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Unit24 Intelligent Robots.docx

1、Unit24 Intelligent RobotsPART AUTOMATION NEW TECHNOLOGYUnit 24 Intelligent RobotsKey Words and Terms1. industrial robot 工业机器人2. weld v. 焊接, 使密接3. assemble v. 集合, 装配4. repetitive adj. 重复的, 反复性的5. texture n. 质地6. intelligent robot 智能机器人7. tactile adj. 触觉的, 有触觉的8. simulate v. 模拟, 模仿9. bestow v. 给予, 安放1

2、0. orientation n. 方位, 定位11. seam v. 缝合, 焊合12. illumination n. 照明, 阐明, 启发13. camera n. 照相机, 摄影机14. lens n. 透镜, 镜头15. pixel n. 像素16. charge-coupled devices 电荷耦合器件17. random assess memory 随机存储18. tactile adj. 触觉的, 有触觉的19. wrist n. 手腕, 腕关节20. strain gauge 应变片21. piezoelectric压电的22. fragile adj. 易碎的, 脆的2

3、3. navigate v. 航行,导航24. bin n. 容器, 箱子25. simply adv. 简单地、简明地、朴素地、坦白地、直率地、仅仅、只不过、简直、完全26. possess vt.拥有,持有,支配Notations and TranslationIndustrial indstril robotsrubt,rubt have been developed to perform a wide variety of manufacturing tasks, such as machine loading/unloading, welding, painting, and ass

4、embling. However, most industrial robots have very limited ability. For example, if the assembly parts are not presented to the robot in a precise, repetitive fashion, the robot simply can not perform its jobs, because it can not find the part and pick it up. If an invading object happens to enter t

5、he work space of a robot, the robot may collide with it, resulting in damage to both, because the robot can not see it as an obstacle. In other words, existing robots are far from being intelligent, and they can not hear, see, and feel (force, shape, texture, temperature, weight, distance, and speed

6、 of objects on its grasp or nearby). 换句话说,现有的机器人远还谈不上具有智能,且它们没有听力和视觉,对其手中或附近的物体的力量、形状、质地、温度、重量、距离及速度等还缺乏知觉。换句话说,现在的机器人还远远不具备智能,而且它们既不能“听”也不能“看”;同时,对于在 “手”中或者附近的物体,机器人也缺乏力、形状、纹理、温度、重量、距离和速度等的感知能力。 An entirely new phase in robotic rubtik 加载中.applications has been opened with the development of “intell

7、igent robots”. An intelligent robot is basically one that must be capable of sensing its surroundings and possess pzes intelligent enough to respond to a changing environment in much the same way as we do. Such ability requires the direct application of sensory perception and artificial intelligence

8、. Much of research in robotics has been and is still concerned with how to equip robots with visual sensors-eyes and tactile tktail,tktil sensors-the “fingers”. Artificial intelligence will enable the robot to respond to and adapt to changes in its tasks and in its environment, and to reason and mak

9、e decisions in reaction to those changes. 智能机器人本质上是具有感知能力并具有足够的智能,在环境改变时做出和人类响应类似的响应。In the light of these requirements, an intelligent robot may be described as one that is equipped with various kinds of sensors, possesses sophisticated sfistikeitid,sfisti.keitid signal processing capabilities and

10、intelligence for making decisions, in addition to general mobility.In the light of 鉴于、由于Mobility n. 机动性鉴于以上要求,智能机器人可以形容为,具有多种传感器,具有处理复杂信号的能力且具有做出决策的能力再加上一般的机动性。One important capability that humans demonstrate demnstreit,demn.streit when performing intelligent tasks is receiving sensory information f

11、rom their surroundings. Human senses provide a rich variety of sensory inputs that are critical to many of the activities performed. Much effort has been made to simulate similar sensory abilities for intelligent robots, among them, vision is the most important sense as it is estimated that up to 80

12、% of sensory information is received by vision. Vision can be bestowedbistud on robotic systems by using imaging sensors in various ways. For improving accuracy of performances, it can help precisely adjust the robot band by means of optical feedback control using visual sensors. Determining the loc

13、ation, orientation, and recognition of the parts to be picked up is another important application. For example, vision is necessary to guide a seam-welding robot to perform mating two parts together and weld them. Regardless of the application, the vision system must contain an illumination i.lju:mi

14、nein,i.lju:mnein source, an imagery imidri sensor, an imagery digitizer and a system control computer.为了提高工作的精度,可以通过使用视觉传感器,用光学反馈的方式来调节机器手。识别将要拾起的零件并确定其位置和方向是机器人的另一重要应用。If ambient lighting serves an illumination source, the imaging process is passive. This type of imaging is common in military appli

15、cations since the position of the viewer is beyond the control of the viewer. But in industrial applications, controlled illumination or active imaging can be used as freely as possible.如果周围的光作为照明源,则成像过程为被动的。这种成像通常用于军事,因为观察者很难控制自己的位置。但是在工业应用中,受控的照明或称主动成像可以尽可能自由地使用。The imagery sensor of a robot visio

16、n system is defined as an electro optical device that converts an optical image imid to a video signal. The image sensor is usually either a TV-camera or a solid-state sensory device, for instance, charge-coupled devices (CCD). The latter device offers greater sensitivity, long endurance and light w

17、eight, and is thus welcome when compared with the TV-camera.机器人视觉系统的图像传感器为将光学图像转换为视频信号的光电设备。这种图像传感器通常为电视摄像机或者固体传感器件,例如,电荷耦合器件(CCD)。后者更为灵敏、耐久而且重量轻,因此比电视摄像机更受欢迎。The camera system contains not only the camera detector but also, and very importantly, a lens system. The lens determined dit:mind the field

18、 of view, the depth of focus, and other optical factors that directly affect the quality of the image detected by the camera. Novel techniques, such as a fish-eyed lens used to obtain a 360-degree field of view without the need of focus adjustment, have recently been investigated and proved very use

19、ful in mobile robots.摄像系统不仅仅包含一个照相机,而更重要的,有一个透镜系统。该透镜确定视野、景深和其他直接影响图像质量的光学参量。对于鱼眼透镜,可以无须调焦就得到360度的视野。该新技术,已经证明对于移动机器人非常有用。Either TV-cameras or CCDs produce an image by generating an analogue value on every pixel, proportional to its light intensity. To enable a digital computer to work with analogue

20、, an analogue-to-digital (A/D) converter is needed to transfer analogue into digital data then stored in the random assess memory (RAM) installed in the computer. The computer analyzes the data and extracts such imagery information as edges, regions, boundaries, colors and textures of the objects in

21、 the image. Finally, the computer interprets or understands what the image represents in terms of knowledge about the scene si:n and gives the robot a symbolic description of its environment.无论是电视摄像机还是CCD器件都是在每个象素产生一个与光的强度成比例的模拟量。为了使数字计算机能够工作,必须要有一个模数转换器将模拟信号转换为数字信号并存在计算机RAM中。计算机分析数据,并提取出如物体的,边、区域、边

22、界、颜色和纹理等信息。最后计算机用场景知识解释并理解图像是如何表示的,并向机器人描述其周围的环境。Next to vision in importance is tactile sensing or touching. Imagine the blind can do delicate jobs relying on his/her sensitive tactile! A blind robot can be extremely effective in performing an assembly task using only a sense of touch. Touch is of

23、particular importance for providing feedback necessary to grip delicate objects firmly without causing damage to them. 仅次于视觉重要性的是触觉。设想一个盲人可以凭借起敏锐的触觉完成精细的工作。一个无视觉传感器的机器人可以凭借其触觉十分有效地完成安装工作。为了牢固地抓起一个精巧的物体而有不对其造成损害,提供反馈触觉非常重要。To simulate tactile in human hands, a complete tactile-sensing system must per

24、form three fundamental sensing operations: (1) joint force sensing which sense the force applied to the robots hand wrist and arm joints; (2) touch sensing which senses the pressure applied to various points on the hands surface or the grippers surface; (3) slip sensing which sensed any movement of

25、the object while it is being grasped.The joint forces are usually sensed using various strain gauges arranged in the robot wrist assembly. A strain gauge is a force-sensing element whose resistance change in proportion to the amount of force applied to the element.The simplest application of touch s

26、ensors is a gripper that is equipped with an array of miniature micro switches. This type of sensor can only determine the presence or absence of an object at a particular point or an array of points of the robot hand. A more advanced type of touch sensor uses arrays of pressure-sensitive piezoelect

27、ric paizlektrk material (conductive rubber, conductive foam, etc.). This material conducts electrical current when stressed. This arrangement allows the sensor to perceive changes in force and pressure within the robot hand. The size of matrices of tactile sensors ranges from 88 to 8080 2-D arrays.

28、Since the force at each point can be determined, the forces on its surface can be mapped and the shapes of objects grasped in the robot hand can be determined respectively. The force data can be used to display on a TV-like screen the shape of the object and the distribution of force on its surface.

29、最简单的接触传感器应用是一个安装了小型的微型开关阵列的爪子。这种类型的传感器仅仅能够检测一个物体是否在机器人的手上的某点或者点阵列上。一种更先进的接触传感器是使用压感型的压电阵列材料(导电橡胶、导电泡沫等)。这种材料在受力时产生电流。这种传感器可以感知机器人手上的受力或压力。这种传感器的矩阵尺寸从88到8080不等。因为每一点的力都可以检测出,受力的曲面可以绘出,握在机器人手上的物体的形状可以相应地确定。受力的数据可以显示在屏幕上以显示物体的形状以及物体表面力的分布。Slip sensing is required for a robot to create the optimum amoun

30、t of grasping force applied to a delicate, fragile object. This ability prevents damage to the object and allows the object to be picked up without the danger of being dropped. The method used to detect slip is based on sensing any vibration or any movement between the object and the gripper, no mat

31、ter how subtle it may be. The gripping force is increased step by step until the object has been firmly grasped and no more slip occurs.The integration of tactile sensing and vision sensing can dramatically enhance adaptive robotic assembly task. An example of this type of sensors would be a vision

32、sensor used to locate and identify objects and position of the robot itself, combined with a tactile sensor used to detect the distribution of force and pressure, determine torque, weight, center of mass and compliance of the material it handles. This hand-eye coordination for general-purpose manipulation would be extremely powerful in the industrial world.Another important sensing for a robot is range, or depth information. The range data are necessary f

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