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1、凤凰职教第三册unit6电子教学案名称项目 Unit 6 课时课时分配基础课 Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan6 1,2Warming-up,listening and speaking 3,4Reading 课型New特点 5,6Real life skills &writing 授课班级地点5号楼教学目标能力(技能)目标知识目标素质目标1. To improve Ss ability of getting information through reading & listening.2. To know how to schedule an appointme

2、nt.1. To master new words and phrases; to finish exercises. 2. To get the main idea of the whole passage. 1. To learn to complete tasks more effectively.2. To identify time wasters and save time. 重点难点及解决方法Key points: to get the main idea of the reading passage.全面理解阅读材料,了解日常工作的一天,学会在工作中进行实践与反思,来提高工作效

3、率。Difficult point:to use the patterns to make appointments and give possible responses.能够通过浏览时间计划表来确定并商讨会面时间。教学策略与方法围绕学生在实习初期工作效率低下的问题,创设工作情景引导学生主动探索阻碍工作效率提升的各种因素,并鼓励学生针对自身情况在轻松、愉快、合作的语言交流环境中探讨提升工作效率的建议和措施,让他们迅速成为职场的生力军。教学资料及教学准备 Exercise book and students books Test papers Some example sentences板书设

4、计Unit SixNew words and expressions: language points: 教学后记本单元通过让学生浏览时间计划表来确定并商讨会面时间,并能提出适当建议来提升工作效率。学生能够针对自身情况制定时间管理日志,分析确定其中不合理的因素,找到了提升工作效率的方法。教学过程教学程序与容教师活动-导学生活动-演设计意图Unit Six 第一课时(安排一次会面) Warming-up& Speaking AStep One: Warm-upRead Johns schedule for Monday as shown below, and then complete the

5、table. Step Two: ListeningActivity1:Extensive listeningListen to the conversation and tick who are talking on the phone.Activity2: Intensive listening Listen again. Then underline the sentences suggesting a change of time.Step Three: DiscussionMary and Nicola are cooperating on a project. They need

6、to arrange a meeting this week. Read their schedules as shown below and find when they can arrange the meeting.Step Four: Role-playMary and Nicola are talking on the phone to arrange their meeting. Complete the conversation and then role-play it with your partner.Step Five: SummaryUseful expressions

7、 about schedule an appointment.Making Appointments:Id like to make an appointment with somebody.Is somebody available some time? Does somebody have any time on some time?Possible Responses: What time is best for you? When would be a good time for you? Somebodys schedule is open all day. Some time is

8、 not possible. Sorry, somebodys calendar is full on some day. Some time will be fine.Step Six: HomeworkTry to remember the new words and expressions.Notes:1. 1)schedule n. .日程安排e.g. He has been forced to adjust his schedule.他被迫调整了日程安排。 on schedule 按时,按预定时间 ahead of schedule比预定时间提前e.g. The train arri

9、ved in Shanghai two minutes ahead of schedule.火车比预定时间提前两分钟抵达。2)Schedule v.计划,安排e.g. Schedule an appointment 安排一次会面2. 1)appoint v. 任命e.g. An experienced detective was appointed to look into that case and we believe that the thief will be caught soon.一位资深侦探受命调查这个案子,我们相信贼不久将落网。2) appointment n. 约会,预约ma

10、ke an appointment with sb 和某人预约 make an appointment for sb 为某人预约 make an appointment to do sth 预约做某事3. free up把空出来4. pencil sb/sth in临时记下5. make mistakes 出错,犯错6. green hand 新手7. time log 日志8. one by one 逐一9. run late 迟到,晚点10. for now 目前,眼下,暂时师生问答互动T: How much time does John spend on study and relate

11、d activities?S: John spends 6 hours on study and related activities.T: How much time does John spend on meals?S: One hour and a half.T: How about leisure and sports?S: 3 hours.T: And sleep?S: 9 hours.初听(泛听)精听并伴有画线练习-No, shes busy all Tuesday afternoon, but I could change some of her meetings to free

12、 her up on Tuesday morning, if that helps.-Unfortunately, Tuesday morning is out. What about 3:00 on Wednesday?Discussion in groups.They can meet on Friday morning this week.完成对话填写后进行口语表达训练掌握重点单词用法,做好课后复习。教师通过左栏问题逐步引导学生理解时间表,鼓励相互讨论后得出正确答案并完成表格。通过听录音,能够根据语言信息和语音语调判断出对话中的人物关系。精听中,对话呈现,学生听并画线找出更改约会时间的表

13、达方式。为学生创设一个真实的会话情境,并检测学生是否能够对照计划表找出会面时间,为下个活动做准备。巩固并检查学生在前三个活动中的学习效果。巩固并总结重点句型的意思及其用法。及时掌握课堂所学知识。Unit Six第二课时(哦,你还在这里!) Listening &Speaking BB. Oh, You Are Still Here!Step One: revision Review some useful expressions about making appointments. Step Two: Listening Activity 1: Extensive ListeningListe

14、n to the conversation and tick where it takes place.Activity 2: Intensive ReadingListen again and tick the reason why Lisa is working late.Activity 3:Listening purposefullyIn order to help Lisa out, Ben gives her two suggestions. Listen again and write down the suggestions.Step Four: DiscussionDiscu

15、ss in groups to think other ways to help Lisa out.Step Five: Role-playSuppose you are working with Lisa. Complete the conversation and then role-play it with your partner.Step Six: Summary & Homework 1. New words 2. Useful expressionsNotes:1 prepare v. prepare sth 准备某事e.g. She is preparing the food.

16、她在准备食物。 prepare sth for sth 为某事准备某物e.g. He prepared much food for the picnic.他为野餐准备了很多食物。 prepare for sth 为做准备e.g. I have to prepare for the exam我得为考试做准备。 be prepared for sth 为某事做好了准备e.g. Im prepared for the exam.我已经为考试做好准备了。reciting初听(泛听)Ben: Lisa? You are still here?Lisa: HmmI, I, havent finished

17、my work today.精听Reasons: She hasnt finished todays work. She is slow in doing things.再听听前引导:T: When did Ben give Lisa suggestions, at the very beginning, in the middle or at the end of the conversation?Answer:1. You can make a list and a time log at the beginning of work.2. Dont be afraid of asking

18、others.讨论。Answer:1 She should do tasks step by step.2 Make sure she has done each step right before entering the next step.3 She should have more communication with her colleagues. In this way, she would know who she should ask for help when necessary.4 She should be relaxed and work confidently.5 S

19、he should make a schedule and stick to it.6 She should make a time management log to find where she has wasted her time and then try to avoid the wasters.角色扮演,进行对话Practice & try to remember the key points.及时复习,查漏补缺。通过让学生听录音,判断对话的发生地,锻炼学生的预测能力和捕捉关键词的微技能。训练学生辨认关键信息的能力。训练学生捕捉关键信息以及速记的能力。本活动旨在引领学生设身处地的主

20、动思考自己踏上工作岗位后即将面临的问题,帮助他们做好职前的心理准备。让学生通过对话的形式,综合以上所学知识并现场运用,为下面课文学习做铺垫,并且使学生熟知提高工作效率的方法和措施,有助于学生将来快速适应工作岗位。Unit Six 第三、四课时(我的星期二) ReadingMy TuesdayStep One: Lead- in What are your internship days like, challenging, boring or upsetting?Step Two: ReadingActivity One: Scanning Read the passage and answe

21、r the following questions.Activity Two:Skimming Here are some tips for working more effectively. Read the passage again and tick the ones the blogger has used.Step Three: Post-readingIn order to improve her work efficiency, the blogger used a reflective cycle to review her work with the reports. Ple

22、ase help her to complete it.Step Four: Exercises Complete the sentences with correct words and expressions from the box. Change the form if necessary.Step Five: SummaryStep Six: HomeworkReview the important words and expressions in the reading text, as well as the ways to improve the work efficiency

23、. Notes:1. put on 穿上(衣服、鞋帽),强调“穿”的动作;wear 穿着,戴着(衣帽、饰物、奖章),表示状态;dress 给某人穿衣服 dress oneself给自己穿衣服 get dressed给自己穿衣服have on穿着,带着be in 穿着,后接表示衣服或颜色的词,着重于服装的款式和颜色。 ready to do sth准备好做某事(强调状态)get ready to do sth 做好干某事的准备(强调动作)3.regret doing sth 后悔做过某事regret not doing sth 后悔没做过某事regret that clause后悔做过某

24、事regret to do sth 为做某事感到抱歉/遗憾4. get on well with sb 和某人相处融洽get on badly with sb 和某人相处得不好get on well with sth某事进展的顺利get on badly with sth某事进展不顺利Discussion查读 What did the blogger do while the computer was loading?The blogger had morning tea and a quick look at the newspaper. When did she prepare the i

25、nformation for the meeting?When she went back to work after having a nice meal. When did she finish her work today?At 6:30. What was the last thing she did before she left the office?She made a to-do list for the next days work.选择 Love what you do. Write out a to-do list each day. Improve your typin

26、g speed to save time.读后Step One: What did I do?I prepared some reports.Step Two: What problem did I have?My typing speed is slow.Step Three: What could I have done?I should have practiced enough in school.Step Four: What can I do next?Attend a training course on typing.练习1 The snow is lightly fallin

27、g, covering the earth with pureness.2 If you really want to succeed, you need to learn how to get on well with your team members.3 To be honest, youre not as cool as you think you are.4 Jane has stared at herself in the mirror for a long time5 I regret to tell you that your application for the job w

28、as unsuccessful.6 Choosing the right jewelry can make you look great even if you are wearing an ordinary dress.7 She know her looks do not help her. For this reason, she decides to start form the bottom and work her way up to a high position.Practice & try to remember the key points.Consolidate what

29、 theyve learned in class.让学生回顾自己实习期间的感受,更易与本文作者产生情感共鸣,从而更好的理解文章。通过仔细阅读文章,了解文章大意。通过选择的形式,考查学生对文中提到的如何提高工作效率问题上的理解。本活动基于实践与反思循环周期,让学生归纳作者对打字速度的态度并给出相应的建议。通过选词填空的形式,让学生巩固复习重点词汇。Unit Six 第五课时(备忘录写作) WritingStep One: Revision Review the language points of reading.Step Two: ReadingRead the memo below and

30、identify the five sections it consists of.Step Three: WritingLisa took a sick leave yesterday. She is writing a memo to Julia Wang at Human Resources concerning her sick leave. Please help her to complete the memo.Step4: HomeworkSuppose you are a manager in Human Resources of an international company. Not long ago, you appointed Ms Smith as Sales Manager of the headquarter. Now you need to write a memo to all staff. It should contain the following points.(1) Announce the appointment of Ms Sm

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