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本文(学年度第二学期八年级英语下册Unit 3 Could you please clean your room重点语言讲解及练习无答案.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

学年度第二学期八年级英语下册Unit 3 Could you please clean your room重点语言讲解及练习无答案.docx

1、学年度第二学期八年级英语下册Unit 3 Could you please clean your room重点语言讲解及练习无答案一 课文重点语言点讲解。1. 浅析委婉的情态动词“could”的用法: 委婉地表示请求别人做某事:(could表示语气,不表过去)Could you ( please) do sth?其否定形式:“Could you please not do sth?” Yes, sure./ Yes, I can. Of course, I can. Sure./ Certainly. OK./ No problem./With pleasureCould you please

2、 close the window?Sorry, I cant. Sorry. Im afraid not. Because 委婉地请求别人允许自己做某事。(向对方发出请求) Could I do sth? (其否定形式:Could I not do sth?) Yes, you can. / Yes. please. Sorry, you cant. / Im afraid you cant.Could I use your bicycle?Yes, you can. could的其他用法:could 为can的过去式,表示“能力”。He said that he couldnt come.

3、could表示惊异、怀疑、不相信等态度,主要用于否定句和疑问句,此时“could和can”无时间上的区别,但语气比“can”弱。He couldnt / cant be over fifty.could表示可能性,指对将来、现在或过去某种可能的推测。The windows are open. He could have come back.could 表示建议或用于虚拟语气。How I wish I could go with you!2. 在英语中,表示距离、金额、度量等的词语作主语时,通常视作一个整体,谓语动词也要单数形式。e.g: Three years is a short time.

4、 You have to study hard. Twenty miles is a long way to walk.3. be back回来;侧重指状态;come back回来;侧重指动作。4. any minute(second, moment, time) now表示事情在短时间内很有可能发生。5. mess 常用做可数名词单数形式,意为“杂乱;不整洁”。6. the minute = the moment= as soon as一就(引导时间状语从句,句子时态遵从“主将从现”。即主句若为一般将来时,从句则用一般现在时表示将来。)We will leave as soon as it

5、stops raining.= We will leave the minute it stops raining.7. 浅辨析in front of和in the front of用法上的区别: in front of在的前面(通常指在范围之外的前面)Lucy is in front of the car. in the front of在前部(通常指在某范围之内的前面)Mary is in front of the car.8. come over to=drop by多指朋友、亲戚或熟人之间的非正式的探望活动,后面加介词“to”,然后跟表示地点的名词作宾语。Can you come ov

6、er to my house on Friday?9. 浅辨析all the time和always用法上的区别:all the time频繁;反复,一直(在句子中作状语,通常位于句子的末尾。侧重连续的动作,时间上不间断,表示始终如一,没有停止,不表示频率。)always总是(常位于实义动词前,助动词、情态动词和系动词后。侧重于频率,表示经常,其反义词是“never”,与进行时连用时,常常有不满、赞美等感情色彩。)We are dancing all the time. Tom always studies hard.10. 浅辨析neither和so用法上的区别: neither (adv.

7、)也不(表示前面陈述的否定情况也适用于另一个人(物)时,常用“Neither/ Nor + be/助动词/情态动词+主语.”这种倒装结构。表示另一个人(物)也不。)【neither (adv.)用法2】如果用“Neither/ Nor+主语+ be/助动词/情态动词”句式,表示的确不是这样。He doesnt like sports and neither do I.【neither (限定词)用法3】neither两者都不,其反义词“both”两者都是。Neither student is from Canada.【neither(pron)用法4】neither of 两者都不(其反义词b

8、oth of两者都) Neither of them is clever, but both study hard.【neither (conj) 用法5】neither nor既不也不(并列两个主语时,谓语动词就近原则,还有“either or要么要么, not only but also不但而且”)Neither my father nor I am interested in the film. so (adv.) 也(表示前面陈述的肯定情况也适用于另一个人(物)时,常用“So + be/助动词/情态动词+主语.”这种倒装结构。表示另一个人(物)也如此。)Jim can play the

9、 guitar. So can I.【注意】如果用“So+主语+ be/助动词/情态动词”句式,表示的确如此。11. hang (vt&vi)悬挂;垂下(无被动)hang hung hung悬挂(不规则变化)hang hanged hanged 绞死;吊死(规则变化)12. pass (间接宾语)sb. (直接宾语)sth= pass sth. to sb.把某物递给某人(当直接宾语(物)是代词时,只能用pass sth. to sb. Pass it to Jenny.13. 浅辨析borrow, lend和keep用法上的区别:borrow表示“借入;借进”,即说话人向别人借东西供自己用,

10、“borrow sth. from sb./ somewhere. 结构中,也是终止性动词。Mary borrowed the book from John last week.lend表示“借出”,即说话人把自己的东西借给别人用,常用于“lend sth. to sb.”或“lend sb. sth.”结构中,也是终止性动词。John lent his book to Mary last week.keep保存、保留,引申为“借用”。用于表示借用的时间长度,可以和表示时间段的时间状语及“how long”等连用,它是延续性动词, 可与“for +时间段”连用。E.g: Mary may ke

11、ep the book for two weeks.14. hate to do sth/ hate doing sth讨厌做某事hate sb./sth. 讨厌某人(物)(其反义词like/ love)I hate playing soccer.15. 浅辨析while 和when用法上的区别:1 while (conj)当的时候;与同时;而;然而(引导时间状语从句,从句谓语动词必须是延续性动词。从句通常要用进行时态,如果主句和从句中的动作是同时进行的动作或发生的事情,且强调主句表示的动作延续到从句所指的整个时间,那么主句也要用进行时;while只指一段时间。)The telephone r

12、ang while my father was reading the newspaper.when (conj) 当的时候(引导时间状语从句,从句谓语动词可以是延续性动词,也可以是终止性动词。从句的时态多用一般现在时或一般过去时;when可以指时间点,也可以指一段时间。)When I arrived in Beijing, it was raining.16. 浅谈waste 的用法:waste 用作名词时,常用作不可数名词。但作“浪费”讲时,也可用作单数形式,常构成短语:a waste of“浪费”;作“垃圾”讲时,也可以用作复数形式。What a waste of paper!waste

13、 用作动词时的常见用法:waste sth. on sth(在某方面)浪费某物;waste sth. in doing sth.浪费某物做某事Dont waste money on these clothes.He wastes a lot of time playing computer games.waste (adj)= useless 无用的,废弃的 waste water17. 浅辨析spend, take, cost 和pay用法上的区别: spend 花费(时间或金钱)(指某人在某事/物上花一段时间/金钱;某人花一段时间/金钱做某事)主语通常是人。常用结构:Sb spend(s)

14、/ spent some time / money on sth; Sb spend(s)/ spent some time /money in doing sthShe spent 50 dollars on the skirt.He spent two years writing the book. take 花时间费(做某事花费某人多少时间)主语通常用It作形式主语。常用结构:It takes / took sb some time to do sthIt took him three weeks to finish the work. cost 花费金钱(指某物花费某人多少钱)主语通常

15、是物。常用结构:Sth. cost(s)/ cost sb some moneyThe house cost them a lot of money. pay 付款(钱)/花(钱)(指某人付钱买某物)主语通常是人。常用结构:Sb pay(s) / paid some money for sth pay off付清She paid 50,000 dollars for the car.18. 浅谈in order to和in order that 的用法: in order to= so as to(只能放在句中) 为了;目的是(表示目的,可用于句首或句中;否定结构为“in order not

16、to do sth.”In order to catch the train, he hurried to finish the work. in order that +从句;为了;目的是。从句中常用“can, may, could, might”等情态动词,可与“so that+从句”互换。He works hard in order that he may succeed.= He works hard so that he may succeed.19. 浅谈There is no need for sb. to do sth.和There is no point in doing s

17、th 的用法:1 There is no need for sb to do sth.(对某人来说)做某事没有必要There is no need for us to get up early tomorrow, because its Sunday.2 There is no point in doing sth.做某事没有意义3 There is no use doing sth做某事没有用4 Its no good doing sth.做某事没有好处20. 浅谈It + be + adj. (for / of sb) to do sth. 和It + be + n. + to do st

18、h.的用法:(句中It作形式主语,真正的主语是“to do sth”)1 It +be + adj.+ (for/of sb) to do sth做某事对某人来说怎样。It is important for us to learn English well.2 It + be + n. + to do sth 做某事是It is the parents job to provideIt is my job to look after you.21. 浅谈anyway 的用法:anyway (adv) 而且;加之;即使这样;无论如何Its expensive and anyway the siz

19、e is too small.The water was cold but I took a shower anyway.Anyway, we should have a try.22. 浅谈depend 的用法:1 depend on/ upon = rely on 依靠;信赖;由决定(其后可跟名词、动名词、代词宾格和宾语从句)You are adults now and should not depend on/ upon your parents.The value of life does not depend on who you are, but what you do.2 It

20、all depends.一切要看情况而定3 depend (vi) 依赖;依靠dependent (adj) 依赖的;依靠的dependence (n)依赖;依靠23. 浅谈develop 的用法:1 develop (vt&vi)development (n)发展;壮大;开发We should develop healthy eating habits.2 develop 的两个形容词:developed发达;developing发展中的America is a developed country, and China is a developing country.24. 浅谈“since

21、”的用法:since (conj.& prep&adv.)因为;由于;既然;从以后since (conj)作“因为,由于,既然”讲时,引导原因状语从句。通常表示对方已知的事实或理由。相当于“because或as”,但比because更加正式和书面化。Since it is raining, we had better watch TV at home.since从以后,自以来(连接时间状语从句,连接从句时,从句中常用一般过去时,主句用现在完成时,常构成结构“It is +一段时间+since从句(从句用一般过去时),表示“自从已经多长时间了”。My family has lived here

22、since five years ago.He hasnt phoned since he went to Beijing(Peking).It is ten years since we met last time.25. 浅谈as a result 和as a result of 的用法:as a result(副词性短语)结果(后跟表示事情结果的句子)He made a big mistake, and as a result, he lost his a result of(介词性短语)因为;由于(后常跟名词、代词宾格),相当于because of.Bill was la

23、te as a result of the heavy snow.26. 浅谈“the + 比较级,the +比较级”的用法: the + 比较级,the +比较级(表示“越就越”)the earlier the better越早就越好The more you practice, the better you can understand.比较级+and +比较级 (表示“越来越”)The weather become colder and colder.27. 浅谈“强调比较”的程度时,可在形容词或副词比较级前用“much, even, far, a little, a bit, a lot

24、”等,表示程度进一步加深。The experiment was much easier than we had expected.28. 浅辨析“in-; un-和dis-(否定前缀)”用法上的区别: in-(否定前缀)+ dependent(adj.依靠的)in-(否定前缀)+dependence (n. 依靠)independent (adj) 独立的 ; independence (n.) 独立 un-(否定前缀)+able(adj能) un-(否定前缀)+fair (adj公平的)unable不能 unfair不公平的3 dis-(否定前缀)+like(v.喜欢) dislike (v

25、t)不喜欢 29. 浅谈“使役动词make”的用法:make意思“使;让”,后跟省略“to”的不定式做宾语补足语,即“make sb. do sth”使某人做某事。但在被动语态中不定式符号“to”则不能省略,即“sb be made to do sth.”They made him work fourteen hours a day.= He was made to work fourteen hours a day.30. 浅谈“动名词-ving和不定式To do sth”作主语的用法:在英语中,动名词和不定式可以在句子中作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。Taking walk after sup

26、per is good for our health.To see is to believe.= Seeing is believing.31. 浅辨析“fall ill和be ill”用法上的区别:fall ill生病,强调动作,与表示时间点的时间状语连用。be ill生病,强调状态,与表示时间段的时间状语连用。When did you fall ill? Last night.He was ill for a long time.32. 浅辨析“loud 和loudly”用法上的区别:loud (adj)大声的;喧闹的loudly (adv)喧闹地;大声地;响亮地33. 浅谈which和

27、what的用法:which 作疑问代词,既可指人也可指物,既可指可数名词单数,也可指复数,在句子中作主语、宾语、定语。作关系代词引导限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句,专指事物;在从句中可充当主语、宾语。充当宾语时,which可以省略。which哪一个,用于选择范围较明确的场合,可以被of短语修饰。what 什么,用于没有明确选择范围的场合,不能被of短语修饰。34. 浅谈win和beat的用法:win (vt)其宾语为比赛的项目、奖品或战争等。beat (vt)打赢,战胜,用于比赛时,其宾语为所战胜的对手。二 短语翻译。1. 倒垃圾take out the rubbish(garbage)2.

28、 把从里拿出takeout of 3. 做家务do chores4. 洗餐具do the dishes5. 叠衣服fold / unfold the clothes6. 扫地sweep / swept the floor7. 清除sweep away8. 打扫客厅clean the living room9. 铺床make the/ ones bed10. 出去吃(晚)饭go out for dinner11. 去看电影go to the movies/ cinema/go to see the film12. 从事于;忙于work on13. 一团糟in a mess14. 搞成一团糟mak

29、e a mess15. 至少at least16. 至多at most17. 随时any minute now18. 反复;频繁all the time19. 一就as soon as/ the moment/ the minute that20. 递给某人某物pass sb. sth/ pass sth. to sb.21. 传递pass on22. 向某人借某物borrow sth. from sb23. 借给某人某物lend sb. sth= lend sth. to sb.24. 闲逛 hang out25. 给某人提供某物offer sth to sbprovide sb. with

30、 sth/ provide sth for sb26. 依靠;信赖depend/ rely on27. 浪费a waste of 28. 目的是;为了in order to29. 目的不是 in order not to30. 当心,注意take care/ look out/ be careful31. 照顾(好)take (good) care of/ look after (well)32. 结果as a result33. 因为;由于 as a result of/ because of34. 在外面呆得晚stay out late35. 搭便车get a ride36. 喜欢做某事e

31、njoy doing sth.37. 建议做某事suggest doing sth38. 一直做某事keep doing sth39. 练习做某事 practice doing sth40. 完成做某时 finish doing sth41. 避免做某事 avoid doing sth42. 错过做某事 miss doing sth.43. 介意做某事 mind doing sth44. 回来be back/ come back45. 生某人气be angry with sb.46. 扔给某人某物throw sb. sth/ throw sth. to sb.47. 扔掉;丢弃throw away48. 扔下throw down49. 向扔(恶意)throw sth. at s

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