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高考阅读理解中国省份陕西篇 全文翻译.docx

1、高考阅读理解中国省份陕西篇 全文翻译中国省份陕西篇-高考阅读理解:Shaanxi is a beautiful place and also a miraculous place. This is a red revolutionary land. Northern Shaanxi is the foothold of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Red Armys Long March, as well as the starting point of the Eighth Route Armys rush to the frontli

2、ne of resistance against Japanese aggression. Yanan is the place where the CPC Central Committee have fought and lived for 13 years. Yanan spirit, cultivated by the old-generation revolutionists and Communists is our Partys precious spiritual wealth. Several times back to Yanan in my dreams, I put m

3、y arms around Mount Baota. More and more people are coming here to receive education of the Partys fine traditions and working style for strengthening the spiritual power to remain unchanged to our initial motivation for the mission we will complete.Boasting a long history and brilliant culture, Sha

4、anxi has played an extremely important role in the long history of Chinese civilization. Shaanxi is one of the important birthplaces of the Chinese nation and culture. There are some ancient sites such as the Lantian ape-men Site, Banpo Site, Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, etc., and its millennial

5、 history as the capital of over ten dynasties including Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang, have endowed the province with more than 50,000 rare sites and over 7 million pieces culturalrelics in its collections. Many of the Han-fus hux and Tang poems written here contain the values, ethics and wisdom of the Ch

6、inese nation. From Shaanxi, one can know about Chinese history for 5 thousand years is a vivid description of Shaanxis profound culture. Shaanxi boasts its enrichment in science and education resources and strong strength in innovation. In the 1950s and 1960s, a number of universities such as Jiaoto

7、ng University, enterprises and research institutes moved westward, strengthening the position of Shaanxi as a major province of science and education. Today, Shaanxi is home to many famous universities in China and more than 60 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engin

8、eering. Aerospace, 3D printing, 5G mobile communication and other technologies in Shaanxi maintain world-class level. Launch of Shenzhou spaceship into space, landing of Change Lunar Satellite on the moon and deep-sea manned submersible Jiaolong are supported strongly by Shaanxi science and technolo

9、gy strength.Shaanxi boasts a predominant, open and inclusive geographical position. Located in the center of Chinas territory, Shaanxi has been an important doorway to the outside world since ancient times. In 138 BC of WesternHan Dynasty, Zhang Qian, born in Shaanxi, opened up the world-famous Silk

10、 Road which has become an important route linking Asia with Europe. Changan city in the Tang Dynasty was the first metropolis in the world with a population of more than one million. The Belt and Road Initiative has changed the pattern of westward opening-up and pushes Shaanxi to the front of openin

11、g- up and become an important doorway for Chinas going global efforts. The flow of people, logistics, energy, capital, and information has been accelerated and brought together here reasonably and efficiently, attracting the leading companies in the industry to race to invest in Shaanxi.Shaanxi, boa

12、sting ecological charm to live and travel, combines the ravine-dotted Loess Plateau in the north, the flat and fertile Guanzhong Plain in the center, the mountainous Qin-Ba Mountain Range in the south and spans the basins of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. In Shaanxi, you can touch the roots

13、 and feel the pulse of a vigorous Chinese nation, see the colorful charm of Chinese culture, and experience the stable and profound rhythm of reform in China. Shaanxi is a good starting point to learn about China!1. Which of the following statement about Shaanxi is true?A.The land of Shaanxi is red.

14、 B.Northern Shaanxi is the starting point of the Eighth Route Armys rush to the frontline of resistance against Japanese aggression. C.The CPC Central Committee lived for 10 years in Yanan. D.Less and less people are coming here to receive education of the Partys fine traditions.2.What does the sayi

15、ng From Shaanxi, one can know about Chinese history for 5 thousand years means?A.Shaanxi has the longest history and the most brilliant culture in China.B.Shaanxi has more rare sites than other places.C.Shaanxi is one of the important birthplaces of the Chinese nation and culture. D.Shaanxi is the i

16、mportant birthplaces of the world culture.3.What can you do in Shaanxi EXCEPT _?A.Watching the National flag raising.B.Visiting the leading companies in the industry.C.Experiencing its enrichment in science and education resources and strong strength in innovation. D.Experiencing its ecological char

17、m to live and travel.答案:BCA全文翻译:陕西是一个美丽的地方,也是一个神奇的地方。这里是一片红色的土地。陕北是党中央和中央红军长征的落脚点,也是八路军奔赴抗日前线的出发点。延安是党中央战斗生活了 13 个春秋的地方。老一辈革命家和老一代共产党人在这里培育形成的延安精神,是我们党的宝贵精神财富。“几回回梦里回延安,双手搂定宝塔山。”越来越多的人来到这里,接受党的优良传统和作风教育,汲取不忘初心、牢记使命的精神力量。Shaanxi is a beautiful place and also a miraculous place. This is a red revoluti

18、onary land. Northern Shaanxi is the foothold of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Red Armys Long March, as well as the starting point of the Eighth Route Armys rush to the frontline of resistance against Japanese aggression. Yanan is the place where the CPC Central Committee have fought and

19、lived for 13 years. Yanan spirit, cultivated by the old-generation revolutionists and Communists is our Partys precious spiritual wealth. Several times back to Yanan in my dreams, I put my arms around Mount Baota. More and more people are coming here to receive education of the Partys fine tradition

20、s and working style for strengthening the spiritual power to remain unchanged to our initial motivation for the mission we will complete.这里历史悠久、文化灿烂。在中华文明源远流长的历史进程中,陕西扮演着极其重要的角色。这里是中华民族和华夏文化的重要发祥地之一, 有蓝田猿人、半坡遗址、轩辕黄帝陵等远古历史,有周、秦、汉、唐等 10 多个朝代1300多年的建都史,留下了5 万多处文物遗址、700 多万件馆藏文物。在这里写就的众多汉赋、 唐诗,蕴含着中华民族的价值

21、理念、 道德规范和治国智慧。“看五千年中国到陕西”,是人们对陕西厚重文化的形象描述。Boasting a long history and brilliant culture, Shaanxi has played an extremely important role in the long history of Chinese civilization. Shaanxi is one of the important birthplaces of the Chinese nation and culture. There are some ancient sites such as the

22、 Lantian ape-men Site, Banpo Site, Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, etc., and its millennial history as the capital of over ten dynasties including Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang, have endowed the province with more than 50,000 rare sites and over 7 million pieces culturalrelics in its collections. Many of

23、 the Han-fus hux and Tang poems written here contain the values, ethics and wisdom of the Chinese nation. From Shaanxi, one can know about Chinese history for 5 thousand years is a vivid description of Shaanxis profound culture.这里科教资源富集、创新实力雄厚。20 世纪五六十年代,交通大学等一批高校、企业、科研院所的西迁,强化了陕西科教大省的地位。今天的陕西,有众多国内

24、著名高校,有 60 多名两院院士,航空航天、3D 打印、 5G 移动通信等技术保持世界先进水平,“神舟”飞天、“嫦娥”探月、“蛟龙”潜海都有陕西科技的坚强支撑。Shaanxi boasts its enrichment in science and education resources and strong strength in innovation. In the 1950s and 1960s, a number of universities such as Jiaotong University, enterprises and research institutes moved

25、westward, strengthening the position of Shaanxi as a major province of science and education. Today, Shaanxi is home to many famous universities in China and more than 60 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering. Aerospace, 3D printing, 5G mobile communication a

26、nd other technologies in Shaanxi maintain world-class level. Launch of Shenzhou spaceship into space, landing of Change Lunar Satellite on the moon and deep-sea manned submersible Jiaolong are supported strongly by Shaanxi science and technology strength.这里区位优越、开放包容。陕西处于中国版图中心部位,自古以来就是我国重要的对外开放门户。公元

27、前 138 年的西汉时期,陕西人张骞“凿空之旅”开启的丝绸之路构筑起东西方交往的重要通道,唐代长安城曾是世界上第一个人口过百万的大都市。“一带一路”倡议的提出改变了西部地区对外开放格局,陕西再次成为对外开放的前沿和中国走向世界的重要门户,人流、物流、 能量流、资金流、信息流加速在这里合理流动和高效集聚,行业领军企业竞相在陕西投资兴业。Shaanxi boasts a predominant, open and inclusive geographical position. Located in the center of Chinas territory, Shaanxi has been

28、an important doorway to the outside world since ancient times. In 138 BC of WesternHan Dynasty, Zhang Qian, born in Shaanxi, opened up the world-famous Silk Road which has become an important route linking Asia with Europe. Changan city in the Tang Dynasty was the first metropolis in the world with

29、a population of more than one million. The Belt and Road Initiative has changed the pattern of westward opening-up and pushes Shaanxi to the front of opening- up and become an important doorway for Chinas going global efforts. The flow of people, logistics, energy, capital, and information has been

30、accelerated and brought together here reasonably and efficiently, attracting the leading companies in the industry to race to invest in Shaanxi.这里生态优美、宜居宜游。陕西北部是沟峁纵横的黄土高原、中部是沃野千里的关中平原、南部是峰峦叠翠的秦巴山区,全省纵跨长江、黄河两大流域,横亘于中部、绵延1600 多千米的秦岭是我国南北方的分界线,陕西的母亲河渭河是黄河的最大支流,发源于陕西的汉江是长江的最大支流。陕西风光秀丽,有很多美景:壶口瀑布波涛翻滚,西岳华

31、山云蒸霞蔚,太白高峰六月积雪,洽川湿地芦荡万顷, 秦巴深处鸟语花香.南北方的美景在这里相遇,呈现出瑰丽多姿、 如诗如画的怡人景象。Shaanxi, boasting ecological charm to live and travel, combines the ravine-dotted Loess Plateau in the north, the flat and fertile Guanzhong Plain in the center, the mountainous Qin-Ba Mountain Range in the south and spans the basins o

32、f the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. The 1,600km-long Qinling Mountainrange, situated in the central region, is the great divide between the northern and southern parts of China. The mother river of Shaanxi, the Weihe River, is the largest tributary of the Yellow River. The Hanjiang river, originating in Shaanxi province, is the largest tributary of the Yangtze river. Shaanxi, boasting its gorgeous sceneries, is renowned for various beautiful landscapes such as the surging and roaring Hukou Waterfall, steep Huashan Mountain perennially capp

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