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1、人教新目标八年级英语下册单词表含例句人教新目标八年级英语下册单词表【附音标与解释】Unit 1matter /mt/ n. 问题; 事情Eg: What s the matter? 怎么了? 出什么事了? stomachache n. 胃痛; 腹痛Eg: I had a stomachache last night. 昨天晚上我 胃痛。neck /nek/ n. 颈; 脖子Eg: My neck is sour.stomach /stmk/ n. 胃; 腹部Eg:He has a strong stomach. 他的胃很强健。throat /rt/ n. 咽喉; 喉咙eg: He has a

2、sour throat. 他的喉咙痛。fever /fi:v/ n. 发烧Eg: My sister had a fever last night. 我妹妹昨天晚上发烧。lie /la/ v. (lay) 躺; 平躺Eg: We were lying on the grass when it began to rain. 雨下起来时我们正躺在草坪上。rest v.& n. 放松; 休息Eg: Lets have a rest.让我们休息一下。cough n.& v. 咳嗽Eg: My mother coughed a lot because of the cold. 我妈妈因为感冒咳嗽厉害。X

3、-ray n. X射线; X光toothache /tu:ek/ n. 牙痛Eg: I often have a toothache. 我经常牙疼。headache /hedek/ n. 头痛Eg: My grandpa often has a headache. 我爷爷经常头痛。break /brek/ n. 间歇; 休息Eg;Lets break for lunch. 我们停下来吃午饭吧。hurt /h:t/ v. (hurt) (使)疼痛; 受伤Eg: These shoes are too tight and hurt me. 这双鞋太紧了挤得我脚疼。passenger /psnd/

4、n. 乘客; 旅客Eg: there are many passengers at the bus station.车站有许多乘客。trouble /trbl/ n. 问题; 苦恼Eg: Her heart was full of trouble. 她的内心充满苦恼。hit /ht/ v. (hit) (用手或器具)击; 打Eg:Dont hit the bowl with the chiopsticks.不要用筷子敲碗。herself /h:self/ pron.(she的反身代词) 她自己Eg:She learns English herself.她自学英语。sick /sk/ adj.

5、生病的; 有病的Eg: This is a sick dog.这是一只生病的狗。knee /ni:/ n. 膝; 膝盖Eg; My knee hurt yesterday.昨天我的膝盖受伤了。breathe /bri:/ v. 呼吸Eg: I went out and breathe the fresh air.我出去呼吸了一下新鲜空气。climber n. 登山者; 攀登者Eg: My friend is a climber. 我的朋友是一个登山者。 be used to 习惯于.; 适应于.Eg; I am used to getting up early.kilo (=kilogram)

6、 n. 千克; 公斤【kg千克 km=kilometer千米】Eg; I bought two kilos apples.rock /rk/ n. 岩石Eg: A large rock fell and blocked the road.一块大岩石崩落,堵塞了道路。 run out (of) 用尽; 耗尽Eg: I ran out of my money.我的钱用完了。knife /naf/ n.(pl. knives) 刀Eg: These knives are used for cutting things.这些刀用来切东西。 importance /mp:tns/ n. 重要性; 重要E

7、g: We should lead students to know the importance of studying.我们应该让学生知道学习的重要性。decision /dsn/ n. 决定; 抉择Eg; I made a decision to learn to drive.我决定学开车。give up 放弃; 投降My father gave up smoking. 我的父亲戒烟了。nurse /n:s/ n. 护士Eg; My mother is a nurse.我的妈妈是一名护士。Unit 2cheer /t/ v. 欢呼; 喝彩Eg: Lets cheer up the sic

8、k children.让我们使这些生病的孩子振作起来。volunteer /vlnt/ v. 义务做; 自愿做n. 志愿者Eg: I want to be a volunteer. 我想成为一名志愿者。sign /san/ n. 标志; 信号Eg: The sign means no parking.这个标志是禁止停车的意思。notice /nts/ n. 通知; 通告; 注意v. 注意到; 意识到Eg:He gave me a notice that he would not work with me any longer.他通知我她不再与我合作了。lonely /lnl/ adj. 孤独的

9、; 寂寞的Eg; The old man lives alone , but he doesnt feel lonely.这个老人单独居住,但他不感到孤独。several /sevrl/ pron. 几个; 数个; 一些Eg: I saw the movies several times.那部电影我看了好几遍。strong /str/ adj. 强烈的; 强壮的Eg: He is a strong man.他是一个强壮的人。owner /n/ n. 物主; 主人Eg: The owner of the book is Jim.这本书的主人是Jim.raise /rez/ v. 募集; 征集Eg

10、; Lets raise money to help poor people.alone /ln/ adv. 独自; 单独Eg; The old man lives alone , but he doesnt feel lonely.这个老人单独居住,但他不感到孤独。repair /rpe/ v. 修理; 修补Eg: I repaired a broken desk yesterday. 昨天我修了一张坏了的桌子。broken /brkn/ adj. 破损的; 残缺的Eg:This is a broken desk.这是一张破损的桌子。wheel /wi:l/ n. 车轮; 轮子Eg: Car

11、s have four wheels. 轿车有四个车轮。 letter /let/ n. 信; 函Eg; He often writes letters to his pen pals.他经常写信给他的笔友。blind /bland/ adj. 瞎的; 失明的Eg; The man is blind.这个人是瞎的。deaf /def/ adj. 聋的Eg; We should help the deaf.我们应该帮助眼睛瞎的人。difficulty /dfklt/ n. 困难; 难题Eg:She found difficulty in getting used to the place.她发现

12、很难适应这个地方。open /pn/ v. 开; 打开door /d:/ n. 门Eg; Its hot in the room, please open the door.屋里太热,请打开门。train /tren/ v. 训练; 培训Eg: This is a well trained dog.这是一只受过良好训练的狗。excited adj. 激动的; 兴奋的Eg; I am excited about going on the trip. 想到旅行我就高兴。training /tren/ n. 训练; 培训Eg:It was a very exciting movie.那是一部非常扣人

13、心悬的电影。kindness /kandns/ n. 仁慈; 善良Eg: Thank you for your kindness.谢谢你的好意。clever /klev/ adj. 聪明的; 聪颖的Eg; My brother is very clever.我弟弟非常聪明。understand /ndstnd/ v. (understood) 理解; 领会Eg:I understood what you said.我明白你的意思。change v. & n. 变化; 改变Eg:My hometown has changed a lot.我的家乡发生了很大的变化。interest /ntrst/

14、 n. 兴趣; 关注;v. 使感兴趣; 使关注Eg:I am interested playing basketball.我对打篮球感兴趣。 Unit 3rubbish /rb/ n. 垃圾; 废弃物Eg; Please take out the rubbish,Tom.TOM请把垃圾到了。fold /fld/ v. 折叠; 对折Eg: She folded the letter and put it in an envelope.他把信折叠后放入信封。sweep /swi:p/ v. (swept) 扫; 打扫Eg: We should sweep our classroom every d

15、ay.我们应该每天打扫教室。floor /fl:/ n. 地板Eg; There is some money on the floor.地上有钱。mess /mes/ n. 杂乱; 不整洁Eg:His room often in a mess.他的房间很乱。throw /r/ v. (threw) 扔; 掷Eg:He threw the book on the table and went away.他把书扔在桌子上,然后离开了。 shirt /:t/ n. 衬衫Eg: The shirt is so beautiful.这件衬衫如此漂亮。pass /p:s/ v. 给; 递; 走过; 通过E

16、g:Somebody passed behind me.有人从我后面经过。borrow /br/ v. 借; 借用Eg:He borrowed two books from the library.他从图书馆借了两本书。lend /lend/ v. 借给; 借出Eg: I lent him two books.我借给他两本书。finger /fg/ n. 手指Eg; This job requires dexterous fingers.这项工作需要手指灵巧。hate /het/ v. 厌恶; 讨厌Eg; I hate the job.我厌恶这项工作。chore /t:/ n. 杂务; 乏味无

17、聊的工作Eg; He often does some household chores in his spare time.他经常在业余时间做一些家庭杂务。stress /stres/ n. 精神压力; 心理负担Eg; He is under great stress because of his new job.新工作使他感受到沉重的压力。waste /west/ n. 浪费; 垃圾v. 浪费; 滥用Eg:Be careful not to waste food.注意别浪费食物。provide /prvad/ v. 提供; 供应Eg; Sheep provide wool.绵羊提供羊毛。de

18、pend /dpend/ v. 依靠; 信赖Eg; Our success depends on our effort.我们的成功取决于我们的努力。develop /dvelp/ v. 发展; 壮大Eg; Our country is developing.我们的国家正在发展。fairness /fens/ n. 公正性; 合理性Eg;neighbor (=neighbour) n. 邻居Eg; The man is my neighbor.这个人是我的邻居。ill /l/ adj. 有病; 不舒服Eg; I was ill yesterday.昨天我生病了。drop /drp/ v. 落下;

19、 掉下Eg;You dropped your book.你的书掉了。independent /ndpendnt/ adj. 独立的; 自主的Eg:My teachers son is very independent.我老师的儿子非常独立。Unit 4allow /la/ v. 允许; 准许Eg: My parents allow me to play computer games for an hour every day.我父母允许我每天玩一小时的电子游戏。wrong /r/ adj. 有毛病; 错误的Eg: Whats wrong with your ears?你的眼睛怎么了?What

20、s wrong? 哪儿不舒服?midnight /mdnat/ n. 午夜; 子夜Eg:He always stays up at midnight.他总是熬夜到深夜。guess /ges/ v. 猜测; 估计Eg:Can you guess how much it cost?你能猜出它值多少钱吗/deal /di:l/ n. 协议; 交易Eg; He knowns how to deal with children very well.他知道怎样对待孩子。relation /rlen/ n. 关系; 联系; 交往Eg: Their relations are good.他们的关系非常好。co

21、mmunication /kmju:nken/ n. 交流; 沟通Eg;I am often in communication with my friends.我经常和朋友联系。argue /:gju:/ v. 争吵; 争论Eg:I argued with my friends.我和朋友吵架了。cloud /klad/ n. 云; 云朵Eg: There are a lot of clouds in the sky.天空中有许多云朵。elder /eld/ adj. 年级较长的Eg: My elder sister is a teacher.我姐姐是一名教师。 nervous /n:vs/ a

22、dj. 焦虑的; 担忧的Eg:He is nervous about his job.他担忧他的工作。offer /f/ v. 主动提出; 自愿给予Eg:He offered to help us.他主动提出帮助我们。proper /prp/ adj. 正确的; 恰当的Eg:Your language is not proper in pubblic.你的言辞不适合公共场合。communicate /kmju:nket/ v. 交流; 沟通Eg: The teacher should communicate with students a lot.老师应该多和学生沟通。explain /ksp

23、len/ v. 解释; 说明Eg; How do you explain the mistake?你如何解释这个错误/clear /kl/ adj. 清楚易懂的; 晴朗的Eg;Your anwser is clear.你的答案清楚易懂。copy /kp/ v. 抄袭; 模仿; 复制; 复印Eg; Students shouldt copy others homework.return /rt:n/ v. 归还; 回来; 返回Eg; He never returns my CDs to me.他从来不还我的CD.anymore adv. (常用于否定句和疑问句末)再也(不); (不)再Eg:I

24、am not lonely any more.我再也不孤独了。member /memb/ n. 成员; 分子Eg:He is a member of my family forever.他永远是我家的一份子。pressure /pre/ n. 压力Eg:Is he suffering from pressure of work?他是否工作压力太大?compete /kmpi:t/ v. 竞争; 对抗Eg;Will you compete in the race?你会参加赛跑比赛吗?opinion /pnjn/ n. 意见; 想法; 看法Eg;Whats your opinion?你的意见是什么

25、?skill /skl/ n. 技艺; 技巧Eg: The students should inprove their listening skill.学生应该提高听力技能。football /ftb:l/ n. (美式)橄榄球; 足球Eg; I like football very much.我非常喜欢足球。continue /kntnj(:)/ v. 持续; 继续存在Eg: The rain continued till late at night.雨一直持续到昨天深夜。compare /kmpe/ v. 比较Eg:Try on both these coats and compare t

26、hem.把这两件外套都是穿看看,比较一下。crazy /krez/ adj. 不理智的; 疯狂的Eg;Your choice is crazy.你的选择是不理智的。push /p/ v. 鞭策; 督促; 推动Eg:He will not work hard unless you push him.不逼他,他是不会卖力干的。development /dvelpmnt/ n. 发展; 发育; 成长Eg:The speed of the development of China isquiet rapid.中国的发张速度是相当快的。usual /ju:l/ adj. 通常的; 寻常的Eg; I we

27、nt to school earlier than usual.我比平时早一点儿去学校。perhaps /phps/ adv. 可能; 大概; 也许Eg: He was perhaps the most talented painter of his times.他或许是当时最有才华的画家。Unit 5Alarm /l:m/ n. 闹钟My alarm didnt go off ,so got up late.我的闹钟没响,所以迟到。begin/bgn/ v. (began) 开始 The meeting will begin at nine.会议将在九点开始。Heavily/hevl/ ad

28、v. 在很大程度上; 大量地It is raining heavily.雨下得很大。suddenly /sdnl/ adv. 突然; 忽然Suddenly he began to shout loudly。他突然大叫起来。strange /strend/ adj. 奇特的奇怪的 He had a strange expression on his face.在他脸上有一种奇怪的表情。Storm /st:m/ n. 暴风雨There was a serious storm yesterday.昨天下了一场巨大的暴风雨。wind /wnd, wand/ n. 风There was a strong

29、 wind blowing.又一股强烈的风吹过来。light /lat/ n. 光; 光线; 光亮The sun gives us light.太阳给了我们光亮。report v. & n. 报道; 公布A report is a news article。公布的是一篇文章。area /er/ n. 地域; 地区rural areawood/wd/ n. 木; 木头Can you knock this nail into the wood?你能把钉子钉进木头吗?window /wnd/ n. 窗; 窗户Shall I open the window?我可以打开窗户吗?match /mt/ n. 火柴I need a box of matches.我需要一盒火柴。beat /bi:t/ v. 敲打; 打败I finally beat her in that match.我最后在那场比赛中打败了他。against /genst, genst/ prep. 倚; 碰; 撞She leaned against him.她靠着他。asleep /sli:p/ adj. 睡着fall asleep 进入梦乡; 睡着The old man plumped himself down and fell asleep.老人做下来睡着了。rise v. & n. 升起; 增

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