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1、新视野大学英语第一册教案(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)NEW HORIZON COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 1 TEACHING PLAN新视野大学英语第一册 教案Unit One: Section A-Learning A Foreign LanguageObjectives (目标):The students are required to idea, a good command of the core words, expressions and structures, learn to find out the meanings of unfamili

2、ar words.Key Points (重点):Comprehension of the text; Core words, expressions and structures.Difficulties (难点):Sentences beyond comprehensionApproach (方法): InteractionProcedures (步骤):1. Word Study, 90 minutes 2. Sentences beyond comprehension, 90 minutes3. Comprehension of the text, 90 minutes4. Exerc

3、ises, 90 minutesStep One: Word Study In or out of class, the students are required to tell the derivatives or synonyms of some words and make sentences with some collocations.1. Derivatives (派生词)reward -rewarding frustrate -frustrating -frustrated -frustration unlike -like-alike -likely -likelihood

4、-likewise communication -communicate commitment -commit assignment -assign embarrass -embarrassing - embarrassed-embarrassment continual -continually -continue - continuous -continuity favorite -favor -favorable以下派生词出现在课文里:eagerly-eager-eagerness; teacher-teach; quickly-quick; incorrect-correct-inco

5、rrectly; whenever-when, wonderful-wonder; conversation- converse; unforgettable-forgettable-forget; friendship-friend2. Synonyms (同义词)reward: award, medal, payment, prizefrustrate: defeat, depress, disappoint, discourage, dismay, fail, smashpositive: certain; definite; sure; active; practical; absol

6、uteformer: prior; previous; preceding; intimidate: threatenopportunity: access; chance; occasion; shotmedium: average; mean; middle; moderateaccess: right; means; way; participate (in): attend; campaign; engage (in); enter (into); go (in for); go (into); go (to); join; play; racevirtual:actual; conc

7、rete; effective; essential; substantial;commitment: devotion; dedication; promise;assignment: work; job; task; exercisecontinual: continuousreap: achieve; acquire; attain; derive; earn; gain; get; obtain; secure; winbenefit: advantage; gain; good; income; interest; profit; receipts; returns; revenue

8、; yield communicate: exchange; share; beam; cable; carry; conduct; convey; diffuse; deliver; ; gulf3Collocations (搭配)1)reward Eg. He received a medal in reward for offered for the return of the stolen paintings 悬赏1000美圆寻找失窃的画。to reward sb. for sth. doing sth. Is this years senior to me. 她比我大10岁。 She

9、 is senior to me, since she joined the firm before me.她比我资格老,因为她比我先加入公司。4)positive Eg. Are you positive that the money?你肯定他偷了钱? She was quite positive about the answer to the question. 他对这个问题的答案很有把握。 Try to be more positive in dealing with the problem.对解决这个问题再积极些。5)intimidate Eg. intimidate sb. into

10、 sth. doing sth.The robber intimidated the witness into silence. 那个强盗威胁目击者,要他嘴闭紧点儿。6)opportunity Eg. create find get opportunity for sth. doing sth. to do sth.创造 寻找 得到 有机会That was the situation until a couple of years later when I was offered an opportunity to study English through an online course.

11、 这种情况持续了两年。两年后我得到了网上学习英语的机会。(NHCE Book 1 P.3, L.27)take the opportunity to do sth. of doing sth. 趁此机会7) access Eg. The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields.要到那个农舍去只有穿过田地。 Students must got access to the necessary equipment. (NHCE Book 1 P.3, L.29) 很快,我有了这种必需的设备。8)participate Eg. See NHC

12、E Book 1, P.3, L.319) commitment Eg. Our company their t get much benefit from . 我得益于于良好的教育。 (3)with the benefit of sth.With the benefit of modern technology, the software division expects to achieve its sale targets this year. 借助现代技术,软件部预计能够完成今年的销售指标。(4)to be of benefit to sb. sth. The new regulati

13、ons will be of great benefit to us all. 新规章制度对大家都有好处。(5)to be to ones benefitThe change in the law would be to everyones benefit. 本法的这一改变符合每个人的利益。(6)to benefit by fromWho is likely to benefit most by from the new tax law? 谁可能从新税法中受益最多?11)gap Eg. See NHCE P.4, L. 574Expressions in the text with the l

14、ine number in the bracket(not including those on P.67):foreign language(1) 外语; junior middle school (4)初级中学; senior middle school (9)高级中学; to take a class (5)上课; because of (5)因为; worry about (7)担心; make a mistake (8)犯错误; at the top of a class (8)在班上名列前茅; to be eager to do sth.(9)渴望; to be different

15、 from (10)与不同; to be patient with sb. sth. (11) 对有耐心; to point a stick at sb. sth. (13)用棍子指着; to lose ones joy in doing sth. sth. (15)失去兴趣; to lose ones eagerness to do sth (15)失去热情; to lose ones desire to do sth (16)失去欲望; (注意:以上三个短语都表示“不想做某事”)to be required to do sth (19)需要; 必须to be able to do sth

16、(22)能 有能力; to be afraid to do sth (26) 害怕; to stay at the same level (26); 停留在原有水平 to be offered an opportunity to do sth (27) 有机会; online course (28)网上课程; to learn sth. from sb.(30)向学习; 一virtual classroom (31)虚拟课堂; online learning (32)网上学习; regular classroom study (32)常规课堂; the flow pace step rate

17、progress schedule of the course (33)课程进度; to meet the standards (34)达到标准; to set standards (34)确定 制定 设定标准; to complete assignments (35)完成任务 作业; on time (35)准时; all the time (36)一直 始终; as well as (37)以及 除了; once in a while (38)有时; out of (38)因为 由于; My mind was opened to to open ones mind to(50)乐于接受;

18、communicate with (52)与交流 沟通; participate in (54)参加; to stare into space (55)两眼望青天 茫然不知所措; make friends (56)交朋友; to bridge the gap between(57)弥合之间的鸿沟Step 2: Sentences beyond comprehension Before the teachers explanation, the students are asked to tell the meaning of the following sentences in English

19、 or Chinese.)1. Learning a foreign language was(L. 12)Note: V-ing phrase can be used as a subject, part of a predicate, predicative, object of a verb or a preposition, complement and an adverbial, attributive. Pick out the V-ing phrases in the text and tell its part of speech. V-ing 短语可用做主语、部分谓语、表语、

20、动词或介词宾语、补语、状语和定语。找出文中V-ing 短语并说明其成分。2. My experience with learning a foreign language began in junior middle school, when I took my first English class. (L.45)That was the situation until a couple of years later when I was offered an opportunity to study English through an online course.(L.27-28)Not

21、e: In these two sentences, the word “when” is a relative adverb. In the first sentence, “when” means “in junior middle school”, in the 2nd, a couple of years later.3. 1) I praised all of the students.(L.5-6)-I they gave incorrect answers. 要是有谁回答错了,老师就马上惩罚他。3)I noticed there were many students who sp

22、oke much better than I did. (L. 23-24) 我注意到(有)很多同学比我讲得好-I noticed that many students spoke much better than I did.4)I didnt feel intimidated by students who spoke faster than I did (L. 39-40) 很多同学比我讲得快,但我并不因此而害怕。-I did not feel intimidated because students spoke faster than I did. 注意:以上语句中“who” 所引导的

23、从句,请分析它在逻辑上与主句的关系。4. While my former teacher patient with all of the students, my new teacher quickly punished those who gave incorrect answers. (L.11) 以前,老师对学生很耐心,而新老师则动辄惩罚那些答错的学生。I drink black coffee while were playing outside. 玛丽写信时孩子们在外边玩。While I admit there are problems, I dont agree that they

24、can not be solved.(虽然)我承认有不少难题,但是我不认为这些问题不能解决。5. 1) Whenever we answered incorrectly, she pointed a stick at us and shouted “No! No! No!”(L.13)2) Id like to see you whenever it is convenient.Note: In the 1st sentence, “whenever” means “every time”(每当),in the 2nd , “at any time”(在任何时候).6It didnt take

25、 me long to lose my eagerness to answer questions. (L. 14) 不久,我便再也不想回答问题了。Put the following into English:(1) 没多久他就作完了作业。(2)不久她就清醒了 More examples:It took answering questions, but I also lost my desire to say anything at all in English. (L.15-16) Not only did learning another language teach me the val

26、ue of t last long. ( L. 18) 这种情况没有持续多久。 Note: In this sentence, the word “that” refers to “the situation mentioned above”.9. As our classes were very large, I was only able to answer a couple of questions in each class period. ( L. 22) 因为班太大,所以每次课我只能回答几个问题。 Note: The word “as” can be used as a conju

27、nction, leading a clause of time, reason, comparison, concession, means, etc. “As” 可用作连接词, 引导状语从句, 表示时间、原因、比较、让步、方式方法等。重要的是善于分析主句和从句之间在逻辑上的关系,不在于”as”究竟是什么意思。10It seemed (that) my English was going to stay at the same level forever. (L.26) 好象我的英语水平永远不会提高了。More examples:1) It seems (that) you are righ

28、t.It seems (that ) you dont until a couple of years later ( L. 27) 这种情况持续了几年 Note: 1)In this sentence, “that” and “the situation” both means the situation mentioned above. 2)until till: 一直持续到才结束12I worked which I listed any new words I the notebook as soon as I the screen. (L.40) - I spent as much t

29、ime as I need thinking out my idea Note: 1) Here, the word “took” means “spend”;2)“I need”, attributive clause.15. I could understand just about everything I came across, and most importantly, I could say anything I wanted to in English. (L. 42-43) Note: 1) Here, “I came across” and “I wanted to” ar

30、e attributive clause.2) in English16. Learning a foreign language a most trying experience for me, but one that I wouldnt trade for anything. (L.47) Note:1) trying: annoying or difficult in a way that makes you feel worried, tired, etc.令人难受的;恼人的;困难的; 2)but one : but it is an experience that I wouldn

31、t trade for anything. but is invaluable.Step Three: Comprehension of the Text1. Questions for students to answer (the answer should be as short as possible )1) What is the writers experience of learning a foreign language?2) How did the writer do perform in junior middle school? And why?3) What is the writers performance in senior middle school? Why?4) “I t seemed my English was going to stay at the same level forever.” Why?5) What does online learning require?6) How did the writer study English through an online

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