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1、七年级下外研版英语单元试题MODULE10测试题七年级下外研版英语单元试题 MODULE10测试题第I卷(共75分)一、单项选择:选择最佳答案(重点难点全在这,瞧您的本领了)(35分)()1、 The Smiths arrived London last weekA、 in B、 at C、 on D、 of、( )2、 The shops nice shoes Lets go and a pair;A、sells,sell B、 sells,buy C、buys,sell D、buys,buy、()3、 一 did it take to arrive there ?It took about

2、 nine hoursA、 How long B、 What time C、 Whe n D、 How soon、( )4、 When did you go there ? Three days 、A、last B、 ago C、 now D、 after、( )5、 did she go fishi ng yesterday ?A、What B、When C、Where D、Who( )6、 Look ! Here comes the bus、 Wait !Dont get on it stopsA、after B、 till C、 since D、when( )7、 The iPad 3

3、is so , I am to have one、A、 exciting,exciting、 B、 exciting,excitedC、 excited,excited D、 excited,exciting 、( )8、 did he go to school this morning ?A、Where B、 How C、 What D、 When、( )9、 There are books in our school libraryA、 a lot、 B、a lots of C、lot of D、 lots of、()10、 How was your holiday?A、 I am hap

4、py、 B、 It was greatC、 I am going to have a holiday D、 I dont thi nk so 、( )11、 Alan have a party last week?A、 Was B、 Were C、 Do D、 Did( )12、 did your father work in your city?For twelve yearsA、 How ofte n B、 How long C、 How many D、 How manytimes()13、Whe n and whereyour frie nd Jenny born?He was born

5、 in the USAJune 1, 1989A、was, atB、 were, i nC、 was, onD、 were,on()14、Shea dict ionary to our classroom, but I didA、didn ta keB、 doesn take C、 will takeD 、 istak ing( )15、 The policema n kno eked on the door, but an swered, so he had tocall Jim、A、 somebody B、 anybody C、 nobody D、everybody( )16、 It no

6、t polite to point others with your fin gers手指 )、A、 at B、 to C、 out D、 in( )17、 They didn t into the old hoasd 、A、go, left B、goes, left C、going, left D、go, leave( )18、 Once upon a time, there a bear Victor in a forestA、 is, called B、was, call C、was, called D、is, call( )19、 Gina was very , so she hurr

7、ied to her house for dinnerA、 thirsty B、excit ing C、 hungry D、 happy()20、 He had a new shirt he didn t like itA、 but B、 and C、 so D、 or()21、 一 Did they take any photos ? 、 They forgot to take a camera with themA. No, they didn t B Yes, they didC、 No, they aren D、 Yes, they did n t()22、 What did you

8、last weeke nd?I apples in the mou ntain with my friendsA、 pick ing B、 picks C、 pick D、 picked( )23、 The n ews was very 、 They all got whe n they heardit、A. excited; exciting B、 excited; excitedC、 excit ing; excited D、 excit ing; excit ing( )24、 He wan ted to go camp ing tomorrow, but he had to his g

9、ran dpaat homeA、 look atB、look afterC、look forD、 looklike()25、 At last we decidedBetty as our mon itor、A、chooseB、to chooseC、choseD、chooses()26、 Last ni ght Ivery tired and Ito bed earlyA、 was, goB、was, wentC、am, wentD、 am,go()27、 Whe n 1 was a small child, I enjo yedmy mothers fairy talesA、listening

10、 toB、heari ngC、liste ningD、to listento()28、Jennythe yard, but Ted didA、 did n ten terB、doesn enterC、will en ter D、is en teri ng()29、heto school?Yes, he didHe was lateA、 Does, hurryB、Did, hurryC、Was, hurriedD、 Do,hurry( )30、 Yesterday evening I was very soon and for ninehours、A. asleep, sleep B、 asle

11、ep, asleep C、 asleep, slept D、 sleep, asleep()31、 What he do last ni ght? He out with his friends、A、did, goB、does, goes C、 did, wentD、do, goes()32、is the tower?-The tower is next to a famous museumA、WhenB、 WhereC、 WhatD、 How()33、This is a famous museumlots of pain ti ngsA、hasB、 haveC、 hav ingD、 with

12、()34、The policema non the door, but n obody,so he had tocallme、A. knock, answer B、 knocks, answersC、 kno cked, an swered D、 kno ck, an swered( )35、 These books on the box are very heavy and soon the box is A、 in piece B、 pieces C、 piece D、 in pieces二、完形填空(10分)Ani mals are our frie nds、 We can find 3

13、6 differe nt kinds of an imals、 Some animals are living 37 big woods(森林 )、And some animals are livingwith 38 、 Ani mals are very 39 to people People can teach theelepha nt to do some heavy 40 、 An d they can also teach the dog to 41_the house A watch dog is very 42 、 It can help people in dan ger(危险

14、)、 So people 43 dogs very much Most of 44 like to go to the zoo、 45 there are many animals in zoos、 Zoo is a good place forchildre n to get to know an imals、36、A、aB、anyC、muchD 、 many37、A、atB、onC、inD、with3&A、booksB、peopleC、treesD 、 water39、A、usefulB、lazyC、smartD、sad40、A、studyB、workC、homeworkD、 housew

15、ork41、A、look atB look likeC、look afterD、 look for42、A、smartB、shyC、frie ndlyD、 ugly43、A、n eedB、dislikeC、getD、like44、A、menB、 wome nC、teachersD、 childre n45、A、BecauseB、AndC、ButD、 So、阅读理解(15分)New Library Rules1、Open time: 8:30am-4:30pm、From Mon day to Friday、6、No taking books out if you don the people h

16、ereAt ask2、 No talk ing、7、 Keep the library books for only one week、3、 No eat ing any food8、 Give the books back on time4、 No liste ning to music、9、 Renew (续借)books on time5、 No tak ing photos、10、 Pay for the lost(丢失)books、46、 How long can we read books on Mon day in the library?A、 For four hours B、

17、 For six hours C、 For eight hours、 D、For ten hours47、 What can t we do tihe library?A、 Borrow books、 B、 Renew booksC、 Keep the library book for a week D、 Take books out any time48、 What do you have to do if we lose the library books?A、 buy them B、 pay for themC、 renew them D、 ask the people there49、

18、 Whe n can you go to the library?A、8:30am、on Saturday B、2:30pm、on Sun dayC、10:30pm、on Friday、 D、3:30pm、on Tuesday50、 What time do we have to leave the library?A、At 2:00 pm、 B、 Before 4:30pmC、After 4:30pm D、In the afternoonBThere is a park near my home People like to go to this park after work Some o

19、f them go to the park every day Look! This is Mr、 King、He is sitting on a chair and watch ing the childre n、 Some childre n are play ing a game Some boys are playing football、 Lucy and Lily are standing under a big tree、 They are talking about their favorite movies、 There is a small river in the par

20、k、 We can see some boats on the water Some children are sitting in the boats with their parents Listen! A girl is singing、 Its really a nice park I come here every day51、 like to go to the parkLucy and LilyD、Peopleballs and kitesD、houses andC、 LilyD、 herwome nD、dogsB、 Hesplayi ng a game D、 Hessingin

21、g un der the treeA、 Childre n B、 Pare nts C、52、 There are some in the parkA、 birds and cats B、 chairs and boats C buses53、 Lucy is talk ing with 、A、Mr、King B、the boyspare nts54、 We cantsee in the parkA、childre n B、men C、55、 What is the writer doing?A、 He swatchi ng the people in the parkC、 Hessitti

22、ng in a boatCJim is an American He is now living(居住)in China、He gets up at about halfpast six and has breakfast at seven o k、Aftercbocakfast, he says goodbye to his parents and leaves home at half past seveHe usually walks to schoo、 He gets there at five minutes to eight He has his first class at ei

23、ghtMorning classes are over at ten past twelve and he has lunch five minutes later,at about a quarter past twelve After lunch he plays with his friends、Afternoon classes begin at half past one、Usually there are two lessons in the after noon They finish at half past three、 Usually he plays games or o

24、ther things at school,and he gets home at about a quarter past five He has supper at six and then does his homework and the n watches TV He goes to bed at about half past ten56、 Where was Jim born出 生)?A、 In America、 B、 In England、 C、 In China、 D、InBeiji ng、57、 It takes Jim to get to schoolD、11:3060、

25、 He goes to bed at in the eve nin、A、9:00 B、10:00 C、10:30第U卷(共45分)四、口语交际(共5小题,计10分) 根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子填入对话相应的空白处,使对话完整,合乎情景。(其中有两项就是多余的)A: 61 B: Yes, please Could you tell me where the First People s Hospital is?A: Let me see Oh, its far from hereB: 62 A: About five miles、 63_B: Which bus should I ta

26、ke?A: The No、1 bus will take you there、B: 64 A: Its about 30 minu tes、B: Thanks for your help、A: 65 A、 Thats OK、B、 You can take a bus to go thereC、 You can go there by bikeD、 How long does it take to get there?E、 How far is itF、 How do you get to the First PeoplesHospital?G、 Can I help you?五、选词填空:根据

27、文章的内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其适当的形式填空。(10分)move, restaura nt , reach, around, at, read, died, born,no thi ng, hungry 、Ei nstei n was one of the greatest scie ntists in the world He wasHe66 in Germany、And in 1930 he left his country and 67 to Americastayed there for 25 years un til he 68 、One day , someoneinvi

28、ted him to an important meeting 、 As hisdid not know where to go、 He felt a little 70 、 He went to the nearest 71to look for something to eat、 He sat down at a table、 Suddenly heremembered an important problem and began to think about it 、 A waiter came up to him、 Pointing to a menu 菜单),then he aske

29、d , “What would you like ,sir ? Einstein looked 72 the menu for a long time , but he saw 73,becausehe did not wear glasses、 He could not see it clearly and said ,please read it for me、” The waiter looked 74 and said in a low 0氐66、 67、 68、 69、 70、 71、 72、 73、 74、 75、 六、任务型阅读:根据短文内容按要求完成文后各题任务。(10分)Os

30、car Wilde was born on October 16, 1854、 He wrote many plays ,poems and short stories、 The Selfish Giant (自私的巨人)is one of the famous short stories for childre n、There was a giant in the village、 (A、) He had a garden with a lot of trees flowers and birds、The children in the village liked playing the garden、 But the gia nt

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