Is B. Are C. Have ( )7.-_is your mother ?-The one in a black dress

8、. A. Who B.Which C.Where( )8.Look ,the children_on the playground.A .run B. is running C.are running( )9.How _Lily like China?A .do C.does ( )10.-_do you see a film?-Once a month.A.How long B. How much C.How often( )11. -_is the weather like today?-Its rainy.A.What B.How C. When( )12.-Im sorry

9、Im late.-_.A .Youre welcome B.Thats right C.It doesnt matter( )13.Its _today than yesterday.A . cold B. hoter C.cooler( )14.He lives on the _floor .A .five B.fifth C.nineth( )15._is the first day of the week .A .Monday B.Sunday C.Saturday二、从II栏中相应的答语,把序号填入括号内。(每小题1分。共10分。) I II( )16.What day is it t

10、oday? A.Not bad.( )17.Whose bag is it? B.I am( )18.Who is on duty today? C.A nurse .( )19.How is your father? D. Its Tuesday. ( ) 20.How do you go to school ? E. Class 1( )21.Are you in Class 2 ,Grade 5? F. On foot.( )22.Whos speaking? G. No ,I am in Class3,Grade 6.( )23.What class are yor in ? H.To

11、ms .( )24.Whats your mother ? I. Thats all right.( )25.Thank you very much. J.This is Mrs Li.三完形填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读短文,然后从所给的三个选项中,选择最佳答案。The Spring Festival is Chinese New Years Day. It usually 26 in January 27 February.Everyone in China 28 the Spring Festival.When it comes ,Li Lei usually helps his

12、 mother 29 the house and do some 30 or other housework. 31 that day everyone in China eats jiaozi and New Years cake ,but Kate says jiaozi is 32 than New Years cake. 33 Chinese people eat the cakes and jiaozi in their 34 . 35 happy they are!( )26.A.come B.goes C.comes ( )27.A.and B.or C. but ( )28.A

13、.like B.loves C. liking( )29.A. clean B.cleans C. do ( ) B. shopping C.shoping( )31.A.At B.In C.On( )32.A.nice B.nicer C. delicious( )33.A.Much B. A C.The ( )34.A.home B.houses C. family( )35.A.What B.How C.How a 四、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)阅读下面短文,然后从所给的四个选项中,选择正确答案。Hello !My name is Betty.Here is a

14、 picture of my family .The woman on the left is my mother .She is very good at English and Chinese .She loves her students very much .And her students love her English class very much . The man on the right is my father .You see ,he is very tall and fat.He has very short hair and small eyes .He is g

15、ood at playing football .He doesnt like cooking,He is interested in sailing because he is a good sailor(海员).The girl in the middle is me.I am an active girl .I have beautiful long hair and big bright eyes.My hobby is playing the piano .And I am also good at English .I love my parents .They are very

16、kind to me .We have different hobbies and we have a happy family.( )36.There are _people in the picture . A .one B.two C.three ( )37.My mother is good at _. A.English and Chinese B.playing the piano C.singign and dancing D.sailing( )38.Who is on the left? _. A.My mother B.My father C. Me D. My

17、grandpa( )39.My fathers hobby is _.A .cooking B.sailing C. singing D. playing the piano ( )40.We know “_”according to the passage (根据文章)A.They have no hobbies. B.They have the sme hobbies.C.Different people have different hobbies . D. Their hobbies are not intererting(B)Fred likes fish very much.One

18、 day ,he buys some fish and takes it home. His son sees the fish and says to himself , “Very good!I can ask my friends to have for lunch.” The next day(第二天),Fred comes home in the evening.The fish isnt there.His son says , “Oh,dad,your cat eats the fish.”Fred gets angry (生气).He takes the cat and his

19、 son to the shop weighs(称) the cat.Then he says , “Little boy,my fish weighs one kilo,and the cat weighs one kilo too.My fish is here,then where is my cat?”( )41.Fred likes _very much.A .fish B. meat C. bread D.bananas( )42._asks his fridnds to have fish.A.Fred B. Freds friend C. Freds son D. Friend

20、s( )43.Fred weighs the _,he wants to know who cuts the fish.Afish C.his son D.himself( )44.Freds fish weighs _.A .two kilos B. three kilos C.half a kilo D. one kilo( )45.Which is right according to the passage? A .Fred and his friends eat the fish. B.The cat weighs two kilos C.Freds son and his sons friends eat the fish. D. Fred eats the fish.五、按要求改写句子。46.There is some rice in the bag.(改为疑问句)_ _ _ rice in the bag?47.Lucy is from England .(改为同义句)Lucy _ _.48.My mothers favourite fruit is pear.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _favourite fruit?49.We play basketball on Wednesday.(对划线部分提问)_

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