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本文(学年牛津译林版初中英语九年级英语上册9AUnit8Detectivestories词组归纳及重难点讲解.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、学年牛津译林版初中英语九年级英语上册9AUnit8Detectivestories词组归纳及重难点讲解2016-2017学年牛津译林版初中英语九年级英语上册Unit 8 Detective storiesComic strip and Welcome to the unit1. Why are you dressed like that, Eddie? 你为什么穿成那样,埃迪?be dressed 表示“穿着”be dressed in +服装/颜色 e.g. She is dressed in red today. 她今天穿着红色的衣服。dress up / dress up as /dre

2、ss sb. / dress oneself/get dressed 装扮/装扮成/为某人穿衣/为某人自己穿衣/穿衣2. Whats a detective? 侦探是什么?detective story/novel 侦探小说3. A detective is someone who looks for clues to something important. 侦探是寻找重要事情线索的一个人。clue to sth. e.g. The only clue to the identity of the murderer was a half-smoked cigarette. 鉴定谋杀者的唯一线

3、索是一枝吸了一半的香烟The vital clue to the killers identity was his nickname, Peanuts. 关于杀手身份的重大线索是他的绰号花生。not have a clue 一无所知 e.g. where does the train leave? I havent a clue.Give me a clue. What does it begin with? 给我点提示。是什么开头?4. A murder? 一起谋杀案?murder n. 谋杀案 e.g. There happened three murders last month. 上个

4、月发生了三起谋杀案。u 谋杀be charged with murder 被指控谋杀。 v. 谋杀 e.g. One day a young man was murdered in the forest. 有一天,一个年轻人在森林里被杀了。murderer n. 杀人犯 e.g. The police found out the murderer at last. 警方最终查明了凶手。murderess n. 女凶手5. This is much more serious.face very serious difficulties 严重的speak to me seriously but p

5、olitely 严肃地6. My food has gone missing.go missing = be lost 丢失了、不见了 e.g. My bike has gone missing.=My bike has been lost.我的自行车丢了。 They are looking for the missing/lost boy. 他们正在寻找那个丢失的男孩儿。 I lost the ticket yesterday and I missed the train. 我昨天把票丢了,没赶上火车。7. We have four suspects.suspect n. sspkt 嫌疑犯

6、 e.g. He is a prime suspect in the murder case. 他是这次谋杀案的只要怀疑对象。 v. sspekt 有某种想法 e.g. I suspected what she said to be a lie. 我认为她说的是谎话 怀疑 suspect sb(of sth./ doing sth.)怀疑某人有某罪e.g. Who do the police suspect (of the crime)? 警方怀疑谁(作的案)? What made you suspect her of having taken the money? 你凭什么怀疑钱是她偷的?

7、adj. 不可信的 e.g. His statements are suspect. 他的说法靠不住。 The car has a suspect tyre. 这辆车的轮胎有问题。8. We have made notes on all of them. 我们已经给他们所有人做了笔录。make notes on sb. 对某人做笔录 e.g. We have made notes on the four suspects.我们已经对四个嫌疑犯做了笔录。take notes in class 课堂上记笔记9. untidy adj. 不整洁的make our classroom clean an

8、d tidy 使教室干净整洁put his cloths away tidily 把衣服整齐地放好offersafety,clearness,tidiness给予安全、清洁、整齐10. who do you think is most likely to be the murderer. 你认为谁最有可能是凶手likely adj. 可能的 likely to do sth./thate.g. It is likely to rain. 有可能要下雨。 She is very likely to ring me tonight. 她今晚可能给我打电话。11. theyre not guilty

9、. 他们无罪guilty adj. 有罪的 be guilty of sth. 犯有(的罪) plead guilty 服罪 e.g. They were found guilty of murder. 他们犯有谋杀罪。 内疚的 e.g. I feel guilty about visiting her so rarely. 我因极少去看她而感到羞愧。 She looked up guiltily as I came in. 我进来的时候她内疚地抬起了头。guiltiness u. 12. Who do you think is not telling the truth ?你认为谁没有说出真

10、相。 tell the truth too good to be true 好得难以置信Yours truly 此致;你忠实的(私人但礼貌的)13. I guess Jimmy White is lying.guess vt. 猜,猜测e.g. Youll never guess how much it cost. 你怎么也猜不出它值多少钱。lie vi. 说谎 (tell lies) lied; lied; lyinge.g. She lied about her age in order to get the job. 她为了谋得那份工作隐瞒了年龄。lie; lay; lain; lyin

11、g 位于;躺e.g. Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国的东面。People were sitting in chairs or lying on the floor. 人们或坐或躺。14. Hes an office worker of medium height. women of medium/average height 中等身高的女性e.g. Theyoung manisofmediumheightforhis age. 这个年轻人在同龄人中属中等身高。 Whats his height? 他多高?What is the height of

12、?medium adj. 中等的 a medium-sized adj.中等尺寸/规模的e.g. clothes to be washed at medium temperature 需以中等温度洗涤的衣服The storesellsbig ones,smallones,mediumones, or what have you. 那家商店卖大号的、小号的、中号的,应有尽有。Reading1. Early today, the body of a 25-year-old man was found 今天一大早,一个25岁男人的尸体被发现since theearly1980s / inearly2

13、003/ in late February orearlyMarch/ in theearlynineteen fifties从20世纪80年代开始/ 在2003年早期/ 在二月末三月初 / 在20世纪50年代早期body c. 尸体 e.g. The police found a body at the bottom of the lake. 警方在湖底发现了一具尸体。His body was brought back to England for burial. 他的遗体已运回英国埋葬。2. The police have confirmed that the victim 警方证实受害者

14、是police、people等集体名词, 通常被视作复数, 其后的动词用复数形式。confirm v. 证实;证明 confirm sth. e.g. The experimentconfirmedmytheory.实验证实了我的理论。 be confirmed e.g. Thiscould notbeconfirmed,butwhat wascertainwas thathiseffortswere too little, toolateforsomeofhissons. 这则消息还没有被证实,但是可以确定的是他的努力对他的几个儿子来说已经太迟太微小了。confirm that-clause

15、 e.g. You canconfirmthatfor yourself at home. 你可以回去自己验证一下 victim n. 受害者 e.g. Many pets are victims of overfeeding. 许多宠物因喂食过量而遭殃。murder, earthquake, accident, strike victims 谋杀案、地震、事故、罢工事件的受害者 3. He was last seen leaving his office in East Town at about 7 p.m. yesterday.昨晚大约7点在东城有人最后一次看见他离开办公室。 sb. b

16、e seen/heard/found/noticed/felt doing某人被正在sb be seen/heard/ found/ noticed/felt to do 某人被做了4. He said he was going to visit his parents. 他说他将要去看望他的父母。were/was going to + 动词原形是过去将来时结构, 其形式还有would do + 动词原形。表示从过去的某时间看将要发生的动作或存在的状态(也可以说是“过去的将来”) 。e.g. Li Ming said that he was going to play football in

17、the afternoon. 李明说他下午要去踢球。5. The police believe that the murder took place between 9 p.m. last night and 1 a.m. this morning. 警方认为该谋杀案发生在昨晚九点至今日凌晨一点之间。6. They are still working at the scene of the crime to find out whether the victim was killed somewhere else and then brought to West Town, or killed

18、 at the place where he was found. 他们还在犯罪现场研究受害人是在别处被杀后带到西城, 还是在他被发现的地方被杀。crime kram c. 罪;罪行 commit a serious crime 犯重罪 u犯罪活动e.g. The police prevent and detect crime. 警察防止和侦破犯罪活动。a crime 罪过e.g. Its a crime to waste money like that. 那样浪费金钱是一种罪过。criminal adj. 犯罪的;不道德的 criminallaw 邢法 InternationalCrimin

19、alCourt 国际刑事法院 criminal case 犯罪案件 criminal record 犯罪记录 n. 犯人,罪犯 e.g. A group of gunmen attacked a prison and set free nine criminals. 一伙持枪歹徒袭击了一所监狱并放走了9名罪犯。Theytreatmeas ifI wereacriminal. 他们竟然把我当作罪犯看待!whether or 是还是 ,用于宾语从句、状语从句、表语从句、同位语从句或主语从句等。e.g. He does not care whether he wins or loses. 他不在乎他

20、是赢还是输。whether.or not表示“不管是否.”, 既可放在句首, 也可放在句尾。e.g. Whether you believe it or not, its true.无论你是否相信, 这都是真的。somewhere adv. 在某处; 到某处 常用于肯定句中。如果期望对方给予肯定回答时, 它也可以用于疑问句中。e.g. Jack must be playing somewhere on the playground. 杰克一定是在操场的某个地方玩耍。7. chief detective 总探员/ 总督察8. The victim was wounded with a knife

21、 and bled to death as a result. 那位受害人被刀所伤, 因失血过多而死。wound vt. 使受伤 be wounded (利器或者子弹造成的伤害,多在战争中,事故中则用 be injured, hurt 可指和 injure一样的伤或者是轻的疼痛)e.g. The thief wounded her in the arm with his knife. 小偷用刀子扎伤了她的手臂。A bomb exploded in a hotel, killing six people and wounding another five. 一颗炸弹在一家旅馆爆炸,致6人死亡、另

22、5人受伤。n. 创伤; 伤害; 伤口 receive two bullet wounds 中了两颗子弹 a wound to his pride 对他自尊心的伤害 e.g. The wound is healing nicely and the patient is healthy. 伤口在很好地愈合,病人情况良好。Peeling backhistrouser leg, heshowedthedoctor thewound.他把裤腿翻起来,给医生看伤口。Dont rub salt into her wounds, shes already so miserable.别在往她伤口上撒盐了,她已经

23、够惨了。 wounded n. 伤员 the wounded (pl)e.g. The hospital is full of the sick and wounded. 医院里挤满了伤病员。 adj. 受伤的e.g. Luckilyhewasnot veryseriouslywounded. 好在他伤势不重。bleed, bled, bled v. 流血 blood u. 血bleed to death 流血而死 anosebleed/nosebleeds 流鼻血fighttogether, andbleedtogetherunderthesame proudflag 在同一面骄傲的旗帜下一

24、起战斗、一起流血e.g. NoahknockedintomynoseandIthought itwouldbleed. 诺亚撞到了我的鼻子,我还以为会流血。as a result 结果,因此 e.g. She eats too much. As a result, she is far too fat now. 她吃得太多,结果现在非常胖。as a result of 由于 e.g. Asaresultoftheseefforts,nowweare about to finishingourlongjourney. 由于这些努力,我们现在即将结束我们的漫长旅途。9. a well-paid j

25、ob 一份高薪的工作10. However, according to the record, he was guilty of computer crimes in the past. 然而,根据记录,他在过去犯过电脑方面的罪。11. He was charged with breaking into several computer systems over the last year. 他被指控在去年一年中闯入数个电脑系统。charge v. 1) 指控 charge sb. with . 控告某人犯有(某种罪行) e.g. The police charged him with the

26、ft/murder.警方指控他犯盗窃罪/谋杀罪。So far,hehasnotbeenchargedwithanycrime.目前为止,他还没有因任何不法行为受到起诉。2) 要价 charge me 2 dollars for a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡要了我2美元e.g. How much do you charge for mending shoes? 修鞋多少钱?3) 充电 charge c. 指控 arrested on a charge of murder/ a murder charge 以谋杀罪逮捕u. 掌管 be in charge (of ) 负责;处于控制 W

27、hos in charge here? 这儿谁负责?be in/under the charge of/ones charge由管理 e.g. These patients are under the charge of Dr. Wilson. 这些病人由威尔逊医生治疗break into 1) 强行闯入, 非法进入e.g. Thieves broke into the house last night and stole some money. 昨晚小偷们闯进房子, 偷走了一些钱。2) 突然开始(大笑、唱歌等), 一下子 e.g. Hearing the news, she broke in

28、to tears. 听到这个消息, 她突然哭了起来。12. made him any enemies 给他树敌enemy n. 敌人;仇人 e.g. He has a lot of enemies in his company. 他在公司里有很多对头。After just one day, she had already made an enemy of her manager. 刚过一天,她就开始和她的经理为敌了。Birds are the natural enemies of many insect pests. 鸟类是许多害虫的天敌。13. We suppose that the vic

29、tim knew his murderer. 我们推测受害人认识杀害他的人。 suppose vt. 猜想, 假定, 料想; 认为 suppose so 认为是这样 suppose sb. (to be) n./adj./prep.-phrase ( be supposed)e.g. suppose her to be an actress 认为她是演员I suppose him to be on duty. 我想他在值班。Youweresupposedtobehereanhourago.你应该在一小时之前赶到这里。suppose sb./ sth. to do e.g. The suppos

30、e the box to contain books. 他们猜想盒子里装的是书。suppose常用于be supposed to结构, 该结构的意思有两种: 一为“应该, 理应”,其否定形式为be not supposed to; 二为 “大家(都)认为”。e.g. We are not supposed to smoke here. 我们不应该在这儿吸烟。 Lu Xun is supposed to be a great writer. 大家都认为鲁迅是一位伟大的作家。suppose that -clause e.g. Many people suppose (that) Mr. White

31、 has gone to America. 许多人都认为怀特先生已经去了美国。Suppose we plant some trees on these hills. 咋们在山上种点树怎么样?注意I suppose 的语气I suppose Id better do some homework. 我想我最好做点家庭作业。I suppose you think youre funny.我想你认为自己很有趣。I dont suppose thate.g. I dont suppose that Ishall be back until eight oclock. 我看我八点前回不来。It is supposed that-clause

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