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1、计算机b类刊物与会议分类信息计算机B类学术刊物与会议分类信息学术刊物B类英文学术刊物(前15个为计算机、信息类综合刊物)刊物全称简称周期IF1. Computer Journal双月0.5932. Journal of Computer Science and TechnologyJCST双月0.2933. Chinese Journal of Electronics(English) CJE月刊0.1854. IEEE Transactions on Reliability季0.85. ACM Transactions on information and system security季6

2、. Journal of Information Technology月1.2397. IEEE Transaction on Information Theory月1.9388. Information Retrieval双月1.7449. Information Processing and Management IPM双月1.54610. Information Processing letters IPL半月0.53211. Information SystemsIS双月1.88712. ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Pr

3、ocessing季13. International Journal of Computer Information Sciences季14. Information and Computing1.10715. Journal of Chinese Information Processing16. Computer Speech and Language季0.68917. Machine Translation季18. Language Resources and Evaluation季0.2519. Natural Language Engineering季20. Applied Arti

4、ficial Intelligence双月0.57621. Applied Intelligence双月0.32922. IEEE MicroMicroJ双月0.95823. Performance Evaluation月刊0.69424. Journal of Systems ArchitectureJSA月刊0.47725. Design Automation for Embedded SystemsDAES季刊0.2826. Journal of Instruction Level ParallelismJILP4月27. ACM Transactions on Design Autom

5、ation of Electronic SystemsTODAES季0.51928. Real-Time SystemsRTS 月0.55629. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration SystemsTVLSI月0.77130. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and SystemsTCAD月0.83831. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology季32. Journal of Parallel

6、 and Distributed ComputingJPDC月0.4333. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing SystemsTECS月34. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics SMC月A:0.98B:1.538C:0.88535. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive SystemsTAAS月36. ACM Transactions on the WebTWEB年37. IEEE Internet Computing双月1.93538

7、. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication1.18639. International Journal of Parallel Programming月0.28940. Computer Networks季0.63141. Journal of Computer Communications0.44442. Journal of Network and Computer Applications1.07143. Parallel Computing双月0.68544. Theoretical Computer ScienceTCS0.84

8、345. Formal Methods of System Design0.946. Mobile Networks and Applications0.65947. Human-Computer InteractionHCI季2.39148. ACMTransactions on Computer-Human Interaction 双月49. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction双月0.43150. The Visual Computer TVG月0.70851. Computer Graphics Forum CGF季1.

9、16452. Computer Aided Geometric DesignCAGD月1.20853. Computer & GraphicsC&G双月54. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications CG&A双月1.42955. Journal of Graphics ToolsJGT季56. Graphical ModelsGM双月0.70257. Computational Geometry季58. SIGMOD Record季1.45559. Biosystems1.0860. World-Wide Web JournalWWWJ季0.79461.

10、 Information and Software TechnologyIST月 0.72662. International Journal of Automated Software EngineeringASEJ月63. Journal of Software Maintenance: Research and Practice月0.63664. Software: Practice and Experience月0.54365. Requirements Engineering Journal月1.10366. IEE Proceedings Software月0.6467. Jour

11、nal of Systems and Software月0.59268. IEEE Software月1.25269. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability月1.170. Computer Security Journal季71. Computers and Security月1.07572. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming0.9873. SIAM Journal of Computing1.36174. Journal of Logic Computing0.8475. Annal

12、of Pure and applied logic0.58276. Discrete and applied Mathematics10.57777. Discrete Mathematics 0.34778. Journal of Symbolic Logic79. Soft Computing0.51680. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines81. Journal of Computational Biology282. Nucl. Acid. Res.83. Journal of Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci.84. J

13、ournal of Algorithms1.11985. Journal of Complexity1.42286. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization0.61587. Algorithmica0.8588. Computer Animation & Virtual WorldsCAVW双月0.64489. Computer Vision and Image UnderstandingCVIU月1.54890. Image and Vision ComputingIVC月1.17191. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Ele

14、ctronicsCSVT月刊0.72792. Robotics And Autonomous Systems JMLSC双月0.83293. Journal of East Asian LinguisticsSP月刊94. Computer Processing of Chinese & Oriental Languages95. International Journal of Speech Technology96. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics97. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineer

15、ing月刊2.30298. Speech Communication月刊0.67899. International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages月刊100. IEEE Transaction on Multimedia季刊1.511101. Geo Informatica季刊102. International Journal of Geographical Information ScienceIGIS月刊1.36103. Computers & Geosciences月刊0.802104. IEEE Intell

16、igent Systems双月刊2.413105. Artificial Intelligence ReviewAIR月刊0.694106. Artificial LifeAF月刊1.769107. Evolutionary ComputationEC双月刊1.325108. Neural NetworksNN9/122109. International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering SystemsKES月刊110. Artificial Intelligence in EngineeringAIE月刊111.

17、Computational Intelligence: An International JournalCI季刊1.415112. International Journal of Neural SystemsIJNS月刊113. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial IntelligenceIJPRAI双月刊0.508114. IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and CyberneticsSMC月刊1.538115. International Journal of Docu

18、ment Analysis and RecognitionIJNS月刊116. Pattern Recognition LetterPRL月刊0.952117. Neural Processing LettersNPL双月刊0.753118. Neural Computing and ApplicationsNCA月刊0.61119. Intelligent Data Analysis JIIS月刊120. NeurocomputingNC月刊0.86121. Statistics and Computing SC月刊1.305122. Journal of ClassificationJC季

19、刊0.6123. IEEE MultimediaMM月刊1.317B类中文学术刊物列表1. 计算机学报2. 电子学报3. 软件学报4. 计算机研究与发展学术会议B类学术会议会议全称会议简称SCIEI1. International Joint Conference on Natural Language ProcessingIJCNLPX2. ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management CIKMX3. International World-Wide Web Conference sWWW4. International Con

20、ference of Literature and Information Technology5. International Conference on the Computer Processing of Oriental LanguagesICCPOLX6. Pacific Rim International Conference on AIPRICAIX7. Asia Information Retrieval SymposiumAIRSX8. Code Generation and OptimizationCGO是9. International Conference on Sup

21、ercomputingICS是10. International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded SystemsCASES是11. Hot Chips SymposiumHCS是12. Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications SymposiumRTAS是13. International Conference on Computer DesignICCD是14. International Conference on Parallel

22、 ProcessingICPP是15. Cool Chips SymposiumCCS是16. Conference on Embedded SoftwareEMSOFT是17. International Symposium on Workload CharacterizationIISWC是18. ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference Middleware是是19. International Conference on Ubiquitous ComputingUbiComp否是20. Symposium on Reliab

23、le Distributed SystemsSRDS否是21. Annual ACM Symposium on Applied ComputingSAC否是22. International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and ServicesMobiSys否是23. IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed SystemsICPADS否是24. International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposiu

24、m IPDPS否是25. Joint Conf. on Web Services and Service ComputingICWS/SCC否是26. IEEE International Symposium on Object/ component/service-oriented Real-time distributed ComputingISORC否是27. International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted ComputingATC否是28. Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems HOT

25、OSX29. ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in NetworksHOTNETS X30. International Conference on Network ProtocolsICNP31. IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Distributed ComputingHPDC32. IPTPSIPTPSX33. UIST34. Pacific Graphics PGX35. Graphics Interface GI36. Shape Modeling International SMI37. IEE

26、E Virtual Reality38. Eurographics Symposium on RenderingESR39. Eurographics Symposium on Geometry ProcessingESGP40. Eurographics Symposium on Virtual EnvironmentsESVE41. Computer Graphics InternationalCGIX42. Database Systems for Advanced ApplicationsDASFAAX43. Database and Expert System ApplicationsDEXAX44. International Database Engineering and Application SymposiumIDEASX45. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining ICDMX46. Asia Pacific Web Conference ApwebX47. International Conference on Web Age Information ManagementWAIMX48. Pacific-Asia Conference on Know. Discovery & Data MiningPAK

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