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英语一轮精品复习学案Unit4 Body language新人教版必修4.docx

1、英语一轮精品复习学案Unit4 Body language新人教版必修4英语一轮精品复习学案:Unit4 Body language(新人教版必修4)【高考新动向】【考纲全景透析】【重点单词】1 represent vt.代表;描绘;表现;体现;象征The dove represents peace. 鸽子象征和平He was chosen to represent our school at the meeting.他被选上代表我们学校去参加那次会议。On behalf of everyone here ,I wish you a very happy holiday.我代表在座各位祝你假期

2、愉快。What does “YIP” stand for? “VIP”代表什么?2. curious(1)好奇的,感兴趣的The foreign tourists were surrounded by the curious children.国外游客被一群好奇的孩子包围着(2)奇异的,不同寻常的He is suffering from a curious disease.他患了一种奇怪的病【拓展延伸】curiosity n 好奇 curiously 好奇地be curious about 对.感到好奇 be curious to do 急于做/极想做out of curiosity 出于好奇

3、The child was curious about everything around him.这个孩子对身边的每一件东西都感到很好奇I was curious to know the results of the exam.我极想知道考试的结果I asked out of mere curiosity. 我只不过是出于好奇问问罢了【即境活用】I was _ to find out what he said. A. strange B. amusing C. curious D. conscious 【解析】C 考查形容词词义辨析。.strange 奇怪的 amusing 令人快乐的con

4、scious 有意识的3. approach (1) vt.接近,走进He approached me with stealthy steps.他悄然走近我。(2) n 接近,临近,方法,途径an approach to .的方法Our approach to scared the butterfly and flew away.我们走近时把那只蝴蝶吓跑了He put up with a new approach to the difficulty.他提出了解决这个困难的新方法【拓展延伸】approach/ way/ method/meansapproach除了翻译为“方法”之外,还有接近的意

5、思 an approach to(介词)way 的用法是:in the way 用这种方法the way to do/the way of doing (to为不定式) “做某事的方法”method构成with a method 用一种方法means 为“方式,方法”。单复数同形, 构成by means of “通过方法”Can you tell me the way to work out the maths problem.你能告诉我做那道数学题的方法吗?We should improve our teaching method, with which we can make oursel

6、ves understood better.我们应该改善我们的教学方法,用这些方法,我们可以使学生更好的理解我们We arrived there by means of plane.我们坐飞机到达那儿【即境活用】 There is no easy _ to the mathematics.A. way B. mean C. method D. approach【解析】D 考查名词与介词的搭配辨析。approaches方法 与to连用,表示的方法,而means翻译为方式,不可与to连用。methods 与with 搭配。Ways则与of连用,和to连用时,to为不定式to,不是介词to.4 de

7、fend vt.保护 保卫All our offices are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks.我们所有的警察都接受过自卫训练,能够对付持刀袭击。Its the glorous duty for every soldier to defend our country against enemies.卫国抗敌是每个士兵应尽的光荣职责。The law allows people to defend themselves against a charge.法律允许人们对指控进行辩护。Antibodies are the body

8、s defences against infection .抗体是身体抵御感染的武器。【重点短语】1. be likely to do有可能,有希望的,预期的She is not likely to leave next week.她下个星期不可能离开Its very likely that he will not agree. 很有可能他不会同意【拓展延伸】 likely/ possible/probablelikely是常用词,指从表面痕迹来看很有可能。主语既可以是人也可以是物。可以说sb/sth be likely to do但是不可以说 It is likely for sb to d

9、o.possible强调客观上有可能,但含有实际上可能性很小的意思。主语不可以是人,只能是用it 做形式主语。构成It is possible for sb to do sthprobable 语气比possible强,含有“很有可能,十有八九”的意思。构成It is probable for sb to do sth Im likely to be very busy today.我今天可能很忙It is possible that he will come late again.他有可能又迟到It seems probable that he will arrive before dusk

10、.他很有可能黄昏前到达。【即境活用】Its nearly eleven oclock and mother _ walk in at any possible to probable to likely to D. is able to【解析】C 考查likely/ possible/probable的辨析。注意主语是人还是物。2. lose (ones) face丢脸,丢人Youll lose face if you dont keep your promise.你如果没有遵守诺言,会丢脸的。When Tom failed to beat his

11、opponent, he felt he had lost his face with his friends.汤姆没能打败对手,这让他在朋友面前很丢脸【拓展延伸】lose heart 泄气,灰心 lose ones heart to 爱上,钟情于lose weight 减肥 lose ones way 迷路lose ones life 丧生 lose courage 丧失勇气【即境活用】In order not to _, he spent the whole night preparing for the speech of next day.A. lose courage B. lose

12、 heart C. lose face D. lose voice【解析】C 考查动词短语的辨析。根据句意选出答案.【重点句型】Not all cultures greet each other the same way,onr are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.各种文化背景下的人互致问候的方式不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距离的程度也不尽相同。I didnt go swimming yesterday,neither did Jack .我昨天没去游泳,杰克也没有去。Mary

13、 can speak English ,so can I.玛丽会说英语,我也会。- I heard Jack completed the experiment.我听说杰克完成了实验。- So he did.他是完成了。The doctor asked him to do more exercise ,and he did so.医生让他多锻炼,他就这么做了。【热点难点全析】现在分词做定语和状语一、现在分词作定语现在分词及其短语可以在句子中作定语,其作用相当于一个定语从句。其动作和谓语动词同时发生,与其修饰词之间是主动关系,也就是说现在分词的动作就是它修饰的那个词的动作1现在分词作定语时的位置(

14、1)现在分词作定语时多置于它所修饰的名词之前;分词断语用于它所修饰词的后面。例如:He is an attacking player.他是一个攻击型的运动员They live in a room facing the north。他住在一个朝北的房间里。(2)如现在分词修饰由some/any/no + thing/body/one所形成的不定代词或指示代词those时,分词在这些被修饰词的后面例如:Anyone swimming will be punished.正在游泳的任何人都将受到惩罚全析提示1、现在分词作定语时与谓语动词的时间关系 现在分词又进行意味和主动意味,因此,用现在分词作定语时

15、,其表示的动作是与谓语动词同时发生的,或是正在发生的动作。例如:There were no soldiers drilling.= There were no soldiers who were drilling.没有士兵在操练全析提示having done(现在分词的完成时态)表示该动作先于另一个动作,现在分词的完成时态永远不能作定语2、如果一个及物动词作定语,既要表达进行意味,又要表达被动意味时,可用现在分词的被动语态。例如:Do you know the boy being punished by our teacher?你认识正在被我们老是处罚的那个男孩吗?二、 现在分词作状语现在分词

16、及其短语可在句子中作状语来修饰谓语动词或整个句子。用来表示动作发生的时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、或伴随情况等例如:Climbing to the top of the hill, we saw a beautiful view.爬上山顶后我看到了一幅美丽的景象1、现在分词作状语与谓语动词时间关系(1)现在分词表示的动作和谓语动词表示的动作同时发生或几乎同时发生分词用一般形式例如:Not recognizing the voice, he refused to give the person his address.因为没听出这个人的声音,他没把自己的地址给他It rained heavily

17、, causing great damage.大雨滂沱,造成了很大损害全析提示分词作作状语时必须注意分词的逻辑主语必须与句子主语保持一致。但是,有几个常用词组不符合这种语法限制如:generally speaking, considering, judging from,(2)现在分词表示的动作和谓语表示动作(或状态)是同时发生或几乎同时发生的。否则现在分词需用完成形式例如:Having already seen the film twice, she didnt want to go to the cinema.这电影他已看过两遍,他不想去看了Not having received his

18、fathers letter, he decided to make a call to him.因为没收到他父亲的信,他决定打个电话给他父亲思维拓展【典型例题】1. The secretary worked late into the night, _ a long speech for the president.A to prepare B preparing C prepared D was preparing【解析】选B 本题考察现在分词作伴随状语用法。句子中的分词与逻辑主语之间为主动关系,故选B2._ a reply, he decided to write again.A Not

19、 receiving B Receiving not C Not having received D Having not received【解析】选C 考查分词用法。分词短语表示的动作在谓语动词之前发生,故用现在分词的完成时态。Not 要放在非谓语动词之前3. “Cant you read?” Mary said _ to the notice.A angrily pointing B and point angrily C angrily pointed D and angrily pointing【解析】选A。选现在分词作伴随状语,分词与逻辑主语之间为主动关系,故选现在分词。 4. If

20、 you want a letter _ , you must keep in mind several rules while _.A written; written B well written; writing C well writing; writing D well written; write【解析】选B。第一个空为过去分词作定语,分词与他修饰的名次之间有被动关系,所以用过去分词。第二个空是while加现在分词作时间状语现在分词与其逻辑主语之间为主动关系。故答案为B。【语法专练】1. _ their hats into the air ,the fans of the winn

21、ing team let out loud shouts of victory. A. To throw B. Thrown C. Throwing D. Being thrown2. _ that he was in great danger, Eric walked deeper into the forest.A. Not realized B. Not to realize C. Not realizing D. Not to have realized3.The _Prime Minister expressed his satisfaction with his talks, _t

22、hat he had enjoyed his stay here A. visiting; add B. visited ;adding C. visiting ;adding D. visited ;added 4. _since the night before, I felt very hungry.A. Having eaten something B. Not having eaten anythingC. Eating something D. Not eating anything5. The fruit fresh in his fruit stand sells well.

23、Alooking Blooked Clook Dto be looked答案:15 CCCBA【高考零距离】1、(2012陕西卷15)_ in a long queue, we waited for the store to open to buy a New iPad . A. Standing B. To stand C. Stood D. Stand【解析】选A 。考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词短语后有逗号,说明非谓语动词做题干的状语,逻辑主语是句子的主语we,非谓语动词与逻辑主语是主动关系,且其动作与谓语动词wait的动作同时进行,用动词v-ing的一般式,选A。2、(2012天津卷)He

24、 got up late and hurried to his office, _the breakfast untouched. A. Left B. to leave C. leaving D. having left【解析】选C3、(2012福建卷34)Pressed from his parents, and _that he has wasted too much time , the boy is determined to stop playing video games.A. realizing B. realized C. to realize D. being realiz

25、ed【考点】本题考查非谓语动词的用法。【答案】A【解析】首先要弄清楚本句中的and连接的成分是非谓语动词做状语,主语与press是被动关系,但是与realize是主动,“被父母迫使同时自己也意识到他已经浪费了太多时间,这个男孩决定停止玩电脑游戏。本题考查非谓语动词的难度挺大,主要是很多学生看到pressed后就不知道realize在句中做什么成分,所以本题关键有两个,一个是and并列的成分是什么,然后就是realize与主语the boy的关系。【难度】难度大4(2011江西卷 T32)On receiving a phone call from his wife she had a fall

26、, Mr. Gordon immediately rushed home from his office.Asays Bsaid Csaying Dto say【解析】选C。考查非谓语。句意为:在接到妻子的电话说她摔倒的时候,他立刻从办公室冲回家。非谓语动词修饰phone call,前后动词的动作在同一时间发生,表主动进行用现在分词的形式。选C。5(2011辽宁卷 T30) around the fire, the tourists danced with the local people.A. Gather B. To gather C. Gathering D. To be gatheri

27、ng【解析】 选C。考查非谓语动词,句意为:围着篝火,游客们和当地人跳起了舞。分析句型可知gather around the fire作句子的伴随状语,而且与逻辑主语tourists之间的关系是主动的,要用doing。A项动词原形不能作状语;B,D两项为不定式作状语,只能表目的或意外的结果。6(2011陕西卷T20)More highways have been built in China, _it much easier for people to travel from one place to another. A. making B. made C. to make D. havin

28、g made【解析】选A。考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:现在在中国建成越来越多的高速公路了,这使得人们从一个地方到另一个地方旅游变得非常容易。句中making it much easier.为非谓语动词短语作结果状语,且动词make与前面所表达的含义为主动关系,故选择现在分词短语作状语。7(2010北京卷T21) at my classmates faces, I read the same excitement in their eyes. A. Looking B. Look C. To look D. Looked【解析】选A。本题考查非谓语动词。look与句子主语I为主动关系,因此用lo

29、oking.8.(2010湖南卷T21) Listen! Do you hear someone for help?A. calling B. call C. to call D. called 【解析】选A。考查非谓语动词。该空在句中为非谓语动词作宾补,根据 someone与call的主动关系排除D项。hear后接不定式作宾补时应省略to,由此排除C项。由Listen可判断此处表示正在求救,故选A项。9.(2006辽宁卷)People have always been curious _ how living things on the earth exactly began. A. in

30、B. at C. of D. about【解析】选C 考查固定短语。be curious about 对好奇。10. (2006湖北卷) At tile meeting they discussed three different _to the study of mathematics. A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways【解析】选A 考查名词词义辨析。approaches方法 与to连用,表示的方法,而means翻译为方式,不可与to连用。methods 与with 搭配。Ways则与of连用,和to连用时,to为不定式to,不是介词to.【

31、考点提升训练】二、单项选择21.(河南省郑州市英语信息卷(三)17. What she referred to was so confusing that they could hardly make any _ of it.A. message B. information C. understanding D. sense 【解析】选D。考查名词词义辨析。此处解题关键make sense of “理解;搞清.的意思”。22.(保定市高三第一次模拟)35.- Are you sure you will be back for the class get-together next weekend? -_. A. Forget it. B. You bet!C. I will. D. So what?【解析】选B。考查交际用语。句意:-你确信下周会回来参加班聚会吗?-一定,

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