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2、分30分)I.听句子选图片(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)听下面5个句子,根据所听到的内容,从A-F六个选项中选出相应的图片。每个句子读两遍。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .听句子选答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)听下面5个句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出适当的答语。每个句子读两遍。( )6.A.Its very interesting. B.They are wonderful. C.I play the piano ( )7.A.Good idea. B.Thats all right. C.I like her very much.( )8.A.Certainly not. B.N

3、o,thank you. C.Sorry,please do.( )9.A.The book is boring B.Its a very good book. C.The traditional Chinese book Journey to the West.( )10.A.I was doing my homework.B.No.I wasnt. C.Yes,I am.III.听短对话选最佳选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)听下面5段短对话,从A,B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。( )11.What does the man think of Yu Gong?A.Kin

4、d. B.Clever. C.Silly.( )12.How is Lucy now?A.She is happy. B.She is sad C.She is tired.( )13.What was Tony doing when the UFO arrived?A.He was getting out of the classroom.B.He was getting out of bed C.He was getting out of the kitchen.( )14.Whats the boys problem?A.He couldnt buy a gift for his mot

5、her.B.He argued with his mother C.He didnt know how to play the CD.( )15.What will the man do?A.He will do some housework.B.He will change his clothes.C.He will go to a party.IV.听长对话或独白,选最佳选项。(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)听下面三段对话或读白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题。从每小题所给的A,B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第16-18题。( )16.Wha

6、t was the weather like when Peter was going home.A.It was raining. B.It was snowing C.It was windy( )17.Whats wrong with Peter?A.He hurt his hands. B.He hurt his arms C.He hurt his legs.( )18.What will Linda help Peter do?A.To study his lessons. B.To look after him. C.To make dinner 听下面一段对话,回答第19-21

7、题。( )19.What is A Lion and a Mouse?A.A movie. B.A TV program. C.A book.( )20.What happened in the end?A.The lion save the mouse.B.The mouse saved the lion.C.The lion ate the mouse.( )21.What does Mark think of A Lion and a Mouse?A.Its boring. B.Its hard to understand. C.Its interesting听下面一段独白,回答第22-

8、25题。( )22.What can we know about Lucy?A.Shes an outgoing girl.B.Shes a hardworking girl.C.Shes a helpful girl.( )23.What was the matter with Mary?A.She was hurt when she ran along the road.B.She hurt her arm when playing with her friends. C.She had a bad cold and couldnt go to school.( )24.Why didnt

9、 Mary call her parents?A.Because she didnt take her phone.B.Because she disliked calling others.C.Because her parents werent at home.( )25.How did Lucy feel at last?A.Tired. B.Happy. C.Relaxed.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(A)Dont let your kids drag t

10、heir feet(故意拖沓)over doing chores.Help them to make the boring chores enjoyable. A simple and great way to make cleaning great fun is to do some of it together.Play some beautiful music while you are doing chores.Then you wont feel bored.Get lucky. If your kids like surprises, write chores on ice -cr

11、eam and have each kid pick one. Tell them they can change their picks if each of them agrees. In this way, they will have a feeling that they re making a choice.Make it playtime. Turn kitchen time into a party. Let one child be a cook and another be a DJ. The cook chooses what he or she would like t

12、o help make for dinner. The DJ chooses to play some music. Everyone can dance around the kitchen while preparing dinner or cleaning up the kitchen later.Find more difficult chores. One of my friends was trying to get her kids to help out around the house, and someone advised her to give the kids som

13、e things like candies or toys as rewards. The plan worked like magic. However, rewards usually dont work for long because kids will be bored with doing the same chores all the time. At this time, give them some difficult chores. If they re already used to helping clean the cage of the pet, make it h

14、arder by having them clean it all by themselves.Then, ask them to clean it faster .( )26. What can we know from the first paragraph?A. Most children like to do chores at home.B. Parents should help children make chores interestingC.Its not necessary for children to do chores.D.Parents should do chor

15、es at home by themselves.( )27.Which can be put back into the blank?A.Work as a team.B.Be a model at home.C.Listen to music.D.Let kids do chores by themselves.( )28.What does the underlined wordrewardsmean?A.交换 B.实验 C.惩罚 D.奖赏( )29.Which is a great way to make kids do chores actively(积极地)?A.Telling t

16、hem the importance of doing chores B.Asking them to do difficult chores all the time.C.Letting them eat ice-cream whenever they want.D.Turningchore timeintoparty time( )30.Where may this passage come from?A.Famous People. B.Parenting Science.C.Worlds Teenagers. D.Short Stories.(B)When you open apps

17、such as QQ or Douyin,do you get a pop-up(弹出窗口)that lets you put the app inteen mode?Many apps,especially those for social media and video,have added this feature(功能)to protect teenagers.The Paper saysthis will give them a better experience and make sure theyre using the app in a healthy way.For exam

18、ple,video apps that have this feature might only allow users to watch 40 minutes of video.The videos that they can watch are marked safe and might even be educational.There are no advertisements and users cannot top up(充值)theiraccounts(账号)with money.In QQs teen mode,users can only talk to people who

19、 are on their contact(联系人)list.Their chat records show pinyin,which is useful for primary school students.However,teen mode does not work effectively(有效地)for all apps,according to arecent report by the Jiangsu Consumer Couneil.Some livestreaming(直播)apps have nodifference in content(内容)between teen m

20、ode and normal mode.And in some video apps,teen mode will start after 40 minutes of viewing time.But users can get past it by clicking1 knowand continue watching.( )31.Why are apps addingteen mode?A.To give users a better experience.B.To stop teenagers from using the apps . C.To give teenagers a pla

21、ce to study.D.To keep teenagers safe from unhealthy content.( )32.When using video apps inteen mode,teenagers .a.can watch whatever video they want b.have a limited time to watch videos c.cannot spend money on the apps d.can find educational videos B.abd C.acd D.bcd( )33.What does the last par

22、agraph show?A.Not everyteen modefeature works well.B.Teenagers dont like to useteen mode”.C.Many apps do not haveteen mode.D.Teen modeprotects teenagers well.( )34.What is the story mainly about?A.Whetherteen modeis useful or not.B.How app developers protect their teenage users.C.The reasons why app

23、s added theteen modefeatures.D.The disadvantages of havingteen modeon apps.( )35.Which of the following is TRUE?A.All apps have addedteen modeto protect teenagers.B.In QQs teen mode,users can talk to any people who are on their contact(联系人)list.C.There are no advertisements in the video apps withtee

24、n modeD.In every video app,teen mode will start after 40 minutes of viewing time.(C)If a person speaks ill of you,how do you feel?If you speak ill of somebody else,how do you feel about it?Is it hard to stop yourself from doing so?An old man told everyone in his village that his young neighbor was a

25、 thief.As a result,the young man was taken to the police station.Days later,the man was set free,as the police found that he hadnt stolen anything.After going home,they young man sued(起诉)the old man for calling him a thief.In court(法庭),the old man told the judge(法官),“They were just words,They didnth

26、arm anvone.”The judge told the old man,Write down all the things you said about him on a piece of paper.Cut up the paper and on your way home,throw the pieces of paper on the ground Tomorrow,come back here to hear your sentence(判决).The next day,the judge told the old man,”Before hearing your sentenc

27、e,you will have to go out and find all the pieces of paper that you threw on the ground yesterday.”The old man said,I cant do that!The wind blew them away and I wont know where to find them.The judge then said,In the same way,simple words can ruin(毁坏)a mans image(形象)in a way that cannot be undone.If

28、 you cant speak well of someone,dont say anything at all.Lets all be masters(主人)of our mouths so that we wont be slaves(奴隶)of our words.( )36.What did the young man actually do?A.He spoke ill of the old man.B.He stole something from his neighbor.C.He ran away from the police stationD.He sued the old

29、 man.( )37.Why did the judge ask the old man to do what he did on the first day?A.To see if the old man was lying.B.To prepare to teach him a lesson.C.To make fun of the old man.D.To punish the old man.( )38.How did the judge sentence the old man?A.He made him look for the pieces of paper.B.He made

30、him say sorry to the young man.C.He told him not to talk to anyone ever again.D.The story doesnt tell us.( )39.Which of the following is WRONG?A.The old mans words didnt harm the young man.B.The old man didnt like the young man.C.The young neighbor wasnt a thief.D.We shouldnt speak ill of somebody e

31、lse.( )40.What does the story teach us?A.We are never too old to learn something new.B.Going to court is a serious thing.C.We should be careful with our words.D.We should fight back if we are hurt. 第二节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。Do you like dolphins?How much do you know about them?Can dolphins talk?41 They show their feelings with sounds.Dolphins travel in groups.We call a group of dolphins aschoolThey do not study,but they travel together.Dolphins are mammals (哺乳动物),not fish,42 Dolphins talk to the other do

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