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1、bec中级词汇BEC中级词汇精选(1)absorbv. 承受,承担 支付 并吞,兼并,吸收短语be absorbed by 被吞并;为所吸引be absorbed in 全神贯注于;一心从事,热衷于例We will not absorb these charges.我们不能承担这些费用。The company will absorb all the costs.公司将负担一切费用。They have disagreement on whether or not to absorb those small enterprises.在兼并小企业上,他们存在分歧。BEC中级词汇精选(2)abstra

2、ctn. 概要,摘要 清单v. 摘要,节略短语transit abstract 中转货物摘录abstract of posting 过账分类表make an abstract of 把的要点摘录下来例The secretary is included at the top of the report.秘书将演说做一摘要。A abstract is included at the top of the report.报告书前加上摘要。acceptorn. 承兑人,受票人例The bill of exchange was signed by the acceptor.汇票由承兑人签字。access

3、n. 接近(或进入)的机会,享用权 市场销路 进入市场v. 使用 获取,使用科技手段取得(货物或信)短语give access to 接见;准许出入access to market 进入市场的机会;进入市场例He has access to classified material.他有权使用已归类的材料。accommodationn. 设施 住宿 贷款短语book accommodation at a hotel 向旅馆预定房间luggage accommodation 行李舱accommodation address 临时通信地址例There traveling businessmen fo

4、und accommodation at moderate terms.旅游的商人感到那儿的膳宿费是公道的。Please write to my accommodation address.请把信寄到我的临时通信地址。BEC中级词汇精选(3)n. 账户,会计账目 利益,优势 客户,指有着商业或信誉联系的顾客pl. 往来账目短语ask an account 请求付账;请求回答balance accounts 与结清账目;(跟某人)算账,(向某人)报复cook/doctor the accounts 【口】造假账on account (on credit) 以赊欠方式an open account

5、 来往账目,未结算账目cast accounts 计算,算账for account of 为代理account payable 应付账款account receivable 应收账款cook/doctor the accounts 【口】造假账相关account executive (广告公司)客户经理account for 解释,说明例He paid the money into his bank account.他把钱存在他的银行账户上。Please charge it to my account.请记入我的账户。The salesman was visiting one of his m

6、ost important accounts.推销员当时正在拜访一个主要客户。All the accounts of the firm were certified as correct.公司所有账目被证明为正确无误。I want you to account for each sum of the money you spent.我要你说明你所花掉的每一笔钱的用途。They were required to account for all expenses on a business trip.他们被要求说明出差的各项开支。accountancyn. 会计工作 会计职务短语business

7、accountancy 商业会计economic development accountancy 经济开展会计accountantn. 会计,会计师,会计员短语chartered public accountant 注册会计师,特许会计师in-charge accountant 主管会计,会计主管员non-business accountant 非商业会计office accountant 总会计,复核员private accountant 专任会计人员,私用会计师professional accountant 会计师,专业会计师public accountant 会计师,公众会计师senio

8、r accountant 主任(高级)会计师accrualsn. 增值 获利,利息 自然增长短语the accrual of interest 利息积累例Interest will get accruals if you keep your money in a savings account.把钱存在储蓄账户里就会生息。Accrual has been allowed for.自然增长已予以考虑。accumulatev. 积累,累积短语accumulated dividends 积累股利accumulated profit 累积盈利;滚存利润例My savings are accumulat

9、ing interest.我的储蓄在累积利息。The Accounts Department calculated losses accumulated over the past six months.财务部计算了过去六个月的累积亏损。BEC中级词汇精选(4)来源:考试大【考试大:中国最优秀的考试信息平台】2006/9/13achievev. 获得或达到 实现,完成短语achieve ones purpose 达到目的achieve success 获得成功例The company has achieved all its goals this year.这个公司今年已经实现了所有的奋斗目标

10、。acknowledgev. 承认,公认,公证 感谢 确认(表示收到)acknowledge a deed 公证一项契约acknowledge (the receipt of) a letter 表示收到来信acknowledge the corn 【美俚】承认为事实,认输,甘拜下风acknowledge a favor 答谢所受到的关照He acknowledge that the purchase had been a mistake.他承认购买那东西是个错误之举。They have acknowledged receipt of the letter.他们已确认收到函件。acknowle

11、dgementn. 确认函件短语acknowledgement of debt 债务确认书例I didnt receive an acknowledgement of my application.我没有收到关于我的申请书的确认信。acquirev. 获得,取得 购入,取得所有权短语acquired surplus 额外收益(非来自日常业务)例It is out of necessity to acquire a good knowledge of business.学好商务知识十分必要。Madison plc. is hoping to acquire Rosewall Holdings.麦

12、迪逊公共有限公司希望收购罗斯华尔控股公司。We seem to be acquiring a reputation for efficiency.看来我们正逐渐赢得高效率的声誉。acquisitionn. 收购 被收购的公司或股份短语cross-border acquisition 国外收益lump-sum acquisition of subsidiary stock 总价采购non-cash acquisition of subsidiary stock 以非现金资产取得子公司股本real estate acquisition 不动产购置stock acquisitions 股票购置例Th

13、e acquisition of wealth usually takes time.获取财富总需要时日。The recession forced Fitzroy to sell some of his recent acquisitions.经济衰退迫使菲次罗伊出售部分最近收购的项目。He is a valuable acquisition to the team.他是队中一个不可多得的队员。BEC中级词汇精选(5)across-the-boardadj./adv. 全体,全面例The drop in sales applies across-the-broad.销售额全面下降。They h

14、ave decided to increase prices by 4% across-the-board.他们决定全面提高价格4。actingadj. 代理的短语the acting manager 代理经理activeadj. 活跃的 流通的短语active capital 活动资本active market 交易频繁的市场active money 流通货币(相对于银行账户中的货币)例The recession has reduced the amount of active money.经济衰退已使流通中的货币减少。activityn. 业务类型 工作,业务具体活动pl. 领域 活动范围

15、短语auxiliary activity 附属业务financing-activities 财务活动contributing cost activity 分成成本活动occupational activities 职业性活动operation activity 维护,保养;(设备的)运行actualadj. 真实的,实际的,确实的短语actual loss 实际损失in actual business activities 在实际商务活动中the actual state of affairs 目前的形式例The actual cost of repairs was a lot less th

16、an we had expected.实际的修理费用比我们预期的要低得多。BEC中级词汇精选(6)来源:考试大【考试大:助你考试通关,掌握未来】2006/9/13actualsn. 现货,实货(相对于期货) 实际数字例这些是去年的实际营业额。adaptv. 修改,改编 改装 适应短语adapt for 使适合于,为改编adapt from 根据改编adapt to 使某事物适应或适合例Here is a letter adapted from Business, Philadelphia Bulletin, March 9, 1973.这里摘登一封回信,刊登在1973年3月9日费城公报的“商务

17、专栏”上。adjournv. (将会议、审讯等)延期 休会例The chairman adjourned the meeting until the following day.主席宣布休会,明天复会。The conference was adjourned to allow the participants to contact their companies.会议暂停,以便与会者和各自公司联系。adjustv. 调节 修改 核算(盈亏),精算短语adjust the accounts 清理账目adjust the losses 评定损失adjust the errors 校正误差例He a

18、djusted himself very quickly to the business environment of the country.他使自己很快适应了这个国家的商业环境。The sales figures have been adjusted slightly.销售数字已稍作修正。The claim is being adjusted.索赔金额正在理算中。ad man广告经理(非正式)例Johnson works as an ad man for a television company.约翰逊任一家电视公司的广告经理。BEC中级词汇精选(7)administrationn. (公

19、司或商业活动的)行政管理短语under somebodys administration 在某人的管理下during the administration of somebody 在某人的任期内economic planning administration 经济计划管理fiscal administration 财政管理personal administration 劳务管理administration of the fund 资金管理例We must reduce the amount of tine and money spent on administration.我们必须减少用于行政

20、管理的时间和金钱。The administration of employees expense accounts is very time-consuming.雇员开支账目管理耗费的时间多。adoptv. 采纳,批准短语adopt a new technique 采用新技术adopt a resolution 决议adopt a new idea 采纳新意见例The resolution was adopted by a vote of 180 in favor to 10 against it.决议案以180票对10票获得通过。adoptionn. 采纳,采用 选用新产品例At the m

21、eeting they discussed the proposals up for adoption.他们在会上讨论即将实行的各项建议。We have had a number of adoptions in most of our major markets.大多数主要市场都有不少人选用我们的产品。advancen. 预付款,垫款v. 提高,增加 预付短语in advance 提前advance bill 预付票据all-out advance 市价全面上涨bank advances 银行贷(出)款price advance 涨价,提价advance by overdraft 透支例I a

22、sked for an advance on my wages.我要求预付工资。Shares advanced today.今天股价上涨。Can you advance me $100?你能预付我100美元吗?advertisev. 公布,通告 做广告短语advise for 登广告;登招请(待聘等)广告例The company advertised for a new secretary.公司登广告招聘一名新秘书。The new sales job was advertised this week.本周做了招聘销售员的广告。I advertised him of my plans.我把我的计

23、划通知了他。We advertised through the press.我们通过报纸宣传。BEC中级词汇精选(8)advertisementad (简写)n. 广告,布告 出公告,做广告短tombstone advertisement 证券发行公告;证券经销人名单commercial advertisement 商业广告publishers advertisement 出版商广告classified advertisement 分类广告television advertisement 电视广告例It has many advertisements and many different se

24、ctions on Sunday Paper.星期日报有很多广告和许多栏目。The best way to sell your car is to put an advertisement in the local paper.在当地报纸刊登广告是出售汽车的最好办法。advertisingn. 广告业 做广告adj. 广告的,与广告有关的短语point-of-purchase advertising 零售商说明其经营业务的广告标志price advertising 价格广告advertising expense 广告费institutional advertising 建立永久声誉的广告key

25、ed advertising 广告索引local advertising 区域性广告例Advertising is one of the biggest businesses in America.广告业是美国最大的行业之一。Cigarette advertising has now been banned on television.当局已禁止在电视上做香烟广告。affordv. 买得起,承受得住 承担费用例We really cant afford a new car. (We really cant afford to buy a new car.)我们实在买不起新车子。I cant a

26、fford to lose the goodwill of our customers.我承担不起失去顾客信任的后果。The land affords wheat.这地出产小麦。after-sales service售后服务(常用于汽车、电脑、家用电器等耐用消费品)例We offer a free after-sales service for the first twelve months after purchase.在购后的12个月内我们提供免费售后服务。agendan. 议事日程短语place/put something on the agenda 把某事提到日程上来approved

27、agenda 审定议程(最后通过的会议议程)provisional agenda 临时议程例The agenda will be sent out in advance of the meeting.议程将在会议前发出。“They share with them an agenda beyond the immediate goal of democratization of the electoral process.” (Daniel Sneider)“除了实现选举过程民主化这一近期目标以外的他们之间的议事日程。”(丹尼尔*斯奈德)BEC中级词汇精选(9)agentn. 代理人,代理机构

28、经纪人短语a travel agent 旅行代理商an insurance agent 代理保险商universal agent 商业全权代理人例My agent has power to sign my name.我的代理人有权代我签字。We are looking for an agent in the Middle East.我们正在寻求中东的代理机构。agreementn. 协定,协议 契约短语come to an agreement 达成协议;取得一致意见reach/make an agreement达成协议;取得一致意见by agreement 同意,依约enter into/co

29、nclude an agreement 订约in agreement with 符合,照,同意;(和)一致例The supermarket chain has signed an agreement with a Japanese trading company.该连锁超级市场与一家日本商行签订了协议。It is reported that an agreement has been made between the two major oil companies.allocatev. 分配,配给短语allocate shares 非配股份allocate rations for a week-long business trip 分配一星期外出商务旅行的定额。例That space has been allocated for a new business center.这块地皮已经拨作建一座新的商业中心。We have allocated costs equally among all members of the department.我们将成本平均分摊给部门里的全体成员。allow

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