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高三英语Unit 4 Green worlds teachers人教版.docx

1、高三英语Unit 4 Green worlds teachers人教版Word Study for Unit Four(for teachers)1. procedure n. 过程, 步骤, 程序, 手续; 议事诉讼程序procedure in production生产过程, 打破常规break the normal procedure They followed the usual procedure.他们遵循通常的程序。2. bunch n一束;一串a bunch of flowers/keys/grapes/newspapers 3. merely adv. 仅仅(地), 只不过Thi

2、s is merely the beginning. 这仅仅是个开头。They are not merely content to fill the stomach.他们不仅仅满足于填饱肚子。You dont have to be angry. He merely wanted to know the truth.你不必太生气了,他只不过是想知道点事实真相。 4. classify vt.把.分类, 分为同一等级classify books by subjects按学科将图书分类be -fied as分成为.类5. identification n identify v.(1)身份证明Have

3、 you any identification? 你有身份证明吗?His only means of identification was his passport.他唯一证明身份的证件就是他的护照。(2) 识别;鉴定under identification在鉴别中, 证实未定 6. promote提升Our teacher has been promoted to headmaster. 我们的老师已被提升为校长了。他由办事员被提升为助理经理:He was promoted from clerk to assistant manager.(2) 宣传,推销(商品) Do you have a

4、ny idea how to promote the sales of this product?如何来推销这种产品你有什么好办法吗?促进, 提高,发扬promote growth prosperity, understanding,co-operation 促进增长繁荣, 了解, 合作 7. privilege n 特权有什么的特权: have the privilege of 8. appetite n. 食欲,胃口When I was ill, I completely lost my appetite.Dont spoil your appetite by eating sweets

5、before meals.欲望, 热情,兴趣爱好: have an appetite for 他出奇地喜欢艰难的工作: He has an amazing appetite for hard work. 9. appoint vt.委派, 任命 to appoint a secretary 委派一个秘书He was appointed mayor of the city.他被任命为市长。指定;约定They appointed a place to exchange stamps.他们约定一个地方交换邮票。 约定的开会时间是十点: The time appointed for the meeti

6、ng was ten oclock. Our visitors arrived at the appointed time. 10. calculate vt.估计;推算calculator n计算者; 计算器 calculation n.计算估计旅游所需费用:to calculate the cost of a journey I calculate that Aunt Lena will arrive at 8.00 p.m.我估计李娜阿姨将于下午八点到达。calculate the consequence of: 推测.的结果 11. expense n.花费, 费用(作为总称,不可数)

7、The expense of living is immense .费用, 一笔钱(可数)Food, clothing, light and heating are necessary expenses.* at great/little /almost no expense 花了很多(少/几乎没花)钱at the expense of 以.的代价 spare no expense 不惜一切代价 12. involve vt(常与in连用)(1) 牵涉;拖累 Dont involve other people in your trouble.别把别人牵涉进你的麻烦中去。be involved

8、in包含在.; 与.有关; 被卷入; 专心地(做)卷入纠纷:be involved in trouble / 陷入不幸: be involved in disaster 他债台高筑:He was deeply involved in debts.包括,涉及This lesson involves a lot of work. 这一课需要做的工作有很多。接受这个工作就得住在国外:Taking this job involves living abroad. 13. accumulate n. accumulationVt. 积累, 积聚,储存通过明智的投资他很快积累了一大笔财富。He quick

9、ly accumulated a large fortune by investing wisely. (2) Vi. 堆积,累积Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly:房子如果不经常打扫,灰尘就会堆积起来。积累的资金: accumulated fundsCf. collect 指逐个、有选择的收集物品,有较大的目的性,尤指为收藏而进行收集。 gather 使用范围最广,表示“拣起零乱散布得物品”。 accumulate 表示在某段时间内自然累积的同类的、相关的物品。 They collected mo

10、ney for the unemployed in the city. They gathered shell-fish at low tide . 他们在落潮时采集贝壳类动物。 He gradually accumulated an impressive collection of paintings. 他逐渐积聚起一批可观的绘画收藏品。 14. settle vt, vi定居;使定居My son has settled happily in America. 殖民The Dutch settled in South Africa. 安置;安顿We are settled in our ne

11、w home. 落下;栖息The insect settled on a leaf. 一只昆虫落在一片树叶上。使平静,使安静,使镇静Wait until the excitement has settled down. 决定,确定;解决We have settled who will pay for the meal. 结账:settle the bill/ accountsThey settled the dispute among themselves.他们自己把这个争论解决了。I must settle all my affairs before leaving.我必须在离开之前把一切事

12、情安顿好。 15. abandon vt(1)抛弃;舍弃;离弃离弃家园:abandon ones home He abandoned his wife and went away with all their money. (2)放弃;停止做(某事)他们放弃了搜索, 离开了现场:They abandoned the search and left the scene. abandon oneself to沉缅于, 陷入 16. reward (1)n 酬谢;酬劳a reward of $900 for catching the criminal 因抓获罪犯而得900美元酬金 Its a rew

13、ard for virtue.那是对美德的回报。as a reward for作为(对某事的)报酬奖赏get nothing in reward for ones hard work辛苦工作而无任何报酬giveoffera reward to sb. for sth.为某事而给某人报酬 (2) vt.酬劳, 奖赏, 报答, His efforts were rewarded by success.他的努力获得了成功。reward sb. with .for sth.:为某事而以.报答某人她因那男孩帮助而酬谢他十美元:She rewarded the boy with10 for his hel

14、p. 17. altogether adv(1)完全地;全然Hes not altogether sure what to do. 他全然不知该怎么做。(2)总之;总共Altogether there were 18 people in the bus. 在公共汽车上一共有18个人。 18. appearance(1)出现;露面His sudden appearance surprised her. 他的突然到来使她很惊讶。(2)外貌;外观He had an unhealthy appearance. 看起来他身体不太好。Dont judge by appearances. 不能以貌取人。 i

15、n appearance表面上, 外表上 19. latter the latter half of the year下半年Of the two the latter is better than the former.二者中后者比前者好。 20. distinguish vt, vi (1)辨别, 区别 one thing from another / between two things 明辨是非/善恶:distinguish right/good from wrong/evil 这对孪生子像的使人无法相辨: The twins are so much alike that it was

16、possible to one from the other.People who cannot distinguish between colours are said to be colour-blind. (2) 辨识, 认明distinguish sb. in a crowd在人群中认出某人(3) 使别于,使突出Speeches distinguishes man from the animals. 言语使人区别于动物。The monitor distinguished himself by winning many prizes. 他因多次获奖而出名。adj.卓著的, 著名的, 杰出

17、的:distinguished12The sisters look so much alike that even their parents cannot _them apart sometimes.A. divide B. separate C. prevent D. tell13. Both the magazines are nice, but you are permitted only to take _ of them.A. neither B. each C. either D. one14. I feel it is your husband who _ for the sp

18、oiled child.A. is to blame B. is going to blame C. is to be blamed D. should blame15. Mr Turner works in a watch company but he _ in his sisters shop, since he is on leave.A. works B. is working C. has worked D. has been working16. It took him _ 2 hours to work the difficult maths problem.A. as many

19、 as B. as much as C. as long as D. as far as 17. -Why are you having breakfast so early?-_ the first bus.A. Because I missed B. Dont miss C. Not missing D. Not to missCan you make a sentence to _ the meaning of the phrase?A. show off B. turn out C. bring out D. take inAs soon as they realized that t

20、hey didnt love each other anymore, they _.A. fell off B. out in C. broke up D. stood byWe are _ all the other teams at present.A. very ahead of B. well ahead of C. very ahead of D. well ahead of句子翻译20%我想知道是什么使你改变了主意? (强调句, leadto)I want to know what it is that led you to change your idea.通过考试的同学能够升到

21、下一年级。(promote)The students who pass the exam will be promoted to the next grade.他们约定一个地方交流经验。(appoint)They appointed a place to exchange experience.科学家们仍在寻找普通感冒的医治方法。 (search for )Scientists are still searching for the cure to common cold.几乎所有的国家都卷入了上两次世界大战。(involve)nearly all the countries were inv

22、olved in the last two world wars.名词性从句I havent decided _ we shall go or not.A. whether B. how C. when D. whyI am wondering _ the letter is over weight.A. if B. why C. when D. how_ the two were still following him was certain.A. How B. Why C. That D. IfThe problem was _ they cant do it well.A. what B

23、. that C. who D. howIt is quite likely _ they havent received our letter.A. why B. how C. that D. whoHe said _ that was a good idea.A. that B. which C. what D. whoseI take back _ I said.A. that B. why C. which D. whatHe always thought about _ he could do more for people.A. what B. how C. that D. why

24、I wonder _ Jack was talking toA. whose B. whom C. what D. thatIm not sure _ he is leaving.A. where B. when C. that D. whatCould you tell me _?A. where does he live B. where he liveC. where he lives D. he lives where- we are late. The competition has begun.- I wonder _.A. how long it began B. how lon

25、g ago it began C. how long ago it has begunD. how long ago did it beginAlice really doesnt know _.A. which one to choose B. which one should she choose C. to choose which oneD. to which one to chooseWould you please tell me _?A. where is he B. who is he C. where he is D. what is heWere you told _?A.

26、 when will they set off B. when they will set off C. when would they set off D. when they would set offMr. Brown asked you _.A. where you had gone B. where have you been C. where have you gone D. where you had beenHe learnt from her letter _ train she would take to New York.A. whose B. that C. what

27、D. which_ you know is just _ I dont know.A. What; that B. That; what C. That; that D. What; what_ troubles me most is _ I cant learn all these English idioms by heart.A. That; that B. What; what C. That; what D. What; that- Do you remember _ he joined the Party?- Last year.A. where B. when C. if D.

28、how_ is _ he fell ill.He didnt come to school; becauseWhy he didnt come to school; becauseThat he didnt come to school; thatThe reason why he didnt come to school; thatIt is already a fact _ people work five days a week in China.A. which B. why C. that D. howHis suggestion _ they have a meeting to d

29、iscuss the matter is reasonable.A. that B. which C. what D. that what_ she has won the match.A. Its a good news B. Its good news that C. This is a good news D. This good newsAt that time no one knew _.A. what was the matter B. what the matter was C. the matter was what D. was the matter what_ we nee

30、d more practice is quite clear.A. When B. What C. That D. Where_ I accept the gift or refuse it is none of your business.A. If B. Whether C. Even if D. No matter when_ is this cake made of?A. How B. That C. Which D. What_ certain that his invention will lead to the development of production.A. Thats B. This is C. Its D. Whats_ a pity you missed the lecture made by Professor Qian!A. Thats B. Its C. Theres D. Whats_ that there is another good harvest this year.A. It says B. It is said C. It was said D. He was said_ that she has receiv

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