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高二英语Unit13 Warming up.docx

1、高二英语Unit13 Warming up2019-2020年高二英语Unit13 Warming up 1.Cover a glass of water with a piece of thick paper. 用一张厚纸盖住一玻璃杯水。 coverwith 掩盖。例如: She covered her face with her hands. 她用手掩面。 The mother covered her baby with a blanket. 那个妈妈用毛毯盖着她的婴儿。 Our apple tree is covered with fruit. 我们家的苹果树硕果累累。 2.Put on

2、e hand on the paper and turn the glass upside down. 把一只手放在纸上,然后把玻璃杯颠倒过来。 upside down 颠倒地,翻倒过来地。例如: He turned the room upside down. 他把房间弄得乱七八糟。 Hang upside down from a tree. 从树上倒吊着。 Dont hold the box upside down. 不要把那个盒子倒拿着。 3.Fill one glass with fresh water and another glass with salt water. 一只杯子装满淡

3、水,另外一只杯子装满盐水。 fillwith 用填充例如: He filled the shelf with books. 他在书架上塞满了书。 This announcement filled her with excitement. 那项宣告使她满怀激动。 4.Put an ice cube in each glass. 每一个玻璃杯内放入一冰块。 cube n. 立方体,立方体之物。例如: a sugar cube 一块方糖 The cube of 5 is 125. 5的立方是125。Listening 1.One of the most famous English poems ab

4、out life on the ocean tells the story of an adventurous sea journey. 英国很有名的一首诗歌讲述了这则海上冒险的传奇故事。 one of + n. (pl) 例如: This is one of the best novels that have appeared this year. 这是今年出版的最佳小说之一。 He was the only one of the boys who was given a prize. 他是这些孩子中唯一受到奖励的。 2.Work with a partner and see if you

5、can e up with a good, scary story like the one about the mariner. 和同伴一起活动,看你们能否想出一个像“水手”一样惊险的故事。 e up with 提出,提供。例如: e up with a proposal 提出建议 I hope you can e up with a better plan than this. 我希望你们能提出比这个更好的计划。 You have e up with a good idea. 你想出来了一个好主意。Speaking 1.You may use the following questions

6、 to get started. 你可以从下列问题着手。 get started 这个是get done 这种形式特别用在意想不到地、突然地或偶然发生的情况。get具有与be相同的作用,形成被动语态。例如: The car couldnt get started. 这车发动不起来。 I got caught for speeding. 我因超速而被抓住。 Some glasses got broken when we were moving. 我们搬家的时候,有些玻璃杯被打碎了。 2.Who benefits from using water in this way? 通过这种方式用水,谁会从

7、中受益? benefit vi. & vt. 对有益,有利益benefit from/by 因得到利益,受惠。例如: I benefit greatly from/by my fathers advice. 我从父亲的忠告中获益良多。 This medicine will benefit you. 这种药对你有好处。 3.What are some disadvantages of using water in this way? 这样用水有什么弊端? disadvantage C & U 不利条件。例如: His poor eyesight is a disadvantage to him.

8、 视力不佳是他的弱点。 His bad health is great disadvantage to him. 他体弱多病对他很不利。 at disadvantage 处于不利地位 to ones disadvantage 对很不利 disadvantage of 与比不利Pre-reading Pick out the subject of each paragraph and use the structures below to make six questions. 找出每一段的中心话题,用下面的句型,设计六个问题。 pick out 找出,分辨出。例如: Can you pick

9、out your brother in this crowd? 你能在这群人中找出你的兄弟吗? He picked out his sister in the crowd. 他在人群中认出了他的妹妹。Reading 1.The properties of water 水资源 property U & C 特性,性质;财产,资产。例如: lose ones property 失去财产 real property 不动产 Do you know who he left all his property to? 你知道他把全部财产留给谁了吗? Many plants have medical pro

10、perties. 许多植物具有疗效。 2.Life in the oceans ranges from the tiniest plankton all the way up to giants like sharks and whales. 海洋中的生物小至浮游生物,大至鲸和鲨鱼。 (1)range vi. 变动、变化 vt. 排列,将排成行。例如: The prices of the dolls range from $5 to $100. 那些布娃娃的价格从5美元到100美元不等。 She ranged the books on the shelves. 她把书架上的书排列好了。 The

11、y ranged themselves in rows. 他们排成列。 (2)all the way 一直,从头至尾。例如: He drove all the way from Canada to Mexico. 他从加拿大一直开车到墨西哥。 They came all the way from Brazil. 他们大老远的从巴西来。 3.The chemical structure of water makes it an excellent medium for life. 水的化学结构使它成为一种极好的生存载体。 medium n.(赖以生存、活动或传播的)介质;环境、媒介。例如: Te

12、levision is an advertisement medium. 电视是广告的媒体。 Air is the medium of sound. 空气是传播声音的媒介。 4.The two hydrogen atoms form a polar molecule, that is, one with a slightly positive end and one with a slightly negative end. 两个氢原子构成了一个极性氢分子,一个略带正极,一个略带负极。 that is=that is to say 也就是,亦即,换句话说。例如: He will leave J

13、apan next Saturday, that is, June 6. 他将在下星期六,也就是6月6日离开日本。 5.Water is a liquid at room temperature and has a relatively high freezing point. 在室温下,水是液体,结冰点相对高。 relatively adv. 相比较而言地。例如: Relatively speaking, he is getting well. 比较来说,他渐渐地复原了。 It is relatively cold today. 今天相当冷。 6.Because water is polar

14、, it can break down, or dissolve, both solids and gases. 由于水具有极性,所以它可以分解或溶解成固体和气体。 dissolve vt. 使溶解,除去,消除。例如: Hot water dissolves soap well. 香皂易溶于热水。 He dissolved the powder in water. 他把药粉溶解于水中。 They dissolved their marriage. 他们已解除婚约。 7.The nutrients in whatever falls into the ocean willquickly bee

15、available to other living creatures. 流入海洋里的任何营养物都会马上被其他生物所利用。 (1)whatever指“任何一切事或物”,在此句中引导名词性从句,意思接近anything that。例如: Choose whatever you like. 选择你喜欢的任何东西。 (2)available adj. 可用的,可得到的。例如: Is the library available during the summer vacation? 图书馆在暑假期间有没有开放? Tickets are available free of charge from the

16、 school. 学校有免费票。 8.Even though the pure water is what gives sea water its main properties, the salinity of sea water affects both its weight and freezing point. 尽管纯净水是海水的主要来源,海水的含盐量既影响水的重量,又影响水的结冰点。 pure adj. 纯净的,纯粹的。例如: The sweater is made of pure wool. 这件毛衣是纯毛制的。 The air in the forest is purer and

17、 cleaner than that in the city. 森林的空气比城市里的空气洁净。 9.Density is the relationship between mass and volume and is measured in kilos per cubic meter. 密度是物质的质量跟它的单位体积的比值,以每立方米多少千克来计量。 (1)relationship C & U 关系;亲属关系。例如: There is a relationship between the moon and the tides. 月亮和潮水的涨退有关系。 She has a good relat

18、ionship with her students. 她和学生之间关系良好。 (2)mass C & U 质量;团,块,大量。例如: calculating the mass of a planet 计算一颗行星的质量 She has a mass of things to do. 她有一大堆的事情要做。 (3)per prep. 每;每一。例如: a pint of milk per child 每个小孩一品脱牛奶 fifty miles per hour 每小时50英里 10.If a substance has a higher density, say 5000kg/m3, it wi

19、ll not float on water. 如果一种物质密度较高,比如每立方米5000千克,那它就不会浮在水面。 float vi.& vt.(使)漂浮。例如: A plastic bag was floating in the water. 一个塑料袋在水中漂浮。 Wood floats on water. 木头会浮在水上。 There wasnt enough water to float the ship. 水不够深,船浮不起来。 11.Heat capacity is the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of

20、a substance one degree centigrade. 热容量是一种使物质升高一摄氏度所需要的能量。 centigrade adj. 摄氏温度计的。例如: a centigrade thermometer 摄氏温度计 The temperature in this room is twenty degrees centigrade. 这间房间的温度是摄氏20度。 12.Water can absorb and release a lot of heat without big changes in its temperature, thus creating a stable e

21、nvironment. 水在自身温度没有多大变化的情况下可以吸收和释放很多热量,从而起到调节环境的作用。 (1)absorb vt. 吸收。例如: Black cloth absorbs light. 黑色布料吸收光线。 The cream is easily absorbed into the skin. 这种乳霜皮肤容易吸收。 (2)release vt. 释放,放出。例如: He released the bird from its cage. 他将那只鸟从鸟笼中放了出来。 (3)stable adj. 稳定的,稳固的。例如: This chair is very stable. 这张椅

22、子非常牢固。 The ladder doesnt seem very stable. 这架梯子好像不太稳。 The patients condition is stable. 患者病情稳定。 13.Most animals and plants are sensitive to large orsudden changes in temperature, so the ocean is a safe and fortable habitat. 绝大多数动物和植物对气温的突然变化都很敏感,所以海洋是所有生物的一个很安全和舒适的栖息地。 sensitive adj. 敏感的,灵敏的。例如: She

23、 is sensitive to the cold. 她对冷非常敏感。 My sister is sensitive about her thick legs. 我的妹妹对自己的一双粗腿很在意。 14.But, there is life even on the bottom or floor of the deepest oceans. 但是,即便是在海洋的最深处,也有生命存在。 bottom C & U 底面,物体的最低部位。例如: The ship sank to the bottom of the sea. 那艘船沉到海底了。 There was some jam left in th

24、e bottom of the pot. 罐底还留下一些果酱。 He dived in and hit his head on the bottom. 他跳水时,头撞在了池底。Post-reading 1.Are there any questions you would need to add to “cover” all the information in the text? 你是否还需要一些问题去涵盖课文里的所有信息? add to 增添,追加,附加。例如: Will you add more sugar to your coffee? 你的咖啡要多加些糖吗? Please add m

25、y name to the list. 请在名单上加上我的名字。 The suite will add a touch of class to your bedroom. 这套家具会给你的卧室增添一些典雅气质。 2.What is it good for? 它适用于什么? be good for 适于;对有用处。例如: The cream is good for insect bites. 这药膏对于昆虫蜇伤很有疗效。 He is good for nothing. 他这个人没用处。 a ticket good for two weeks 两周内有效的车票Language study 1.Wa

26、ter is a liquid at room temperature, but it turns into a solid when the temperature drops below 0 and into a gas when heated above 100. 水在室温下是液体,降至零度以下变成固体,升至100度以上变成气体。 这句话是由but连接而成的并列句。when heated=when it is heated,为时间状语从句的省略。 2.Soil can absorb water, so it helps keep water from flowing away. 土壤能吸

27、收水分,所以它有助于防止水土流失。 keep sb. /sth. from doing 不使人做,不要做;避开。(from不可以省略。)例如: I hope Im not keeping you from your work. 希望我没有妨碍你的工作。 The church bells keep me from sleeping. 教堂的钟声使我难以入睡。 注意:keep sb. /sth. doing 让继续。例如: She kept me waiting for an hour. 她让我等了半个小时。Integrating skills 1.An estuary is the body o

28、f water where a river meets the ocean. 河口是河流和海洋交汇的地方。 where引导定语从句。例如: This is the place where I was born. 这就是我出生的地方。 He had no place where he might lay his head. 他无安枕之地。 She would like to live in a country where it never snows. 她喜欢住在不下雪的国家。 He arrived in New York, where some time later, he bee a wri

29、ter. 他去了纽约,在那里,一段时间之后,他成了作家。 2.This mixing of fresh and salt water creates a unique environment filled with life of all kindsa transition zone between the land and sea. 淡水和盐水的混合创造了一个富含各种生物的奇特的环境陆地向海洋的过渡区域。 a transition zone between the land and sea, 是前面a unique environment的同位语。 3.The diversity of li

30、fe in estuaries is incrediblebirds, fish, marine mammals, shell-fish and other species all e here to live, feed and reproduce. 河口处物种的多样性非常惊人有鸟,鱼,海洋哺乳动物,贝类和其他一些物种,都在这里聚居,生存和繁衍。 incredible adj. 不可信的,令人无法置信的。 4.Since estuaries protect animals and plants from storms and floods and prevent erosion, protecting them is very important. 既然河口能保护动植物免受暴雨和洪水之苦,防止它受到侵蚀,保护河口就显得非常重要。 (1)在句中,since 引导原因状语从句,等同于now that。例如: Since we have no money, its no good thinking about holiday. 既然我们没有钱,考虑度假有什么用。 (2)protect和prevent是从句中的并列谓语。protecting them是动名词短语作主语

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