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ASSM0015 Daily Room Discrepancy Report.docx

1、ASSM0015 Daily Room Discrepancy ReportSTANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标 准 工 作 程 序DAILY ROOM DISCREPANCY REPORT 每日房态差异报告Task Number 任务编号: FO 02-ASSM-0015Department 部 门 : Assistant Manager大堂副理Date Issued签发日期: May 20102010年5月Approved by批准人:General Manager Mr. Stephen Yam总经理 任世敏先生Guest Expectation客人期望: N/A

2、Time to Train培训时间: 30 minutes30 分钟Why is this task important for you and our guests?为什么这个任务对你和你的客人非常重要?Answers 回答: 1. To ensure the accurate room status in the PMS.确保酒店管理系统里的房态完全准确。2. To ensure the smooth and effective operation and control.保证流畅,有效的运作和控制。3. Avoid the revenue loss of the hotel.避免酒店收入

3、流失。4. Avoid the guest complaints.避免客人投诉.WHAT / STEPS工作步骤HOW/ STANDARDS怎么做/工作标准TRAINING QUESTIONS提 问1) Hotel policy酒店政策The Assistant Manager is to receive the Daily Room Discrepancy Report at 9:00am, 3:00pm & 9:00pm three times from Housekeeping on the daily basis.大堂副理每天会在早上九点,下午三点和晚上九点三次收到由客房部送来的每日房

4、态差异报告。The Assistant Manager must look into the room status discrepancy and take necessary action to ensure the accurate room status in the PMS.大堂副理必须调查所有房态差异情况,采取有效行动以确保管理系统里的房态与实际房态完全一致。The Assistant Manager is expected to handle the room discrepancy, solve the problem and feedback to department re

5、lated within one hour upon receiving the report.大堂副理需要在接获报告后一个小时内处理完毕并向客房部和财务部反馈。Why do we receive the Room Discrepancy Report on the daily Basis?为什么我们要每天收到房态差异报告?Why do we have to ensure the accurate room status in the PMS?为什么我们要确保管理系统里的房态与实际房态一致?2) Room Status Code房态代码Please be aware of the room s

6、tatus code as below:酒店房态代码如下:VR/Vacant Ready Room that has no guest occupying and is cleaned and ready for guest check in, released by the Housekeeping Supervisor.VR/好房 房间是空房,而且是已被整理干净并且由客房部主管检查认可可以出售的房间。 VC/Vacant Clean Room that has no guest occupying and is cleaned, released by the Housekeeping A

7、ttendant.VC/干净房 房间是空房,而且是已被客房服务员整理干净的房间。VD/Vacant Dirty Room that has no guest occupying but is still dirty and not ready for guest check in.VD/脏房 房间是空房,但是还没有被整理干净的脏房。OD/Occupied Dirty Room that is occupied by the guest and used by the guest, is dirty.OD/占用房 房间正在被客人占用的客用房VM/Vacant Maintained Room th

8、at has no guest occupying but has serious defects and maintenance ongoing, is not saleable.VM/维修房/坏房 房间是空房,但是房间设施设备有问题,或有维修维护工程正在房间里进行。VO PMS shows that room is vacant but actually the room is occupied by a guest.VO 系统里显示房间是空房但是实际房间里有客人占用。OV PMS shows that the room is occupied but actually room is v

9、acant, has no guest occupying.OV 系统里显示房间是客用房但是实际没有客人使用房间。NB/No Baggage There is no guest baggage in the room.NB/无行李 房间里没有客人行李。LB/小行李 There is small baggage or little belongings in the room.LB/Light Baggage 房间里有少量或小件行李。DL/Double Lock - The door lock of the room is double locked from inside by the gue

10、st.DL/双锁房 房门被客人从里面双锁.DND/Do Not Disturb The guest has hung the door knob DND card on the door knob outside the door indicating the guest doesnt want anybody to disturb.DND/请勿打扰 客人开启请勿打扰指示灯或在门外把手挂上请勿打扰指示牌的房间. 这表明客人不希望被任何人打扰.SO/Slept Out PMS shows that the room is occupied by the guest, but actually t

11、he guest slept outside and did not use the room and bed.SO/外宿 系统显示房间有客人占用, 但实际上客人没有回酒店过夜或使用房间和床.Why do we have to be aware of the room status code?为什么我们要了解房态代码?What are the room codes that we are bale to sell?我们可以出售哪些代码的房间?What are the room codes that we are not able to sell? 我们不可以出售哪些代码的房间?3) Handl

12、ing room status discrepancy- VO处理房态差异 - VOVO PMS shows that room is vacant but actually the room is occupied by a guest.VO 系统里显示房间是空房但是实际房间里有客人占用。When you see a room discrepancy like this, it is usually caused by five reasons as listed below:当有VO房态差异产生时, 一般是由以下五种原因造成:1. Room Change the FDA handed ou

13、t the room key for new room no., but did not change room no. instantly in the PMS or the FDA handed out the room key for the new room no. and changed the room no. in the PMS, but the guest still stay in the old room.换房 当前台员工将新的房间钥匙交给了客人,客人进入了新的房间但前台员工没有及时在系统里换房号.前台员工将新的房间钥匙交给了客人并在系统里更换了房号但是客人还停留在原来房

14、间里. 2. New Check In the guest just checked in but the FDA forgot to check in the room in the PMS.新入住 客人在前台已办理入住手续并进入房间, 但前台员工忘记及时在系统里将房间登记.3. Check In Wrong Room No. The FDA handed out the room key to the guest but checked in the different wrong room no. in the PMS.登记错误房号 前台员工在办理完入住手续后在系统里登记了错误的房号.4

15、. Check Out Wrong Room No. When other guest checked out, the FDA checked out a different wrong room no. by mistake.将错误房号退房 在一位客人办理退房手续时在系统里将错误房号退房.5. Somebody handed out the room key to the guest and let the guest to use the room but did not register the guest in the PMS deliberately. 员工私自将房间交给客人使用并

16、故意不在系统里登记.When the Assistant Manager checks out the actual reason for the each case of room status discrepancy, redresses the room status in the PMS accordingly.在大堂副理查明原因后, 立即在系统里修正房态.Try not to disturb the guest in the room, you can find out the causes by checking R/C/room change record/folio balan

17、ce; questioning the staff related. But if you have to contact the guest in house to find out the reason, do it in a courteous and considerate way.尽量不要打扰房间里的客人, 你可以通过清查登记单, 查阅换房纪录, 检查异常房间账目和查询有关员工找出问题原因. 但是如果必须要联系客人查明原因, 注意你的礼貌和沟通技巧.If found out that the case is caused by reason no.5, it would be ser

18、ious breach of the hotel policy and you must report to FOM instantly for further investigation and action.如果查明是第五种原因, 必须立即向前厅部经理报告情况, 进行进一步的确认和处理.What are the five reasons to cause VO?造成VO 房态差异的五种原因是什么?How can I check out the reason for individual case? 我们怎样才能找出每个案例的原因呢?4) Handling room status discr

19、epancy- OV处理房态差异 - OVOV PMS shows that the room is occupied but actually room is vacant, has no guest occupying.OV 系统里显示房间是客用房但是实际没有客人使用房间。When you see a room discrepancy like this, it is usually caused by five reasons as listed below:当有OV房态差异产生时, 一般是由以下五种原因造成:1. Room Change The FDA handed out the r

20、oom key for the new room no. and forgot to changed the room no. in the PMS, but the guest has already moved out from the old room.换房- 前台员工将新的房间钥匙交给了客人, 客人从原来的房间已经搬出去但前台员工忘记及时在系统里更换房号.2. New Check Out - The guest has already checked out but the FDA forgot to check out the room no. in the PMS.客人退房离店 客

21、人已经在前台办理了离店手续但前台员工忘记在系统里及时将房间退掉.3. Check Out Wrong Room No. When a guest checked out, the FDA checked out the other different wrong room no. but did not check out the right room in the PMS by mistake.将错误房号退房- 在客人办理退房手续时前台员工错误地将别的错误的房间在系统里退掉而没有退掉正确的房间.4. Guest Walk Out - The guest left the hotel with

22、out checking out at the Front Desk by various reasons.无手续离店- 客人由于各种原因在没有办理离店手续而且没有通知酒店的情况下自己离店.5. False Check In The FDA checked in the room no. in the PMS by mistake, actually no guest checked in.误入住操作 前台员工在并没有客人入住的情况下错误地在系统里办理了登记房间. When the Assistant Manager checks out the actual reason for the e

23、ach case of room status discrepancy, redresses the room status in the PMS accordingly.大堂副理在查明原因后, 立即在系统里修正房态.You can find out the causes by checking R/C/room change record/folio balance; questioning the staff related. 你可以通过清查登记单, 查阅换房纪录, 检查异常房间账目和查询有关员工找出问题原因. In some cases you may need to contact t

24、he guest through the guest contact no. to understand the actual situation because in many cases no guest and no baggage in the room do not mean that nobody is occupying the room, do it in a courteous and skilful way.在一些情况下你需要联系客人确认实际房态因为有些时候房间没有客人和没有行李并不等于没有客人占用. 联系时注意你的礼貌和沟通技巧. What are the five re

25、asons to cause OV?造成OV 房态差异的五种原因是什么?How can I check out the reason for individual case?我们怎样才能找出每个案例的原因呢?Why do we need to contact the guest to find out the reason in some cases?为什么我们有时候需要联系客人找出原因呢?5) Handling DND处理DND 房态DND/Do Not Disturb The guest has hung the door knob DND card on the door knob ou

26、tside the door indicating the guest doesnt want anybody to disturb.DND/请勿打扰 客人开启请勿打扰指示灯或在门外把手挂上请勿打扰指示牌的房间. 这表明客人不希望被任何人打扰.When we see the DND room no. on the report at 9:00am, normally we will not disturb the guest by any means such as phone call or knocking at the room door.当我们在早上九点报告上看见有请勿打扰房间, 通常

27、我们不会以任何形式去打扰客人如敲门或打电话等.When we see the DND room no. on the report at 3:00pm, we need to contact guest by phone. If the guest was in the room, courteously ask if he/she need the room make up service by saying:如果在下午三点的报告上有请勿打扰房间,大堂副理需要用电话联系客人, 当有客人接听电话时, 礼貌地询问客人是否需要清理房间:“Good Afternoon, Mr/Mrs. White,

28、 I am Andy, the Assistant Manager, sorry to disturb you, we would like to know if you need the room make up service and the following turn down service of the day?”“下午好, 怀特先生/太太, 我是安迪, 酒店大堂副理, 很抱歉打扰您, 我们想知道您今天还需要整理房间和开夜床服务吗?”If the answer is negative, make a record and inform the Housekeeping of No

29、Need Service and not to disturb the guest anymore.如果客人回答不需要, 做好记录然后通知客房部不再打扰客人.If the answer is positive, make a record and inform the housekeeping to provide the service accordingly.如果客人回答需要服务, 做好记录然后通知客房部提供服务.If there is no response from the room, make a record and inform the housekeeping to leave

30、 a message under door.如果房间没有人接听电话, 做好记录然后通知客房部给客人在门下留言.If the DND room has been cleaned up in the morning the same day, we would not call the guest at 3:00pm.对客房部标注在上午已经整理过房间的请勿打扰房间,我们在下午三点将不会打电话联系客人。When we see the DND room no. on the report at 9:00pm again which had no response from the room durin

31、g the contact at 3:00pm, we will try to contact the guest again, if there is still no response from the room, the Assistant Manager will call Security Supervisor on duty to check the room together.当大堂副理接到九点的报告,上面仍有请勿打扰房间, 而且是我们在三点联系时没有回应的房间, 我们会再次尝试联系客人,如果还是没有回应, 大堂副理将召唤保安部主管一同去客人房间按以下程序查房.1. Knock at the room door and call the guest name four times in proper language before opening the door. 敲门并用中文或英文连续四次呼唤客人名字, 如果还是没有回应使用钥匙卡开启房门.2. Enter the room and check every room including bathroom and closet.进入房间并仔细查看每一个房间, 包括洗手间和衣橱.3. If

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