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1、国际商事仲裁法双语教学内容CONTENTS ON NTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION LAW国际商事仲裁法(双语)教学内容 一、课程说明课程性质:选修课程语言:中英双语授课对象:法学本科学时:36学分:2授课教师:中国人民大学法学院 赵秀文教授二、双语教学教材1 21世纪国际法学系列教材国际商事仲裁法(中英双语教材),赵秀文编著,中国人民大学出版社,2004年(该教材出版后得到好评,应人大出版社的邀请,申请人于今年初又进行了修订,2008年5月底第二版即将面世);2国际商事仲裁案例解析(中文),赵秀文主编,中国人民大学出版社,2005年版(书中收集的案例,都

2、出自于双语教材各章节后的案例);3. 国际商事仲裁法参考资料(中英文对照),赵秀文、谢菁菁编著,中国人民大学出版社,2006年版(书中收集了纽约公约等国际公约、联合国贸法会的国际商事仲裁示范法、仲裁规则;中、美、法、德等各主要国家的仲裁法;以及中国国际经济法贸易仲裁委员会、国际商会国际仲裁院、伦敦国际仲裁院、美国仲裁协会等国际主要仲裁机构的仲裁规则)。Chapter 1 General Introduction of International Commercial Arbitration Law第一章 导论课时:2本章的教学目的是要求学生理解并掌握国际商事仲裁的起源与发展、国际商事仲裁法的概

3、念、性质和法律渊源;以及我国国际仲裁法的主要内容。Key Issues Definition and nature of arbitration Relations and difference between arbitration and other methods for the settlement of dispute Functions of the international conventions and model law in the unification and coordination of international commercial arbitration l

4、aw Basic principles of international commercial arbitration law Chinese international commercial arbitration law Research method for the international commercial arbitration lawSection 1 Arbitration and Other Methods for the Settlement of DisputeOrigin and development of arbitration:Arbitration is d

5、eveloped with the needs of commercial business. It is the voluntary method for the settlement of dispute based on the parties agreement.Nature and characteristics of arbitration: Arbitration is contractual in nature basically as a method for the settlement of dispute. No arbitration agreement, no ar

6、bitration. This method later incorporated into the legal system of the State. The national court shall enforce the arbitration agreement as well as the arbitral awards in accordance with the local law. In this regards, it also carries out the judicial nature.Relationship between arbitration and othe

7、r methods for the settlement of disputeArbitration law governing arbitration: Arbitration incorporated advantages from both ADR and litigation. It is more flexible as ADR as to the parties autonomy. The arbitral award could be enforceable as the court judgement.Section 2 International Commercial Arb

8、itration LawOrigin and development of international commercial arbitration law: It origins from the national law and international conventions.Parties for the international commercial arbitration law: mostly between the parties with equal legal status, that is the private parties.Subject matters of

9、the international commercial arbitration law-relationship between the parties under the arbitration agreement-relationship between the arbitration institution, arbitration tribunal and the parties-national courts supervision on the international commercial arbitration lawSources of international com

10、mercial arbitration law-Domestic arbitration law-International legislation: bilateral judicial cooperation treaty, international convention, model lawSection 3 Basic Principles of International Commercial Arbitration LawParties autonomy: the parties may select the arbitration institution, applied ru

11、les, arbitrators, languages, place of arbitration and so on. Independent and impartial settlement disputes by the arbitral tribunal: arbitrators are different from national judges as to the field of implementation of law. The functions for the settlement of dispute are similar. The only objective fo

12、r the arbitrator is to render awards independently and impartially.National courts supervision on the arbitration: Since the national courts implement law in public field, the arbitral awards are subject to the courts supervision. The court may set aside national award or may refuse national and for

13、eign awards at the request of the party according to national law.Section 4 International Commercial Arbitration Law in ChinaDomestic arbitration lawBilateral judicial cooperation treaty and international convention to which China is a partySection 5 Construction of the Course Arbitration institutio

14、nsInternational arbitration agreementArbitration tribunalArbitration proceduresThe law governing the arbitrationAward and remedies Court supervision Case Study: German Zueblin v. Wuxi Woco本章教学要点:1、 仲裁是当事人之间通过协议约定的将他们之间的争议提交给独立的第三者裁断的解决争议的方法。2、 与解决争议的其它方法,包括诉讼的方法和ADR方法相比,仲裁既有诉讼解决争议的终局性,又有ADR方法解决争议的自愿

15、性和灵活性。它集当事人之间的自愿性与法律上的强制性为一体,同时具有契约和司法的性质。3、 由联合国主持制订的纽约公约和联合国贸法会主持制订的示范法,对于协调和统一各国有关国际商事仲裁的立法与实践,具有重要的指导作用。纽约公约统一了各缔约国对仲裁协议效力的承认和拒绝承认与执行外国仲裁裁决的条件;示范法则为各国制订调整本国国际商事仲裁关系的法律提供了参照系。4、 国际商事仲裁的基本原则是协议仲裁原则、仲裁庭独立、公正地解决争议的原则和法院对仲裁实施保障和监督的原则。5、 中国有关国际商事仲裁的立法,经历了从无到有的过程,现已建立了由国内仲裁立法与我国缔结或参加的国际公约为主体的比较完善的仲裁法体系

16、。我国国际商事仲裁法包括我国立法机关颁布的调整国际商事仲裁关系的法律规范,以及我国缔结或参加的双边和多边调整国际商事仲裁关系的法律规范的总称。6、 研究国际商事仲裁法要从我国相关的立法与实践出发,运用综合的和比较的方法,对国际商事仲裁中所涉及的重大理论与实践问题,进行深入的比较研究。Questions and Comments1. Arbitration refers to as a means for the settlement of dispute by a third person upon the arbitration agreement between the parties.

17、It differentiates from both ADR and litigation in a national court. While ADR is also a voluntary method for the settlement of dispute, but the agreement reached between the parties by ADR can not be enforced as judgment, but a contract. On the other hand, the award made by the arbitration tribunal

18、based on arbitration agreement could be enforced by the national court due to domestic law and New York Conventions.2. When the parties in international business transactions came across a dispute, what methods they may turn to? Why?3. What is ADR refers to? Do you think arbitration is included or e

19、xcluded arbitration, Why?4. What are the main function of New York Convention and UNCITRAL Model Law?5. What are the basic principles for international commercial arbitration? What is the basic requirement for the parties to choose the settlement of their dispute by arbitration?Could you name some d

20、ifferences between arbitration and other means settlement of disputes?6. What value the arbitration pursue to: justice , efficiency, economy, or something else? Why international businessmen prefer to settle their disputes by international arbitration instead of litigation in the national courts?7.

21、How the Chinese law regulates arbitration involving foreign elements?Chapter 2 International Commercial Arbitration Institutions第二章 国际商事仲裁机构课时:4本章的教学目的是要求学生理解并掌握临时仲裁机构与常设仲裁机构之间的区别、常设仲裁机构在通过仲裁解决争议中的作用、主要的国际商事仲裁机构,以及我国现行国际仲裁制度、仲裁委员会及其作用。Key Issues Relations and difference between ad hoc and institutio

22、nal arbitration Functions of international permanent arbitration institution Main international commercial arbitration institutions in the world International commercial arbitration institutions in ChinaSection 1 General Introduction Ad hoc v. Instl Arbitration: basic distinction between the ad hoc

23、and institutional arbitration as followings: -Business place -Administration staff-Rules of arbitration-Panel listPermanent arbitration institutionsset in the State:CIETAC, AAA, SCC, SIAC, LCIAset by international conventions: ICSIDSection 2 Functions of Institutional ArbitrationDraft arbitration ru

24、les & supervision on the application of the RulesAdministration worksMaintain panel listPreliminary decision on the jurisdictionAssistance to the composition of the arbitration tribunalAppointment or withdraw of the appointment of the arbitratorMain Arbitration Institutions in the World- American Ar

25、bitration Association (AAA)- London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)- Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)- China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)- Singapore International Arbitration Center (SIAC) - American Arbitration Association

26、(AAA)Section 3 Legislation and Practices in the PRCProvisions of the Arbitration Law on the Arbitration Institution Arbitration Commission(Art.10-13)Arbitration agreement must include the definite arbitration institution (Art.16)Supplementary agreement needed if no arbitration institution in the agr

27、eement, otherwise invalid(Art.18)CIETAC (China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission) is the major arbitration institution to deal with international arbitration cases. It was set up in 1954 as the name of Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission (FTAC). With the open door policy in 19

28、78, FTAC changed its name as Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (FETAC) in 1980 and CIETAC 1988. In addition, it has two braches : CIETAC South China Sub-Commission (Shenzhen Branch) and CIETAC Shanghai Sub-Commission.Other Arbitration Commissions in China Independent Institutions: by

29、 now altogether about 185 arbitration commissions in China. Independent each other:subject neither to the government nor to any of the arbitration commission. Independent panel: Each arbitration commission keeps its own panel list. Independent arbitration rules: Each arbitration commission keeps its

30、 own the applied arbitration rules.Independent management: Each arbitration commission has its own secretariat and personnel. 德国奥特克案(4752页) 案情 租船合同中的仲裁条款? 临时仲裁还是机构仲裁? 裁决在我国的承认与执行?思考题: 1、 如何认定asbatankvoy租约格式的法律效力?应当如何认定丸红公司与奥特克之间的租船合同的订立时间?应当适用哪一个国家的法律对此作出认定?2、 丸红公司与奥特克之间的租船合同对南京外运公司是否具有法律上的拘束力?为什么?3

31、、应当如何对格式合同和租船合同中的仲裁条款作出适当的解释?你同意武汉海事法院对仲裁条款独立性做出的解释吗?为什么?4、本案仲裁属于临时仲裁还是机构仲裁,为什么?临时仲裁与机构仲裁之间的主要区别是什么?5、临时仲裁裁决是否属于仲裁裁决,应否得到我国法院的承认与执行?6、本案仲裁庭的组成是否符合仲裁协议的规定?仲裁程序是否适当?当事人在仲裁协议中约定了两个可供选择的仲裁地点是否属于“浮动仲裁条款”?这样的仲裁条款可以执行吗?7、应当适用什么样的法律认定asbatankvoy租约格式和租船合同中的仲裁条款的效力?8、你对最高人民法院对奥特克案裁决作出承认与执行的指示,有何评论?本章教学要点1、 根据

32、处理国际商事争议的仲裁机构由无固定的办公场所和章程,仲裁机构可以分为临时仲裁机构和常设仲裁机构。临时仲裁机构专门为了审理某一特定的仲裁案件而设立,案件审理完毕,该仲裁机构的使命即告完成。2、 常设仲裁机构通常根据一国的法律在某一特定地点设立,其主要职能是为仲裁案件的审理提供相关的管理方面服务,包括制订仲裁规则和示范仲裁条款、协助组成仲裁庭,按照应当适用的仲裁规则指定仲裁员或者撤销对仲裁员的指定,以及依照相关的规则对仲裁程序的实施情况进行监督等。3、 国际上一些主要贸易大国均设有常设仲裁机构,如在法国巴黎设立的国际商会仲裁院、伦敦国际仲裁院、斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院、美国仲裁协会等。这些常设仲裁机构一般都有自己的仲裁规则,有的也备有供当事人选择的仲裁员名册,许多仲裁机构还允许当事人自行选择应当适用的仲裁规则。4、 在我国国

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